Research Article
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New Data on Digenean Parasites of Rusty Blenny, Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814) in the Black Sea

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 26 - 37, 18.06.2020


Rusty blenny, Parablennius sanguinolentus (Blenniidae) caught in Sinop coasts of
the Black Sea
May to June 2016
was investigated for digenean parasites. A total of nine digenean species
including adults of
Peracreadium genu Nicoll, 1909, Phyllodistomum acceptum Looss, 1909, Magnibursatus
(Paggi and Orecchia, 1975), Monorchis monorchis (Stossich,1890)
Monticelli, 1893, and metacercaria of
Galactosomum lacteum (Jägerskiöld, 1896), Bucephalus marinus Vlasenko, 1931, Rhipidocotyle sp., Prosorhynchoides
sp. and
Opecoelidae gen. sp. were identified. The infection
prevalence (%), mean intensity levels and photomicrographs of identified
parasites are presented in tables and figures, respectively.
Overall infection prevalence (%) and
mean intensity values were 100% and 506.40 ± 120.78 respectively. This
investigation is the first on the digenean parasites of
P. sanguinolentis in Turkish Black Sea coasts. Bucephalus
was the core species. Peracreadium genu and Magnibursatus blennii are new parasite
record for Turkey.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



This study is summarized from a part of the project 215O224 supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council (TÜBİTAK). The authors are grateful for this valuable support


  • [1] Toledo R, Fried B, 2017. Trematoda (flukes). Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 1(6): 651–657. doi:10.1042/etls20170111
  • [2] Kostadinova A, Pérez-del-Olmo A. 2014. The Systematics of the Trematoda. In: Toledo R, Fried B. (eds) Digenetic Trematodes. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 766. Springer, New York, NY]. 766, p. 21 –44. 978-1-4939-0915-5_2
  • [3]. Bunkley-Williams L, Williams EH, 1994. Parasites of Puerto Rican Freshwater Sport Fishes. Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, San Juan, PR and Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR, 168 p.
  • [4]. Zander CD, 1996. Ecology of Shallow Coastal The distribution and feeding ecology of small-size fish in the coastal Mediterranean Sea. In: Eleftheriou, A. (ed.), Biology and Waters.
  • [5] Paggi L, Orecchia P, 1975. Tyrrhenia blennii g.n. sp. n. (Hemiurata: Halipegidae Poche, 1925) parasite of Blennius gattorugine and Blennius sanguinolentus. Parassitologia, 17(1-3): 57-64. (in Italian]
  • [6] Alas A, Oktener A, Iscimen A, Trilles JP, 2008. New host record, Parablennius sanguinolentus (Teleostei, Perciformes, Blenniidae), for Nerocila bivittata (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae). Parasitology Research, 102: 645-646
  • [7] Pronkina NV, Belofastova LP, Machkevsky VK, 2009. Occurrence of Nematoda Larvae of the Superfamily Acuarioidea (Spirurata) at the Black Sea Fish. Vestnik zoologii, 43(2): 157–162.
  • [8] Kvach Y, 2010. The helminth fauna of blenny fishes (Actinopterygii: Blenniidae) of the Gulf of Odessa, Black Sea. Sci. Bull. Uzhgorod Univ. (Ser. Biol.), 28: 129-131.
  • [9] Özer A. Özkan H, Güneydağ, Yurakhno V, 2015. First Report of Several Myxosporean (Myxozoa) and Monogenean Parasites from Fish Species off Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 15: 737-744. DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v15_3_18
  • [10] Luschina VG, 1985. To helminth fauna of Blenniidae Family from theBlack Sea. Ekologiya Morya, 20, 43–48 (In Russian)
  • [11] Gaevskaya AV, Korniychuk YM, 2003. Parasitic organisms as a component of ecosystems of the Black Sea near-shore zone of Crimea. – In: Modern condition of biological diversity in near-shore zone of Crimea (the Black sea sector) / Ed. V.N. Eremeev, A.V. Gaevskaya; NAS Ukraine, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. – Sevastopol: EKOSI-Gidrophizika, 2003. – P. 425 – 490
  • [12] Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM, Shostak AW, 1997. Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et al. revisited. Journal of Parasitology, 84: 575–583.
  • [13] Overstreet RM, Curran SS, 2002. Superfamily Bucephaloidea Poche, 1907. In: Gibson DI, Jones A, Bray RA (eds) Keys to the Trematoda, vol 1. Wallingford, CAB International and the Natural History Museum, London, pp 67–110
  • [14] Korniychuk YM, Özer A, Güneydağ S, Özkan H, 2016. New data on Digenean parasites of fishes in Sinop region of the Black Sea. Contemporary problems of theoretical and marine parasitology: collection of scientific papers, Publisher: Bondarenko Publishing, Editors: К.V. Galaktionov, А.V. Gaevskaya, pp.143-144
  • [15] Dimitrov G, Kostadinova A, Gibson DI, 1996. Rhipidocotyle genovi n. sp. (Digenea: Bucephalidae) from the intestine of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (L.) (Gadiformes: Gadidae) from the Black Sea. Systematic Parasitology 33: 209-216,
  • [16] Dimitrov GI, 1989. Investigations of the helminths of fishes of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Autoreferat na Disertacija. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 35 pp. (In Bulgarian).
  • [17] Bray RA, Cribb TH,, Littlewood DTJ, Waeschenbach A, 2016. The molecular phylogeny of the digenean family Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1925 and the value of morphological characters, with the erection of a new subfamily. Folia Parasitologica,, 63: 013 doi: 10.14411/fp.2016.013
  • [18] Dawes B, 1968. The Trematoda: with specieal reference to British and Other European Forms. Cambridge University Press, London, 644 p.
  • [19] Nicoll W, 1914. The trematode parasites of fishes from English Channel. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of United Kingdom, 10: 466-505
  • [20] Abdalah LGB, Elbohli S, Maamouri F, 2010. Digenean diversity in labrid fish from the Bay of Bizerte in Tunisia. Journal of Helminthology, 84(1): 27–33. doi:10.1017/S0022149X09990022
  • [21] Korniychuk JM, Gaevskaya AV, 2001. Peracreadium gibsoni sp. nov. (Trematoda: Opecoelidae) — a new trematode species from the Black Sea fishes. Ekologiya Morya, 56, pp.27-30. (In Russian, with English Summary).
  • [22] Campbell RA, 2008. Family Gorgoderidae Looss, 1899. In: Bray R.A., Gibson, D.I. & Jones, A. (Eds.), Keys to the Trematoda. Vol. 3. CABI Publishing and the Natural History Museum, Wallingford, pp. 191–213.
  • [23] Bashirullah AKM, Islam MA, 1970. A new phyllodistome from the swimbladder of siluroid fish (Trematoda: Gorgoderidae). Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2, 25–27.
  • [24] Cutmore SC, Miller TL, Curran SS, Bennett MB, Cribb TH, 2013. Phylogenetic relationships of the Gorgoderidae (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda), including the proposal of a new subfamily (Degeneriinae n. subfam.). Parasitology Research, 112, 3063–3074.
  • [25] Kudinova MA, 1994. On the revision of system of the trematode genus Phyllodistomum Braun, 1899 (Gorgoderidae). In: Shulman, S.S. (Ed.), Ecological Parasitology. Kaulian Research Center RAS, Petrozavodsk, pp. 96–112.
  • [26] Cribb TH, Chisholm LA, Bray RA, 2002. Diversity in the Monogenea and Digenea: does lifestyle matter? International Journal for Parasitology, 32: 321–328.
  • [27] Madhavi R, 2001. Family Monorchiidae Odhner, 1911. In Keys to the Trematoda, vol: 3, Bray, R:A., Gibson, D.I. and Jones A. (Eds). CAB International, Wallingford, U.K. 145-175
  • [28] Jousson O, Bartoli P, 2002. Species diversity among the genus Monorchis (Digenea: Monorchiidae) parasitic in marine teleosts: molecular, morphological and morphometrical studies with a description Monorchis blennii n. sp. Parasitology Research, 88: 230-241.
  • [29] Korniychuk JM, 1997. Trematode fauna of four common blenniid species in the Black Sea. Ekologiya Morya, 46: 43–46 (In Russian).
  • [30] Gibson DI, 2002. Family Derogenidae Nicoll, 1910. In: D. I. Gibson, A. Jones, and R. A. Bray (eds.) Keys to the Trematoda, Vol.1. Wallingford: CABI Publishing and The Natural History Museum, pp. 351–368
  • [31] Kostadinova A, Power AM, Fernandez M, Balbuena JA, Raga JA, Gibson DI, 2003. Three species of Magnibursatus Naidenova, 1969 (Digenea: Derogenidae) from Atlantic and Black Sea marine teleosts. Folia Parasitologica, 50, 202–210.
  • [32] Kostadinova A, Bartoli P, Gibson DI, Raga JA, 2004. Redescriptions of Magnibursatus blennii (Paggi & Orechhia, 1975) n. comb. and Arnola microcirrus (Vlasenko, 1931) (Digenea: Derogenidae) from marine teleosts off Corsica. Systematic Parasitology, 58, 125–137.
  • [33] Kostadinova A, Gibson DI, 2009. New records of rare derogenids (Digenea: Hemiuroidea) from Mediterranean sparids, including the description of a new species of Magnibursatus Naidenova, 1969 and redescription of Derogenes adriaticus Nikolaeva, 1966. Syst Parasitol (2009) 74:187–198. D OI 10.1007/s11230-009-9214-

Karadeniz’deki Horozbina Balığının, Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814) Digenea Parazitleri İle İlgili Yeni Veriler

Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 26 - 37, 18.06.2020


Karadeniz'in Sinop kıyılarından Mayıs-Haziran
2016 tarihleri arasında yakalanan horozbina balığı,
Parablennius sanguinolentus, digenea parazitleri yönünden
incelenmiştir. Ergin
Peracreadium genu Nicoll, 1909, Phyllodistomum
Looss, 1909, Magnibursatus blennii (Paggi and Orecchia, 1975), Monorchis monorchis
(Stossich,1890) Monticelli, 1893 ve metaserker
Galactosomum lacteum (Jägerskiöld, 1896), Bucephalus marinus Vlasenko, 1931, Rhipidocotyle sp., Prosorhynchoides
sp. ve
Opecoelidae gen. sp. olmak üzere toplam 9 digenea türü tanımlanmıştır. Tanımlanan parazitlerin
fotomikrografları, enfeksiyon oranı (%) ve enfekte balık başına ortalama
parazit sayıları tablo ve şekiller ile sunuldu. Toplam enfeksiyon oranı ve
enfekte balık başına ortalama parazit sayısı değerleri sırasıyla %100 ve 506.40
± 120.78 olarak hesaplandı. Bu araştırma, Türkiye’nin Karadeniz kıyılarındaki
P. sanguinolentis balığının digenea
parazitleri üzerine yapılan ilk araştırmadır.
Bucephalus marinus ana türdü. Peracreadium
ve Magnibursatus blennii türleri
Türkiye parazit faunası için yeni kayıttırlar. 

Project Number



  • [1] Toledo R, Fried B, 2017. Trematoda (flukes). Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 1(6): 651–657. doi:10.1042/etls20170111
  • [2] Kostadinova A, Pérez-del-Olmo A. 2014. The Systematics of the Trematoda. In: Toledo R, Fried B. (eds) Digenetic Trematodes. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 766. Springer, New York, NY]. 766, p. 21 –44. 978-1-4939-0915-5_2
  • [3]. Bunkley-Williams L, Williams EH, 1994. Parasites of Puerto Rican Freshwater Sport Fishes. Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, San Juan, PR and Department of Marine Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR, 168 p.
  • [4]. Zander CD, 1996. Ecology of Shallow Coastal The distribution and feeding ecology of small-size fish in the coastal Mediterranean Sea. In: Eleftheriou, A. (ed.), Biology and Waters.
  • [5] Paggi L, Orecchia P, 1975. Tyrrhenia blennii g.n. sp. n. (Hemiurata: Halipegidae Poche, 1925) parasite of Blennius gattorugine and Blennius sanguinolentus. Parassitologia, 17(1-3): 57-64. (in Italian]
  • [6] Alas A, Oktener A, Iscimen A, Trilles JP, 2008. New host record, Parablennius sanguinolentus (Teleostei, Perciformes, Blenniidae), for Nerocila bivittata (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae). Parasitology Research, 102: 645-646
  • [7] Pronkina NV, Belofastova LP, Machkevsky VK, 2009. Occurrence of Nematoda Larvae of the Superfamily Acuarioidea (Spirurata) at the Black Sea Fish. Vestnik zoologii, 43(2): 157–162.
  • [8] Kvach Y, 2010. The helminth fauna of blenny fishes (Actinopterygii: Blenniidae) of the Gulf of Odessa, Black Sea. Sci. Bull. Uzhgorod Univ. (Ser. Biol.), 28: 129-131.
  • [9] Özer A. Özkan H, Güneydağ, Yurakhno V, 2015. First Report of Several Myxosporean (Myxozoa) and Monogenean Parasites from Fish Species off Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 15: 737-744. DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v15_3_18
  • [10] Luschina VG, 1985. To helminth fauna of Blenniidae Family from theBlack Sea. Ekologiya Morya, 20, 43–48 (In Russian)
  • [11] Gaevskaya AV, Korniychuk YM, 2003. Parasitic organisms as a component of ecosystems of the Black Sea near-shore zone of Crimea. – In: Modern condition of biological diversity in near-shore zone of Crimea (the Black sea sector) / Ed. V.N. Eremeev, A.V. Gaevskaya; NAS Ukraine, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas. – Sevastopol: EKOSI-Gidrophizika, 2003. – P. 425 – 490
  • [12] Bush AO, Lafferty KD, Lotz JM, Shostak AW, 1997. Parasitology meets ecology on its own terms: Margolis et al. revisited. Journal of Parasitology, 84: 575–583.
  • [13] Overstreet RM, Curran SS, 2002. Superfamily Bucephaloidea Poche, 1907. In: Gibson DI, Jones A, Bray RA (eds) Keys to the Trematoda, vol 1. Wallingford, CAB International and the Natural History Museum, London, pp 67–110
  • [14] Korniychuk YM, Özer A, Güneydağ S, Özkan H, 2016. New data on Digenean parasites of fishes in Sinop region of the Black Sea. Contemporary problems of theoretical and marine parasitology: collection of scientific papers, Publisher: Bondarenko Publishing, Editors: К.V. Galaktionov, А.V. Gaevskaya, pp.143-144
  • [15] Dimitrov G, Kostadinova A, Gibson DI, 1996. Rhipidocotyle genovi n. sp. (Digenea: Bucephalidae) from the intestine of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (L.) (Gadiformes: Gadidae) from the Black Sea. Systematic Parasitology 33: 209-216,
  • [16] Dimitrov GI, 1989. Investigations of the helminths of fishes of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Autoreferat na Disertacija. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 35 pp. (In Bulgarian).
  • [17] Bray RA, Cribb TH,, Littlewood DTJ, Waeschenbach A, 2016. The molecular phylogeny of the digenean family Opecoelidae Ozaki, 1925 and the value of morphological characters, with the erection of a new subfamily. Folia Parasitologica,, 63: 013 doi: 10.14411/fp.2016.013
  • [18] Dawes B, 1968. The Trematoda: with specieal reference to British and Other European Forms. Cambridge University Press, London, 644 p.
  • [19] Nicoll W, 1914. The trematode parasites of fishes from English Channel. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of United Kingdom, 10: 466-505
  • [20] Abdalah LGB, Elbohli S, Maamouri F, 2010. Digenean diversity in labrid fish from the Bay of Bizerte in Tunisia. Journal of Helminthology, 84(1): 27–33. doi:10.1017/S0022149X09990022
  • [21] Korniychuk JM, Gaevskaya AV, 2001. Peracreadium gibsoni sp. nov. (Trematoda: Opecoelidae) — a new trematode species from the Black Sea fishes. Ekologiya Morya, 56, pp.27-30. (In Russian, with English Summary).
  • [22] Campbell RA, 2008. Family Gorgoderidae Looss, 1899. In: Bray R.A., Gibson, D.I. & Jones, A. (Eds.), Keys to the Trematoda. Vol. 3. CABI Publishing and the Natural History Museum, Wallingford, pp. 191–213.
  • [23] Bashirullah AKM, Islam MA, 1970. A new phyllodistome from the swimbladder of siluroid fish (Trematoda: Gorgoderidae). Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 2, 25–27.
  • [24] Cutmore SC, Miller TL, Curran SS, Bennett MB, Cribb TH, 2013. Phylogenetic relationships of the Gorgoderidae (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda), including the proposal of a new subfamily (Degeneriinae n. subfam.). Parasitology Research, 112, 3063–3074.
  • [25] Kudinova MA, 1994. On the revision of system of the trematode genus Phyllodistomum Braun, 1899 (Gorgoderidae). In: Shulman, S.S. (Ed.), Ecological Parasitology. Kaulian Research Center RAS, Petrozavodsk, pp. 96–112.
  • [26] Cribb TH, Chisholm LA, Bray RA, 2002. Diversity in the Monogenea and Digenea: does lifestyle matter? International Journal for Parasitology, 32: 321–328.
  • [27] Madhavi R, 2001. Family Monorchiidae Odhner, 1911. In Keys to the Trematoda, vol: 3, Bray, R:A., Gibson, D.I. and Jones A. (Eds). CAB International, Wallingford, U.K. 145-175
  • [28] Jousson O, Bartoli P, 2002. Species diversity among the genus Monorchis (Digenea: Monorchiidae) parasitic in marine teleosts: molecular, morphological and morphometrical studies with a description Monorchis blennii n. sp. Parasitology Research, 88: 230-241.
  • [29] Korniychuk JM, 1997. Trematode fauna of four common blenniid species in the Black Sea. Ekologiya Morya, 46: 43–46 (In Russian).
  • [30] Gibson DI, 2002. Family Derogenidae Nicoll, 1910. In: D. I. Gibson, A. Jones, and R. A. Bray (eds.) Keys to the Trematoda, Vol.1. Wallingford: CABI Publishing and The Natural History Museum, pp. 351–368
  • [31] Kostadinova A, Power AM, Fernandez M, Balbuena JA, Raga JA, Gibson DI, 2003. Three species of Magnibursatus Naidenova, 1969 (Digenea: Derogenidae) from Atlantic and Black Sea marine teleosts. Folia Parasitologica, 50, 202–210.
  • [32] Kostadinova A, Bartoli P, Gibson DI, Raga JA, 2004. Redescriptions of Magnibursatus blennii (Paggi & Orechhia, 1975) n. comb. and Arnola microcirrus (Vlasenko, 1931) (Digenea: Derogenidae) from marine teleosts off Corsica. Systematic Parasitology, 58, 125–137.
  • [33] Kostadinova A, Gibson DI, 2009. New records of rare derogenids (Digenea: Hemiuroidea) from Mediterranean sparids, including the description of a new species of Magnibursatus Naidenova, 1969 and redescription of Derogenes adriaticus Nikolaeva, 1966. Syst Parasitol (2009) 74:187–198. D OI 10.1007/s11230-009-9214-
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fisheries Management
Journal Section Research Articles

Türkay Öztürk 0000-0001-5568-3214

Arzu Güven 0000-0002-8220-5282

Project Number 215O224
Publication Date June 18, 2020
Submission Date November 22, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Öztürk, T., & Güven, A. (2020). New Data on Digenean Parasites of Rusty Blenny, Parablennius sanguinolentus (Pallas, 1814) in the Black Sea. Sinop Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1), 26-37.

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