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استراتيجيات حتسني مهارة التحدث لغير الناطقن بالعربية

Year 2014, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 31 - 50, 12.05.2015



  • Abd. Rahim, Anida,“StrategiPembelajaranBahasa Arab Di KalanganPelajarMelayu [Arabic Language Learning Strategies Of The Malay Students]”. (Unpublished Master’s thesis, Uni -versity of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 2003).
  • Al-Mulhim, AbdullahM. “An English Teacher Needs Assessment of Saudi College of Tech - nologyStudents with Respect to a Number of Business Sectors in Saudi Arabia”, (PhD, The - University of Mississippi, 2001). Anderson, P.S., Language Skills in Elementary Education, (New York: Macmillan Publis - hing company, 1987). Daoud, Mohamed,“LSP in North Africa: Status, Problems and Challenges”, in Annual Re - view ofApplied Linguistics, (2000), II. Ellis, R., The study of second language acquisition,(Oxford; Oxford University Press, 1994).
  • Haron, SuerayaChe; Ahmad, Ismail Sheikh; Mamat,Arifin& Mohamed, IsmaielHassanein Ahmed (2013). “The Teaching Methodology of Arabic Speaking Skills: Learners’ Perspec - tives”, International Education Studies; VI/2 (1994) 55-62. Hartman, H. J.,Metacognition In Learning And Instruction, Theory, Kesearch, And Phap - ter3, (New York: The city college of city University, 2001). Huang, Li Shih,Heightening Advanced Adult Second-Language Learners Awareness Of Strategy Use In Speaking: A Little Can Go A Long Way, (2006).
  • Leher, Fran, “Developing Crical and Creative Reading and Thinking Skills”, Language Arts, 60/8 (1983),l031 -1036.
  • Mall, M., Teaching Arabic to Learners in Muslem Private School in Schools in South Africa, (2001). Oxford, R.L.,Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know”. (New York: Newbury House Publishers, 1990).
  • Richards, J. C.,Communicative Language Teaching Today,(Singapore: SEAMO Regional Language Centre, 2006).
  • Shakir, Abdullah and Obeidat, Hussein, »Maturity in AFL student – written-texts”, AlArabiyya, 24/1(1991).
  • Walczyk, J., Griffith- Ross, D., “How Important is Reading still Fluency for Comprehensi - on; The Reading Teacher, 60/6 (2007).

Yabancı Öğrencilerin Konuşma Becerilerini Geliştirmek İçin Teknikler

Year 2014, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 31 - 50, 12.05.2015



  • Abd. Rahim, Anida,“StrategiPembelajaranBahasa Arab Di KalanganPelajarMelayu [Arabic Language Learning Strategies Of The Malay Students]”. (Unpublished Master’s thesis, Uni -versity of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 2003).
  • Al-Mulhim, AbdullahM. “An English Teacher Needs Assessment of Saudi College of Tech - nologyStudents with Respect to a Number of Business Sectors in Saudi Arabia”, (PhD, The - University of Mississippi, 2001). Anderson, P.S., Language Skills in Elementary Education, (New York: Macmillan Publis - hing company, 1987). Daoud, Mohamed,“LSP in North Africa: Status, Problems and Challenges”, in Annual Re - view ofApplied Linguistics, (2000), II. Ellis, R., The study of second language acquisition,(Oxford; Oxford University Press, 1994).
  • Haron, SuerayaChe; Ahmad, Ismail Sheikh; Mamat,Arifin& Mohamed, IsmaielHassanein Ahmed (2013). “The Teaching Methodology of Arabic Speaking Skills: Learners’ Perspec - tives”, International Education Studies; VI/2 (1994) 55-62. Hartman, H. J.,Metacognition In Learning And Instruction, Theory, Kesearch, And Phap - ter3, (New York: The city college of city University, 2001). Huang, Li Shih,Heightening Advanced Adult Second-Language Learners Awareness Of Strategy Use In Speaking: A Little Can Go A Long Way, (2006).
  • Leher, Fran, “Developing Crical and Creative Reading and Thinking Skills”, Language Arts, 60/8 (1983),l031 -1036.
  • Mall, M., Teaching Arabic to Learners in Muslem Private School in Schools in South Africa, (2001). Oxford, R.L.,Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know”. (New York: Newbury House Publishers, 1990).
  • Richards, J. C.,Communicative Language Teaching Today,(Singapore: SEAMO Regional Language Centre, 2006).
  • Shakir, Abdullah and Obeidat, Hussein, »Maturity in AFL student – written-texts”, AlArabiyya, 24/1(1991).
  • Walczyk, J., Griffith- Ross, D., “How Important is Reading still Fluency for Comprehensi - on; The Reading Teacher, 60/6 (2007).

Yabancı Öğrencilerin Konuşma Becerilerini Geliştirmek İçin Teknikler

Year 2014, Volume: 5 Issue: 9, 31 - 50, 12.05.2015


Bu çalışma, bir öğretim programı geliştirmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bunun için de bir-
çok öğretim tekniğini kullanarak okuma ve sonuçlarının, anadili Arapça olmayan öğrencilerin
üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır. Bu amaçla, elimizdeki çalışma
aşağıdaki sorulara cevap aramaktadır: 1- Öğretim programı okuma hususunda hangi
gelişmiş tekniklere sahiptir? 2- Gelişmiş bazı tekniklere sahip olan programın, anadili
Arapça olmayan öğrencilerin konuşma becerilerini geliştirmedeki etkisi nedir?
Bu çalışma Ürdün üniversitesi yabancı diller enstitüsünde 3.kurda okuyan yabancı
kız ve erkeklerden oluşan 20 öğrenci üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Programdaki test etkinliği
konuşma ve yazma becerisini geliştirmedeki etkisini ölçmek için kullanılmıştır.
Araştırmacı testin doğruluğunu ve geçerliliğini kanıtlamıştır.
Çalışmada şu sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır: Öğretim programının etkisiyle istatistiki olarak
öğrencilerin konuşma becerilerini geliştirmede 0.05≤ α düzeyinde anlamlı bir fark


  • Abd. Rahim, Anida,“StrategiPembelajaranBahasa Arab Di KalanganPelajarMelayu [Arabic Language Learning Strategies Of The Malay Students]”. (Unpublished Master’s thesis, Uni -versity of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. 2003).
  • Al-Mulhim, AbdullahM. “An English Teacher Needs Assessment of Saudi College of Tech - nologyStudents with Respect to a Number of Business Sectors in Saudi Arabia”, (PhD, The - University of Mississippi, 2001). Anderson, P.S., Language Skills in Elementary Education, (New York: Macmillan Publis - hing company, 1987). Daoud, Mohamed,“LSP in North Africa: Status, Problems and Challenges”, in Annual Re - view ofApplied Linguistics, (2000), II. Ellis, R., The study of second language acquisition,(Oxford; Oxford University Press, 1994).
  • Haron, SuerayaChe; Ahmad, Ismail Sheikh; Mamat,Arifin& Mohamed, IsmaielHassanein Ahmed (2013). “The Teaching Methodology of Arabic Speaking Skills: Learners’ Perspec - tives”, International Education Studies; VI/2 (1994) 55-62. Hartman, H. J.,Metacognition In Learning And Instruction, Theory, Kesearch, And Phap - ter3, (New York: The city college of city University, 2001). Huang, Li Shih,Heightening Advanced Adult Second-Language Learners Awareness Of Strategy Use In Speaking: A Little Can Go A Long Way, (2006).
  • Leher, Fran, “Developing Crical and Creative Reading and Thinking Skills”, Language Arts, 60/8 (1983),l031 -1036.
  • Mall, M., Teaching Arabic to Learners in Muslem Private School in Schools in South Africa, (2001). Oxford, R.L.,Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know”. (New York: Newbury House Publishers, 1990).
  • Richards, J. C.,Communicative Language Teaching Today,(Singapore: SEAMO Regional Language Centre, 2006).
  • Shakir, Abdullah and Obeidat, Hussein, »Maturity in AFL student – written-texts”, AlArabiyya, 24/1(1991).
  • Walczyk, J., Griffith- Ross, D., “How Important is Reading still Fluency for Comprehensi - on; The Reading Teacher, 60/6 (2007).
There are 8 citations in total.


Primary Language Arabic

Uble Salim This is me

Publication Date May 12, 2015
Submission Date May 12, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 5 Issue: 9


ISNAD Salim, Uble. “استراتيجيات حتسني مهارة التحدث لغير الناطقن بالعربية”. Şırnak Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 5/9 (May 2015), 31-50.

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