ISSN: 2146-4901
e-ISSN: 2667-6575
Founded: 2010
Publisher: Sırnak University
Cover Image

Our journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal which indexed by Turkish National Index, and EBSCO Host: Academic Search Ultimate Database. The publication language of our journal is Turkish and English. In our journal, research articles in the field of religious studies (Social and Humanities / Religious Sciences), compilation articles, translation articles and case reports are published.

Şırnak University Journal of Divinity Faculty is a double-sided, blinded and peer-reviewed journal. It is published in electronic format (online) in June and December. In our journal, ISNAD footnote citation system (2nd edition) has been adopted as a bibliography ( The articles must be prepared according to ISNAD citation system and the format specified in "Author Guidelines" link before uploading to the system.
The period of article acceptance dates to our journal is from 1 January to 1 March for the June issue; For the December issue, it will be from 1 July to 1 October. If the number of articles reaches a sufficient level, the process of accepting articles may be closed before these dates.

2024 - Issue: 34

Şırnak University Journal of Divinity Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).