Referee Guidelines

           Our journal uses a double-sided and blind peer-review system where the referees and writers are kept secret against each other. Referee names are not published for this purpose. Authors and referees should strive to keep their identity confidential.

  •      The Editorial Board first examines the contents of the works sent to the journal in terms of the principles of publication, the scope of the journal and scientific content and form.
  •       For editorial works, Field Editor is assigned by the Editor. The Field Editor sends the work to at least 2 referees for evaluation.
  •       In order to be accepted to the journal, the referees should also receive a positive evaluation. The third referee may also be asked to contribute to the evaluation process when necessary.If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article may be forwarded to a third referee for further assessment or alternatively, the Editorial Board may make a final decision based on the nature of the two reports.
  •       Articles submitted for publication are also confirmed through a special program used in plagiarism detection that the articles were not previously published and do not contain plagiarism.
  •       The publication process of the accepted work lasts for 2-4 months from the date of acceptance of the work.
  •       Article submission is free of charge. No fee is charged for the articles accepted for publication.In the same issue of the journal, up to two publications of the same author (provided that they are different types of publications)may be published.
  •       The iThenticate Program has started to be used in the Şırnak University Journal of Divinity Faculty in order to detect the plagiarism in academic studies. The program has a comprehensive academic content directly related to the evaluation of academic publications. Every document loaded in iThenticate is compared with documents in a large database. This database includes more than 90,000 important newspapers, journals, periodicals and books, as well as more than 17 billion web pages and archives. iThenticate controls databases with more than 30 million articles from more than 70,000 scientific journals and over 86 million articles from more than 150 publishing houses. The publisher partners include major publishers such as CrossRef, Galley, Emerald, ABC-CLIO, SAGE Reference, Oxford University Press, IEEE, Elsevier, Nature Publishing, Ovid, Taylor & Francis, PubMed, Pearson, McGrawHill, Wiley and EBSCO host. 
  •        The authors who submitted articles to the Şırnak University Journal of Divinity Faculty are deemed to have declared that they have not committed an ethical violation. The works of authors who have been found to be plagiarism through the iThenticate program are not included in our journal. The report on this subject is sent to the author.

  •       The referees should pay attention to the following in the evaluation process;

    1. Before and after the review and evaluation process, they should pay attention to the principle of confidentiality.

    2. The evaluation should be made in an objective and critical way.

    3. While making the assessment, one should only consider the academic accuracy of the articles, and should not look at whether the thought put forward in the article is suitable for him or not.

    4. They should not have conflict of interest with research, authors, and / or research funders.

    5. While preparing the reports, they should avoid expressions containing insults, disdain, targeting the person, and accusing them, and should use objective and measured expressions based on the text only.

    6. They should use clear statements in the evaluation reports, and express the positive or negative result with its justifications.

    7. If they come to a negative opinion about the article or want a correction, they should definitely offer “alternative suggestions”.

    8. Referees should evaluate the articles within the given time, otherwise they should notify the journal within a reasonable time that they would not be able to evaluate them.

Last Update Time: 1/16/25, 5:59:31 PM

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