Onlarca yıldan bu yana Müslüman âlimlerin hem kendi arasında hem de Yahudi Hahamlar ve
Hıristiyan Rahipleri ile aralarında Yahudi, Hıristiyan ve Sâbiîlerin İslam’a inanmasalar bile cennete
girecekleri hususunda şiddetli bir tartışma yaşanmaktadır. Söz konusu âlimler Allah Teâlâ’nın şu
sözünü delil olarak kullanmaktadırlar: “Şüphesiz iman edenler; Yahudiler’den, Hıristiyanlar’dan
ve Sâbiîler’den de Allah’a ve ahiret gününe inanıp sâlih amel işleyenler için Rableri katında
mükâfatlar vardır. Onlar için herhangi bir korku yoktur onlar üzüntü çekmeyeceklerdir”.3 Ayrıca
şu âyeti de delil getirmektedirler: “İman edenler ile Yahudiler, Sâbiîler ve Hıristiyanlar’dan Allah’a
ve ahiret gününe (gerçekten) inanıp iyi amel işleyenler üzerine asla korku yoktur; onlar üzülecek
de değillerdir”.
Kur’an ve Hadis Ehl-i Kitab ve Sabiiler cennet tefsir Allah’ın emirleri İslam son peygambere iman
For many decades there has been a polemic between Muslim scholars, Christian priests and Jewish Rabis about whether the Christians and Jews would be admitted to paradise without having converted to Islam. Referring to the Qur’anic verse; “Those who believe (in the Qur’an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve”. (Albaqarah: 62) Judeo-Christian scholars along with some Muslim scholars attached importance to this interpretation, encouraged it and struggled to promote it among the educated class and internationally. Many conferences, debates, panels were organised to approve or disapprove this interpretation. As a result, either some Muslim scholar abandoned the it completely leaving the discussion ‘unresolved’, or some ended up disapproving it, or some other Muslims agreeing to it. We ask, those who approve it, do they have convincing evidences for it? Or was there a ‘political’ will behind this approval aiming at international harmony, and to stop the attacks on the sacred places of the three religions? Or, is there a coordinated scheme to halt westerners’ inclination toward Islam? In fact the in recent years there has been an increase in the number of Europeans and Americans converting to Islam to a ‘worrying’ extent. Whatever the reasons are, for us, there are clear truths which the Quran and the Tradition of the Prophet manifested. They are: nobody ascends to heaven without believing in God’s messengers, His divine books, the last prophet and the last religion -Islam-, and the Quran. For this reason we try to present and explain the definition of the verses and the traditions as a clear argument in this issue
The Quran and the Tradition the Book of People and Sabians ascending to heaven or not proof exegesis commends of God believing in the verses and the last prophet
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Religious Studies |
Journal Section | RESEARCH ARTICLES |
Authors | |
Publication Date | August 8, 2015 |
Submission Date | August 8, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2015 Volume: 6 Issue: 11 |
Şırnak University Journal of Divinity Faculty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).