Ibn Hisham (d. 761/1360), who lived in the eighth century AH, is regarded as one of the leading Arabic language scholars. According to sources his full name is Jamâlüddin Abu Muhammad Abdullah b. Yusuf b. Ahmed b. Abdillâh b. Hisham al-Ansari al-Misri. His tag is Abu Muhammad, and his nickname is Jamâlüddin. In addition, he is known for the references like al-Ansari, al-Mısrî, and an-Nahvî. However, he has been famous and known as Ibn Hisham or Ibn Hisham an-Nahvi. Ibn Hisham took lessons from prominent scholars of his time and compiled many works related to the Arabic language. Some of the works he wrote are Muğni'l-lebib 'an kutubi'l-e'arib, Evdahu'l-mesâlik ilâ Elfiyyeti Ibn Malik, Qatru'n-nedâ wa bellu's-sadâ, Şerh-u Qatri'n-nedâ wa belli's-sâda Şerhu şuzûri’z-zeheb, al-I'rab an kawa'idi'l-i'rab. Ibn Hisham's work called Qatru'n-nedâ is a succinct and comprehensive grammar book written in the Arabic language. It was annotated by many people, primarily by the author of the work himself, and many footnotes were written on these commentaries. Our study subject, called Sharhu Qatri'n-nedâ wa belli's-sadâ, is also a commentary work made by the author himself to Qatru'n-nedâ. Ibn Hisham made use of the views and works of many scholars who were experts in the Arabic language while compiling his work called Sharhu Qatri'n-nedâ wa belli's-sadâ. He referred to many Arabic language scholars who lived before him while he was compiling his aforesaid work. While Ibn Hisham frequently mentions some Arabic language scholars' names in his work titled Sharh-u Qatri'n-nedâ wa belli's-sada, he made very few references to others. Among the scholars whose names the author uses a lot in his aforesaid work are Sîbeveyhi (d.180/796), Kisâî (d. 189/805), Ferrâ (d. 207/822), Ebu'l-Hasen al-Ahfesh (d. 215/830), Ebu'l-Abbâs al-Muberred (d. 286/900), Ibnus-Serrâc (d. 316/929) and Abu 'Ali al-Faraisi (d. 377/987). Therefore, it has been ascertained that Ibn Hisâm referred to many scholars' views in his work called Sharh-u Qatri'n-nedâ wa belli's-sadâ. However, he did not accept all the views of the scholars he referred to. He accepted some of these views and refused some of them. Sometimes he was content with just conveying the opinions without making any comments or explanations about the views he dealt with. At times, he made evaluations within the views in question and preferred the steadiest view according to his opinion. The author's attitude towards the scholars of the Arabic language shows that he thoroughly researched the grammatical issues of the Arabic language and preferred the views that he found the steadiest. In our study, Ibn Hisham's attitude towards the Arabic language scholars, whom he benefited from in the field of syntax and made a lot of references to while dealing with various language issues in his work called Sharh-u Qatri'n-nedâ wa belli's-sadâ, which was written about the grammar of the Arabic language and the text and commentary of which belongs to Ibn Hisham himself, is examined. As a matter of fact, Ibn Hisham put forward many linguists' views in his aforesaid work, made comparisons between these views from time to time, and made some preferences himself. In this study, Arabic language scholars whose works Ibn Hisham made use of, especially in the field of syntax, and whose names he referred a lot were handled and a brief introduction was made about the linguists in question. In addition, this study tries to determine Ibn Hisham's attitude towards Arabic language scholars, his preferences, justifications, and whether he acted with fanaticism when conveying opinions.