Writing Rules

1-  Articles should be prepared in accordance with the following principles and submitted to the journal through the "Upload Article" section. Manuscripts that are not prepared according to the rules of writing will not be evaluated.

2- The order of content should be as follows: Turkish title, English title, Turkish abstract and keywords, English abstract and key words, main text, results, references, inserts (maps, figures, etc.). Abstracts should be between 150-200 words and keywords should be between 3-5 words.



Page layout

a) Articles should be written in Microsoft Word and page structure should be arranged as follows

Paper Size A4 Vertical

Top Margin 3 cm

Bottom Edge 3 cm

Left Margin 3 cm

Right Margin 3 cm

Beginning of the Paragraph 0

Block Quote (from Right and Left) 1 cm (Without the beginning of the paragraph)

Font Times New Roman

Font Style Normal

Main Text Size 11

Abstract Size 9

Block Quote Size 9

Footnote Text Size 9

Paragraph Spacing First 0 nk, then 6 nk

Line Spacing one

b) Articles should not include details such as page numbers, headers and footers.

c) Turkish main title of the article should be written in capital letters and bold. The first letters of the English title should be written in bold and italic with lower case letters. Only the first letters of each word of intermediate titles should be capitalized.

d) Spelling, punctuation and abbreviations should be based on the current spelling guide of the Turkish Language Association.

e) APA method should be used for citation.


f) In the references, the order of "Last Name, First Name" is preferred. The page numbers given in the footnotes for the books are not required in the references. However, for periodicals, page ranges should be shown in the references.

g) There should be no commas between the place and date of publication in the works. A space must be left after characters such as Comma, period, etc.




-        If a particular page is cited or related ideas are taken from a specific section, the source, the year of publication, and the page number is written as follows: (Karaman, 2016, p. 63).

-        If there is a general reference in the text and the whole text is referenced (author's last name, year) is sufficient to write. For example (Erkin, 2010).

-        An author's works of the same date are written as (Karaman, 2016a) and (Karaman, 2016b).

-        If the number of authors is between three and five, all names are written in the first submission, then only the first author is sufficient. For example, when the source passes first (Duymaz, Tümtaş and Kijevcanin, 2018) it takes place as the next pass (Duymaz et al., 2018).

-        If a source with two authors is specified in the text, the names of the two authors are indicated at a time; If the work has more than two authors, all of them are indicated in the first use and only the first author in the next usage.

for example:

Gregory, Agar, Lock, and Harris (2007) argue that private sector engagement in science is a new form of public relations work.(…)

Gregory et al. in this way, they maintain that companies maintain their own reputation (2007, p.212).

-        If the number of authors is six or more, then the first use is also abbreviated as first name and others (Abisel et al., 2005).

-        If the context in which the passphrase expression appears clearly indicates which source is included in the references list, there is no need to write more specific information. For example:

Baudinove Wyatt (2004) argues that active learning supports critical thinking and facilitates the direct use of critical concepts (p.17).

-        If a source citing secondary sources is referenced, reference is made to the original source. For example, (Inugur, 2005, quoted by Baydar). Inugur 2005 is included in the source list with all the information about the information. Baydar does not take the source.

-        If the primary source cited in the secondary source used in the text is never read by the author, then is indicated as for example,

The problem in Baydar's view of ideology (Inuğur, 2005, quoted by Baydar).



-        Information based on personal interviews by e-mail, telephone, face-to-face or other forms are shown in the text, but are not written in the references. For example: Kündeyi said that Abdurrahman Melek was at the forefront of the Hatay issue (Abdullah Kündeyi, personal interview, 24 July 2014).

-        Classic books are written as in the following example if the original history is known: (Gaxot, the date of the original work / the date of the book-article used)

-        When making a direct excerpt from the original work, the word (s) extracted are indicated by three points (...) in parentheses.

-        Other short and direct quotations in the text are written in double quotes. Double quotes cannot contain double quotes.

-        Double quotes are also used to specify an article from a magazine or book with its title in the text. For example:

Meyde Yeğenoğlu's article (2003) “Öteki Mekânda Olmak: Post-Kolonyal Dünyada Göçmenlik ve Turizm”         

-        If a letter, word or sentence is to be used as a linguistic example, they are italicized, not double quotes. For example:

Derrida makes a distinction between differance and difference.

-        If a technical term is offered, it is made in italics in the first presentation sentence, not in subsequent use. For example:

The author begins with meta-analysis, which he will explain in detail in the next section.

-        Quotations longer than 40 words in the text are written with single or frequent line spacing from the inside, with a font smaller than the main text (9 points), without italics, without quotation marks, 1 cm from the left and right. For example:

According to Stuart Hall (1998),


(...) is always redefined, rediscovered, re-created. The past needs to be narrated. We go to our pasts through history, through memory, through desire, not literally as a real fact. The narrative of our selves and dates is always done later (p.83)

-        Abbreviations are parenthetically presented for the first time in the text, not for subsequent use. For example; As a result, in 1957, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had to apply to cover foreign debts. With this borrowing, the IMF entered the Turkish economy as an important figure.

-        A slash (/) is used if an old source is reprinted in the text. For example: Freud (1923/1961), for the first time in his study, asserted that the slurs of language in daily life are some kind of expression of repressed representations in the subconscious.

-        If reference is made from a source without any author, a referenced use as shown in the references and generally containing part of the title is suitable. For example: academics in the field of science in Turkey, social and humanities academics in the sciences, with more overseas scholarships have had the opportunity to complete their higher education ( "Academy Report on Turkey Sciences", 2005, p.20).

-        If importing from a web document without a page number, the paragraph number must be specified. For example: Dursun argues that the story in Avatar is not anti-imperialist or anti-US (Dursun, 2009, para. 10).



Archival Documents Text courses

(BOA, Y.A.HUS. , 483/76, H. 17.11.1322/M. 23.01.1905)

APA in References:

- If there are many sources of the same author in the references, the sources are written in the order of the new date. In the same date references are sorted by letter.

For example:

2000a, 2000b.

- DOI numbers are written if there are in journals.

For example:

Anderson, A. K. (2005). Affective Influences on the Attentional Dynamics Supporting Awareness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 154, 258-281. doi: 10.1037 / 0096-3445.134.2.258

Otherwise, the url numbers are written.

For example:

Fe: url for feminist criticism magazine. Http: // genus. Ankara.edu.tr/ cansun.html

- If the original histories of classical works (such as Marx, Freud) are known, they are given at the end of the source as follows: (The original work is from 1846)

- Even if the publication of the same surname is dated earlier, the first letter of the name is indicated first in alphabetical references.


For example:

Köker, E. (1998). Policy Communication Policy of Communication, Ankara: Vadi.


Köker, L. (2007). Turkey's Human Rights Problems in Law Reform Process. Human Rights Journalism, (ed.) Sevda Alankus, Istanbul: IPS Foundation.

Single author book

Abisel, N. (2006). Silent cinema. Ankara: Yes.


Zizek, S. (2009). Matrix: Or Two Sides of Heresy. Bahadır Turan (Trans.). Istanbul: Encore.

Multi-author book

Abisel, N., Arslan, U.T., Behcetoglu, P., Karadogan, A., Ozturk, S.R. and Ulusay, N. (2005). Very Weird Very Familiar. Istanbul: Metis.


Edited book

Özbek, M. (Ed.) (2005). Public Space. Istanbul: Hil.

Chapter in the edited book

Kejanlioglu, B. (2005). Concept of Public Space in Media Studies. Meral Özbek (Ed.) In the Public Space (pp. 689-713). Istanbul: Hil.

Book with multiple editions

Strunk, W. Jr. and White, E. B. (2000). The Elements of Style. (4th Edition) New York: Longman.

Electronic version of the book

Freud, S. (1953). The methodo finterpreting dreams: Ananalysis of a specimen dream. J.Strachey (Ed. & Trans.), The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (Vol.4, pp.96-121). http://books.google.com/books (Original work dated 1900)

Schiraldi, G. R. (2001). The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: A guide to healing, recovery, and growth [Adobe Digital Editions version]. doi: 10.1036/0071393722


Electronic articles: must be specified if the digital object identifier (DOI) number exists


Von Ledebur, S. C. (2007). Optimizing knowledge transfer by new employees in companies. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.kmrp.8500141


Electronic newspaper articles


Çetin, Ö. (2010, 21 January). Our TV habits will change with IPTV.  www.hurriyet.com.tr


Multi-volume studies


Pflanze, O. (1963-1990). Bismarcand the Development of Germany (Vol. 1-3). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


In the text:


(Pflanze, 1963-1990)


Single volume use in multi-volume studies


Pflanze, O. (1990). The Period of Fortification, 1880-1898: Colt 3. Bismarck and The Development of Germany. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


New edition of an earlier edition


Smith, A. (1976). An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. E. Cannan (Ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (First edition 1776).


In the text: (Smith, 1776/1976)


Translated chapter from book




Weber, M. (1958). The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism. T. Parsons (Trans.). New York: Charles Scribner's Son. (First edition. 1904-1905).


In the text: (Weber, 1904-1905 / 1958)


Reports and technical articles


Gencel Bek, M. (1998). Mediscape Turkey 2000 (Report No. 2). Ankara: BAYAUM.


Single author article from the journal


Aktay, Y. (1999). Sociological Pedagogy of Reason: From Genealogical Reason to Historical and Social Reason. Society and Science, p. 82, pp.114-140.


Article with multiple authors


Binark, F. M., Celikcan, P. (1998). Call of Mahre to Negotiation and Sample of Anniversary. Culture and Communication, 1 (2), 197-214.


Electronic magazine article


Conway, P. (2003). Truth and reconciliation: The road not taken in Nambia. Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution, 5 (1).


The address (URL) of the page or only the doi number, if any, is sufficient.


Unwritten editorial article


Editorial: "What is a disaster" and why does this question matter? [Editorial *]. (2006). Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 14, 1-2.


For newspaper and magazine articles with unknown authors


The United States and the Americas: One History in Two Halves. (2003, Dec. 13). Economist, 36.


Strong after chocks continue in California. New York Times [National Edition.]. p.23.


In the text: (United States and the Americas, 2003) (Strong after shock, 2003)


For newspaper and magazine articles with authors


Bruni, F. (2003, Dec. 26). Pope pleads for terror is man war. New York Times, p. 21.


Introduction articles


Orr, H.A. (2003, 14 August). [Review of the book Nature via nurture: Genes, experience, and what makes us human]. New York Review of Books, 50, 38-40.


Unpublished theses, posters, papers: If downloaded from YOK, the URL address is given to the end of the imprint information.


Yellow, E. (2008). Culture Identity and Politics: Interculturalism in Mardin. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ankara University / Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.




Balkans: History (1987). Encyclopaedia Britannica (15th ed. Vol.14, p.570-588). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.


In the text: (Balkans: History, 1987)




Is Gerrymand. (2003). Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (11th Edition). Springfield,


MA: Merriam-Webster "p.


In the text: (Gerrymander, 2003)




Arroyo, Gloria Macapagal. (2003). A time for Prayer. Interview with Michael Schuman.


Time. July 28, 2003. Accessed January 13, 2004, http://www.times.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,471205,00.html


TV show




Long, T. (Author), and Moore, S. D. (Director). (2002). Bartvs. Lisavs. 3.Class [TV Series]. B. Oakley and J. Weinstein (Producer) in the Simpsons. Chapter:


1403 F55079. Fox.


In the text: (The Simpsons, 2002)




Huston, J. (Director / Screenwriter). (1941). The Maltese Falcon [Film]. U.S .: Warner.


In the text: (Hawk of Malta, 1941)




Adams, Ansel. (1927). Monolith, the face of Half Dome, Yosemite National Park [Photo]. ArtInstitute, Chicago.


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