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11 Eylül Sonrası Dönemde Nato’nun Terörizmle Mücadele Yaklaşımına Atıfla, Güvenlik Toplulukları Kavramına İlişkin İnşâcı Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2023, , 297 - 309, 27.11.2023


Bu makale, güvenlik toplulukları kavramını ve Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde kolektif güvenlik düzenlemeleriyle ilgisini incelemektedir. Kuramsal karşılaştırma yapıldığında, hemfikir devletler arası kimlik oluşumu sürecine verdiği önem sayesinde, Konvansiyonel İnşâcılık, anılan dönemdeki genel duruma daha iyi açıklamalar getirmektedir. Bu analiz temelinde, NATO’nun, sadece bir kolektif savuma ittifakı değil, aynı zamanda müttefikleri arasında bir güvenlik topluluğu olarak evrimi, 11 Eylül sonrası dönemde terörle mücadele bağlamında ittifak içinde ortak bir kimlik oluşturulmasına odaklı olarak değerlendirilecektir. Bu kapsamda, Türkiye, İsveç ve Finlandiya arasında, terörle mücadele konusunda imzalanan mutabakat da güvenlik topluluğu kavramı bağlamında ele alınacaktır.


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  • Adler, E., & Barnett, M. (Eds.) (1998). Security Communities, Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Adler, E. (2002). “Constructivism and International Relations. Handbook of International Relations, Eds: Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth A Simmons, Sage Publication. 2002. google scholar
  • Adler, E. (2008). The Spread of Security Communities: Communities of Practice, Self-Restraint, and NATO’s Post-Cold War Transformation. European Journal of International Relations, 14, 195, https://doi. org/10.1177/1354066108089241. google scholar
  • Adler, E. (2013). Constructivism in international relations: Sources, contributions, and debates. SAGE Handbook of international relations, 2, 112-144. google scholar
  • Bağbaşlıoğlu, A. (2022). “Implications of NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept on its Enlargement & Partnership Policies and Türkiye’s Position: Challenges and Opportunities”, SAM Papers, No:22, November, http://sam. google scholar
  • Cottey, A. (2014). “NATO transformed: The Atlantic Alliance in a new era”, Rethinking Security in Post-Cold-War Europe, William Park, G. Wyn Rees (Eds), Routledge, pp. 43-60. google scholar
  • Deutsch, K. W.; et al. (1957). Political Community and the North Atlantic Area: International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience. Princeton: Princeton University Press google scholar
  • Fearon, J., & Wendt, A. (2002). “Rationalism v. Constructivism”, in W. Carlsnaes (et al), Handbook of International Relations, (Sage, London, 2002), pp. 52-73. google scholar
  • Gheciu, A. (2022). “Protecting NATO’s security community”, NDC Policy Brief, No.10 - May 2022, https:// google scholar
  • Grennan, E., & Toros, H. (2021). 9/11 as a policy pivot point in the security community: a dialogue. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 14(4), 438-440, google scholar
  • Gilli, A., et al (2022). “Strategic Shifts and NATO’s new Strategic Concept”, Ndc Research Paper, No. 24, June 2022, google scholar
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  • Müller, L. M., & Beeson, M. (2022). “From collective security to the construction of regional security communities: regional security governance in a global context”, Handbook on Global Governance and Regionalism, Edited by Jürgen Rüland and Astrid Carrapatoso, pp. 307-322. google scholar
  • NATO-The North Atlantic Treaty (1949), Washington D.C. - 4 April, official_texts_17120.htm. google scholar
  • NATO Strategic Concepts, google scholar
  • NATO Strategic Concept (2022), Heads of State and Government at the NATO Summit in Madrid, 29 June 2022, google scholar
  • NATO Trilateral Memorandum (2022), Heads of State and Government at the NATO Summit in Madrid, https:// google scholar
  • Neumann, I. B. (1999), Uses of the Other: ‘The East’ in European Identity Formation (NED-New edition, Vol. 9), University of Minnesota Press, google scholar
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  • Özdemir, E. (2022). “Changing NATO Priorities and New Security: Analysis of Strategic Concepts 1949-2022” in NATO Priorities and Caucasus- Status Quo And Changes, International Collection of The Papers of The Scientific-Practical Conference, ISBN-978-9941-8-5017-2, krebulebi/NATO.pdf. google scholar
  • Ulusoy, H. (2003.“Revisiting Security Communities After the Cold War: The Constructivist Perpespective. Perceptions, Vol VIII, Issue 3, 161-196. google scholar
  • Ulusoy, H. (2005). A constructivist analysis of Türkiye’s foreign and security policy in the post- cold war era”, Middle East Technical University, Department of International Relations, Phd Thesis. google scholar
  • Ulusoy, H. (2007). “One Policy, Many Identities: The Consistency of Turkey’s Foreign Policy with Special Emphasis on Its Security Dimension in the Post-Cold War Era, A Constructivist Appraisal”, The Isis Press, İstanbul, 2007. google scholar
  • Wendt, A. (1995). Constructing International Politics. International Security, 20(1), 71-81. https://doi. org/10.2307/2539217. google scholar
  • Willa, R., & Olszanecka, N. (2021). NATO: Building A Security Community in the Face of Covid-19 Pandemic. European Research Studies Journal Volume XXIV Special Issue 1, 269-280, ersj/2041. google scholar
  • Vayrynen, R. (2023). Stable Peace Through Security Communities? Steps Towards Theory-Building. In: Raimo Vayrynen: A Pioneer in International Relations, Scholarship and Policy-Making, Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice, vol 28. Springer, Cham. (pp. 345-365), https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-031-13627-6_13. google scholar
  • Yurdusev, A. N. (1997), Avrupa Kimliğinin Oluşumu ve Türk Kimliği: Türkiye ve Avrupa, A. Eralp (Ed.). İmge Kitabevi, Ankara. google scholar

A Constructivist Analysis of The Concept of Security Communities with Reference to NATO’s Approach To Countering Terrorism in The Post-September 11 Era

Year 2023, , 297 - 309, 27.11.2023


This article examines the concept of security communities and its relevance for collective security formations in the context of the post-Cold War era. Through a theoretical comparison, thanks to its emphasis on the process of identity building among like-minded states, the constructivism in its conventional form is assessed to be better explanatory forthe general situation in the aforementioned era. Based on this analysis, NATO’s evolution as not only a collective defense alliance but also a security community among its allies will be evaluated with reference to the creation of a collective identity in countering terrorism, in the post-September 11 era. In this context, the trilateral memorandum signed between Türkiye, Finland and Sweden for counter-terrorism cooperation will also be assessed within the framework of security communities.


  • Adler, Eç (1997). Imagined (Security) Communities: Cognitive Regions in International Relations. Millennium, 26(2), 249-277. google scholar
  • Adler, E., & Barnett, M. (Eds.) (1998). Security Communities, Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. google scholar
  • Adler, E. (2002). “Constructivism and International Relations. Handbook of International Relations, Eds: Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse, Beth A Simmons, Sage Publication. 2002. google scholar
  • Adler, E. (2008). The Spread of Security Communities: Communities of Practice, Self-Restraint, and NATO’s Post-Cold War Transformation. European Journal of International Relations, 14, 195, https://doi. org/10.1177/1354066108089241. google scholar
  • Adler, E. (2013). Constructivism in international relations: Sources, contributions, and debates. SAGE Handbook of international relations, 2, 112-144. google scholar
  • Bağbaşlıoğlu, A. (2022). “Implications of NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept on its Enlargement & Partnership Policies and Türkiye’s Position: Challenges and Opportunities”, SAM Papers, No:22, November, http://sam. google scholar
  • Cottey, A. (2014). “NATO transformed: The Atlantic Alliance in a new era”, Rethinking Security in Post-Cold-War Europe, William Park, G. Wyn Rees (Eds), Routledge, pp. 43-60. google scholar
  • Deutsch, K. W.; et al. (1957). Political Community and the North Atlantic Area: International Organization in the Light of Historical Experience. Princeton: Princeton University Press google scholar
  • Fearon, J., & Wendt, A. (2002). “Rationalism v. Constructivism”, in W. Carlsnaes (et al), Handbook of International Relations, (Sage, London, 2002), pp. 52-73. google scholar
  • Gheciu, A. (2022). “Protecting NATO’s security community”, NDC Policy Brief, No.10 - May 2022, https:// google scholar
  • Grennan, E., & Toros, H. (2021). 9/11 as a policy pivot point in the security community: a dialogue. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 14(4), 438-440, google scholar
  • Gilli, A., et al (2022). “Strategic Shifts and NATO’s new Strategic Concept”, Ndc Research Paper, No. 24, June 2022, google scholar
  • Heisbourg, F. (2002). Anatomy of the New Terrorism: Interview. Entretien, Le Debat, 119, 98-107. https://doi. org/10.3917/deba.119.0098. google scholar
  • Hlatky, S., & Fortmann, M. (2020). “NATO enlargement and the failure of the cooperative security mindset”, In Evaluating NATO Enlargement: From Cold War Victory to the Russia-Ukraine War, pp. 531-561, Cham: Springer International Publishing, google scholar
  • Hopf, T. (1998). The Promise of Constructivism in International Relations Theory. International Security, 23(1), 171-200. google scholar
  • Krause, K. (1998). Critical Theory and Security Studies. Cooperation and Conflict, 33(3), 298-333. google scholar
  • Müller, L. M., & Beeson, M. (2022). “From collective security to the construction of regional security communities: regional security governance in a global context”, Handbook on Global Governance and Regionalism, Edited by Jürgen Rüland and Astrid Carrapatoso, pp. 307-322. google scholar
  • NATO-The North Atlantic Treaty (1949), Washington D.C. - 4 April, official_texts_17120.htm. google scholar
  • NATO Strategic Concepts, google scholar
  • NATO Strategic Concept (2022), Heads of State and Government at the NATO Summit in Madrid, 29 June 2022, google scholar
  • NATO Trilateral Memorandum (2022), Heads of State and Government at the NATO Summit in Madrid, https:// google scholar
  • Neumann, I. B. (1999), Uses of the Other: ‘The East’ in European Identity Formation (NED-New edition, Vol. 9), University of Minnesota Press, google scholar
  • Onuf, N. (1989). World of Our Making: Rules and Rule in Social Theory and International Relations, University of South Carolina Press. google scholar
  • Özdemir, E. (2022). “Changing NATO Priorities and New Security: Analysis of Strategic Concepts 1949-2022” in NATO Priorities and Caucasus- Status Quo And Changes, International Collection of The Papers of The Scientific-Practical Conference, ISBN-978-9941-8-5017-2, krebulebi/NATO.pdf. google scholar
  • Ulusoy, H. (2003.“Revisiting Security Communities After the Cold War: The Constructivist Perpespective. Perceptions, Vol VIII, Issue 3, 161-196. google scholar
  • Ulusoy, H. (2005). A constructivist analysis of Türkiye’s foreign and security policy in the post- cold war era”, Middle East Technical University, Department of International Relations, Phd Thesis. google scholar
  • Ulusoy, H. (2007). “One Policy, Many Identities: The Consistency of Turkey’s Foreign Policy with Special Emphasis on Its Security Dimension in the Post-Cold War Era, A Constructivist Appraisal”, The Isis Press, İstanbul, 2007. google scholar
  • Wendt, A. (1995). Constructing International Politics. International Security, 20(1), 71-81. https://doi. org/10.2307/2539217. google scholar
  • Willa, R., & Olszanecka, N. (2021). NATO: Building A Security Community in the Face of Covid-19 Pandemic. European Research Studies Journal Volume XXIV Special Issue 1, 269-280, ersj/2041. google scholar
  • Vayrynen, R. (2023). Stable Peace Through Security Communities? Steps Towards Theory-Building. In: Raimo Vayrynen: A Pioneer in International Relations, Scholarship and Policy-Making, Pioneers in Arts, Humanities, Science, Engineering, Practice, vol 28. Springer, Cham. (pp. 345-365), https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-031-13627-6_13. google scholar
  • Yurdusev, A. N. (1997), Avrupa Kimliğinin Oluşumu ve Türk Kimliği: Türkiye ve Avrupa, A. Eralp (Ed.). İmge Kitabevi, Ankara. google scholar
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Hasan Ulusoy 0009-0007-9341-7858

Publication Date November 27, 2023
Submission Date July 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Ulusoy, H. (2023). A Constructivist Analysis of The Concept of Security Communities with Reference to NATO’s Approach To Countering Terrorism in The Post-September 11 Era. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 32(2), 297-309.