The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) assertive power projection in the South China Sea (SCS) and its consequences in the form of hybrid threats have increasingly become an accepted reality of the region. China has gradually constructed this “new normal” or “fait accompli” under the framework of its assertive policies which have generated geostrategic repercussions both in the regional and global landscape. Despite the fact that most of the recent studies particularly address China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) or regional politics, a holistic assessment of China’s assertive behavior requires a concentrated focus on China’s employment of maritime hybrid instruments in the service of its declarative, demonstrative and coercive actions. Rather than engaging in open military confrontation in the SCS dispute, China skillfully synchronizes the military, political, economic, cyber and information sources of power in different operational domains to influence, intimidate and coerce the competing claimants. Furthermore, with a structural approach, the impact of China’s employment of assertive maritime hybrid instruments go beyond regional level to have possible repercussions on the future of global-level power shifts. The current conditions of China’s growing material power, its will to use hybrid instruments, and increasing vulnerabilities and lack of a coordinated response seem to reinforce a breeding ground for future assertiveness and a possible shift in the balance of power. However, in the long-term it would not be surprising to see stiffened counter efforts to disrupt its initiatives on a global landscape. Therefore, this study aims to shed light on the context and cumulative effects of China’s assertive employment of maritime hybrid instruments while discussing increasing international concerns on the altering dynamics of balance of power.
Baezner, M. (2018). Use of Cybertools in Regional Tensions in Southeast Asia. Centre for Security Studies, (Access: 7.05.2021).
Barrett, J. (2021). Pacific Island Turns Australia Undersea Cable After Spurning China. Reuters. (Access: 13.05.2021).
BBC News, (2011). Vietnam Accuses China in Seas Dispute. (Access: 13.04.2021).
Bhatia, K. (2018). Coercive Gradualism Through Gray Zone Statecraft in the South China Seas, Joint Force Quarterly. (Access: 5.05.2021).
Bjällstrand, T. (2014). China: Friend or Foe: Understanding the US Pacific Pivot towards China’s Confusing Confucianism (Bachelor Thesis, Stockholm University). (Access: 6.04.2021).
Burgess, S. (2020). Confronting China's Maritime Expansion in the South China Sea: A Collective Action Problem. The Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, 18.05.2021).
Casarini, N. (2017). A Sea at the Heart of Chinese National Interest. The Graduate Institute Geneva, (Access: 6.04.2021).
Chang, F. (2021). ASEAN’s Search for a Third Way: Southeast Asia’s Relations with China and the United States. Foreign Policy Research Institute, (Access: 18.05.2021).
Chorn, A., & Sato, M.M. (2019). Maritime Gray Zone Tactics: the Argument for Reviewing the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. Center for Strategic and International Studies, (Access: 16.04.2021).
Chubb, A. (2021). PRC Assertiveness in the South China Sea: Measuring Continuity and Change, 1970–2015. International Security, 45 (3), 79-121.
Council on Foreign Relations, (n.d.). China's Maritime Disputes.!/chinas-maritime-disputes?cid=otr-marketing_use-china_sea_InfoGuide (Access: 15.04.2021).
Dahiya, N. (2021). What Trump's Declassified Asia Strategy May Mean For U.S.-China Relations Under Biden, NPR, (Access: 12.04.2021).
Das, S.B. (2017). Southeast Asia Worries over Growing Economic Dependence on China, Perspective, (81) (Access: 20.05.2021).
Erickson, A. (2017). Hainan’s Maritime Militia: China Builds a Standing Vanguard. Centre for International Maritime Security, (Access: 21.04.2021).
Erickson, A. & Kennedy, C. (2016). China's Maritime Militia. CNA Corporation, (Access: 17.04.2021).
Erickson, A. & Kennedy, C. (2015). Directing China's "Little Blue Men": Uncovering the Maritime Militia Command Structure. Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, (Access: 18.04.2021).
European External Action Service, (2020). EU-China Relations Factsheet, (Access:25.05.2021).
European Parliament (2015). Understanding Hybrid Threats. (Access: 15.04.2021).
Everington, K. (2019). Two Ways China Can Paralyze Taiwan with Cyberattacks, Taiwan News. (Access: 16.05.2021).
Fouquet, H. (2021). China’s 7,500-Mile Undersea Cable to Europe Fuels Internet Feud. Bloomberg Businesweek, (Access: 11.05.2021).
Fravel, T. (2011). China’s Strategy in the South China Sea. Contemporary Southeast Asia (33:3), 292–319.
Gerstal, D. (2018). It's a (Debt) Trap! Managing China-IMF Cooperation Across the Belt and Road. New Perspectives in Foreign Policy 16 (12). (Access: 5.04.2021).
Ghiasy, R. & Krishnamurthy, R. (2020). China's Digital Silk Road: Strategic Implications for the EU and India. Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, (Access: 13.05.2021).
Gong, X. (2020). China’s Economic Statecraft: The Belt and Road in Southeast Asia and the Impact on the Indo-Pacific. Security Challenges, 16 (3), 39-46.
Grossman, D. (2020). A Short History of China's Fishing Militia and What It May Tell Us. RAND, (Access: 19.04.2021).
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Hoffman, F.G. (2009). Hybrid vs. Compound War. The Janus Choice: Defining Today's Multifaceted Conflict. Armed Forces Journal. (Access: 5.04.2021).
Holmes, J. (2018). Visualize Chinese Sea Power. US Naval Institute, (Access: 18.04.2021).
Huang, E. (2017). China’s Cable Strategy: Exploring Global Undersea Dominance. The Strategist, (Access: 12.05.2021).
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Jahangir, S. (2020). The Strategic Importance of the South China Sea. World Geostrategic Insights, (Access: 19.04.2021).
Jamal, U. (2020). Are Southeast Asia's Cyber Defense Vulnerable to Chinese Attacks? ASEAN Today, 19.05.2021).
Jash, A. (2020). China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy: Building a Strong Nation with a Strong Military. Centre for Land Warfare Studies, (Access: 20.04.2021).
Kania, E.B. (2016). The PLA’s Latest Strategic Thinking on the Three Warfares. The China Brief, 16 (12). pp.10-14.
Korkmaz, H. (2020). Hybrid Warfare and Maritime Militia in China. Anadolu Agency. (Access: 7.05.2021).
Kraska, J. & Monti, M. (2015). The Law of Naval Warfare and China’s Maritime Militia, International Law Studies, (91). (Access: 5.05.2021).
Kuok, L. (2019). How China's Actions in the South China Sea Undermine the Rule of Law, Brookings Institute, (Access: 21.05.2021).
Luo, S. & Panter, J.G. (2021). China’s Maritime Militia and Fishing Fleets. Military Review, (Access: 5.05.2021).
Nguyen, H. T. & Thanh, B.T. (2019). Maritime Militias in the South China Sea. The National Bureau of Asian Research, (Access: 5.05.2021).
Pierce, W.G., Douds, D.G., & Marra, M. A. (2015). Countering Gray Zone Wars: Understanding Coercive Gradualism. Parameters, 45 (3).
Renshaw J., Shalal, A. & Martina, M. (2021). Biden Says China won't Surpass U.S. as Global Leader on his Watch. Reuters, (Access: 12.04.2021).
Sevastopulo, D., Dyer, G. & Mitchell, T. (2016). Obama forced Xi to back down over South China Sea Dispute. Financial Times, (Access: 10.04.2021).
Singh, A. (2020). China’s Assertive Behavior in the South China Sea and the Implications for India. The National Bureau of Asia Research, (Access: 16.05.2021).
Starks, G. (2020). Statement of Commissioner Geoffrey Starks. Federal Communications Commission. (Access: 12.05.2021).
The White House, (2011). Remarks by the President Obama to the Australian Parliament. (Access: 6.04.2021).
US Department of Defense, (2018). Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China, (Access: 16.04.2021).
Voo, J., Hemani, I., Jones, S., DeSombre, W., Cassidy, D., Schwarzenbach, A. (2020). National Power Cyber Index. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, (Access: 10.05.2021).
Watts, A. (2011). Vietnam Accuses China of Sabotage. The Sydney Morning Herald, (Access: 15.04.2021).
Wood, R. (2020). Australian Economy would Take 'Economic Hit' in South China Sea War, Nine News, (Access: 20.04.2021).
Çin’in Güney Çin Denizi’nde Uyguladığı Israrcı Güç Projeksiyonuyla Ortaya Çıkan “Yeni Normal”: Denizdeki Hibrid Tehditler
Çin’in Güney Çin Denizi’nde (GÇD) uyguladığı ısrarcı güç projeksiyonu ve ortaya çıkardığı hibrid tehditler bölgenin “yeni normali” haline gelmekte ve gerek bölgesel, gerekse küresel anlamda önemli jeostratejik sonuçlar doğurmaktadır. Halihazırda literatürdeki pekçok çalışma Çin’in Bir Kuşak Bir Yol Projesi’ne odaklanmaktaysa da Çin’in ısrarcı politikalarının bütüncül bir şekilde değerlendirilebilmesi için sözkonusu devletin deniz alanında bildirimsel, ortaya koyucu ve zorlayıcı nitelikte kullandığı hibrid enstrümanların tartışılması gerekmektedir. GÇD’de açık bir askeri çatışmaya girmekten kaçınan Çin’in askeri, siyasi, ekonomik, siber ve bilgi kaynaklı güç enstrümanlarını kullanarak farklı operasyonel alanlar üzerinden rakiplerini etkilemeye, sindirmeye ve zorlamaya çalıştığı görülmektedir. Çin’in büyüyen gücü ve hibrid enstrümanları uygulama iradesine karşılık artan kırılganlıklar ile koordineli karşılık verilmesi eksikliği önümüzdeki dönemde söz konusu gücün daha fazla ısrarcı politikalar uygulamasına ve güç dengesinde bir kayma yaşanmasına zemin hazırlayabilecektir. Diğer taraftan, küresel düzlemde uzun dönemli düşünüldüğünde, Çin’in politika uygulamalarının önüne geçilebilmesi kapsamında sertleşen karşı politikaları görmek sürpriz olmayacaktır. Tüm bu unsurlar ışığında bu çalışma, Çin’in ısrarcı güç projeksiyonunu bütüncül bir şekilde analiz etmek amacıyla hibrid deniz enstrümanlarının içeriğine ve kümülatif etkilerine ışık tutmakta ve güç dengelerinin olası değişimi kapsamında yükselen uluslarası endişeleri tartışmaktadır.
Baezner, M. (2018). Use of Cybertools in Regional Tensions in Southeast Asia. Centre for Security Studies, (Access: 7.05.2021).
Barrett, J. (2021). Pacific Island Turns Australia Undersea Cable After Spurning China. Reuters. (Access: 13.05.2021).
BBC News, (2011). Vietnam Accuses China in Seas Dispute. (Access: 13.04.2021).
Bhatia, K. (2018). Coercive Gradualism Through Gray Zone Statecraft in the South China Seas, Joint Force Quarterly. (Access: 5.05.2021).
Bjällstrand, T. (2014). China: Friend or Foe: Understanding the US Pacific Pivot towards China’s Confusing Confucianism (Bachelor Thesis, Stockholm University). (Access: 6.04.2021).
Burgess, S. (2020). Confronting China's Maritime Expansion in the South China Sea: A Collective Action Problem. The Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, 18.05.2021).
Casarini, N. (2017). A Sea at the Heart of Chinese National Interest. The Graduate Institute Geneva, (Access: 6.04.2021).
Chang, F. (2021). ASEAN’s Search for a Third Way: Southeast Asia’s Relations with China and the United States. Foreign Policy Research Institute, (Access: 18.05.2021).
Chorn, A., & Sato, M.M. (2019). Maritime Gray Zone Tactics: the Argument for Reviewing the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. Center for Strategic and International Studies, (Access: 16.04.2021).
Chubb, A. (2021). PRC Assertiveness in the South China Sea: Measuring Continuity and Change, 1970–2015. International Security, 45 (3), 79-121.
Council on Foreign Relations, (n.d.). China's Maritime Disputes.!/chinas-maritime-disputes?cid=otr-marketing_use-china_sea_InfoGuide (Access: 15.04.2021).
Dahiya, N. (2021). What Trump's Declassified Asia Strategy May Mean For U.S.-China Relations Under Biden, NPR, (Access: 12.04.2021).
Das, S.B. (2017). Southeast Asia Worries over Growing Economic Dependence on China, Perspective, (81) (Access: 20.05.2021).
Erickson, A. (2017). Hainan’s Maritime Militia: China Builds a Standing Vanguard. Centre for International Maritime Security, (Access: 21.04.2021).
Erickson, A. & Kennedy, C. (2016). China's Maritime Militia. CNA Corporation, (Access: 17.04.2021).
Erickson, A. & Kennedy, C. (2015). Directing China's "Little Blue Men": Uncovering the Maritime Militia Command Structure. Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, (Access: 18.04.2021).
European External Action Service, (2020). EU-China Relations Factsheet, (Access:25.05.2021).
European Parliament (2015). Understanding Hybrid Threats. (Access: 15.04.2021).
Everington, K. (2019). Two Ways China Can Paralyze Taiwan with Cyberattacks, Taiwan News. (Access: 16.05.2021).
Fouquet, H. (2021). China’s 7,500-Mile Undersea Cable to Europe Fuels Internet Feud. Bloomberg Businesweek, (Access: 11.05.2021).
Fravel, T. (2011). China’s Strategy in the South China Sea. Contemporary Southeast Asia (33:3), 292–319.
Gerstal, D. (2018). It's a (Debt) Trap! Managing China-IMF Cooperation Across the Belt and Road. New Perspectives in Foreign Policy 16 (12). (Access: 5.04.2021).
Ghiasy, R. & Krishnamurthy, R. (2020). China's Digital Silk Road: Strategic Implications for the EU and India. Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, (Access: 13.05.2021).
Gong, X. (2020). China’s Economic Statecraft: The Belt and Road in Southeast Asia and the Impact on the Indo-Pacific. Security Challenges, 16 (3), 39-46.
Grossman, D. (2020). A Short History of China's Fishing Militia and What It May Tell Us. RAND, (Access: 19.04.2021).
Hlavek, A. (2020). China Cyber Attacks: the Current Threat Landscape. (Access: 10.05.2021).
Hoffman, F.G. (2009). Hybrid vs. Compound War. The Janus Choice: Defining Today's Multifaceted Conflict. Armed Forces Journal. (Access: 5.04.2021).
Holmes, J. (2018). Visualize Chinese Sea Power. US Naval Institute, (Access: 18.04.2021).
Huang, E. (2017). China’s Cable Strategy: Exploring Global Undersea Dominance. The Strategist, (Access: 12.05.2021).
Information Office of the State Council, (2000). White Paper “China’s National Defense in 2000”, (Access: 20.04.2021).
Jahangir, S. (2020). The Strategic Importance of the South China Sea. World Geostrategic Insights, (Access: 19.04.2021).
Jamal, U. (2020). Are Southeast Asia's Cyber Defense Vulnerable to Chinese Attacks? ASEAN Today, 19.05.2021).
Jash, A. (2020). China’s Military-Civil Fusion Strategy: Building a Strong Nation with a Strong Military. Centre for Land Warfare Studies, (Access: 20.04.2021).
Kania, E.B. (2016). The PLA’s Latest Strategic Thinking on the Three Warfares. The China Brief, 16 (12). pp.10-14.
Korkmaz, H. (2020). Hybrid Warfare and Maritime Militia in China. Anadolu Agency. (Access: 7.05.2021).
Kraska, J. & Monti, M. (2015). The Law of Naval Warfare and China’s Maritime Militia, International Law Studies, (91). (Access: 5.05.2021).
Kuok, L. (2019). How China's Actions in the South China Sea Undermine the Rule of Law, Brookings Institute, (Access: 21.05.2021).
Luo, S. & Panter, J.G. (2021). China’s Maritime Militia and Fishing Fleets. Military Review, (Access: 5.05.2021).
Nguyen, H. T. & Thanh, B.T. (2019). Maritime Militias in the South China Sea. The National Bureau of Asian Research, (Access: 5.05.2021).
Pierce, W.G., Douds, D.G., & Marra, M. A. (2015). Countering Gray Zone Wars: Understanding Coercive Gradualism. Parameters, 45 (3).
Renshaw J., Shalal, A. & Martina, M. (2021). Biden Says China won't Surpass U.S. as Global Leader on his Watch. Reuters, (Access: 12.04.2021).
Sevastopulo, D., Dyer, G. & Mitchell, T. (2016). Obama forced Xi to back down over South China Sea Dispute. Financial Times, (Access: 10.04.2021).
Singh, A. (2020). China’s Assertive Behavior in the South China Sea and the Implications for India. The National Bureau of Asia Research, (Access: 16.05.2021).
Starks, G. (2020). Statement of Commissioner Geoffrey Starks. Federal Communications Commission. (Access: 12.05.2021).
The White House, (2011). Remarks by the President Obama to the Australian Parliament. (Access: 6.04.2021).
US Department of Defense, (2018). Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China, (Access: 16.04.2021).
Voo, J., Hemani, I., Jones, S., DeSombre, W., Cassidy, D., Schwarzenbach, A. (2020). National Power Cyber Index. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, (Access: 10.05.2021).
Watts, A. (2011). Vietnam Accuses China of Sabotage. The Sydney Morning Herald, (Access: 15.04.2021).
Wood, R. (2020). Australian Economy would Take 'Economic Hit' in South China Sea War, Nine News, (Access: 20.04.2021).
Kalkan Küçüksolak, Ö. (2021). The “New Normal” in China’s Assertive Power Projection in the South China Sea: Maritime Hybrid Threats. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 30(2), 261-276.