To reveal the historical dimension of the prophet image as a result of the perception of Hz. Muhammed (PBUH) in France and in the works written by French orientalists, due to the fact that orientalism was formed or, more accurately, contributed to its formation, and to reveal the source of today's prejudices and accusations. Since France is an important cultural and intellectual center of the Western world, and the approaches put forward here are somewhat influential in other parts of the West, Maurice Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Régis Blachère, and Maxime Rodinson’s works on Hz. Muhammed (PBUH) and their efforts to build these works on ethical and academic foundations. To this end, this book, which is the revised, edited, and improved version of the doctoral thesis titled "The Image of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Sîrah Literature of French Orientalists: The Case of Maurice Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Régis Blachère and Maxime Rodinson" prepared by Dr. İsmail Metin under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Seyfettin Erşahin, the views and thoughts of some of the main figures of French orientalism, which are Demombynes, Régis Blachère, and Maxime Rodinson, about Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) are discussed comparatively, and their approaches to events are tried to be determined. It deals with the views and thoughts about the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) mutually and tries to determine their approach to events. In this direction, the book in question has been reviewed in terms of the place it has in the literature and the gap it fills.