Writing Rules

Articles to be published in SJISSR must not have been published anywhere else before, must comply with academic standards and must be original. Papers presented at scientific meetings that have not been previously published elsewhere can be converted into article format and published in SJISSR. However, an author cannot have more than one article in the same issue. The responsibility for the ideas, opinions, conclusions and recommendations contained in the articles belongs to the authors of the relevant article.


National and international research and publication ethics rules must be followed when submitting manuscripts to SJISSR Journal.
The manuscripts should not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
The length of the manuscripts should be between 5,000-8,500 words in journal format, including tables and figures, but excluding references. In exceptional cases, it is recommended to contact the journal editor.
Upon acceptance for publication, SJISSR Journal will obtain all publication rights.
It is important to note that author names should not be included in the manuscripts uploaded to the system.
After the initial evaluation by the editorial board, the manuscripts submitted to the journal will be sent to two referees. The decision to publish the manuscript will be based on the reports of the referees. If necessary, the author will be asked to correct the manuscript according to the reports. The manuscript may be rejected or sent to a third referee. The author will be notified of the decision as soon as possible.
The SJISSR Journal is published in Turkish and English. For manuscripts written in Turkish, a separate page should be dedicated to the Turkish and English abstracts, each consisting of no more than 200 words. Additionally, the title of the manuscript should be provided in both Turkish and English, along with at least three keywords in each language.
When writing in English, it is important to proofread both the article and the abstract.
Plagiarism reports for all articles submitted to the journal must be uploaded to the journal system along with the article. Only studies with a maximum similarity rate of 20% in the reports will be accepted for referee evaluation.

The Rules of Form

The manuscript should be written in Word format with 1.5 line spacing and 11-point Times New Roman font size in the main sections. There should be no spaces between paragraphs and no indentation.
The abstract and introduction sections should be in 10-point Times New Roman font size.
References should be written in 11-point Times New Roman font size with single line spacing.
Tables and figures should be centered, and the text in the table should be written in 9-point Times New Roman font size. Tables and figures should be centered, and the text in the table should be written in 9-point Times New Roman font size. Table titles should be written above the table and figure titles should be written below the figure. References should be written under the tables and figures. Table titles should be in bold format, written in Times New Roman and 11-point font, and the title should be continued by placing a period after the number (Table 1.). The title should also be written in Times New Roman, with the first letters of the words capitalized and in non-bold format.
The article title should be centered on the page, written in Times New Roman font, size 11, and in bold capital letters.
All section headings, including the introduction and conclusion, should be written in bold font with only the first letter of each word capitalized. Section headings should be numbered as 1, 1.1, 1.1.1,, and Titles other than these should be italicized.
When separating decimal fractions, follow the rules of the language in which the article is written. For example, use ',05' for Turkish and '.05' for English. Numbers should be written as 9.900 (nine thousand nine hundred) for Turkish and 9,900 (nine thousand nine hundred) for English. Equations should be centered in the text with sequence numbers in parentheses on the right side of the page.

Organizing Studies

The manuscripts should include the following headings;
• Abstract
• Introduction,
• Conceptual/Theoretical Framework,
• Method,
• Results and Discussion.
• Conclusion and Recommendations
• References

References and Bibliography

• References and bibliography will follow the APA 7 (American Psychological Association) guidelines (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/journal-article-references ).

• References cited in the text will be parenthesized and the bibliography will be prepared in accordance with this citation system.

Submission Preparation Checklist 
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The article has been edited in accordance with the journal writing rules. (For printing, send high-quality copies of the images as additional files. If the size of the sent file is too large, the system may not receive it. In such cases, you can divide the text and send the other parts one by one as additional files.)
1-Author information and conflict of interest declaration file https://journals.academicianstudies.com/sjissr/libraryFiles/downloadPublic/28
2-Manuscript file,
3- Similarity file
4- Ethics Declaration file
5- Ethics Committee Approval file (if available) has been uploaded.
The submitted article has not been published before and has not been submitted to any journal for evaluation (detailed explanation is given in the Author Guide).
The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word document file format.

Last Update Time: 6/1/24, 11:48:18 PM