Publication Ethics Statement

Scientific Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (Techno-Science) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Bucak Faculty of Computer and Informatics every six months. The journal publishes original research and review articles in the fields of engineering, technology, architecture, planning, and design. In order to enhance the overall scientific quality of the journal, the publisher has established the following guidelines:

Publication Policy
All submitted articles to Scientific Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University are evaluated in accordance with the General Guidelines specified in the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers, as well as the Behavioral Rules and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers. We strongly recommend that authors read the Journal's Writing Guidelines before submitting their scientific papers. Authors should also adhere to the "Guide for Authors and Translators of Scientific Papers" published by the European Association of Science Editors (EASE) for articles to be published in English. Authors conducting research involving human or animal data should follow the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

Evaluation of Articles
All articles submitted to the journal are evaluated based on the originality and quality of their scientific content.

• All articles submitted to the journal undergo an initial screening process (in terms of technical and general quality assessment) at the editorial office, followed by evaluation by technical and scientific editors.
• After the initial review, editors have the right to reject articles on the grounds of (i) articles prepared on a topic outside the scope of the journal, (ii) technically deficient/inadequate articles, (iii) articles containing partial and marginal incremental results, or (iv) poorly written articles.
• If the article is deemed suitable for further evaluation after the initial review, it undergoes a scientific review process by at least two independent reviewers using a double-blind (where reviewers and authors do not see each other) evaluation system to select high-quality articles for publication in the journal.
• If requested by the reviewers, the revised version of the article, based on the reviewers' feedback, is re-evaluated by the original reviewers. Following the evaluations, editors make final decisions about the articles based on the recommendations of the reviewers. If necessary, editors may request additional revisions from the authors to meet all the conditions requested by the reviewers.
• The final version of accepted articles is sent to technical editors for preparation of galley proofs. Authors are asked to review the galley proofs for final checks before publication.
• All articles are published online in PDF format in their final forms and indexed accordingly in relevant databases.


The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.

An author is an individual who has significantly contributed to the conception or design of a research, the acquisition of data, the analysis or interpretation of data, or the critical intellectual content of the article. Contributors other than authors should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgments section of the article and should not be considered as authors of the study. The correct and complete names of all authors along with their ORCID identifiers must be provided on the title page of the submitted article. The names of authors should be accompanied by the names of their affiliations, and the corresponding author's valid address for correspondence should be provided. The corresponding author's phone and fax numbers, as well as email address, should be included on the first page of the article. All authors must guarantee that the submitted article has not been previously published anywhere and will not be submitted to another journal until a final decision is made by Scientific Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University.

Supporting/Funding Organizations
Details of all financial sources for the research should be provided in the Acknowledgments section. Authors should specify the full names of the official funding institution(s) and project/grant numbers.

Changes in Authorship
Changes in authorship after the submission of the article to Scientific Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University may only occur if additional work is required during the revision process. No changes will be allowed after the article is accepted for publication. Any changes in authorship should be indicated in the correspondence during the response to the reviewers' comments and must be accepted by all authors. The corresponding author is responsible for communicating changes, including the order of authors, in the revised version of the article.

Correction of Data in the Study
All authors are responsible for the accuracy of the published data. For corrections to the data, the corresponding author is asked to carefully review the galley proofs and make corrections before the article is published four days before publication.

Retraction of the Article
The retraction of an article is used to correct submission or publication errors. Authors may retract an article, and in such cases, they must comply with the Retraction Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). If a publication involves repeated or high similarity, fraudulent use of data, plagiarism, or unethical research, the article will be retracted by the editor, and a retraction notice will be added to the electronic database (article page) with preserved article links.

Ethical Issues
Conflict of Interest:

• Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest at the time of submission. Authors are asked to propose at least three potential reviewers for scientific evaluation during submission. The suggested reviewers cannot be colleagues, collaborators, or members of the same institution as the authors.
• If there are any conflicts of interest preventing reviewers from evaluating the article, they are encouraged to inform the Editors and adhere to COPE guidelines.
• For articles submitted to the journal by Editorial Board members or individuals collaborating with Board members, the evaluation process is modified to exclude the relevant Board members to minimize bias during the review process.
• During revisions, editors follow the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.

Studies Involving Human Subjects, Animals, or Plants
• If the research involves human subjects or animals, authors are recommended to follow the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
• In studies involving human subjects, consent forms signed by the subjects to participate in the study should be provided by the authors. Subjects under the age of 18 may participate in the study only with permission from their parents or legal guardians.
• Documents demonstrating compliance with relevant rules and/or appropriate permissions or licenses for all subjects tested must be provided.
• Any research involving animals must comply with institutional, national, or international rules and must be approved by an ethics committee.
• Experimental research on plants, including the collection of plant materials, must comply with institutional, national, or international rules.
• Field studies must be conducted in accordance with local regulations, and a statement indicating the appropriate permissions and/or licenses must be included in the article.

Publication Misconduct
• Scientific Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers.
• In case of suspected misconduct, such as simultaneous submission of the article to multiple journals, plagiarism, republication of a published article, violation of ethical rules, etc., researchers, reviewers, or readers are encouraged to contact the Publication Office.
• The similarity rate in the article is limited to a maximum of 25% with no more than 10% from a single source. Articles that do not meet these conditions will be rejected. In case of violation of these conditions, COPE recommendations will be followed, and all relevant parties will be notified.

Scientific Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University applies the "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 CC BY-NC" license to all published articles, allowing their use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and used for non-commercial purposes only. Before publication, the Copyright Transfer Form must be signed by the corresponding author responsible for correspondence and sent to the journal's publication office. The copyright of published articles belongs to Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Bucak Faculty of Computer and Informatics . Authors have the right to freely use the articles they publish for non-commercial purposes, provided that the integrity is preserved and the authors, citation details, and publishers are clearly indicated. Individual users may access, download, copy, display, and adapt articles published inScientific Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University for non-commercial research and educational purposes, provided that proper attribution is made and a link to the relevant article (authors, journal title, manuscript name, volume, year and page numbers, and published link) is provided. Copyright notices and disclaimers must not be deleted.

Last Update Time: 2/28/24, 4:25:00 PM