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Medium-term results of PTFE suture artificial chordae in mitral valve prolapse

Year 2014, , 66 - 69, 01.06.2014


Objective: Mid-term results of mitral valve repair with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) suture neochordae and ring annuloplasty on patients with Carpentier functional class II mitral valve prolapse caused by rupture or elongation of chordae were investigated.Methods: 33 patients underwent repair of mitral regurgitation (MR) due to mitral leaflet prolapse between 2009 and 2012, were evaluated. Cross-sectional study was performed in two stages. All of the patients included in the study had Carpentier type II MY caused by excessive leaflet motion (elongation or rupture of chordae). At medium term follow-up, the ratio of riddance from recurrent mitral insufficiency, survival and reoperation were evaluated.Results: There was no hospital mortality. Medium-term (15.3 ± 8.1 months) survival was 97% (32/33 patients). At follow-up, while 6 (18.8%) patients had trivial (+1) MR, 2 (6.1%) patients had mild (+2) MR, 2 (6.1%) patients had moderate (+3) MR and no patients had severe (+4 ) MR. Freedom from ≥+2 recurrent MR was 87.9% (29/33 patients). The application rate of reoperation was 6.1% (2/33 patients). Two patients underwent reoperative mitral valve replacement because of the development of mitral repair failure in 1 patient and moderate (+3) MR in 1 patient within 2 month.Conclusion: Repair of mitral leaflet with PTFE suture neochordae in mitral valve prolapse due to pathologies of chordae rupture or elongation may be preferred as an alternative with satisfactory mid-term results.


  • Kobayashi J, Sasako Y, Bando K, Minatoya K, Niwaya K, Kitamura S. Ten-year experience of chordal replacement with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene in mitral valve repair. Circulation 2000;102:30
  • David TE, Ivanov J, Armstrong S, Christie D, Rakowski H. A comparison of outcomes of mitral valve repair for degenerative disease with posterior, anterior, and bileaflet prolapse. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005;130:1242- 9.
  • Chiappini B, Sanchez A, Noirhomme P, Verhelst R, Rubay J, Poncelet A, et al. Replacement of chordae tendineae with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) sutures in mitral valve repair: early and long-term results. J Heart Valve Dis 2006;15:657-63.
  • Carpentier A (1983) Cardiac valve surgery: the “French correction.” J Th orac Cardiovasc Surg 86:323-37
  • Ibrahim M, Rao C, Athanasiou T. Artificial chordae for degenerative mitral valve disease: critical analysis of current techniques. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2012;15:1019-32.
  • Estévez-Cid F, Bouzas-Mosquera A, Mosquera-Rodríguez VX, Cuenca- Castillo JJ, Portela-Torrón F, Alvarez-García N. Mitral valve repair using polytetrafluoroethylene neochordae: short-term outcomes. Rev Esp Cardiol 2009;62:91-5.
  • Grigioni F, Enriquez-Sarano M, Zehr KJ, Bailey KR, Tajik AJ. Ischemic mitral regurgitation: long-term outcome and prognostic implications with quantitative Doppler assessment. Circulation 2001;103:1759-64.
  • Gillinov AM, Tantiwongkosri K, Blackstone EH et al. Is prosthetic annuloplasty necessary for durable mitral valve repair? Ann Th orac Surg 2009;88:76-82.
  • Gillinov AM, Cosgrove DM. Modifi ed quadrangular resection for mitral valve repair. Ann Th orac Surg 2001;72:2153-4.

Mitral kapak prolapsusunda PTFE sütür ile yapay korda orta dönem sonuçları

Year 2014, , 66 - 69, 01.06.2014


Amaç: Korda rüptürü ya da elongasyonundan kaynaklanan Carpentier fonksiyonel sınıf II mitral kapak prolapsusu nedeni ile politetrafloroetilen (PTFE) sütür ile neokorda ve ring anüloplastiyle mitral onarım uygulanan hastaların orta dönem sonuçları araştırıldı.Yöntemler: 2009-2012 yılları arasında mitral leaflet prolapsusuna bağlı mitral yetmezliği (MY) tanısıyla onarım uygulanan 33 hasta değerlendirildi. Çalışma çapraz kesitli iki aşamalı olarak uygulandı. Çalışmaya dahil edilen hastaların hepsinde, aşırı leaflet hareketinin (korda rüptürü, korda elengasyonu) sebeb olduğu Carpentier tip II MY vardı. Hastaların orta dönem rekürrent mitral yetmezliğinden kurtulma, sağkalım ve yeniden cerrahi müdahale gereksinim oranları değerlendirildi.Bulgular: Hastane mortalitesi görülmedi. Orta dönem takipte (15.3±8.1 ay) sağ kalım %97 (32/33 hasta) idi. Takipte hastaların 6 (%18.8)'sında önemsiz (+1) MY, 2 (%6.1)'sinde hafif (+2) MY, 2 (%6.1)'sinde orta (+3) MY görülürken, şiddetli (+4) MY gelişen hastamız olmadı. Rekürrent ≥+2 MY'den kurtulma oranı %87.9 (29/33 hasta) idi. Hastalarımızdan 1'ine mitral tamir yetersizliği ve 1'sine 2. ayda orta (+3) MY gelişmesi sebebi ile reoperasyon uygulandı. Reoperasyon uygulanma oranı %6.1 (2/33 hasta) idi.Sonuç: Korda rüptür ya da elengasyon patolojisinden kaynaklanan kapak prolapsusunda PTFE sütür ile neokorda oluşturularak mitral onarım tatmin edici orta dönem sonuçları ile alternatif bir seçenek olarak tercih edilebilir.


  • Kobayashi J, Sasako Y, Bando K, Minatoya K, Niwaya K, Kitamura S. Ten-year experience of chordal replacement with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene in mitral valve repair. Circulation 2000;102:30
  • David TE, Ivanov J, Armstrong S, Christie D, Rakowski H. A comparison of outcomes of mitral valve repair for degenerative disease with posterior, anterior, and bileaflet prolapse. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005;130:1242- 9.
  • Chiappini B, Sanchez A, Noirhomme P, Verhelst R, Rubay J, Poncelet A, et al. Replacement of chordae tendineae with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) sutures in mitral valve repair: early and long-term results. J Heart Valve Dis 2006;15:657-63.
  • Carpentier A (1983) Cardiac valve surgery: the “French correction.” J Th orac Cardiovasc Surg 86:323-37
  • Ibrahim M, Rao C, Athanasiou T. Artificial chordae for degenerative mitral valve disease: critical analysis of current techniques. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 2012;15:1019-32.
  • Estévez-Cid F, Bouzas-Mosquera A, Mosquera-Rodríguez VX, Cuenca- Castillo JJ, Portela-Torrón F, Alvarez-García N. Mitral valve repair using polytetrafluoroethylene neochordae: short-term outcomes. Rev Esp Cardiol 2009;62:91-5.
  • Grigioni F, Enriquez-Sarano M, Zehr KJ, Bailey KR, Tajik AJ. Ischemic mitral regurgitation: long-term outcome and prognostic implications with quantitative Doppler assessment. Circulation 2001;103:1759-64.
  • Gillinov AM, Tantiwongkosri K, Blackstone EH et al. Is prosthetic annuloplasty necessary for durable mitral valve repair? Ann Th orac Surg 2009;88:76-82.
  • Gillinov AM, Cosgrove DM. Modifi ed quadrangular resection for mitral valve repair. Ann Th orac Surg 2001;72:2153-4.
There are 9 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İbrahim Kara This is me

Alper Erkin This is me

Yasin Ay This is me

Salih Salihi This is me

Cengiz Köksal This is me

Kaan Kırali This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014


AMA Kara İ, Erkin A, Ay Y, Salihi S, Köksal C, Kırali K. Mitral kapak prolapsusunda PTFE sütür ile yapay korda orta dönem sonuçları. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. June 2014;4(2):66-69. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2014.59454


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