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Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome that is not accompanied by epilepsy: A case report

Year 2013, , 91 - 94, 01.06.2013


Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome (DMMS), is a clinical entity with features of cerebral hemiatrophy, contralateral hemiparesia and epilepsy. The other findings of the disease are facial asymmetry, mental retardation, sensorineural hearing loss and psychiatric disorders. In radiological evaluation, the disease is marked by an atrophy in unilateral cerebral hemisphere, an expansion in sulcus and ventriculles in the same side, a thickening of the skull, an excessive extension in paranasal sinuses and an increase in airing. The patient, who had a febrile convulsion when seven months old and has never undergone a seizure since, applied to our clinic only with a complaint of dizziness. It is established in the electroencephalogram (EEG) that the female patient, 17 age, has a diffuse slow down in her left hemisphere. The patient, who is diagnosed to have DDMS in the light of clinical and radilogical findings, is presented here as it is a rare case and to emphasize that epilepsy may not necessarily accompany DDMS.


  • Dyke CG, Davidoff LM, Masson CB. Cerebral hemiatrophy with homolateral hypertrophy of the skull and sinuses. SurgGynObstet 1933; 57:588-600.
  • Şener RN, Jinkins JR. MR of craniocerebral hemiatrophy. Clin Imaging 1992; 16:93-97.
  • Aguiar PH, Liu CW,Leitao H, Issa F et al. MR and CT imaging in the Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sydrome.Report of the cases and contribution to patognesis and differential diagnosis. ArqNeurosiquiatr 1998; 56:803-807.
  • Afifi AK, Godersky JC, Menezes A. Cerebral hemiatrophy, hypoplasia of internal carotid artery and intracranial aneurysm. ArchNeurol 1987;44:232-35
  • Yerdelen D, Koc F, Koc Z. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome Neurosurg Q 2009 19:59–61
  • Stred SE, Byrum CJ, BoveEL, Oliphant M. Coartation of the midaortic arch presenting with monoparesis. AnnThoracSurg 1986; 42:210-212.
  • Garg RK, Karak B. Cerebral hemiatrophy: a possible etiological relation with febrile seizures. Indian Pediatr 1998;35:79-81.
  • Narayan AP, Piyaush B, Vilas, Amit D. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Sydrome. IndianJournal of Pediatrics 2004;71:943.
  • Ünal O, Tombul T, Anlar O, İncesu L, Kayan M. Left hemisphere and male sex dominance of cerebral hemiatrophy (Dyke-Davidoff- Masson Syndrome). ClinImaging 2004; 28:163-5.
  • Zilkha A. CT of cerebral hemiatrophy. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1980;35:259–262.
  • Ono K, Komai K, Ikeda T. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome manifested by seizure in late childhood: a case report. J ClinNeurosci. 2003;10:367-71.
  • Sarikaya B, Sarikaya S, Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome revisited: A didactic case with interesting imaging findings. Australasian Radiology. 2007;51, B10–B13
  • Liu PK, Grossman RG, Hsu CY, Robertson CS. Ischemic injury and faulty gene transcripts in the brain. Trends Neurosci 2001; 24:581–588.
  • Schinder AF, Poo M. The neurotrophin hypothesis for synaptic plasticity.Trends Neurosci 2000; 23: 639–645.

Epilepsinin eşlik etmediği Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Sendromu: Bir olgu sunumu

Year 2013, , 91 - 94, 01.06.2013


Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Sendromu (DDMS) serebral hemiatrofi, kontralateral hemiparezi ve epilepsi ile karakterize klinik bir antitedir. Hastalığın diğer bulguları fasial asimetri, mental retardasyon, sensorinöral işitme kaybı, psikiyatrik bozukluklardır. Radyolojik incelemelerde ise ünilateral serebral hemisferlerde atrofi, aynı tarafta sulkus ve ventriküllerde genişleme, kafatası kalınlaşması, paranazal sinüslerde aşırı genişleme ve havalanma artışının olması ile karakterize bir tablodur. 7 aylıkken febril konvülsiyon geçiren ve daha sonra hiç nöbeti olmayan hasta polikliniğimize sadece baş dönmesi şikayeti ile müracaat etti. 17 yaşındaki kız olgunun elektroensefalogram (EEG)'ında sağ hemisferde diffüz yavaşlama tespit edildi. Klinik ve görüntüleme bulgularının eşliğinde DDMS tanısı konulan hasta ender görülen bir tablo olması ve epilepsinin eşlik etmeyebileceği vurgulanmak amacıyla sunulmuştur.


  • Dyke CG, Davidoff LM, Masson CB. Cerebral hemiatrophy with homolateral hypertrophy of the skull and sinuses. SurgGynObstet 1933; 57:588-600.
  • Şener RN, Jinkins JR. MR of craniocerebral hemiatrophy. Clin Imaging 1992; 16:93-97.
  • Aguiar PH, Liu CW,Leitao H, Issa F et al. MR and CT imaging in the Dyke-Davidoff-Masson sydrome.Report of the cases and contribution to patognesis and differential diagnosis. ArqNeurosiquiatr 1998; 56:803-807.
  • Afifi AK, Godersky JC, Menezes A. Cerebral hemiatrophy, hypoplasia of internal carotid artery and intracranial aneurysm. ArchNeurol 1987;44:232-35
  • Yerdelen D, Koc F, Koc Z. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Syndrome Neurosurg Q 2009 19:59–61
  • Stred SE, Byrum CJ, BoveEL, Oliphant M. Coartation of the midaortic arch presenting with monoparesis. AnnThoracSurg 1986; 42:210-212.
  • Garg RK, Karak B. Cerebral hemiatrophy: a possible etiological relation with febrile seizures. Indian Pediatr 1998;35:79-81.
  • Narayan AP, Piyaush B, Vilas, Amit D. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Sydrome. IndianJournal of Pediatrics 2004;71:943.
  • Ünal O, Tombul T, Anlar O, İncesu L, Kayan M. Left hemisphere and male sex dominance of cerebral hemiatrophy (Dyke-Davidoff- Masson Syndrome). ClinImaging 2004; 28:163-5.
  • Zilkha A. CT of cerebral hemiatrophy. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1980;35:259–262.
  • Ono K, Komai K, Ikeda T. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome manifested by seizure in late childhood: a case report. J ClinNeurosci. 2003;10:367-71.
  • Sarikaya B, Sarikaya S, Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome revisited: A didactic case with interesting imaging findings. Australasian Radiology. 2007;51, B10–B13
  • Liu PK, Grossman RG, Hsu CY, Robertson CS. Ischemic injury and faulty gene transcripts in the brain. Trends Neurosci 2001; 24:581–588.
  • Schinder AF, Poo M. The neurotrophin hypothesis for synaptic plasticity.Trends Neurosci 2000; 23: 639–645.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yeşim Güzey Aras This is me

Davut Ceylan This is me

Dilcan Kotan This is me

Can Yaldız This is me

Ayhan Bölük This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013


AMA Aras YG, Ceylan D, Kotan D, Yaldız C, Bölük A. Epilepsinin eşlik etmediği Dyke-Davidoff-Masson Sendromu: Bir olgu sunumu. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. June 2013;3(2):91-94. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2013.05706


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