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Isolated Hemihypertrophy (Hemihyperplasia): A case report and review of the literature

Year 2013, , 214 - 217, 01.12.2013


Hemihypertrophy (Hemihyperplasia) is characterized by asymmetric overgrowth of cranium, face, trunk, limbs and digits. It may be an isolated form or it may occur in several syndromes. In both syndromic and isolated hemihypertrophy there are an increased risk of embryonal tumors, most commonly Wilms tumor, although other abdominal tumors such as hepatoblastoma and adrenal cell carcinoma also ocur. Consequently, along with the literature, we present a case of patient with Isolated Hemihypertrophy.


  • Bliek J, Maas S, Alders M, Merks JHM, Mannens M. Epigenotype, phenotype, and tumors in patients with isolated hemihyperplasia. J Pediatr 2008;153:95–100.
  • Balamtekin N, Öztürk A. Presentation Of A Child With Isolated Hemihypertrophy And Rewiev Of The Literature. Erciyes Medical Journal 2006;28:44-46.
  • Dempsey-Robertson M, Wilkes D, Stall A, Bush P. Incidence of abdominal tumors in syndromic and idiopathic hemihypertrophy/ isolated hemihyperplasia. J Pediatr Orthop 2012;32:322-326.
  • Hoyme HE, Seaver LH, Jones KL, Procopio F, Crooks W, Feingold M. Isolated Hemihyperplasia (Hemihypertrophy): Report of a Prospective Multicenter Study of the Incidence of Neoplasia and Review. Am J Med Genet 1998;79:274-278.
  • Zarate YA, Mena R, Martin LJ, Steele P, Tinkle BT, Hopkin RJ. Experience with hemihyperplasia and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome surveillance protocol. Am J Med Genet A 2009;149:1691-1697.
  • Tan TY, Amor DJ. Tumour surveillance in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and hemihyperplasia: A critical review of the evidence and suggested guidelines for local practice. J Paediatr Child Health 2006;42:486–490.

İzole Hemihipertrofi (Hemihiperplazi): Bir olgu sunumu ve literatür derlemesi

Year 2013, , 214 - 217, 01.12.2013


Hemihipertrofi (hemihiperplazi) kranium, yüz, gövde, ekstremite ve parmakların asimetrik büyümesi ile karakterizedir. İzole olabileceği gibi bazı sendromlarda görülebilmektedir. Hem sendromik hem de izole hemihipertrofide Willms tümörü, hepatoblastom ve adrenal hücre karsinomu gibi embroyonel ve abdominal tümörlerin görülme sıklığı artmıştır. Bizde bu açıdan izole hemihipertrofili olguyu literatür eşliğinde sunuyoruz.


  • Bliek J, Maas S, Alders M, Merks JHM, Mannens M. Epigenotype, phenotype, and tumors in patients with isolated hemihyperplasia. J Pediatr 2008;153:95–100.
  • Balamtekin N, Öztürk A. Presentation Of A Child With Isolated Hemihypertrophy And Rewiev Of The Literature. Erciyes Medical Journal 2006;28:44-46.
  • Dempsey-Robertson M, Wilkes D, Stall A, Bush P. Incidence of abdominal tumors in syndromic and idiopathic hemihypertrophy/ isolated hemihyperplasia. J Pediatr Orthop 2012;32:322-326.
  • Hoyme HE, Seaver LH, Jones KL, Procopio F, Crooks W, Feingold M. Isolated Hemihyperplasia (Hemihypertrophy): Report of a Prospective Multicenter Study of the Incidence of Neoplasia and Review. Am J Med Genet 1998;79:274-278.
  • Zarate YA, Mena R, Martin LJ, Steele P, Tinkle BT, Hopkin RJ. Experience with hemihyperplasia and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome surveillance protocol. Am J Med Genet A 2009;149:1691-1697.
  • Tan TY, Amor DJ. Tumour surveillance in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome and hemihyperplasia: A critical review of the evidence and suggested guidelines for local practice. J Paediatr Child Health 2006;42:486–490.
There are 6 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Levent Yazmalar This is me

Mustafa Akif Sarıyıldız This is me

İbrahim Batmaz This is me

Hüsamettin Çavaş This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2013


AMA Yazmalar L, Sarıyıldız MA, Batmaz İ, Çavaş H. İzole Hemihipertrofi (Hemihiperplazi): Bir olgu sunumu ve literatür derlemesi. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. December 2013;3(4):214-217. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2013.42714


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