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Breast Feeding In Multiple Babies

Year 2012, , 115 - 121, 01.09.2012


Mother's milk is the most appropriate food for infants. There is no other food to replace it. It has always been wondered how to breasfed multiple babies. A lot of questions come to mind such as what would be the best method for babies, the things that can be done for sufficient milk for each baby, the requirements for a comfortable breastfeeding period of mother.Milk production is associated with the law of supply and demand and the amount of produced milk was found to be enough to feed all babies in previous studies. The families, especially mothers having multiple babies need support and information by the professional medical personnel on issues such as breastfeeding technique, increasing the milk supply and collection method of milk, duration and frequency of feeding and weaning.In this article, we focused on what can be done to obtain the maximum benefit from the mother's milk of multiple babies and the role of nurses in this regard. Key Words: Multiple babies, breastfeeding, breastfeeding technique, nursing support in breastfeeding


  • Çınar ND, Sözeri CU., Altınkaynak S. Başarılı nesiller için anne sütü. Sağlıcakla Aylık Sağlık Dergisi, 2009; 12: 20-21.
  • World Health Organization (WHO).Global Strategy for İnfant and Young Child Feeding, Geneva, 2003.
  • Atıcı A, Polat S, Turhan AH. Anne sütü ile beslenme. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatric Science, 2007; 3(6): 1-5.
  • Samur G. Anne sütü. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın No: 726, Ankara: Klasmat Matbaacılık; 2008.s:9.
  • Giray, H. Anne Sütü ile Beslenme. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi, 2004; 13 (1): 12- 15.
  • Rimon FO, Shinwell ES. Breast feeding twins and high multiples. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal&Neonatal, 2006; 91: 377- 380.
  • Segal NL. Population-based research: Breastfeeding multiple birth infants/twin research reviews and news: perceived aging in twins; separation of conjoined twins; school placement legislation/twins in education, fashion and humanitarian events. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 2010; 13(2): 217-220.
  • Breastfeeding Statistics, Wales 2004. statistics /2006/060112 sb1en. pdf. Erişim: 01.12.2012.
  • Geraghty SR, Khoury JC, Kalwarf HJ. Comparison of feeding among multiple birth infants. Twin Research 2004; 7(2): 542-547.
  • Kielbratowska B, Cwiek D, Preis K, Malinowski W, Hofman A. Breastfeeding of twins. Archives of Perinatal Medicine, 2010; 16(4):201-205.
  • Damato EG, Dowling DA, Standing T S, Madigan E A, Thanattherakul C. Duration of breastfeeding for mothers of twins. Journal of Obstetic Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing Clinical Research 2005; 34(2): 201-209.
  • Damato EG, Dowling DA, Standing TS, Schuster SD. Explanation for cessation of breastfeeding in mothers of twins. Journal of Human Lactation 2005; 21(3): 296-304.
  • Leonard LG, Denton J. Preparation for parenting multiple birth children. Early Human Development 2006; 82: 371-378.
  • Wıtters R. Increasing Breastfeeding Rates in Working Mother. Families, Systems, & Health 2003; Vol:21,No:4.
  • Ryan AS, Zhou W, Arensberg MB. The Effect of Employment Status On Breastfeeding ın The United States. Women's Health Issues 2006; 16 (5): 243-251.
  • Gökdemirel S, Bozkurt G, Gökçay G, Bulut A. Çalışan annelerin emzirme sürecinde yaşadıkları, Çocuk Dergisi 2008, 8(4), 221- 234.
  • Chen YC, Wu YC, Chie WC. Effects of Work-Related Factors on the Breastfeeding Behavior of Workng Mothers in a Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturer: A Cross-Sectional Survey.BMC Public Health. 2006; 6 (160).
  • Amin RM, Said ZM, Sutan R, Shah SA, Darus A, Shamsuddin K. Work Related Determinants of Breastfeeding Discontinuation Among Employed Mothers İn Malaysia. İnternational Breastfeeding Journal. 2011; 6 (4).
  • Multiple Births Foundation. Guidance for Health Professionals on Feeding Twins, Triplets and Higher Order Multiples, 2011.
  • Szucs AK, Axline ES, Rosenman BM. Quintuplets and a mother's determination to provide human milk: It takes a village to raise a baby--how about five? Journal of Human Lactation 2009; 25(1), 79-84
  • Rimon FO, Shinwel ES. Breastfeeding multiples, Semin Neonatal, 2002; 7 231-239.
  • Saint L, Maggiore P, Hartmann PE. Yield and nutrient content of milk in eight women breast-feeding twins and one women breast- feeding triplets. British Journal of Nutrition, 1986; 56: 49-58.
  • Gromada K. ICLA’S ınsıde track a resource for breast feding mothers: Twins. Journal of Human Lactation, 2010; 26, 331.
  • Multiple Births Foundation. Feeding Twins, Triplets and More A Booklet for Parents with Advice and İnformation, 2011.
  • Bennington LK. Breastfeeding multiples: It can be done. Newborn&Infant Nursing Reviews, 2011; 11(4), 194-197.
  • Gromada KK., Spangler AK. Breastfeeding twins and higher- order multiples. Jognn Clinical Research, 1998; 27(4): 441-449.
  • Leonard LG. Breastfeeding triplets: the at-home experince. Public Health Nursing, 2000; 17(3): 211-221
  • Köse D, Çınar ND, Doğu Ö. Yenidoğan ile çalışan hemşirelerin çoğul bebeklerin emzirilmesi ile ilgili bilgileri. 33. Pediatri Günleri ve 12. Pediatri Hemşireliği Günleri (Poster Sunum), 28-31 Mart 2011, İstanbul.
  • Noble L, Hand I, Haynes D, McVeigh T, Kim M, Yoon JJ. Factors influencing initiation of breastfeeding among urban women. Am J Perinatol 2003; 20(8):477–83.

Çoğul Bebeklerin Anne Sütü ile Beslenmesi

Year 2012, , 115 - 121, 01.09.2012


Anne sütü bebekler için en uygun besindir. Yerini tutabilecek başka besin yoktur. Çoğul bebekler doğduğunda, onların nasıl emzirileceği her zaman merak konusu olmuştur. Bebekler için en iyi yöntemin ne olacağı, sütün her bir bebeğe yetebilmesi için yapılabilecekler, annenin rahat bir emzirme dönemi geçirebilmesi için gerekenler gibi birçok soru akıllara gelmektedir.Süt üretiminin bir arz-talep ilişkisi olduğu ve çoğul bebek sahibi annelerin, ürettiği süt miktarının, bebeklerinin her birinin beslenmesi için yeterli olacağı yapılan çalışmalarda vurgulanmıştır. Çoğul bebek sahibi ailelerin özellikle de annelerin; emzirme tekniği, süt arttırma ve toplama yöntemi, beslenmenin süresi ve sıklığı, sütten kesme gibi konularda profesyonel sağlık personeli tarafından bilgilendirilmeye ve desteğe gereksinimleri vardır. Makalede çoğul bebeklerin anne sütünden maksimum yarar elde etmesi için yapılabilecekler ve bu konuda hemşirelerin rolü üzerine odaklanılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Çoğul bebekler, emzirme, emzirme tekniği, emzirmede hemşire desteği


  • Çınar ND, Sözeri CU., Altınkaynak S. Başarılı nesiller için anne sütü. Sağlıcakla Aylık Sağlık Dergisi, 2009; 12: 20-21.
  • World Health Organization (WHO).Global Strategy for İnfant and Young Child Feeding, Geneva, 2003.
  • Atıcı A, Polat S, Turhan AH. Anne sütü ile beslenme. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatric Science, 2007; 3(6): 1-5.
  • Samur G. Anne sütü. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın No: 726, Ankara: Klasmat Matbaacılık; 2008.s:9.
  • Giray, H. Anne Sütü ile Beslenme. Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi, 2004; 13 (1): 12- 15.
  • Rimon FO, Shinwell ES. Breast feeding twins and high multiples. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal&Neonatal, 2006; 91: 377- 380.
  • Segal NL. Population-based research: Breastfeeding multiple birth infants/twin research reviews and news: perceived aging in twins; separation of conjoined twins; school placement legislation/twins in education, fashion and humanitarian events. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 2010; 13(2): 217-220.
  • Breastfeeding Statistics, Wales 2004. statistics /2006/060112 sb1en. pdf. Erişim: 01.12.2012.
  • Geraghty SR, Khoury JC, Kalwarf HJ. Comparison of feeding among multiple birth infants. Twin Research 2004; 7(2): 542-547.
  • Kielbratowska B, Cwiek D, Preis K, Malinowski W, Hofman A. Breastfeeding of twins. Archives of Perinatal Medicine, 2010; 16(4):201-205.
  • Damato EG, Dowling DA, Standing T S, Madigan E A, Thanattherakul C. Duration of breastfeeding for mothers of twins. Journal of Obstetic Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing Clinical Research 2005; 34(2): 201-209.
  • Damato EG, Dowling DA, Standing TS, Schuster SD. Explanation for cessation of breastfeeding in mothers of twins. Journal of Human Lactation 2005; 21(3): 296-304.
  • Leonard LG, Denton J. Preparation for parenting multiple birth children. Early Human Development 2006; 82: 371-378.
  • Wıtters R. Increasing Breastfeeding Rates in Working Mother. Families, Systems, & Health 2003; Vol:21,No:4.
  • Ryan AS, Zhou W, Arensberg MB. The Effect of Employment Status On Breastfeeding ın The United States. Women's Health Issues 2006; 16 (5): 243-251.
  • Gökdemirel S, Bozkurt G, Gökçay G, Bulut A. Çalışan annelerin emzirme sürecinde yaşadıkları, Çocuk Dergisi 2008, 8(4), 221- 234.
  • Chen YC, Wu YC, Chie WC. Effects of Work-Related Factors on the Breastfeeding Behavior of Workng Mothers in a Taiwanese Semiconductor Manufacturer: A Cross-Sectional Survey.BMC Public Health. 2006; 6 (160).
  • Amin RM, Said ZM, Sutan R, Shah SA, Darus A, Shamsuddin K. Work Related Determinants of Breastfeeding Discontinuation Among Employed Mothers İn Malaysia. İnternational Breastfeeding Journal. 2011; 6 (4).
  • Multiple Births Foundation. Guidance for Health Professionals on Feeding Twins, Triplets and Higher Order Multiples, 2011.
  • Szucs AK, Axline ES, Rosenman BM. Quintuplets and a mother's determination to provide human milk: It takes a village to raise a baby--how about five? Journal of Human Lactation 2009; 25(1), 79-84
  • Rimon FO, Shinwel ES. Breastfeeding multiples, Semin Neonatal, 2002; 7 231-239.
  • Saint L, Maggiore P, Hartmann PE. Yield and nutrient content of milk in eight women breast-feeding twins and one women breast- feeding triplets. British Journal of Nutrition, 1986; 56: 49-58.
  • Gromada K. ICLA’S ınsıde track a resource for breast feding mothers: Twins. Journal of Human Lactation, 2010; 26, 331.
  • Multiple Births Foundation. Feeding Twins, Triplets and More A Booklet for Parents with Advice and İnformation, 2011.
  • Bennington LK. Breastfeeding multiples: It can be done. Newborn&Infant Nursing Reviews, 2011; 11(4), 194-197.
  • Gromada KK., Spangler AK. Breastfeeding twins and higher- order multiples. Jognn Clinical Research, 1998; 27(4): 441-449.
  • Leonard LG. Breastfeeding triplets: the at-home experince. Public Health Nursing, 2000; 17(3): 211-221
  • Köse D, Çınar ND, Doğu Ö. Yenidoğan ile çalışan hemşirelerin çoğul bebeklerin emzirilmesi ile ilgili bilgileri. 33. Pediatri Günleri ve 12. Pediatri Hemşireliği Günleri (Poster Sunum), 28-31 Mart 2011, İstanbul.
  • Noble L, Hand I, Haynes D, McVeigh T, Kim M, Yoon JJ. Factors influencing initiation of breastfeeding among urban women. Am J Perinatol 2003; 20(8):477–83.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Nursan Çınar This is me

Dilek Köse This is me

Özlem Doğu This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2012
Submission Date September 7, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012


AMA Çınar N, Köse D, Doğu Ö. Çoğul Bebeklerin Anne Sütü ile Beslenmesi. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. September 2012;2(3):115-121. doi:10.5505/sakaryamj.2012.20082


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