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Farklı İki Coğrafik Bölgede Yaşayan Gebelerin Duygu İfadeleri ve Gebeliğe Uyum Durumları: Macaristan ve Türkiye Örneği

Year 2018, , 582 - 592, 30.09.2018


Gebelik kadında normal bir olay olarak görülmekle beraber, fiziksel, ruhsal ve
sosyal yönden değişimler de yaşanabilmektedir. Çalışma farklı iki coğrafik
bölgede yaşayan kadınların duygu ifadeleri ve gebeliğe uyum durumlarının
incelenmesi amacı ile yapılmıştır.

ve Yöntem:
Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel araştırma, Türkiye
ve Macaristan’da kadın doğum polikliniğine başvuran, kendisinde ve bebeğinde
sağlık problem olmayan 211 gebe ile yürütülmüştür (Türkiye = 112; Macaristan =
99). Veriler, Kişisel Bilgi Formu, gebeliğe uyum ve gebelik ile ilgili duygu
ifadelerini değerlendirmeye yönelik soru formu ile toplanmıştır.

Araştırmaya Macaristan’dan katılan gebe kadınlar, ağrılı doğum süreci
bebeklerinin sağlıklı olmayacağı (%86.9), Türkiye’den katılan gebe kadınlar ise
bebeklerini doğuramayacakları (%49.1) konusunda endişe taşıyorlardı.
Macaristan'daki gebe kadınların yarısından fazlası hamileliğin sürdürülmesi,
doğumun gerçekleşmesi ve bebeğin sağlığı ile ilgili endişelerini dile
getirirken, Türkiye'de daha az sayıda gebe kadın bu konuda endişelerini dile
getirdi. Türkiye'deki gebe kadınlar, Macaristan'dakilere göre doğum
ağrılarından daha fazla korktuklarını ifade etmişlerdir.

İki farklı bölgede yaşayan gebelerin duygu ifadeleri ve gebeliğe uyumları
arasında farklılıklar vardır. Bu farklılıklar, kültürler arası bakım
girişimlerinin planlanmasının ve uygulanmasının önemini göstermektedir.


  • 1. Mermer G, Bilge A, Yücel U, Çeber E. Evaluation of perceived social support levels in pregnancy and postpartum periods. J Psychiatric Nurs 2010; 1(2): 71-76.
  • 2. Koyun A, Taşkın L, Terzioğlu F. Women health and psychological functioning in different periods of life: Evaluation of nursing approach. Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2011; 3(1): 67-99.
  • 3. Kuğu N, Akyüz G. Psychical situation in pregnancy. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal 2001; 23 (1): 61-64.
  • 4. Carter SK, Guittar SG. Emotion work among pregnant and birthing women. Midwifery 2014; 30: 1021-1028.
  • 5. Coşar F, Demirci N. The effect of childbirth education classes based on the philosophy of Lamaze on the perception and orientation to labour process. S.D.U. Journal of Health Sciences 2012; 3(1): 18-30.
  • 6. Shahoei R, Riji HM, Saeedi ZA. Kurdish pregnant women’s feelings: A qualitative study. Midwifery 2011; 27 (2): 215–220.
  • 7. Daş, Z. Gebeliğin psiko-sosyal ve kültürel boyutu. Taşkın L, editor. Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği. Ankara: Sistem Offset Printing; 2016. S. 254-265.
  • 8. Tortumluoğlu G, Okanlı A, Özer N. Cultural approach and importance in nursing care. Journal of Human Sciences 2004; 1 (1): 1-12.
  • 9. Reszel J, Peterson WE, Moreau D. Young women’s experiences of expected health behaviors during pregnancy: The importance of emotional support. J Community Health Nurs 2014; 31: 198–211.
  • 10. Da Costa D, Zelkowitz P, Bailey K, Cruz R, Bernard J-C, Dasgupta K, et al. Results of a needs assessment to guide the development of a website to enhance emotional wellness and healthy behaviors during pregnancy. J Perinat Educ 2015; 24(4): 213–224.
  • 11. Mutlugüneş E, Mete S. The relationship between the role of motherhood and acceptance of pregnancy with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Cumhuriyet Nursing Journal 2013; 2(1): 8-14.
  • 12. Beydağ KD. Adaptation to motherhood in the postpartum period and the nurse's role. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 2007; 6(6): 479-484.
  • 13. Demirbaş H, Kadıoğlu H. Adaptation to pregnancy in prenatal period women and factors associated with adaptation. Journal of Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences 2014; 4(4): 200-206.
  • 14. Lederman R, Wels K. Psychosocial adaptation to pregnancy: Seven dimensions of maternal role development. In: Psychosocial Adaptation to Pregnancy, New York: Springer; 2009. p. 1-38.
  • 15. İz FB, Temel AB. Cultural competency in nursing. Family Society and Education-Culture and Research journal 2009; April-May-June: 51-58.
  • 16. Şahin NH, Bayram GO, Avcı D. Culturally sensitive care: Transcultural nursing. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing 2009; 6(1): 2-7.
  • 17. Beydağ KD, Mete S. Validity and reliability study of the prenatal self-evaluation questionnaire. Atatürk University School of Nursing Journal 2008; 11(1): 16-24.
  • 18. Chou FH, Avant KC, Kuo SH, Fetzer SJ. Relationships between nausea and vomiting, perceived stres, social support, pregnancy planning, and psychosocial adaptation in a sample of mothers: A questionnaire survey. Int J Nurs Stud 2008; 45: 1185-1191.
  • 19. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS). (2013). Ankara,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2017.
  • 20. Topçuoğlu S, Erçin S, Arman D, Gürsoy T, Karatekin G, Ovalı F.. Is adolescent or advanced maternal age risky for newborn? Retrospective results of a single center. Medical Bulletin of Zeynep Kamil 2014; 45(3): 131-35.
  • 21. Fisher C, Hauck Y, Fenwick J. How social context impacts on women’s fears of childbirth: A western Australian example. Soc Sci Med 2006; 63: 64–75.
  • 22. Hui Choi WH, Lee GL, Chan CHY, Cheung RYH, Lee ILY, Chan CLW. The relationships of social support, uncertainty, self-efficacy, and commitment to prenatal psychosocial adaptation. J Adv Nurs 2012; 68 (12): 2633–2645.
  • 23. Körükcü Ö, Fırat MZ, Kukulu K. Relationship between fear of childbirth and anxiety among Turkish pregnant women. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2010; 5: 467-470.
  • 24. Melender H-L, Lauri S. Fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth–experiences of women who have recently given birth. Midwifery 1999; 15: 177-182.
  • 25. Baghdari N, Sahebzad ES, Kheirkhah M. The effect of pregnancy‐adaptation training package on the anxiety of pregnant women with a prior history of fetal or neonatal death. Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health 2015; 3(2): 355‐360.
  • 26. López Araque AB, López Medina MD, Linares Abad M. Emotional state of primigravid women with pregnancy susceptible to prolongation. Invest Educ Enferm 2015; 33(1): 92-101.
  • 27. Marín-Morales D, Carmona-Monge FJ, Peñacoba-Puente C, Díaz-Sánchez V., García-Huete ME. Influence of coping strategies on somatic symptoms in pregnant Spanish women: Differences between women with and without a previous miscarriage. Applied Nursing Research 2012; 25: 164-170.

Expression of Feelings by Pregnant Women Living in Two Different Geographic Regions and Their Adaptation to Pregnancy: Hungary and Turkey Cases

Year 2018, , 582 - 592, 30.09.2018


While pregnancy is seen as a normal condition
in pregnant women, physical, psychological and social changes can also be
experienced. This study was
conducted to investigate expression of feelings by pregnant women living in two
different geographic regions and their adaptation to pregnancy.

and Methods:
This descriptive and cross-sectional
study was carried out with 211 pregnant women who were admitted to gynaecology
clinics in Turkey and Hungary, and who had no health problems in themselves and
in their babies (Turkey = 112; Hungary = 99). Data were collected by personal
information form and questionnaire to assess women’s expressions of feelings
related to pregnancy and adaptation to pregnancy.

The participating pregnant women in Hungary had concerns that they would not be
able to give birth to their babies because of a painful birth process (67.7%),
that their babies would not be healthy (86.9%), whereas the pregnant women in
Turkey had concerns that they would not be able to give birth to their babies (49.1%). While more than half of the pregnant women in
Hungary expressed their concerns about maintaining the pregnancy, giving birth
and the health of the baby, less number of pregnant women in Turkey expressed
their concerns. Pregnant women in Turkey expressed that they were afraid of
labour pains more than those in Hungary.

There are differences between moods and adaptations to pregnancy of pregnant
women who live in two different areas. These differences show the importance of
planning and implementation of transcultural care initiatives.


  • 1. Mermer G, Bilge A, Yücel U, Çeber E. Evaluation of perceived social support levels in pregnancy and postpartum periods. J Psychiatric Nurs 2010; 1(2): 71-76.
  • 2. Koyun A, Taşkın L, Terzioğlu F. Women health and psychological functioning in different periods of life: Evaluation of nursing approach. Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2011; 3(1): 67-99.
  • 3. Kuğu N, Akyüz G. Psychical situation in pregnancy. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal 2001; 23 (1): 61-64.
  • 4. Carter SK, Guittar SG. Emotion work among pregnant and birthing women. Midwifery 2014; 30: 1021-1028.
  • 5. Coşar F, Demirci N. The effect of childbirth education classes based on the philosophy of Lamaze on the perception and orientation to labour process. S.D.U. Journal of Health Sciences 2012; 3(1): 18-30.
  • 6. Shahoei R, Riji HM, Saeedi ZA. Kurdish pregnant women’s feelings: A qualitative study. Midwifery 2011; 27 (2): 215–220.
  • 7. Daş, Z. Gebeliğin psiko-sosyal ve kültürel boyutu. Taşkın L, editor. Doğum ve Kadın Sağlığı Hemşireliği. Ankara: Sistem Offset Printing; 2016. S. 254-265.
  • 8. Tortumluoğlu G, Okanlı A, Özer N. Cultural approach and importance in nursing care. Journal of Human Sciences 2004; 1 (1): 1-12.
  • 9. Reszel J, Peterson WE, Moreau D. Young women’s experiences of expected health behaviors during pregnancy: The importance of emotional support. J Community Health Nurs 2014; 31: 198–211.
  • 10. Da Costa D, Zelkowitz P, Bailey K, Cruz R, Bernard J-C, Dasgupta K, et al. Results of a needs assessment to guide the development of a website to enhance emotional wellness and healthy behaviors during pregnancy. J Perinat Educ 2015; 24(4): 213–224.
  • 11. Mutlugüneş E, Mete S. The relationship between the role of motherhood and acceptance of pregnancy with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Cumhuriyet Nursing Journal 2013; 2(1): 8-14.
  • 12. Beydağ KD. Adaptation to motherhood in the postpartum period and the nurse's role. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 2007; 6(6): 479-484.
  • 13. Demirbaş H, Kadıoğlu H. Adaptation to pregnancy in prenatal period women and factors associated with adaptation. Journal of Marmara University Institute of Health Sciences 2014; 4(4): 200-206.
  • 14. Lederman R, Wels K. Psychosocial adaptation to pregnancy: Seven dimensions of maternal role development. In: Psychosocial Adaptation to Pregnancy, New York: Springer; 2009. p. 1-38.
  • 15. İz FB, Temel AB. Cultural competency in nursing. Family Society and Education-Culture and Research journal 2009; April-May-June: 51-58.
  • 16. Şahin NH, Bayram GO, Avcı D. Culturally sensitive care: Transcultural nursing. Journal of Education and Research in Nursing 2009; 6(1): 2-7.
  • 17. Beydağ KD, Mete S. Validity and reliability study of the prenatal self-evaluation questionnaire. Atatürk University School of Nursing Journal 2008; 11(1): 16-24.
  • 18. Chou FH, Avant KC, Kuo SH, Fetzer SJ. Relationships between nausea and vomiting, perceived stres, social support, pregnancy planning, and psychosocial adaptation in a sample of mothers: A questionnaire survey. Int J Nurs Stud 2008; 45: 1185-1191.
  • 19. Turkey Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS). (2013). Ankara,, Erişim Tarihi: 10.12.2017.
  • 20. Topçuoğlu S, Erçin S, Arman D, Gürsoy T, Karatekin G, Ovalı F.. Is adolescent or advanced maternal age risky for newborn? Retrospective results of a single center. Medical Bulletin of Zeynep Kamil 2014; 45(3): 131-35.
  • 21. Fisher C, Hauck Y, Fenwick J. How social context impacts on women’s fears of childbirth: A western Australian example. Soc Sci Med 2006; 63: 64–75.
  • 22. Hui Choi WH, Lee GL, Chan CHY, Cheung RYH, Lee ILY, Chan CLW. The relationships of social support, uncertainty, self-efficacy, and commitment to prenatal psychosocial adaptation. J Adv Nurs 2012; 68 (12): 2633–2645.
  • 23. Körükcü Ö, Fırat MZ, Kukulu K. Relationship between fear of childbirth and anxiety among Turkish pregnant women. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 2010; 5: 467-470.
  • 24. Melender H-L, Lauri S. Fears associated with pregnancy and childbirth–experiences of women who have recently given birth. Midwifery 1999; 15: 177-182.
  • 25. Baghdari N, Sahebzad ES, Kheirkhah M. The effect of pregnancy‐adaptation training package on the anxiety of pregnant women with a prior history of fetal or neonatal death. Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health 2015; 3(2): 355‐360.
  • 26. López Araque AB, López Medina MD, Linares Abad M. Emotional state of primigravid women with pregnancy susceptible to prolongation. Invest Educ Enferm 2015; 33(1): 92-101.
  • 27. Marín-Morales D, Carmona-Monge FJ, Peñacoba-Puente C, Díaz-Sánchez V., García-Huete ME. Influence of coping strategies on somatic symptoms in pregnant Spanish women: Differences between women with and without a previous miscarriage. Applied Nursing Research 2012; 25: 164-170.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Sukran Ertekin Pinar 0000-0002-5431-8159

Gulay Yildirim

Busra Cesur

Zsuzsanna éliás This is me

Hatice Nur Kayapinar This is me

Selda Sekeroglu This is me

Publication Date September 30, 2018
Submission Date May 8, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


AMA Ertekin Pinar S, Yildirim G, Cesur B, éliás Z, Kayapinar HN, Sekeroglu S. Expression of Feelings by Pregnant Women Living in Two Different Geographic Regions and Their Adaptation to Pregnancy: Hungary and Turkey Cases. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. September 2018;8(3):582-592. doi:10.31832/smj.421885


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