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Kronik Kolesistit Hastalarında Safra Kesesi IGF-1 Ekspresyonunun Biyokimyasal Parametrelerle İlişkisi

Year 2018, , 782 - 787, 30.12.2018


Amaç: Bu araştırmada,
çeşitli biyokimyasal parametreler ve safra kesesi IGF-1 ekspresyonu arasındaki
ilişki biyokimyasal ve patolojik yöntemlerle incelenmiştir.

ve Yöntemler:
1 Ocak 2017- 31 Ocak 2018 tarihleri arasında
Ordu Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi’nde kronik kolesistit tanısı alan hastalara ait
tıbbi kayıtlar retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların çeşitli biyokimyasal
parametreleri çalışıldı. Kronik kolesistit nedeniyle opere edilen hastalardan
elde edilen kolesistektomi materyalinde immünhistokimyasal yöntemle IGF-1
antikoru uygulandı.

Bulgular: Patolojik
incelemede IGF-1 ekspresyonunun izlendiği gruptaki en belirgin biyokimyasal
değer CRP yüksekliği olarak saptandı.

Sonuç: Safra kesesi IGF-1
ekspresyonu ve inflamasyon ilişkisini düşündüren bu bulguların farklı
yöntemlerle doğrulanması kronik kolesistit gelişimi ve kolesistit-kanser
ilişkisi üzerine yeni ufuklar açabilir.  


  • 1. Ateş B, Ünal İ. Kolesistit, safra taşları, risk faktörleri ve beslenme ile ilişkisi. Güncel Gastroenteroloji 2016;20:317-321.
  • 2. Shaffer EA. Epidemiology and risk factors for gallstone disease: has the paradigm changed in the 21st century? Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2005;7:132–140.
  • 3. Stinton LM, Shaffer EA. Epidemiology of gallbladder disease: cholelithiasis and cancer. Gut Liver 2012;6:172–87.
  • 4. Ohashi H, Adachi Y, Yamamoto H, Taniguchi H, Nosho K, Suzuki H et al. Insulin-like growth factor receptor expression is associated with aggressive phenotypes and has therapeutic activity in biliary tract cancers. Cancer Sci. 2012;103:252-261.
  • 5. Suzuki H, Roa JC, Kawamoto T, Ishige K, Wistuba II, Li D et al. Expression of insulin-like growth factor I receptor as a biomarker for predicting prognosis in biliary tract cancer patients. Molecular And Clinical Oncology 2015;3:464-470.
  • 6. Sandberg AA. Diagnosis and Management of Gallbladder Cancer. N Am J Med Sci. 2012 Jul; 4(7): 293–299.
  • 7. Pollak MN, Schernhammer ES, Hankinso SE. Insulin-like growth factors and neoplasia. Nat Rev Cancer 2004;4:505–18.
  • 8. Foulstone E, Prince S, Zaccheo O, et al. Insulin-like growth factor ligands, receptors and binding proteins in cancer. J Pathol 2005;205:145–53.
  • 9. Mauro L, Surmacz E. IGF-I receptor, cell–cell adhesion, tumour development and progression. J Mol Histol 2004;35:247–53.
  • 10. Kornprat P, Rehak P, Ruschoff J, Langner C. Expression of IGF-I, IGF-II, and IGF-IR in gallbladder carcinoma. A systematic analysis including primary and corresponding metastatic tumours. J Clin Pathol 2006;59:202–206.
  • 11. Sokolović A, Rodriguez-Ortigosa CM, Bloemendaal L, Elferink RPJO, Prieto J, Bosma PJ. Insulin-like growth factor 1 enhances bile-duct proliferation and fibrosis in Abcb4−/− mice. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2013;1832:697–704.
  • 12. Renehan AG, Frystyk J, Flyvbjerg A. Obesity and cancer risk: the role of the insülin-IGF axis. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Oct;17:328-36.
  • 13. Cohen DH ve LeRoith D. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cancer: the insulin and IGF connection. Endocrine-Related Cancer 2012;19:F27–F45.
  • 14. Floros T, Philippou A, Bardakostas D, Mantas D, Koutsilieris M. The growth endocrine axis and inflammatory responses after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Hormones (Athens) 2016;15:73-80.
  • 15. Shrivastava AK, Singh HV, Raizada A, Singh SK. C-reactive protein, inflammation and coronary heart disease. The Egyptian Heart Journal 2015;67:89–97.
  • 16. Gurbulak EK, Gurbulak B, Akgun IE, Duzkoylu Y, Battal M, Celayir MF et al. Prediction of the grade of acute cholecystitis by plasma level of C-reactive protein. Iran Red Cresccent Med J.2015;17:e28091.
  • 17. Başer M, Maviş O, Özgür R, Özdemir AA, Özkeskin A, Küçükdemirci Ö et al. Diyabetik Obez Hastalarda Obezitenin Yüksek Duyarlıklı C-Reaktif Protein (Hs-CRP) ile İlişkisi. Haseki Tıp Bülteni 2013; DOI: 10.4274/Haseki.1056.

The Relation Among Biochemical Parameters and Gallbladder IGF-1 Expression in Patients with Chronic Cholecystitis

Year 2018, , 782 - 787, 30.12.2018


Aim: In the present study, the relation between certain biochemical parameters and gallbladder IGF-1 expression was investigated with pathological and biochemical methods.

Material and Methods: The records of patients who administrated to Ordu Education and Research Hospital between 1 January 2017-31 January 2018 with the diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis were examined retrospectively. Certain biochemical parameters of the patients were studied. In addition, IGF-1 antibody was applied to cholecystectomy specimens with the immunohistochemical method.

Results: In the pathological evaluation, the group exhibiting positive IGF-1 staining showed high CRP values.

Conclusion: Future confirmation of these findings of IGF-1 expression and inflammation connection could lead new directions through cholecystitis development and cholecystitis-cancer link. 


  • 1. Ateş B, Ünal İ. Kolesistit, safra taşları, risk faktörleri ve beslenme ile ilişkisi. Güncel Gastroenteroloji 2016;20:317-321.
  • 2. Shaffer EA. Epidemiology and risk factors for gallstone disease: has the paradigm changed in the 21st century? Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2005;7:132–140.
  • 3. Stinton LM, Shaffer EA. Epidemiology of gallbladder disease: cholelithiasis and cancer. Gut Liver 2012;6:172–87.
  • 4. Ohashi H, Adachi Y, Yamamoto H, Taniguchi H, Nosho K, Suzuki H et al. Insulin-like growth factor receptor expression is associated with aggressive phenotypes and has therapeutic activity in biliary tract cancers. Cancer Sci. 2012;103:252-261.
  • 5. Suzuki H, Roa JC, Kawamoto T, Ishige K, Wistuba II, Li D et al. Expression of insulin-like growth factor I receptor as a biomarker for predicting prognosis in biliary tract cancer patients. Molecular And Clinical Oncology 2015;3:464-470.
  • 6. Sandberg AA. Diagnosis and Management of Gallbladder Cancer. N Am J Med Sci. 2012 Jul; 4(7): 293–299.
  • 7. Pollak MN, Schernhammer ES, Hankinso SE. Insulin-like growth factors and neoplasia. Nat Rev Cancer 2004;4:505–18.
  • 8. Foulstone E, Prince S, Zaccheo O, et al. Insulin-like growth factor ligands, receptors and binding proteins in cancer. J Pathol 2005;205:145–53.
  • 9. Mauro L, Surmacz E. IGF-I receptor, cell–cell adhesion, tumour development and progression. J Mol Histol 2004;35:247–53.
  • 10. Kornprat P, Rehak P, Ruschoff J, Langner C. Expression of IGF-I, IGF-II, and IGF-IR in gallbladder carcinoma. A systematic analysis including primary and corresponding metastatic tumours. J Clin Pathol 2006;59:202–206.
  • 11. Sokolović A, Rodriguez-Ortigosa CM, Bloemendaal L, Elferink RPJO, Prieto J, Bosma PJ. Insulin-like growth factor 1 enhances bile-duct proliferation and fibrosis in Abcb4−/− mice. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2013;1832:697–704.
  • 12. Renehan AG, Frystyk J, Flyvbjerg A. Obesity and cancer risk: the role of the insülin-IGF axis. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Oct;17:328-36.
  • 13. Cohen DH ve LeRoith D. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cancer: the insulin and IGF connection. Endocrine-Related Cancer 2012;19:F27–F45.
  • 14. Floros T, Philippou A, Bardakostas D, Mantas D, Koutsilieris M. The growth endocrine axis and inflammatory responses after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Hormones (Athens) 2016;15:73-80.
  • 15. Shrivastava AK, Singh HV, Raizada A, Singh SK. C-reactive protein, inflammation and coronary heart disease. The Egyptian Heart Journal 2015;67:89–97.
  • 16. Gurbulak EK, Gurbulak B, Akgun IE, Duzkoylu Y, Battal M, Celayir MF et al. Prediction of the grade of acute cholecystitis by plasma level of C-reactive protein. Iran Red Cresccent Med J.2015;17:e28091.
  • 17. Başer M, Maviş O, Özgür R, Özdemir AA, Özkeskin A, Küçükdemirci Ö et al. Diyabetik Obez Hastalarda Obezitenin Yüksek Duyarlıklı C-Reaktif Protein (Hs-CRP) ile İlişkisi. Haseki Tıp Bülteni 2013; DOI: 10.4274/Haseki.1056.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Ali Aslan

Havva Erdem

Yasemin Kaya

Soner Çankaya

Publication Date December 30, 2018
Submission Date September 13, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


AMA Aslan A, Erdem H, Kaya Y, Çankaya S. Kronik Kolesistit Hastalarında Safra Kesesi IGF-1 Ekspresyonunun Biyokimyasal Parametrelerle İlişkisi. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. December 2018;8(4):782-787. doi:10.31832/smj.459594


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