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Tip 2 Diyabeti Olan Bireylerin Öz Yeterlilikleri İle Psikososyal Uyumları Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2021, , 32 - 41, 22.03.2021


Amaç: Bu araştırma tip 2 diyabeti olan bireylerin öz yeterlilikleri ile psikososyal uyumları arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Tanımlayıcı, kesitsel tipteki araştırma Ocak 2020- Temmuz 2020 tarihleri arasında tip 2 diyabetli bireyler (N=154) ile gerçekleştirildi. Veri toplama araçları Tanıtıcı Bilgi Formu, Genel Öz Yeterlik Ölçeği ve Hastalığa Psikosoyal Uyum-Öz Bildirim Ölçeği olarak belirlendi. Veriler tanımlayıcı istatistikler, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis ve bağımsız gruplarda t testleri ile korelasyon ve çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizleri kullanılarak değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Katılımcıların öz yeterlilik ve psikososyal uyum ölçeğinden aldıkları puanlar sırasıyla 29.42±6.10 ve 39.90±13.94’dir. Bireylerin %33.8’inin iyi, %49.4’ünün orta ve %16.9’unun ise kötü psikososyal uyuma sahip olduğu belirlendi. Öz yeterlilik ve psikososyal uyum puanları arasında istatistiksel açıdan önemli düzeyde bir ilişki saptanmadı (p>0.05). Psikososyal uyum ile elde edilen skorlar üzerindeki değişimin %13.1’inin hastaların yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi, medeni durum, ekonomik durum ve çalışma durumlarında elde edilen puanlar ile açıklandığı görüldü.
Sonuç: Her ne kadar mevcut bulgular tip 2 diyabetli bireylerde psikososyal uyum ile özyeterlilik arasında herhangi bir ilişki sunmasa da bu çalışmada tip 2 diyabetli bireylerin belirli faaliyetlerini
başarıyla yürütebilmesi için öz yeterliliklerinin desteklenmesi ve psikososyal uyumlarının geliştirilmesinin önemli olduğu vurgulanmıştır. Sonuçlar, klinisyenlerin, tip 2 diyabetli bireylerde öz
yeterliliği ve psikososyal uyumu desteklemek için hedeflenen stratejileri uygulamalarına yardımcı olacak ipuçları sağlayabilir.

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Araşatırmacı bu araştırmaya katkılarından dolayı katılımcılara teşekkür eder.


  • Referans1. International Diabetes Federation I. 9 ed. 2019.
  • Referans2. Şireci E and Karabulutlu EY. Tip 2 Diabetes Mellituslu Hastaların Hastalıklarını Kabullenme ve Kendi Bakımlarındaki Öz Yeterlilik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017; 20: 48-55.
  • Referans3. Bohanny W, Wu S-FV, Liu C-Y, Yeh S-H, Tsay S-L and Wang T-J. Health literacy, self-efficacy, and self-care behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 2013; 25: 495-502.
  • Referans4. Bandura A. Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. American psychologist. 1982; 37: 122.
  • Referans5. Lee Y-J, Shin S-J, Wang R-H, Lin K-D, Lee Y-L and Wang Y-H. Pathways of empowerment perceptions, health literacy, self-efficacy, and self-care behaviors to glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patient Education and Counseling. 2016; 99: 287-94.
  • Referans6. Muslu L, Ardahan M and Günbayi I. Tip 2 diabetes mellituslu hastaların psikososyal uyum sürecine ilişkin görüşleri: fenomenolojik bir araştırma. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. 2017; 9: 75-100.
  • Referans7. Devarajooh C and Chinna K. Depression, distress and self-efficacy: The impact on diabetes self-care practices. PLOS ONE. 2017; 12: e0175096. Referans8. Adaylar M. Kronik hastalığı olan bireylerin hastalıktaki tutum, adaptasyon, algı ve öz-bakım yönelimleri. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 1995.
  • Referans9. Türten Kaymaz T and Akdemir N. Psychosocial Adjustment to Disease in Individuals with Diabetes. J Psy Nurs. 2016; 7: 61-7.
  • Referans10. Hammond LD and Hirst-Winthrop S. Proposal of an integrative model of adjustment to chronic conditions: An understanding of the process of psychosocial adjustment to living with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Health Psychology. 2018; 23: 1063-74.
  • Referans11. Çelik S, Kelleci M, Dilek A and Temel E. Tip 1 diyabetli genç yetişkinlerin hastalığa psikososyal uyumları ve stresle başaçıkma tarzları. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi. 2015; 23: 105-15.
  • Referans12. Karabulutlu EY and Gündüz F. Tip II Diyabetes Mellituslu Hastalarda Hastalık Algısı, Psikososyal Uyum ve Glisemik Kontrolün Değerlendirilmesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2016; 19: 106-15.
  • Referans13. Akca AT and Cinar S. Comparison of psychosocial adjustment in people with diabetes with and without diabetic foot ulceration. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2008; 25: 87-96.
  • Referans14. Aypay A. Genel Öz Yeterlik Ölçeği? nin GÖYÖ Türkçe? ye Uyarlama Çalışması. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 2010; 11: 113-32.
  • Referans15. Reisi M, Mostafavi F, Javadzade H, Mahaki B, Tavassoli E and Sharifirad G. Impact of Health Literacy, Self-efficacy, and Outcome Expectations on Adherence to Self-care Behaviors in Iranians with Type 2 Diabetes. Oman Med J. 2016; 31: 52-9.
  • Referans16. Young HM, Miyamoto S, Dharmar M and Tang-Feldman Y. Nurse Coaching and Mobile Health Compared With Usual Care to Improve Diabetes Self-Efficacy for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020; 8: e16665.
  • Referans17. Bohanny W, Wu SF, Liu CY, Yeh SH, Tsay SL and Wang TJ. Health literacy, self-efficacy, and self-care behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 2013; 25: 495-502.
  • Referans18. Özgül E and Yanık YT. Tip 2 Diyabetli Bireylerin Öz-Yeterlilik Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2016; 19: 166-74.
  • Referans19. Mohebi S, Azadbakht L, Feizi A, Sharifirad G and Kargar M. Review the key role of self-efficacy in diabetes care. J Educ Health Promot. 2013; 2: 36.
  • Referans20. Trief PM, Teresi JA, Eimicke JP, Shea S and Weinstock RS. Improvement in diabetes self-efficacy and glycaemic control using telemedicine in a sample of older, ethnically diverse individuals who have diabetes: the IDEATel project. Age and Ageing. 2009; 38: 219-25.
  • Referans21. Messina R, Rucci P, Sturt J, Mancini T and Fantini MP. Assessing self-efficacy in type 2 diabetes management: validation of the Italian version of the Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Scale (IT-DMSES). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2018; 16: 71.
  • Referans22. Kes D and Gökdoğan F. Relationship between medication adherence and psychosocial adjustment in patients with type 2 diabetes: A cross-sectional study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 0: 2057158520937456.
  • Referans23. Eilander MMA, de Wit M, Rotteveel J and Snoek FJ. Low Self-Confidence and Diabetes Mismanagement in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Mediate the Relationship between Behavioral Problems and Elevated HbA1c. J Diabetes Res. 2016; 2016: 3159103.
  • Referans24. Kim G, Shim R, Ford KL and Baker TA. The Relation Between Diabetes Self-Efficacy and Psychological Distress Among Older Adults:Do Racial and Ethnic Differences Exist? Journal of Aging and Health. 2015; 27: 320-33.
  • Referans25. Wardian J and Sun F. Factors Associated With Diabetes-Related Distress: Implications for Diabetes Self-Management. Social Work in Health Care. 2014; 53: 364-81.

The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychosocial Adjustment of Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes

Year 2021, , 32 - 41, 22.03.2021


Objective: To determine the relationship between self-efficacy and psychosocial adjustment of individuals with type 2 diabetes.
Materials and Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out between January 2020 and July 2020 with individuals with type 2 diabetes (N = 154). Data collection tools were identified as "Descriptive Characteristics Form", "General Self-Efficacy Scale", and "Psychosocial Adjustment to the Illness Scale – Self-Report". Data were analyzed using descriptive
statistics, ANOVA, independent samples t test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, correlation and multiple linear regression analysis.
Results: The scores of participants on the self-efficacy and psychosocial adjustment scale are 29.42 ± 6.10 and 39.90 ± 13.94, respectively. It was determined that 33.8% of the
individuals had good psychosocial adjustment, 49.4% had fair and 16.9% had poor psychosocial adjustment. There was no statistically significant relationship between
self-efficacy and psychosocial adjustment scores (p> 0.05). It was observed that 13.1% of the change on the scores obtained with psychosocial adjustment was explained by
the scores obtained in patients' age, gender, education level, marital status, economic status and working status.
Conclusion: Although the current findings do not present any relationship between psychosocial adjustment and self-efficacy in individuals with type 2 diabetes, it is emphasized in
this study that it is important to support their self-efficacy and improve psychosocial adjustment so that individuals with type 2 diabetes can successfully carry out certain
activities. The results may provide clues to help clinicians implement targeted strategies to support self-efficacy and psychosocial adjustment in individuals with type 2

Project Number



  • Referans1. International Diabetes Federation I. 9 ed. 2019.
  • Referans2. Şireci E and Karabulutlu EY. Tip 2 Diabetes Mellituslu Hastaların Hastalıklarını Kabullenme ve Kendi Bakımlarındaki Öz Yeterlilik Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017; 20: 48-55.
  • Referans3. Bohanny W, Wu S-FV, Liu C-Y, Yeh S-H, Tsay S-L and Wang T-J. Health literacy, self-efficacy, and self-care behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 2013; 25: 495-502.
  • Referans4. Bandura A. Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. American psychologist. 1982; 37: 122.
  • Referans5. Lee Y-J, Shin S-J, Wang R-H, Lin K-D, Lee Y-L and Wang Y-H. Pathways of empowerment perceptions, health literacy, self-efficacy, and self-care behaviors to glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patient Education and Counseling. 2016; 99: 287-94.
  • Referans6. Muslu L, Ardahan M and Günbayi I. Tip 2 diabetes mellituslu hastaların psikososyal uyum sürecine ilişkin görüşleri: fenomenolojik bir araştırma. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar. 2017; 9: 75-100.
  • Referans7. Devarajooh C and Chinna K. Depression, distress and self-efficacy: The impact on diabetes self-care practices. PLOS ONE. 2017; 12: e0175096. Referans8. Adaylar M. Kronik hastalığı olan bireylerin hastalıktaki tutum, adaptasyon, algı ve öz-bakım yönelimleri. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. 1995.
  • Referans9. Türten Kaymaz T and Akdemir N. Psychosocial Adjustment to Disease in Individuals with Diabetes. J Psy Nurs. 2016; 7: 61-7.
  • Referans10. Hammond LD and Hirst-Winthrop S. Proposal of an integrative model of adjustment to chronic conditions: An understanding of the process of psychosocial adjustment to living with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Health Psychology. 2018; 23: 1063-74.
  • Referans11. Çelik S, Kelleci M, Dilek A and Temel E. Tip 1 diyabetli genç yetişkinlerin hastalığa psikososyal uyumları ve stresle başaçıkma tarzları. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi. 2015; 23: 105-15.
  • Referans12. Karabulutlu EY and Gündüz F. Tip II Diyabetes Mellituslu Hastalarda Hastalık Algısı, Psikososyal Uyum ve Glisemik Kontrolün Değerlendirilmesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2016; 19: 106-15.
  • Referans13. Akca AT and Cinar S. Comparison of psychosocial adjustment in people with diabetes with and without diabetic foot ulceration. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2008; 25: 87-96.
  • Referans14. Aypay A. Genel Öz Yeterlik Ölçeği? nin GÖYÖ Türkçe? ye Uyarlama Çalışması. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 2010; 11: 113-32.
  • Referans15. Reisi M, Mostafavi F, Javadzade H, Mahaki B, Tavassoli E and Sharifirad G. Impact of Health Literacy, Self-efficacy, and Outcome Expectations on Adherence to Self-care Behaviors in Iranians with Type 2 Diabetes. Oman Med J. 2016; 31: 52-9.
  • Referans16. Young HM, Miyamoto S, Dharmar M and Tang-Feldman Y. Nurse Coaching and Mobile Health Compared With Usual Care to Improve Diabetes Self-Efficacy for Persons With Type 2 Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2020; 8: e16665.
  • Referans17. Bohanny W, Wu SF, Liu CY, Yeh SH, Tsay SL and Wang TJ. Health literacy, self-efficacy, and self-care behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 2013; 25: 495-502.
  • Referans18. Özgül E and Yanık YT. Tip 2 Diyabetli Bireylerin Öz-Yeterlilik Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2016; 19: 166-74.
  • Referans19. Mohebi S, Azadbakht L, Feizi A, Sharifirad G and Kargar M. Review the key role of self-efficacy in diabetes care. J Educ Health Promot. 2013; 2: 36.
  • Referans20. Trief PM, Teresi JA, Eimicke JP, Shea S and Weinstock RS. Improvement in diabetes self-efficacy and glycaemic control using telemedicine in a sample of older, ethnically diverse individuals who have diabetes: the IDEATel project. Age and Ageing. 2009; 38: 219-25.
  • Referans21. Messina R, Rucci P, Sturt J, Mancini T and Fantini MP. Assessing self-efficacy in type 2 diabetes management: validation of the Italian version of the Diabetes Management Self-Efficacy Scale (IT-DMSES). Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2018; 16: 71.
  • Referans22. Kes D and Gökdoğan F. Relationship between medication adherence and psychosocial adjustment in patients with type 2 diabetes: A cross-sectional study. Nordic Journal of Nursing Research. 2020; 0: 2057158520937456.
  • Referans23. Eilander MMA, de Wit M, Rotteveel J and Snoek FJ. Low Self-Confidence and Diabetes Mismanagement in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Mediate the Relationship between Behavioral Problems and Elevated HbA1c. J Diabetes Res. 2016; 2016: 3159103.
  • Referans24. Kim G, Shim R, Ford KL and Baker TA. The Relation Between Diabetes Self-Efficacy and Psychological Distress Among Older Adults:Do Racial and Ethnic Differences Exist? Journal of Aging and Health. 2015; 27: 320-33.
  • Referans25. Wardian J and Sun F. Factors Associated With Diabetes-Related Distress: Implications for Diabetes Self-Management. Social Work in Health Care. 2014; 53: 364-81.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Erman Yıldız 0000-0002-6544-4847

Project Number Yok
Publication Date March 22, 2021
Submission Date August 4, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


AMA Yıldız E. The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy and Psychosocial Adjustment of Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. March 2021;11(1):32-41. doi:10.31832/smj.776863


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