Research Article
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Polymorphism and CDC25A Gene Expression in Pancreatic Cancer

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 7 - 13, 14.03.2016


Background and Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between CDC25A gene polymorphism and pancreatic cancer via determining
CDC25A gene expression and polymorphisms of tumor tissues of pancreatic cancer cases. Additionally, it is aimed to prove the
possible relationship between cancer development and the gene expression level with determining CDC25A gene expression
levels in tumor tissue and normal tissue.
Materials and Methods: 118 patients (patients with pancreatic cancer who received surgery (n=28) and patients with pancreatic cancer who are in followup (n=90) and 83 healthy volunteers not having any known chronic disease and first degree relatives having cancer were included
in this study as a control group.
Results: Ser88Phee polymorphisms in CDC25A gene of pancreatic cancer and control groups were compared according to C/C, C/T, T/T
genotype frequencies and allele frequencies of C and T and no statistically significant difference was detected between two
groups (p>0.05). RS3731485 polymorphisms in CDC25A gene of pancreatic cancer and control groups were compared with
respect to C/C, C/G, G/G genotype frequencies and allele frequencies of C and G and there was no significant difference between
them statistically (p>0.05). There were no differences in CDC25A gene expression between control group and pancreatic cancer
group (p>0.05).
Conclusion: In the light of the data obtained, any significant relationship at the CDC25A gene polymorphism and expression in pancreatic
cancer was not detected. All in all, pancreatic cancer is a disease with high mortality and the place of genetics in the etiology of
cancer is indisputable. Therefore, we think the polymorphism and expression studies should be continued.. 


  • Jemal A, Tiwari RC, Murray T, Ghafoor A, Samuels A, ard E, euer E, Thun M Cancer statistics, 2 CA Cancer Clin 2 5: 29
  • Warshaw AL, ernandezdel Castillo C Pancreatic carcinoma N Engl Med 2 2: 555
  • Allison DC, Piantadosi S, Hruban RH, Dooley C, ishman EK, Yeo C, Lillemoe KD, Pitt HA, Lin P, Cameron L DNA content and other factors associated with ten year survival after resection of pancreatic carcinoma Surg Oncol : 559
  • Yeo C, Cameron L, Lillemoe KD, Sohn TA, Campbell KA, Sauter PK, Coleman , Abrams RA, Hruban RH Pancreaticoduodenectomy with or without distal gastrectomy and extended retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for periampullary adenocarcinoma, part 2: randomized controlled trial evaluating survival, morbidity, and mortality Ann Surg 222:55 5
  • Boutros R, Lobjois and Ducommun B CDC25 phosphatases in cancer cells: key players Good targets Nat Rev Cancer 2:55
  • Eckstein Cdc25 as a potential target of anticancer agents Investigational New Drugs 2 : 5
  • Gasparotto D, Maestro R, Piccinin S, ukosavljevic T, Barzan L, Sulfaro S and Boiocchi M verexpression of CDC25A and CDC25B in Head and Neck Cancers Cancer Research 5: 22
  • Kudo Y, Yasui , e T, Yamamoto S, Yokozaki H, Nikai H and Tahara E verexpression of Cyclindependent Kinaseactivating CDC25B Phosphatase in Human Gastric Carcinomas pn Cancer Res : 52
  • Hernandez S, Bessa , Bea S, Hernandez L, Nadal A, Mallofre C, Muntane , Castells A, ernandez PL, Cardesa A and Campo E Differential Expression of cdc25 CellCycle Activating Phosphatases in Human Colorectal Carcinoma Laboratory Investigation 2 : 5
  • Cangi MG, Cukor B, Soung P, Signoretti S, Moreira rG, Ranashinge M, Cady B, Pagano M and Loda M Role of the Cdc25A phosphatase in human breast cancer The ournal of Clinical Investigation 2 : 5
  • Ito Y, Yoshida H, runo T, Takamura Y, Miya A, Kuma K and Miyauchi A Expression of cdc25A and cdc25B Phosphatase in Breast Carcinoma Breast Cancer 2 : 25 2
  • Guo Y, Kleeff , Li , Ding , Hammer , ZhaoY, Giese T, Korc M, Buchler M, riess H Expression and functional significance of CDC25B in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Oncogene 2 2:
  • Bardeesy N and DePinho RA Pancreatic cancer biology and genetics Nat Rev Cancer 22 2: Kleeff and Korc M pregulation of transforming growth factor TGbeta receptors by TGbeta in COLO5
  • cells Biol Chem 2: 55 5
  • Koliopanos A, riess H, Kleeff , Shi , Liao , Pecker I, lodavsky I, Zimmermann A and Buchler M Heparanase expression in primary and metastatic pancreatic cancer Cancer Res 2 : 555
  • Ozawa , riess H, TempiaCaliera A, Kleeff and Buchler M Growth factors and their receptors in pancreatic cancer Teratog Carcinog Mutagen 2 2: 2
  • Tsai RY and McKay RD A nucleolar mechanism controlling cell proliferation in stem cells and cancer cells Genes Dev 22 : 2
  • Sherr C Cancer cell cycles Science 2: 2 Lal G, Liu L, Hogg D, Lassam N, Redston MS and Gallinger S Patients with both pancreatic adenocarcinoma and melanoma may harbor germline CDKN2A mutations Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2 2: 5 2
  • Galaktionov K and Beach D Specific activation of cdc25 tyrosine phosphatases by Btype cyclins: evidence for multiple roles of mitotic cyclins Cell : 2 Sebastian B, Kakizuka A and Hunter T Cdc25M2 activation of cyclindependent kinases by dephosphorylation of threonine and tyrosine5 Proc Natl Acad Sci SA : 5252 22
  • Hoffmann I, Draetta G and Karsenti E Activation of the phosphatase activity of human cdc25A by a cdk2cyclin E dependent phosphorylation at the G/S transition EMBO : 2 2
  • Hoffmann I, Clarke PR, Marcote M, Karsenti E and Draetta G Phosphorylation and activation of human cdc25C by cdc2cyclin B and its involvement in the self amplification of MP at mitosis EMBO 2: 5 2
  • Lammer C, agerer S, Saffrich R, Mertens D, Ansorge and Hoffmann I The cdc25B phosphatase is essential for the G2/M phase transition in human cells Cell Sci, : 2525

Pankreas Kanserindeki CD25A Gen Ekspresyonu ve Polimorfizmi

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 7 - 13, 14.03.2016


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı pankreas kanser vakalarının tümör dokularının CDC25A gen ekspiresyonu ve polimorfizmi belirlenmesi yoluyla CD25A gen polimorfizmi ve pankreas kanseri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Ek olarak kanser gelişimi ve gen
ekspiresyon seviyesi ile normal doku ve tümör dokusundaki CD25A gen ekspiresyonu arasındaki ilişkinin ihtimali amaçlanmıştır. .
Materyal ve Metod: 118 hasta (pankreas kanseri nedeniyle ameliyat olan (n=28) hasta ve pankreas kanseri nedeniyle takip edilen (n=90) hasta, birinci
derece akrabalarında kanser olan 83 sağlıklı gönüllü çalışmada kontrol grubu olarak çalışmaya dahil edildi.
Bulgular: Pankreas kanserinin ve kontrol gurubunun CD25A genindeki Ser88Phee polimorfizmi, C/C, C/T, T/T genotip sıklığı ve C ve T’nin
alel sıklığı arasında yapılan karşılaştırmada iki grup arasında istatistiksel anlmalılık bulunmadı (p>0.05). Pankreas kanserinin ve
kontrol gurubunun CD25A genindeki RS3731485 polimorfizmi, C/C, C/G, G/G, genotip sıklığı ve C ve G’nin alel sıklığı arasında
yapılan karşılaştırmada iki grup arasında istatistiksel anlamlılık bulunmadı (p>0.05). pankreas kanser ve kontrol grupları arasında
gen ekspiresyonu açısından anlamlılık yoktu .
Sonuç: Elde edilen veriler ışığında pankreas kanserinde CD25A gen polimorfizmi ve ekspiresyonu ile hiçbir anlamlı ilişki tespit edilmedi.
Sonuçta pankreas kanseri yüksek mortaliteye sahip bir hastalıktır ve kanserin etiyolojisinde genetiğin yeri tartışılamaz. Bu yüzden
polimorfizim ve ekspirasyon çalışmalarına devam edilmesini düşünüyoruz


  • Jemal A, Tiwari RC, Murray T, Ghafoor A, Samuels A, ard E, euer E, Thun M Cancer statistics, 2 CA Cancer Clin 2 5: 29
  • Warshaw AL, ernandezdel Castillo C Pancreatic carcinoma N Engl Med 2 2: 555
  • Allison DC, Piantadosi S, Hruban RH, Dooley C, ishman EK, Yeo C, Lillemoe KD, Pitt HA, Lin P, Cameron L DNA content and other factors associated with ten year survival after resection of pancreatic carcinoma Surg Oncol : 559
  • Yeo C, Cameron L, Lillemoe KD, Sohn TA, Campbell KA, Sauter PK, Coleman , Abrams RA, Hruban RH Pancreaticoduodenectomy with or without distal gastrectomy and extended retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for periampullary adenocarcinoma, part 2: randomized controlled trial evaluating survival, morbidity, and mortality Ann Surg 222:55 5
  • Boutros R, Lobjois and Ducommun B CDC25 phosphatases in cancer cells: key players Good targets Nat Rev Cancer 2:55
  • Eckstein Cdc25 as a potential target of anticancer agents Investigational New Drugs 2 : 5
  • Gasparotto D, Maestro R, Piccinin S, ukosavljevic T, Barzan L, Sulfaro S and Boiocchi M verexpression of CDC25A and CDC25B in Head and Neck Cancers Cancer Research 5: 22
  • Kudo Y, Yasui , e T, Yamamoto S, Yokozaki H, Nikai H and Tahara E verexpression of Cyclindependent Kinaseactivating CDC25B Phosphatase in Human Gastric Carcinomas pn Cancer Res : 52
  • Hernandez S, Bessa , Bea S, Hernandez L, Nadal A, Mallofre C, Muntane , Castells A, ernandez PL, Cardesa A and Campo E Differential Expression of cdc25 CellCycle Activating Phosphatases in Human Colorectal Carcinoma Laboratory Investigation 2 : 5
  • Cangi MG, Cukor B, Soung P, Signoretti S, Moreira rG, Ranashinge M, Cady B, Pagano M and Loda M Role of the Cdc25A phosphatase in human breast cancer The ournal of Clinical Investigation 2 : 5
  • Ito Y, Yoshida H, runo T, Takamura Y, Miya A, Kuma K and Miyauchi A Expression of cdc25A and cdc25B Phosphatase in Breast Carcinoma Breast Cancer 2 : 25 2
  • Guo Y, Kleeff , Li , Ding , Hammer , ZhaoY, Giese T, Korc M, Buchler M, riess H Expression and functional significance of CDC25B in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Oncogene 2 2:
  • Bardeesy N and DePinho RA Pancreatic cancer biology and genetics Nat Rev Cancer 22 2: Kleeff and Korc M pregulation of transforming growth factor TGbeta receptors by TGbeta in COLO5
  • cells Biol Chem 2: 55 5
  • Koliopanos A, riess H, Kleeff , Shi , Liao , Pecker I, lodavsky I, Zimmermann A and Buchler M Heparanase expression in primary and metastatic pancreatic cancer Cancer Res 2 : 555
  • Ozawa , riess H, TempiaCaliera A, Kleeff and Buchler M Growth factors and their receptors in pancreatic cancer Teratog Carcinog Mutagen 2 2: 2
  • Tsai RY and McKay RD A nucleolar mechanism controlling cell proliferation in stem cells and cancer cells Genes Dev 22 : 2
  • Sherr C Cancer cell cycles Science 2: 2 Lal G, Liu L, Hogg D, Lassam N, Redston MS and Gallinger S Patients with both pancreatic adenocarcinoma and melanoma may harbor germline CDKN2A mutations Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2 2: 5 2
  • Galaktionov K and Beach D Specific activation of cdc25 tyrosine phosphatases by Btype cyclins: evidence for multiple roles of mitotic cyclins Cell : 2 Sebastian B, Kakizuka A and Hunter T Cdc25M2 activation of cyclindependent kinases by dephosphorylation of threonine and tyrosine5 Proc Natl Acad Sci SA : 5252 22
  • Hoffmann I, Draetta G and Karsenti E Activation of the phosphatase activity of human cdc25A by a cdk2cyclin E dependent phosphorylation at the G/S transition EMBO : 2 2
  • Hoffmann I, Clarke PR, Marcote M, Karsenti E and Draetta G Phosphorylation and activation of human cdc25C by cdc2cyclin B and its involvement in the self amplification of MP at mitosis EMBO 2: 5 2
  • Lammer C, agerer S, Saffrich R, Mertens D, Ansorge and Hoffmann I The cdc25B phosphatase is essential for the G2/M phase transition in human cells Cell Sci, : 2525
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Başar Aksoy This is me

Sacit Çoban This is me

Serdar Öztuzcu This is me

Erdal Uysal This is me

Publication Date March 14, 2016
Submission Date March 14, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


AMA Aksoy B, Çoban S, Öztuzcu S, Uysal E. Polymorphism and CDC25A Gene Expression in Pancreatic Cancer. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. March 2016;6(1):7-13.


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