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miRNA Biyogenezi ve Kanser Patogenezindeki Fonksiyonu

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 0 - 0, 24.06.2016


Amaç: Küçük kodlamayan RNA molekülleri olan miRNA’lar, yaklaşık 22 nükleotit uzunluğundadırlar. Gen ifadesinin transkripsiyonel ve post-transkripsiyonel düzenlenmesinde fonksiyon gösteren bu moleküller gelişimsel zamanlama, embriyogenez, hücre farklılaşması, organogenez, metabolizma, apoptozis gibi biyolojik süreçlerde ve kanserin de yer aldığı birçok hastalıkta önemli rol oynamaktadır. Kanser gibi proliferatif hastalıkların oluşumunda miRNA disregülasyonunun katkısı olabileceği düşünülmektedir. miRNA’lar hedef genlerinin tümör oluşumundaki rollerine dayanılarak onkogenik ya da tümör baskılayıcı miRNA’lar olarak isimlendirilebilir. Kanserin teşhisine yardımcı olan kan temelli tümör marker’larının özellikle tümör evrelerinin belirlenmesinde düşük duyarlılık gösterdiği bilinmektedir. Düzenleyici mRNA ekspresyon profillerinin aksine, doku miRNA marker’ları kanserin belirlenmesi ve evrelendirilmesinde daha güvenilir olduğu görülmektedir. Bu nedenle dolaşımdaki miRNA’lar kanserin tanı ve prognozu için ideal bir biomarker sınıfı olarak öne çıkmaktadır. ddd lvl ;

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kanser biyobelirteçleri; miRNA; onkogen; tümör baskılayıcı gen.


  • Chen Y, Fu LL, Wen X, Liu B, Huang J, Wang JH, Wei YQ. Oncogenic and tumor suppressive roles of microRNAs in apoptosis and autophagy. Apoptosis 2014;19(8):1177-89. 2. Lee RC, Feinbaum RL, Ambros V. The C. elegans heterochronicgene lin-4 encodes small RNAs with antisense complementarity to lin-14. Cell 1993;75:843–854. 3. Pfeffer S et al. Identification of virus-encoded microRNAs. Science 2004;304(5671):734-6. 4. Lagos-Quintana M, et al, Identification of novel genes coding for small expressed RNAs. Science 2001;294(5543):853-8. 5. Kozomara A and Griffiths-Jones S. miRBase: annotating high confidence microRNAsusing deep sequencing data. Nucleic Acids Research 2014;42:68-73. 6. Shah MY, Calin GA. MicroRNAs as therapeutic targetsin human cancers. Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA. 2014;JulAug;5(4):537-48. 7. Kim VN, Nam JW. Genomics of microRNA. TRENDS in Genetics. 2006;22(3):165-173. 8. Olena AF, Patton JG. Genomic Organization of microRNAs. J. Cell. Physiol 2010;222: 540–545. 9. Guz M, Müller AR, Okon E, Bembenek AS,Polberg K, Slomka M, StepulakA. MicroRNAs-Role in Lung Cancer. Disease Markers 2014;218169. 10. Cai X, Hagedorn CH, Cullen BR. Human microRNAs are processed from capped, polyadenylated transcripts that can also function as mRNAs. RNA 2004;10:1957–1966. 11. Lee Y, Ahn C, Han Y, Choi H,Kim J, Yim J, Lee J, Provost P, Radmark O, Kim S, Kim VN. The nuclear RNase III Drosha initiates microRNA processing. Nature 2003;425:415-419. 12. Han J, Lee Y, Yeom KH, Nam JW, Heo I, Rhee JK, Sohn SY, Cho Y, Zhang BT, Kim VN. Molecular basis for the recognition of primary microRNAs by the Drosha-DGCR8 complex. Cell. 2006 Jun 2;125(5):887-901. 13. Ha M, Kim VN. Regulation of microRNA biogenesis. Nature 2014;15;509-524. 14. Gupta V, Huang X, PatelRC. The carboxy-terminal, M3 motifs of PACT and TRBP have opposite effects on PKR activity. Virology 2003;315:283–291. 15. Bushati N, Cohen SM. MicroRNA Functions. Cell Dev. Biol 2007;23:175–205. 16. Zhang H, Kolb FA, Jaskiewicz L, Westhof E, Filipowicz W. Single Processing Center Models for Human Dicer and Bacterial RNase III. Cell 2004;118: 57–68. 17. Koscianska E, Roslan JS, Krzyzosiak WJ. The Role of Dicer Protein Partners in the Processing of MicroRNA Precursors. Plos ONE 2011;6(12):e28548. 18. Wiemer EA. The role of microRNAs in cancer: No small matter. Eur J Cancer. 2007 Jul;43(10):1529-44. 19. Schwarz DS, Hutvagner G, Du T, Xu Z, Aronin N, Zamore PD. Asymmetry in the Assembly of the RNAi Enzyme Complex. Cell 2003;115:199–208. 20. Avraham R, Yarden Y. Regulation of signalling by microRNAs. Biochemical Society Transactions 2012;40(1):26-30. 21. Mendell JT, Olson EN. MicroRNAs in Stress Signaling and Human Disease. Cell 2012;148:1172-1187. 22. He L, Hannon GJ. Micrornas: Small Rnas Wıth A Bıg Role In Gene Regulatıon. Nature 2004;5:522-532. 23. Wahid F, Khan T, Kim YY. MicroRNA and diseases: Therapeutic potential as new generation of Drugs.Biochimie 2014;104:12-26.
  • Calin GA, Dumitru CD, Shimizu M, Bichi R, Zupo S, NochE, Aldler H, Rattan S, Keating M, Kanti Rai, Rassenti L, Kipps T, Negrini M, Bullrich F, Croce CM. Frequent deletions and down-regulation of micro-RNA genes miR15 and miR16 at 13q14 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. PNAS 2002;99(24):15524-15529. 25. Xing Z,Li D, Yang L, Xi Y, Su X. MicroRNAs and anticancer drugs. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2014;46(3):233-239. 26. Zhang B, Pan X, Cobb GP, Anderson TA. MicroRNAs as oncogenes and tumor suppressors. Developmental Biology 2007;302:1–12. 27. Kerscher AE ve Slack FJ. Oncomirs-microRNAs with a role in cancer 2006 April;6:259-269. 28. Silva J, Garcia V, Zaballos A, Provencio M, Lombardia L, Almonacid L, Garcia JM, Dominguez G, Pena C, Diaz R, Herrera M, Varela A, Bonilla F. Vesicle-related microRNAs in plasma of nonsmall cell lung cancer patients and correlation with survival. Eur. Respir. J 2011;37:617–623. 29. Roush S, Slack FJ.The let-7 family of microRNAs.Trends Cell Biol. 2008 Oct;18(10):505-16. 30. Cookson VJ, Bentley MA, Hogan BV, Horgan K, Hayward BE, Hazelwood LD, Hughes TA, Circulating microRNA profiles reflect the presence of breast tumoursbut not the profiles of microRNAs within the tumours. Cell Oncol (Dordr.) 2012;35:301–308. 31. Li LM, Hu ZB, Zhou ZX, Chen X, Liu FY, Zhang JF, Shen HB, Zhang CY, Zen K,Serum microRNA profiles serve as novel biomarkers for HBV infection and diagnosisof HBV-positive hepatocarcinoma. Cancer Res 2010;70:9798–9807. 32. Blandino G, Fazi F, Donzelli S, Kedmi M, Chen AS, Muti P, Strano S, Yarden Y.Tumor suppressor microRNAs: A novel non-coding alliance against cancer. FEBS Letters 2014;19;588(16):2639-52. 33. Malumbres M. miRNAs and cancer: An epigenetics view. Molecular Aspects of Medicine 2013; 34:863–874. 34. Kent OA, Matthew N. McCall, Cornish TC and Marc K. Halushka.Lessons from miR-143/145: the importance of cell-type localization of miRNAs. Nucleic Acids Research 2014; 42(12):7528–7538. 35. Wang X, Tang S, Le SY, Lu R, Rader JS, Meyers C, Zheng ZM.Aberrant Expression of Oncogenic and TumorSuppressive MicroRNAs in Cervical Cancer Is Required for Cancer Cell Growth.PLoS One. 2008;3(7):2557. 36. Costinean S, Zanesi N, Pekarsky Y, Tili E, Volinia S, Heerema N, Croce CM. Pre-B cell proliferation and lymphoblastic leukemia/high-grade lymphoma in E(mu)-miR155 transgenic mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2006;103(18):7024–7029. 37. Thai TH, Calado DP, Casola S, Ansel KM, Xiao C, Xue Y., Murphy, A., Frendewey, D., Valenzuela, D., Kutok, J.L., Schmidt-Supprian, M., Rajewsky, N.,Yancopoulos, G., Rao, A., Rajewsky, K. Regulation of the germinal center response by microRNA-155. Science 2007.316 (5824), 604–608. 38. Olive V, Jiang I, He L.miR-17-92, a cluster of miRNAs in the midst of the cancer network.Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2010;42(8):1348-54. 39. Tsuchida A, Ohno S, Wu W, Borjigin N, Fujita K, Aoki T, Ueda S, Takanashi M, Kuroda M. miR-92 is a key oncogenic component of the miR-17-92 cluster in colon cancer.Cancer Sci 2011;102(12):2264-71. 40. Asangani IA, Rasheed SAK, DA Nikolova, JH Leupold, NH
  • ÇNAR Colburn, S Post and H Allgayer. MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) post-transcriptionally downregulates tumor suppressor Pdcd4 and stimulates invasion, intravasation and metastasis in colorectal cancer.Oncogene.2 008 Apr 3;27(15):2128-36. 41. Cheng G. Circulating miRNAs: Roles in cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2015; 81:75–93. 42. Volinia S, Calin GA, Liu CG, Ambs S, Cimmino A, Petrocca F, et al. A microRNA expression signature of human solid tumors defines cancer gene targets. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006;103:2257-61. 43. Zhang L, Huang J, Yang N, Greshock J, Megraw MS, Giannakakis A, Liang S, Naylor TL, Barchetti A, Ward MR, Yao G, Medina A, Jenkins AO, Katsaros D, Hatzigeorgiou A, Gimotty PA, Weber BL, Coukos G. microRNAs exhibit high frequency genomic alterations in human cancer. Pnas 2006;103(24):9136–9141. 44. Jay C, Nemunaıtıs J, Chen P, Fulgham P, Tong AW. MiRNA Profiling for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Human Cancer. DNA Cell Biol. 2007;26(5):293-300. 45. Lee YS, Dutta A. MicroRNAs in cancer. Annu. Rev. Pathol 2009;4;199–227. 46. Lu J, Deutsch C. Folding zones inside the ribosomal exit tunnel. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2005;12:1123-9. 47. Png KJ, Halberg N, Yoshida M, Tavazoie SF. A microRNA regulon that mediates endothelial recruitment and metastasis by cancercells. Nature 2012;481:190-4. 48. Le HB, Zhu WY, Chen DD, He JY, Huang YY, Liu XG, Zhang YK. Evaluation ofdynamic change of serum miR-21 and miR-24 in pre- and post-operative lungcarcinoma patients. Med. Oncol 2012;29:3190–3197. 49. Zheng D, Haddadin S, Wang Y, L.Q. Gu, M.C. Perry, C.E. Freter, M.X.Wang, Plasma microRNAs as novel biomarkers for early detection of lung cancer. Int. J. Clin. Exp.Pathol 2011;4:575–586. 50. Foss KM, Sima C, Ugolini D, Neri M, Allen KE, Weiss GJ. miR-1254 andmiR-574-5p: serum-based microRNA biomarkers for early-stage non-small celllung cancer. J. Thorac. Oncol 2011;6:482–488. 51. Shen J, Todd NW, Zhang H, Yu L, Lingxiao X, Mei Y, Guarnera M, Liao J, Chou A,Lu CL, Jiang Z, Fang H, Katz RL, Jiang F, Plasma microRNAs as potentialbiomarkers for non-small-cell lung cancer. Lab. Invest 2011;91:579–587. 52. Kaduthanam S, S. Gade, M. Meister, J.C. Brase, M. Johannes, H. Dienemann, A.Warth, P.A. Schnabel, F.J. Herth, H. Sultmann, T. Muley, R. Kuner, Serum miR142-3p is associated with early relapse in operable lung adenocarcinoma patients.Lung Cancer 2013;80:223–227. 53. Wu X, Somlo G, Yu Y, Palomares MR, Li AX, Zhou W, A. Chow, Y. Yen, J.J. Rossi,H. Gao, J. Wang, Y.C. Yuan, P. Frankel, S. Li, K.T. Ashing-Giwa, G. Sun, Y. Wang, R.Smith, K. Robinson, X. Ren, S.E. Wang, De novo sequencing of circulating miRNAsidentifies novel markers predicting clinical outcome of locally advanced breast cancer, J. Transl. Med 2012;10:42-52. 54. Sun Y, Wang M, Lin G, Sun S, Li X, Qi J, Li J. Serum microRNA-155 as a potential biomarker to track disease in breast cancer. PLoS One 2012;7:e47003. 55. Asaga S, Kuo C, Nguyen T, Terpenning M, Giuliano AE, HoonDS, Direct serum assay for microRNA-21 concentrations in early and advanced breast cancer, Clin.
  • Chem 2011;57:84–91. 56. Wang H, Tan G, Dong L, Cheng L, K. Li, Z.Wang, H. Luo, Circulating MiR-125b as a marker predicting chemoresistance in breast cancer, PLoS One 2012;7:e34210. 57. Chen W, Cai F, Zhang B, Z. Barekati, X.Y. Zhong, The level of circulating miRNA-10b and miRNA-373 in detecting lymph node metastasis of breast cancer:potential biomarkers, Tumour Biol 2013;34:455–462. 58. Eichelser C, Janys DF, -Claude J, Pantel K, Schwarzenbach H. Deregulated serum concentrations of circulating cellfree microRNAs miR-17,miR-34a, miR-155, and miR-373 in human breast cancer development and progression. Clin. Chem 2013;59:1489–1496. 59. Jung EJ, Santarpia L, Kim J, Esteva FJ, Moretti E, Buzdar AU, Di Leo A, Le XF, Bast Jr RC, Park ST, Pusztai L, Calin GA, Plasma microRNA 210 levels correlate withsensitivity to trastuzumab and tumor presence in breast cancer patients. Cancer 2012;118:2603–2614. 60. Mitchell PS, Parkin RK, Kroh EM, Fritz BR, Wyman SK, Pogosova-Agadjanyan EL, A. Peterson, J. Noteboom, K.C. O'Briant, A. Allen, D.W. Lin, N. Urban,C.W. Drescher, B.S. Knudsen, D.L. Stirewalt, R. Gentleman, R.L. Vessella, P.S.Nelson, D.B. Martin, M. Tewari, Circulating microRNAs as stable blood-based markers for cancer detection. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2008;105:10513–10518. 61. Brase JC, Johannes M, Schlomm T, Falth M, Haese A, Steuber T, Beissbarth T, Kuner R, Sultmann H, Circulating miRNAs are correlated with tumor progression inprostate cancer, Int. J. Cancer 2011;128:608–616. 62. Kawaguchi T, Komatsu S, Ichikawa D, Morimura R, Tsujiura M, Konishi H, Takeshita H, Nagata H, Arita T, Hirajima S, Shiozaki A, Ikoma H, Okamoto K,Ochiai T, Taniguchi H, Otsuji E, Clinical impact of circulating miR-221 in plasma ofpatients with pancreatic cancer. Br. J. Cancer 2013;108:361–369. 63. Nguyen HC, Xie W, Yang M, Hsieh CL, Drouin S, Lee GS, Kantoff PW, Expression differences of circulating microRNAs in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer and low-risk, localized prostate cancer. Prostate 2013;73:346–354. 64. Huang Z, Huang D, Ni S, Peng Z, Sheng W, Du X. PlasmamicroRNAs are promisingnovel biomarkers for early detection of colorectal cancer. Int. J. Cancer 2010;127:118–126. 65. Toiyama Y, Hur K, Tanaka K, Inoue Y, Kusunoki M, Boland CR, Goel A, SerummiR-200c is a novel prognostic and metastasis-predictive biomarker in patients with colorectal cancer. Ann. Surg 2014;259:735–743. 66. Wang LG, Gu J. Serum microRNA-29a is a promising novel marker for early detection of colorectal liver metastasis, Cancer Epidemiol 2012;36:e61–e67. 67. Cheng H, Zhang L, Cogdell DE, Zheng H, Schetter AJ, Nykter M, Harris CC, Chen K, Hamilton SR, Zhang W. Circulating plasma miR-141 is a novel biomarkerfor metastatic colon cancer and predicts poor prognosis, PLoS One 2011;6:e17745. 68. Zhang J, Zhang K, Bi M, Jiao X, Zhang D, Dong Q, Circulating microRNA expressions in colorectal cancer as predictors of response to chemotherapy. Anticancer Drugs 2014;25:346–352.
Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 0 - 0, 24.06.2016



  • Chen Y, Fu LL, Wen X, Liu B, Huang J, Wang JH, Wei YQ. Oncogenic and tumor suppressive roles of microRNAs in apoptosis and autophagy. Apoptosis 2014;19(8):1177-89. 2. Lee RC, Feinbaum RL, Ambros V. The C. elegans heterochronicgene lin-4 encodes small RNAs with antisense complementarity to lin-14. Cell 1993;75:843–854. 3. Pfeffer S et al. Identification of virus-encoded microRNAs. Science 2004;304(5671):734-6. 4. Lagos-Quintana M, et al, Identification of novel genes coding for small expressed RNAs. Science 2001;294(5543):853-8. 5. Kozomara A and Griffiths-Jones S. miRBase: annotating high confidence microRNAsusing deep sequencing data. Nucleic Acids Research 2014;42:68-73. 6. Shah MY, Calin GA. MicroRNAs as therapeutic targetsin human cancers. Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA. 2014;JulAug;5(4):537-48. 7. Kim VN, Nam JW. Genomics of microRNA. TRENDS in Genetics. 2006;22(3):165-173. 8. Olena AF, Patton JG. Genomic Organization of microRNAs. J. Cell. Physiol 2010;222: 540–545. 9. Guz M, Müller AR, Okon E, Bembenek AS,Polberg K, Slomka M, StepulakA. MicroRNAs-Role in Lung Cancer. Disease Markers 2014;218169. 10. Cai X, Hagedorn CH, Cullen BR. Human microRNAs are processed from capped, polyadenylated transcripts that can also function as mRNAs. RNA 2004;10:1957–1966. 11. Lee Y, Ahn C, Han Y, Choi H,Kim J, Yim J, Lee J, Provost P, Radmark O, Kim S, Kim VN. The nuclear RNase III Drosha initiates microRNA processing. Nature 2003;425:415-419. 12. Han J, Lee Y, Yeom KH, Nam JW, Heo I, Rhee JK, Sohn SY, Cho Y, Zhang BT, Kim VN. Molecular basis for the recognition of primary microRNAs by the Drosha-DGCR8 complex. Cell. 2006 Jun 2;125(5):887-901. 13. Ha M, Kim VN. Regulation of microRNA biogenesis. Nature 2014;15;509-524. 14. Gupta V, Huang X, PatelRC. The carboxy-terminal, M3 motifs of PACT and TRBP have opposite effects on PKR activity. Virology 2003;315:283–291. 15. Bushati N, Cohen SM. MicroRNA Functions. Cell Dev. Biol 2007;23:175–205. 16. Zhang H, Kolb FA, Jaskiewicz L, Westhof E, Filipowicz W. Single Processing Center Models for Human Dicer and Bacterial RNase III. Cell 2004;118: 57–68. 17. Koscianska E, Roslan JS, Krzyzosiak WJ. The Role of Dicer Protein Partners in the Processing of MicroRNA Precursors. Plos ONE 2011;6(12):e28548. 18. Wiemer EA. The role of microRNAs in cancer: No small matter. Eur J Cancer. 2007 Jul;43(10):1529-44. 19. Schwarz DS, Hutvagner G, Du T, Xu Z, Aronin N, Zamore PD. Asymmetry in the Assembly of the RNAi Enzyme Complex. Cell 2003;115:199–208. 20. Avraham R, Yarden Y. Regulation of signalling by microRNAs. Biochemical Society Transactions 2012;40(1):26-30. 21. Mendell JT, Olson EN. MicroRNAs in Stress Signaling and Human Disease. Cell 2012;148:1172-1187. 22. He L, Hannon GJ. Micrornas: Small Rnas Wıth A Bıg Role In Gene Regulatıon. Nature 2004;5:522-532. 23. Wahid F, Khan T, Kim YY. MicroRNA and diseases: Therapeutic potential as new generation of Drugs.Biochimie 2014;104:12-26.
  • Calin GA, Dumitru CD, Shimizu M, Bichi R, Zupo S, NochE, Aldler H, Rattan S, Keating M, Kanti Rai, Rassenti L, Kipps T, Negrini M, Bullrich F, Croce CM. Frequent deletions and down-regulation of micro-RNA genes miR15 and miR16 at 13q14 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. PNAS 2002;99(24):15524-15529. 25. Xing Z,Li D, Yang L, Xi Y, Su X. MicroRNAs and anticancer drugs. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2014;46(3):233-239. 26. Zhang B, Pan X, Cobb GP, Anderson TA. MicroRNAs as oncogenes and tumor suppressors. Developmental Biology 2007;302:1–12. 27. Kerscher AE ve Slack FJ. Oncomirs-microRNAs with a role in cancer 2006 April;6:259-269. 28. Silva J, Garcia V, Zaballos A, Provencio M, Lombardia L, Almonacid L, Garcia JM, Dominguez G, Pena C, Diaz R, Herrera M, Varela A, Bonilla F. Vesicle-related microRNAs in plasma of nonsmall cell lung cancer patients and correlation with survival. Eur. Respir. J 2011;37:617–623. 29. Roush S, Slack FJ.The let-7 family of microRNAs.Trends Cell Biol. 2008 Oct;18(10):505-16. 30. Cookson VJ, Bentley MA, Hogan BV, Horgan K, Hayward BE, Hazelwood LD, Hughes TA, Circulating microRNA profiles reflect the presence of breast tumoursbut not the profiles of microRNAs within the tumours. Cell Oncol (Dordr.) 2012;35:301–308. 31. Li LM, Hu ZB, Zhou ZX, Chen X, Liu FY, Zhang JF, Shen HB, Zhang CY, Zen K,Serum microRNA profiles serve as novel biomarkers for HBV infection and diagnosisof HBV-positive hepatocarcinoma. Cancer Res 2010;70:9798–9807. 32. Blandino G, Fazi F, Donzelli S, Kedmi M, Chen AS, Muti P, Strano S, Yarden Y.Tumor suppressor microRNAs: A novel non-coding alliance against cancer. FEBS Letters 2014;19;588(16):2639-52. 33. Malumbres M. miRNAs and cancer: An epigenetics view. Molecular Aspects of Medicine 2013; 34:863–874. 34. Kent OA, Matthew N. McCall, Cornish TC and Marc K. Halushka.Lessons from miR-143/145: the importance of cell-type localization of miRNAs. Nucleic Acids Research 2014; 42(12):7528–7538. 35. Wang X, Tang S, Le SY, Lu R, Rader JS, Meyers C, Zheng ZM.Aberrant Expression of Oncogenic and TumorSuppressive MicroRNAs in Cervical Cancer Is Required for Cancer Cell Growth.PLoS One. 2008;3(7):2557. 36. Costinean S, Zanesi N, Pekarsky Y, Tili E, Volinia S, Heerema N, Croce CM. Pre-B cell proliferation and lymphoblastic leukemia/high-grade lymphoma in E(mu)-miR155 transgenic mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2006;103(18):7024–7029. 37. Thai TH, Calado DP, Casola S, Ansel KM, Xiao C, Xue Y., Murphy, A., Frendewey, D., Valenzuela, D., Kutok, J.L., Schmidt-Supprian, M., Rajewsky, N.,Yancopoulos, G., Rao, A., Rajewsky, K. Regulation of the germinal center response by microRNA-155. Science 2007.316 (5824), 604–608. 38. Olive V, Jiang I, He L.miR-17-92, a cluster of miRNAs in the midst of the cancer network.Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2010;42(8):1348-54. 39. Tsuchida A, Ohno S, Wu W, Borjigin N, Fujita K, Aoki T, Ueda S, Takanashi M, Kuroda M. miR-92 is a key oncogenic component of the miR-17-92 cluster in colon cancer.Cancer Sci 2011;102(12):2264-71. 40. Asangani IA, Rasheed SAK, DA Nikolova, JH Leupold, NH
  • ÇNAR Colburn, S Post and H Allgayer. MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) post-transcriptionally downregulates tumor suppressor Pdcd4 and stimulates invasion, intravasation and metastasis in colorectal cancer.Oncogene.2 008 Apr 3;27(15):2128-36. 41. Cheng G. Circulating miRNAs: Roles in cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2015; 81:75–93. 42. Volinia S, Calin GA, Liu CG, Ambs S, Cimmino A, Petrocca F, et al. A microRNA expression signature of human solid tumors defines cancer gene targets. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2006;103:2257-61. 43. Zhang L, Huang J, Yang N, Greshock J, Megraw MS, Giannakakis A, Liang S, Naylor TL, Barchetti A, Ward MR, Yao G, Medina A, Jenkins AO, Katsaros D, Hatzigeorgiou A, Gimotty PA, Weber BL, Coukos G. microRNAs exhibit high frequency genomic alterations in human cancer. Pnas 2006;103(24):9136–9141. 44. Jay C, Nemunaıtıs J, Chen P, Fulgham P, Tong AW. MiRNA Profiling for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Human Cancer. DNA Cell Biol. 2007;26(5):293-300. 45. Lee YS, Dutta A. MicroRNAs in cancer. Annu. Rev. Pathol 2009;4;199–227. 46. Lu J, Deutsch C. Folding zones inside the ribosomal exit tunnel. Nat Struct Mol Biol 2005;12:1123-9. 47. Png KJ, Halberg N, Yoshida M, Tavazoie SF. A microRNA regulon that mediates endothelial recruitment and metastasis by cancercells. Nature 2012;481:190-4. 48. Le HB, Zhu WY, Chen DD, He JY, Huang YY, Liu XG, Zhang YK. Evaluation ofdynamic change of serum miR-21 and miR-24 in pre- and post-operative lungcarcinoma patients. Med. Oncol 2012;29:3190–3197. 49. Zheng D, Haddadin S, Wang Y, L.Q. Gu, M.C. Perry, C.E. Freter, M.X.Wang, Plasma microRNAs as novel biomarkers for early detection of lung cancer. Int. J. Clin. Exp.Pathol 2011;4:575–586. 50. Foss KM, Sima C, Ugolini D, Neri M, Allen KE, Weiss GJ. miR-1254 andmiR-574-5p: serum-based microRNA biomarkers for early-stage non-small celllung cancer. J. Thorac. Oncol 2011;6:482–488. 51. Shen J, Todd NW, Zhang H, Yu L, Lingxiao X, Mei Y, Guarnera M, Liao J, Chou A,Lu CL, Jiang Z, Fang H, Katz RL, Jiang F, Plasma microRNAs as potentialbiomarkers for non-small-cell lung cancer. Lab. Invest 2011;91:579–587. 52. Kaduthanam S, S. Gade, M. Meister, J.C. Brase, M. Johannes, H. Dienemann, A.Warth, P.A. Schnabel, F.J. Herth, H. Sultmann, T. Muley, R. Kuner, Serum miR142-3p is associated with early relapse in operable lung adenocarcinoma patients.Lung Cancer 2013;80:223–227. 53. Wu X, Somlo G, Yu Y, Palomares MR, Li AX, Zhou W, A. Chow, Y. Yen, J.J. Rossi,H. Gao, J. Wang, Y.C. Yuan, P. Frankel, S. Li, K.T. Ashing-Giwa, G. Sun, Y. Wang, R.Smith, K. Robinson, X. Ren, S.E. Wang, De novo sequencing of circulating miRNAsidentifies novel markers predicting clinical outcome of locally advanced breast cancer, J. Transl. Med 2012;10:42-52. 54. Sun Y, Wang M, Lin G, Sun S, Li X, Qi J, Li J. Serum microRNA-155 as a potential biomarker to track disease in breast cancer. PLoS One 2012;7:e47003. 55. Asaga S, Kuo C, Nguyen T, Terpenning M, Giuliano AE, HoonDS, Direct serum assay for microRNA-21 concentrations in early and advanced breast cancer, Clin.
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Journal Section Articles

İlknur Çınar

Hatice Gül Dursun This is me

Publication Date June 24, 2016
Submission Date June 24, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


AMA Çınar İ, Dursun HG. miRNA Biyogenezi ve Kanser Patogenezindeki Fonksiyonu. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. June 2016;6(2).


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