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Karın Ağrısının Ayırıcı Tanısında Renal Arter Trombozu: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 0 - 0, 24.06.2016


Renal Arter Trombozu (RAT) nadir görülen fakat böbrek parankim kaybİna neden olabilen ciddi bir klinik durumdur. RAT olgularİnda sİklİkla atrial fibrilasyon ve travma öyküsü vardİr. Nadir görülmesi, başvuru şikyetlerinin ve laboratuar bulgularİnİn nonspesifik olmasİ nedeniyle tanİsİ sİklİkla gecikir. Tanİdaki gecikme ise böbrek parankim kaybİyla sonuçlanİr. Bu olgu sunumu ile acil servise yaygİn karİn ağrİsİ ve bulantİ gibi nonspesifik yakİnmalarla gelen, EKG’si normal olan ve travma öyküsü olmayan 50 yaşİndaki bir erkek hastada teşhis edilen RAT tanİsİna dikkat çekilmesi amaçlandİ. ( Sakarya Tıp Dergisi 2016, 6(2):106-109 )

Anahtar Kelimeler Renal arter trombozu, karİn ağrİsİ


  • Şahinkanat T, Okur N, Yasim A, Yüzbaşİoğlu F. Ana Böbrek Arteri Embolisi: Olgu Sunumu Türk roloji Dergisi, 200834 (3):368-371. 2. Frost L, Engholm G, Johnsen S, Moller H, Henneberg E, Husted S: Incident thromboembolism in the aorta and the renal, mesenteric, pelvic and etremity arteries after discharge from the hospital ith a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. Arch Intern Med 2001161:272-276. 3. Yoshida T, Ikehara N, Mİyabe H, et al: To cases ith renal infarction diagnosed in the early course using cont-rastenhanced CT. Hypertens Res 200427:523-526. 4. Nakayama T, Okaneya T, Kinebuchi Y, Murata Y, Iizuka K. Thrombolytic therapy for traumatic unilateral renal artery thrombosis. Int J Urol 200613:168-70. 5. Huang CC, Kao F, Yen DHT, Huang HH, Huang CI, Lee CH: Renal infarction ithout hematuria: To cases reports. The Journal of Emergency Medicine 200530:57-61. 6. Gasparini M, Hofmann R, Stoller M: Renal artery embolism: Clinical features and therapeutic options. J Urol 1992147:567-572. 7. Ramamoorthy SL, Vasuez JC, Taft PM, McGinn RF, Hye RJ: Nonoperative management of acute sponta-neous renal artery dissection. Ann Vasc Surg 200216:157-162. 8. Muoz D, Gutierrez C, Hidalgo F, Rebassa M, Mus A, Ozonas M. Traumatic renal artery thrombosis. Scand J Urol Nephrol 199832:296-8. 9. Jaas A, Abu-Zidan FM. Management algorithm for complete blunt renal artery occlusion in multiple trauma patients: case series. Int J Surg 20086:317-22.
Year 2016, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 0 - 0, 24.06.2016



  • Şahinkanat T, Okur N, Yasim A, Yüzbaşİoğlu F. Ana Böbrek Arteri Embolisi: Olgu Sunumu Türk roloji Dergisi, 200834 (3):368-371. 2. Frost L, Engholm G, Johnsen S, Moller H, Henneberg E, Husted S: Incident thromboembolism in the aorta and the renal, mesenteric, pelvic and etremity arteries after discharge from the hospital ith a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. Arch Intern Med 2001161:272-276. 3. Yoshida T, Ikehara N, Mİyabe H, et al: To cases ith renal infarction diagnosed in the early course using cont-rastenhanced CT. Hypertens Res 200427:523-526. 4. Nakayama T, Okaneya T, Kinebuchi Y, Murata Y, Iizuka K. Thrombolytic therapy for traumatic unilateral renal artery thrombosis. Int J Urol 200613:168-70. 5. Huang CC, Kao F, Yen DHT, Huang HH, Huang CI, Lee CH: Renal infarction ithout hematuria: To cases reports. The Journal of Emergency Medicine 200530:57-61. 6. Gasparini M, Hofmann R, Stoller M: Renal artery embolism: Clinical features and therapeutic options. J Urol 1992147:567-572. 7. Ramamoorthy SL, Vasuez JC, Taft PM, McGinn RF, Hye RJ: Nonoperative management of acute sponta-neous renal artery dissection. Ann Vasc Surg 200216:157-162. 8. Muoz D, Gutierrez C, Hidalgo F, Rebassa M, Mus A, Ozonas M. Traumatic renal artery thrombosis. Scand J Urol Nephrol 199832:296-8. 9. Jaas A, Abu-Zidan FM. Management algorithm for complete blunt renal artery occlusion in multiple trauma patients: case series. Int J Surg 20086:317-22.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Halil İbrahim Çıkrıklar

Yasemin Yıldız Kirazaldı This is me

Murat Yücel This is me

Yusuf Yürümez This is me

Publication Date June 24, 2016
Submission Date June 24, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


AMA Çıkrıklar Hİ, Kirazaldı YY, Yücel M, Yürümez Y. Karın Ağrısının Ayırıcı Tanısında Renal Arter Trombozu: Olgu Sunumu. Sakarya Tıp Dergisi. June 2016;6(2).


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