Research Article
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Bizansın Anadolu’daki Yeni Düzeni: Thema Sistemi’nin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Problemler

Year 2018, Volume: 19 Issue: 43 SITKI KOÇMAN'ın Anısına Armağan, 95 - 107, 28.12.2018


VI. ve VII. yüzyıllarda Bizans İmparatorluğu, önce Sasanilerin ardından İslam’ın ortaya çıkmasıyla beraber de Müslüman Arapların ciddi saldırılarıyla yüzleşmek zorunda kalmıştır. Bu çerçevede İmparatorluk, Müslüman Arap saldırılarının olumsuz etkilerini en az indirmek ve bu saldırılara karşı koymak için ilk uygulama alanı Anadolu’da toprağa dayalı idarî, askerî ve sosyo-iktisadî bir sistem kurmuştur. Tarihî kaynaklarda “thema” olarak adlandırılan bu sistemin VII. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren kurulduğu görülmektedir. Bildirimizde, thema kelimesinin etimolojik ve tarihi kökeni, thema sisteminin ortaya çıkışıyla ilgili bu zamana kadar süre gelen problemler ve bu problemlerin analizi, döneminin kaynaklarıyla ortaya konulacaktır.


  • Avcı, C. (2003), İslam-Bizans İlişkileri, Klasik Yayınları, İstanbul. Baynes, N. (1952), “The Emperor Heraclius and the Military Theme System”, The English Historical Review, Vol: 67, No. 264, 380-381. Belâzurî (2013), Fütûhu’l-Büldân, Çev. Mustafa Fayda, Siyer Yayınları, İstanbul. Bosworth, C. (1996), “The Byzantine Defence System in Asia Minor and the First Arab Incursions”, The Arabs, Byzantium and Iran Studies in Early Islamic History and Culture, Ashgate Variorum England, 116-124. Diehl, C. (1896), L’Afrique Byzantine, Ernest Leroux, Paris. Dölger, F. (1955), “Zur Ableitung des byzantinischen Verwaltungsterminus Θema”, Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, Bd. 4, 189-198. Ekkebus, B. (2009), “Heraclius and the Evolution of Byzantine Strategy”, Constructing the Past, Vol: 10, 73-96. Ensslin, W. (1953), “Der Kaiser Herakleios und die Themenverfassung”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 46, 362-368. Geanakoplos, D. (1984), Byzantium: Church, Society and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Gelzer, H. (1899), Die Genesis der Byzantinischen Themenverfassung, Teubner, Leipzig. Girvés, M.-Henares de A. (1999), “Byzantine Spain and the African Exarchate an Administrative Perspective”, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 49. Band, Wien, 13-23. Georgios P. (1836), De Expeditione Persica, Ed. I. Bekker, Bonn. Haldon, J. (1990), Byzantium in the Seventh Century, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. _____ (1993), “Military Service, Military Lands, and the Status of Soldiers: Current Problems and Interpretations”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol: 47, 1-67. _____ (2008), “The Army”, Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies, Edited by Elizabeth Jeffreys, John Haldon and Robin Cormack, Oxford, 554-561. ________ (1979) Recruitment and Conscription in the Byzantine Army c. 550-950: A Study on the Origins of the Stratiotika Ktemata, Verlag, Wien. ________ (2016), “A Context for Two “Evil Deeds”: Nikephoros I and the Origins of the Themata”, Le saint, le moine et le paysan, Mélanges d'histoire byzantine offerts à Michel Kaplan, Ed. Olivier Delouis vd., Sorbonne 2016, 245-264. ________ (2005), “Economy and Society: How did the Empire Work?” Companion to the Age of Justinian, Ed. M. Mass, Cambridge 2005, 28-59. ________ (1995), “Seventh-Century Continuities and Transformations: the Ajnâd and the “Thematic Myth”, The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East III, Ed. A. Cameron, The Darwin Press, 379-423. Hendy, M. (1985), Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy c. 300-1450, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Howard-Johnston, J. (1984), “Thema”, Maistor, Classical, Byzantine and Renaissance Studies for Robert Browning, Ed. A. Moffatt, Canberra, 189-196. Kaegi, W. (1967), “Some Reconsiderations on the Themes (Seventh-Ninth Centuries)”, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, Vol: XVI, 39-53. ________ (1981). Byzantine Military Unrest 471-843, Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam. ________ (2003), Heraclius: Emperor of Byzantium, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Kazhdan, A. (1991), “Strategos”, The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Vol: III, 1964. Koder, J. (1990), “Zur Bedeutungsentwicklung des byzantinischen Terminus Thema” , Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 40. Band, 155-165. Konstantinos P. (1840, 1952), De thematibus et De administrando imperio, Ed. Bekker, Bonn 1840; De thematibus, Ed. A. Pertusi, Città del Vaticano, Vaticana. Liddell, H.-Scott, R. (1883), Greek-English Lexicon, Harper and Brothers, New York. Lounghis, T. (1973), “Sur la date du De Thematibus”, Revue des Études Byzantines, Vol: 31, Paris, 299-305. Macdowell, D. (2003), “Stratēgoi”, The Oxford Classical Dictionary, Ed. Simon Hornblower-Antony Spawforth, Oxford University Press, 1447-1448. Mansi, J. (1765), Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, Vol: XI, Florentia.
  • Ostrogorsky, G. (2011), Bizans Devleti Tarihi, Çev. Fikret Işıltan, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara. Ramsay, W. (1960), Anadolu’nun Tarihî Coğrafyası, Çev. Mihri Pektaş, Milli Eğitim Baskıevi, İstanbul. Sebeos (1999), The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos, Part. I, Trans. and notes R. W. Thomson, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. Theophanes C. (1839, 1997), Chronographia, Ed. Ioanniis Classeni, Bonnae; Chronographia, Trans. Cyril Mango-Roger Scott, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Theophanes S. (1887), Historiae, Ed. Carolus de Boor, Lipsiae. Treadgold, W. (1983), “The Military Lands and the Imperial Estates in the Middle Byzantine Empire”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol: VII, 619-631. Öztürk, Y. (2012), “Timar-Thema Teriminin Ortaya Çıkması, Bizans Uygulaması ve Osmanlı İle Mukayesesi”, Osmanlı Tarih Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, S: 31, 157-208. Pertusi, A. (1954), “Nuova ipotesi sull’origine dei «Temi» bizantini”, Aeum, 28, 126-150. ________ (1958), “La Formation des Thèmes Byzantins”, in Berichte zum XI. Internationalen Byzantinisten-Kongreß, München, 1-40. Ragia, E. (2009), “The Geography of the Provincial Administration of the Byzantine Empire (C.A. 600-1200)”, Byzantına Συμμεικτα, Vol: 19, Athena, 195-245. Pringle, D. (1981), The Defence of Byzantine Africa from Justinian to the Arab Conquest, Part I, BAR. Shadid, I. (1987), “Heraclius and the Theme System: Nem Light From the Arabic”, Byzantion, LVII, 391-406. ________ (1989), “Heraclius and the Theme System: Further Observations”, Byzantion, LIX, 208-243. ________ (1994), “Heraclius and the Unfinished Themes of Oriens”, Byzantion, LXIV, 352-376. Stratos, A. (1968), Byzantium in the Seventh Century, Vol. I: 602-634, Trans. Marc Ogilvie-Grant, Adolf M. Hakkert Publisher, Amsterdam. Vasiliev, A. (2015), Bizans İmparatorluğu Tarihi, Çev. Tevabil Alkaç, Alfa Yayınları, İstanbul. Zuckerman, C. (2005), “Learning from Enemy and More: Studies in “Dark Centuries” Byzantium”, Millennium, Vol: 2, 79-135.
Year 2018, Volume: 19 Issue: 43 SITKI KOÇMAN'ın Anısına Armağan, 95 - 107, 28.12.2018



  • Avcı, C. (2003), İslam-Bizans İlişkileri, Klasik Yayınları, İstanbul. Baynes, N. (1952), “The Emperor Heraclius and the Military Theme System”, The English Historical Review, Vol: 67, No. 264, 380-381. Belâzurî (2013), Fütûhu’l-Büldân, Çev. Mustafa Fayda, Siyer Yayınları, İstanbul. Bosworth, C. (1996), “The Byzantine Defence System in Asia Minor and the First Arab Incursions”, The Arabs, Byzantium and Iran Studies in Early Islamic History and Culture, Ashgate Variorum England, 116-124. Diehl, C. (1896), L’Afrique Byzantine, Ernest Leroux, Paris. Dölger, F. (1955), “Zur Ableitung des byzantinischen Verwaltungsterminus Θema”, Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, Bd. 4, 189-198. Ekkebus, B. (2009), “Heraclius and the Evolution of Byzantine Strategy”, Constructing the Past, Vol: 10, 73-96. Ensslin, W. (1953), “Der Kaiser Herakleios und die Themenverfassung”, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 46, 362-368. Geanakoplos, D. (1984), Byzantium: Church, Society and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Gelzer, H. (1899), Die Genesis der Byzantinischen Themenverfassung, Teubner, Leipzig. Girvés, M.-Henares de A. (1999), “Byzantine Spain and the African Exarchate an Administrative Perspective”, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 49. Band, Wien, 13-23. Georgios P. (1836), De Expeditione Persica, Ed. I. Bekker, Bonn. Haldon, J. (1990), Byzantium in the Seventh Century, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. _____ (1993), “Military Service, Military Lands, and the Status of Soldiers: Current Problems and Interpretations”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol: 47, 1-67. _____ (2008), “The Army”, Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Studies, Edited by Elizabeth Jeffreys, John Haldon and Robin Cormack, Oxford, 554-561. ________ (1979) Recruitment and Conscription in the Byzantine Army c. 550-950: A Study on the Origins of the Stratiotika Ktemata, Verlag, Wien. ________ (2016), “A Context for Two “Evil Deeds”: Nikephoros I and the Origins of the Themata”, Le saint, le moine et le paysan, Mélanges d'histoire byzantine offerts à Michel Kaplan, Ed. Olivier Delouis vd., Sorbonne 2016, 245-264. ________ (2005), “Economy and Society: How did the Empire Work?” Companion to the Age of Justinian, Ed. M. Mass, Cambridge 2005, 28-59. ________ (1995), “Seventh-Century Continuities and Transformations: the Ajnâd and the “Thematic Myth”, The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East III, Ed. A. Cameron, The Darwin Press, 379-423. Hendy, M. (1985), Studies in the Byzantine Monetary Economy c. 300-1450, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Howard-Johnston, J. (1984), “Thema”, Maistor, Classical, Byzantine and Renaissance Studies for Robert Browning, Ed. A. Moffatt, Canberra, 189-196. Kaegi, W. (1967), “Some Reconsiderations on the Themes (Seventh-Ninth Centuries)”, Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, Vol: XVI, 39-53. ________ (1981). Byzantine Military Unrest 471-843, Adolf M. Hakkert, Amsterdam. ________ (2003), Heraclius: Emperor of Byzantium, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Kazhdan, A. (1991), “Strategos”, The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, Vol: III, 1964. Koder, J. (1990), “Zur Bedeutungsentwicklung des byzantinischen Terminus Thema” , Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 40. Band, 155-165. Konstantinos P. (1840, 1952), De thematibus et De administrando imperio, Ed. Bekker, Bonn 1840; De thematibus, Ed. A. Pertusi, Città del Vaticano, Vaticana. Liddell, H.-Scott, R. (1883), Greek-English Lexicon, Harper and Brothers, New York. Lounghis, T. (1973), “Sur la date du De Thematibus”, Revue des Études Byzantines, Vol: 31, Paris, 299-305. Macdowell, D. (2003), “Stratēgoi”, The Oxford Classical Dictionary, Ed. Simon Hornblower-Antony Spawforth, Oxford University Press, 1447-1448. Mansi, J. (1765), Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, Vol: XI, Florentia.
  • Ostrogorsky, G. (2011), Bizans Devleti Tarihi, Çev. Fikret Işıltan, Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları, Ankara. Ramsay, W. (1960), Anadolu’nun Tarihî Coğrafyası, Çev. Mihri Pektaş, Milli Eğitim Baskıevi, İstanbul. Sebeos (1999), The Armenian History Attributed to Sebeos, Part. I, Trans. and notes R. W. Thomson, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. Theophanes C. (1839, 1997), Chronographia, Ed. Ioanniis Classeni, Bonnae; Chronographia, Trans. Cyril Mango-Roger Scott, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Theophanes S. (1887), Historiae, Ed. Carolus de Boor, Lipsiae. Treadgold, W. (1983), “The Military Lands and the Imperial Estates in the Middle Byzantine Empire”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol: VII, 619-631. Öztürk, Y. (2012), “Timar-Thema Teriminin Ortaya Çıkması, Bizans Uygulaması ve Osmanlı İle Mukayesesi”, Osmanlı Tarih Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi, S: 31, 157-208. Pertusi, A. (1954), “Nuova ipotesi sull’origine dei «Temi» bizantini”, Aeum, 28, 126-150. ________ (1958), “La Formation des Thèmes Byzantins”, in Berichte zum XI. Internationalen Byzantinisten-Kongreß, München, 1-40. Ragia, E. (2009), “The Geography of the Provincial Administration of the Byzantine Empire (C.A. 600-1200)”, Byzantına Συμμεικτα, Vol: 19, Athena, 195-245. Pringle, D. (1981), The Defence of Byzantine Africa from Justinian to the Arab Conquest, Part I, BAR. Shadid, I. (1987), “Heraclius and the Theme System: Nem Light From the Arabic”, Byzantion, LVII, 391-406. ________ (1989), “Heraclius and the Theme System: Further Observations”, Byzantion, LIX, 208-243. ________ (1994), “Heraclius and the Unfinished Themes of Oriens”, Byzantion, LXIV, 352-376. Stratos, A. (1968), Byzantium in the Seventh Century, Vol. I: 602-634, Trans. Marc Ogilvie-Grant, Adolf M. Hakkert Publisher, Amsterdam. Vasiliev, A. (2015), Bizans İmparatorluğu Tarihi, Çev. Tevabil Alkaç, Alfa Yayınları, İstanbul. Zuckerman, C. (2005), “Learning from Enemy and More: Studies in “Dark Centuries” Byzantium”, Millennium, Vol: 2, 79-135.
There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section 2018

Murat Keçiş 0000-0001-9776-3976

Cüneyt Güneş 0000-0001-5960-5926

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Submission Date October 2, 2018
Acceptance Date December 13, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 19 Issue: 43 SITKI KOÇMAN'ın Anısına Armağan


APA Keçiş, M., & Güneş, C. (2018). Bizansın Anadolu’daki Yeni Düzeni: Thema Sistemi’nin Ortaya Çıkışı ve Problemler. Sosyal Ve Beşeri Bilimler Araştırmaları Dergisi, 19(43 SITKI KOÇMAN’ın Anısına Armağan), 95-107.

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