Research Article
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Augmented Reality Applications and Tourism

Year 2022, , 399 - 422, 29.12.2022


This study aims to contribute to the relevant knowledge by evaluating the augmented reality applications, which are becoming more and more popular each day, in terms of tourism activities. In this context, the relevant literature is reviewed in detail, and the usage areas of augmented reality technologies in the tourism sector, the advantages and opportunities to be created by using these technologies, and possible problems that may occur or be encountered are discussed. According to the evaluations, the realization of tourism activities completely based on augmented reality applications cannot go beyond a utopia for today, since it does not meet the two main elements of today's tourism, such as travel and accommodation. On the other hand, simply gaining experience in augmented reality applications without travel and accommodation elements cannot be considered as a tourist attraction alone, but the augmented reality applications with their facilitating and supportive dimensions enrich the tourism activities carried out for many different purposes, thus ensuring the sustainable competitiveness of destinations and tourism enterprises. They may play an important role in gaining the upper hand. The thoughts that some updates may be needed in tourism activities as a result of the developments and changes that may occur in augmented reality applications due to developing technologies can also be considered as an important point of this study.


  • Adrian, S. C. (2018). Theoretical Appraisals on the Standardization of Tourism Terminology. Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, 18(2), 354-358.
  • Aluri, A. (2017). Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) Game as a Travel Guide: Insights from Pokémon GO. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 8(1), 55–72.
  • Azuma, R. T. (1997). A Survey of Augmented Reality. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 6(4), 355–385.
  • Azuma, R., Baillot, Y., Behringer, R., Feiner, S., Julier, S. ve MacIntyre, B. (2001). Recent Advances in Augmented Reality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21(6), 34–47.
  • Bec, A., Moyle, B., Timms, K., Schaffer, V., Skavronskaya, L. ve Little, C. (2019). Management of Immersive Heritage Tourism Experiences: A Conceptual Model. Tourism Management, 72, 117–120.
  • Burdea, G. ve Coiffet, P. (2003). Virtual Reality Technology (2. Baskı). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Burkart, A. J. ve Medlik S. (1974). Tourism: Past, Present, Future. London: Heinemann.
  • Casella, G. ve Coelho, M. (2013). Augmented Heritage - Situating Augmented Reality Mobile Apps in Cultural Heritage Communication. İçinde C. J. Costa ve M. Aparicio (Editörler), Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication, ss. 138–140. New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Chandini Pendit, U. ve Abu Bakar, J. A. (2014). Mobile AR for Cultural Heritage Site towards Enjoyable Informal Learning: A Revised Conceptual Model. Information Management and Business Review, 6(5), 239–248.
  • Chandini Pendit, U., Zaibon, S. B. ve Abu Bakar, J. A. (2015). Conceptual Model of Mobile Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage Site towards Enjoyable İnformal Learning Aspect. Jurnal Teknologi, 77(29), 123–129.
  • Chuah, S. H. W. (2019). Wearable XR-Technology: Literature Review, Conceptual Framework and Future Research Directions. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 13(3–4), 205–259.
  • Chung, N., Han, H. ve Joun, Y. (2015). Tourists’ Intention to Visit a Destination: The Role of Augmented Reality (AR) Application for a Heritage Site. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 588–599.
  • Cranmer, E. E. (2017). Developing an Augmented Reality Business Model for Cultural Heritage Tourism: The Case of Geevor Museum. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Manchester Metropolitan University, Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management, Manchester.
  • Cranmer, Eleanor E., tom Dieck, M. C. ve Jung, T. (2018). How can Tourist Attractions Profit from Augmented Reality? İçinde T. Jung ve M. C. tom Dieck (Editörler), Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality - Empowering Human, Place and Business, ss. 21–32. Charm: Springer.
  • Davis, F. D., Bagozzi, R. P. ve Warshaw, P. R. (1989). User Acceptance of Computer Technology: A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models. Management Science, 35(8), 982–1003.
  • Dünya Turizm Örgütü. (1995). Concepts, Definitions and Classifications for Tourism Statistics,, Erişim Tarihi:27.04.2020.
  • Dünya Turizm Örgütü. (2020). Glossary of Tourism Terms,, Erişim Tarihi:27.04.2020.
  • Fritz, F., Susperregui, A. ve Linaza, M. T. (2005). Enhancing Cultural Tourism Experiences With Augmented Reality Technologies. Içinde The 6th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST (2005), ss. 8-11 Kasım 2005. ISTI-CNR Pisa, Italy: The Eurographics Association.
  • Garau, C. (2014). From Territory to Smartphone: Smart Fruition of Cultural Heritage for Dynamic Tourism Development. Planning Practice and Research, 29(3), 238–255.
  • Garau, C. ve Ilardi, E. (2014). The “Non-Places” Meet the “Places:” Virtual Tours on Smartphones for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage. Journal of Urban Technology, 21(1), 79–91.
  • Gavish, N., Gutiérrez, T., Webel, S., Rodríguez, J., Peveri, M., Bockholt, U. ve Tecchia, F. (2015). Evaluating Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Training for Industrial Maintenance and Assembly Tasks. Interactive Learning Environments, 23(6), 778–798.
  • Göçmen, P. Ö. (2018). Artırılmış Gerçeklik Uygulamaları ile Yeni Medya Reklam Tasarımı. Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, (22), 175–191.
  • Gunn, C. A. (1972). Vacationscape: Designing tourist regions. Austin: Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas.
  • Gunn, C. A. ve Var, T. (2002). Tourism Planning: Basics, Concepts, Cases (Fourth ed.). New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Gutiérrez A., M. A., Vexo, F. ve Thalmann, D. (2008). Stepping into Virtual Reality. Londra: Springer-Verlag.
  • Guttentag, D. A. (2010). Virtual Reality: Applications and Implications for Tourism. Tourism Management, 31(5), 637–651.
  • Hall, C.M. (2008). Tourism Planning (Second ed.). Harlow, UK: Pearson.
  • Han, D. I., tom Dieck, M. C. ve Jung, T. (2018). User Experience Model for Augmented Reality Applications in Urban Heritage Tourism. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 13(1), 46–61.
  • Han, D. I., Jung, T. ve Gibson, A. (2013). Dublin AR: Implementing Augmented Reality in Tourism. İçinde Z. Xiang ve I. Tussyadiah (Editörler), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014, ss. 511–523. Vienna: Springer.
  • Hassan, A., Ekiz, E., Dadwal, S. S. ve Lancaster, G. (2017). Augmented Reality Adoption by Tourism Product and Service Consumers: Some Empirical Findings. İçinde T. Jung ve M. C. tom Dieck (Editörler), Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Empowering Human, Place and Business, ss. 47–64. Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Heeley, J. (1980). The definition of tourism in Great Britain: Does terminological confusion have to rule?. The Tourist Review, 2(80), 11-14.
  • Heilig, M. L. (1992). EL Cine del Futuro (The Cinema of the Future). Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 1(3), 279–294.
  • Hunziker, W. ve Krapf, K. (1942). Grundriss der allgemeinen Fremdenverkehrslehre. Zürich : Polygraphischer Verlag.
  • Jafari, J. (1995) Structure of Tourism: Three Integrated Models. İçinde S.F. Witt ve L. Moutinho (Editörler), Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook, ss. 5-17. London: Prentice Hall International.
  • Jones, S. (2019). Towards the Essence of Cinematic VR: Embracing New Technologies to Define a Medium. İçinde M. C. tom Dieck ve T. Jung (Editörler), Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality - The Power of AR and VR for Business, ss. 321–335. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • Jung, T., Chung, N. ve Leue, M. C. (2015). The Determinants of Recommendations to Use Augmented Reality Technologies: The Case of a Korean Theme Park. Tourism Management, 49, 75–86.
  • King, B. (1987). Tourism – A New Systematic Approach?. Tourism Management, 8(3), 272–274.
  • Kounavis, C. D., Kasimati, A. E. ve Zamani, E. D. (2012). Enhancing the Tourism Experience through Mobile Augmented Reality: Challenges and Prospects. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 4(10), 1–6.
  • Kozak, N., A. Kozak, M. ve Kozak, M. (2015). Genel Turizm: İlkeler - Kavramlar. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Leiper, N. (1979). The Framework of Tourism: Towards a Definition of Tourism, Tourist, and the Tourist Industry. Annals of Tourism Research, 6(4), 390-407.
  • Leue, M. C., Dieck, T. D. ve Jung, T. (2014). A Theoretical Model of Augmented Reality Acceptance. EReview of Tourism Research, 5, 1–5.
  • Linaza, M. T., Gutierrez, A. ve García, A. (2013). Pervasive Augmented Reality Games to Experience Tourism Destinations. İçinde Z. Xiang ve I. Tussyadiah (Editörler), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014, ss. 497–509. Vienna: Springer.
  • Litvak, E. ve Kuflik, T. (2020). Enhancing Cultural Heritage Outdoor Experience with Augmented-Reality Smart Glasses. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 24(6), 873-886.
  • Mesároš, P., Mandicák, T., Mesárošová, A., Hernandez, M. F., Kršák, B., Sidor, C., … Delina, R. (2016). Use of Augmented Reality and Gamification Techniques in Tourism. E-Review of Tourism Research, 13(1/2), 366–381.
  • Milgram, P., Takemura, H., Utsumi, A. ve Kishino, F. (1995). Augmented Reality: A Class of Displays on the Reality-Virtuality Continuum. İçinde Proceedings SPIE 2351, Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies, ss. 282–292. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
  • Mill, R. C., & Morrison, A. M. (1998). The Tourism System: An Introductory Text (Second ed.). New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs.
  • Netto, A. P. (2009). What is Tourism? Definitions, Theoretical Phases and Principles. İçinde J. Tribe (Editör), Philosophical Issues in Tourism, ss. 43-61. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
  • Neuburger, L. ve Egger, R. (2017). An Afternoon at the Museum: Through the Lens of Augmented Reality. İçinde R. Schegg ve B. Stangl (Editörler), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017, ss. 241–254. Charm: Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Olsson, T., Kärkkäinen, T., Lagerstam, E. ve Ventä-Olkkonen, L. (2012). User Evaluation of Mobile Augmented Reality Scenarios. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 4(1), 29–47.
  • Olya, H., Jung, T. H., Tom Dieck, M. C. ve Ryu, K. (2020). Engaging Visitors of Science Festivals using Augmented Reality: Asymmetrical Modelling. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2), 769–796.
  • Paulo, M. M., Rita, P., Oliveira, T. ve Moro, S. (2018). Understanding mobile Augmented Reality Adoption in a Consumer Context. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 9(2), 142–157.
  • Rauschnabel, P. A., Rossmann, A. ve tom Dieck, M. C. (2017). An Adoption Framework for Mobile Augmented Reality Games: The Case of Pokémon Go. Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 276–286.
  • Robinett, W. (1994). Interactivity and Individual Viewpoint in Shared Virtual Worlds: The Big Screen vs. Networked Personal Displays. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 28(2), 127–130.
  • Rodrigues, J. M. F., Cardoso, P. J. S., Lessa, J., Pereira, J. A., Sardo, J. D. P., de Freitas, M., … Bica, P. (2018). An Initial Framework to Develop a Mobile Five Human Senses Augmented Reality System for Museums. İçinde J. M. F. Rodrigues, C. M. Q. Ramos, P. J. S. Cardoso ve C. Henriques (Editörler), Handbook of Research on Technological Developments for Cultural Heritage and eTourism Applications, ss. 97–119. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
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Artırılmış Gerçeklik Uygulamaları ve Turizm

Year 2022, , 399 - 422, 29.12.2022


Bu çalışma, kullanımı gün geçtikçe her alanda kabul görmeye başlayan ve giderek yaygınlaşan artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının turizm faaliyetleri açısından değerlendirmesini yaparak ilgili bilgi birikimine katkı oluşturmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çerçevede, ilgili literatür detaylı olarak gözden geçirilerek artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojilerinin turizm sektöründe kullanım alanları ve bu teknolojileri kullanmanın oluşturacağı üstünlükler ve sunacağı fırsatlar ile oluşabilecek veya karşılaşılabilecek muhtemel sıkıntılara yer verilmektedir. Yapılan değerlendirmelere göre, turizm faaliyetlerinin tamamen artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarına dayalı olarak gerçekleştirilmesi, günümüz turizminin olmazsa olmazı konumundaki seyahat ve konaklama gibi iki ana öğesini karşılamamasından dolayı, bugün için bir ütopyadan öteye geçememektedir. Diğer taraftan, seyahat ve konaklama unsurları olmadan artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarına ilişkin sadece deneyim elde etmek de tek başına bir turistik çekicilik unsuru olarak değerlendirilemez, ancak kolaylaştırıcı ve destekleyici boyutları ile artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarının birçok farklı amaçlara yönelik gerçekleştirilen turizm faaliyetlerini zenginleştirmesi yoluyla destinasyonların ve turizm işletmelerinin sürdürülebilir rekabet üstünlüğü elde etmelerinde önemli rol oynamaları söz konusu olabilmektedir. Gelişen teknolojilere bağlı olarak artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamalarında oluşabilecek gelişim ve değişimler sonucunda turizm faaliyetlerinde de birtakım güncellemelere ihtiyaç duyulabileceğine ilişkin düşünceler de bu çalışmanın dikkat çeken önemli bir noktası olarak değerlendirilebilmektedir.


  • Adrian, S. C. (2018). Theoretical Appraisals on the Standardization of Tourism Terminology. Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series, 18(2), 354-358.
  • Aluri, A. (2017). Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) Game as a Travel Guide: Insights from Pokémon GO. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 8(1), 55–72.
  • Azuma, R. T. (1997). A Survey of Augmented Reality. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 6(4), 355–385.
  • Azuma, R., Baillot, Y., Behringer, R., Feiner, S., Julier, S. ve MacIntyre, B. (2001). Recent Advances in Augmented Reality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 21(6), 34–47.
  • Bec, A., Moyle, B., Timms, K., Schaffer, V., Skavronskaya, L. ve Little, C. (2019). Management of Immersive Heritage Tourism Experiences: A Conceptual Model. Tourism Management, 72, 117–120.
  • Burdea, G. ve Coiffet, P. (2003). Virtual Reality Technology (2. Baskı). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Burkart, A. J. ve Medlik S. (1974). Tourism: Past, Present, Future. London: Heinemann.
  • Casella, G. ve Coelho, M. (2013). Augmented Heritage - Situating Augmented Reality Mobile Apps in Cultural Heritage Communication. İçinde C. J. Costa ve M. Aparicio (Editörler), Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication, ss. 138–140. New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
  • Chandini Pendit, U. ve Abu Bakar, J. A. (2014). Mobile AR for Cultural Heritage Site towards Enjoyable Informal Learning: A Revised Conceptual Model. Information Management and Business Review, 6(5), 239–248.
  • Chandini Pendit, U., Zaibon, S. B. ve Abu Bakar, J. A. (2015). Conceptual Model of Mobile Augmented Reality for Cultural Heritage Site towards Enjoyable İnformal Learning Aspect. Jurnal Teknologi, 77(29), 123–129.
  • Chuah, S. H. W. (2019). Wearable XR-Technology: Literature Review, Conceptual Framework and Future Research Directions. International Journal of Technology Marketing, 13(3–4), 205–259.
  • Chung, N., Han, H. ve Joun, Y. (2015). Tourists’ Intention to Visit a Destination: The Role of Augmented Reality (AR) Application for a Heritage Site. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 588–599.
  • Cranmer, E. E. (2017). Developing an Augmented Reality Business Model for Cultural Heritage Tourism: The Case of Geevor Museum. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Manchester Metropolitan University, Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management, Manchester.
  • Cranmer, Eleanor E., tom Dieck, M. C. ve Jung, T. (2018). How can Tourist Attractions Profit from Augmented Reality? İçinde T. Jung ve M. C. tom Dieck (Editörler), Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality - Empowering Human, Place and Business, ss. 21–32. Charm: Springer.
  • Davis, F. D., Bagozzi, R. P. ve Warshaw, P. R. (1989). User Acceptance of Computer Technology: A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models. Management Science, 35(8), 982–1003.
  • Dünya Turizm Örgütü. (1995). Concepts, Definitions and Classifications for Tourism Statistics,, Erişim Tarihi:27.04.2020.
  • Dünya Turizm Örgütü. (2020). Glossary of Tourism Terms,, Erişim Tarihi:27.04.2020.
  • Fritz, F., Susperregui, A. ve Linaza, M. T. (2005). Enhancing Cultural Tourism Experiences With Augmented Reality Technologies. Içinde The 6th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage VAST (2005), ss. 8-11 Kasım 2005. ISTI-CNR Pisa, Italy: The Eurographics Association.
  • Garau, C. (2014). From Territory to Smartphone: Smart Fruition of Cultural Heritage for Dynamic Tourism Development. Planning Practice and Research, 29(3), 238–255.
  • Garau, C. ve Ilardi, E. (2014). The “Non-Places” Meet the “Places:” Virtual Tours on Smartphones for the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage. Journal of Urban Technology, 21(1), 79–91.
  • Gavish, N., Gutiérrez, T., Webel, S., Rodríguez, J., Peveri, M., Bockholt, U. ve Tecchia, F. (2015). Evaluating Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Training for Industrial Maintenance and Assembly Tasks. Interactive Learning Environments, 23(6), 778–798.
  • Göçmen, P. Ö. (2018). Artırılmış Gerçeklik Uygulamaları ile Yeni Medya Reklam Tasarımı. Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, (22), 175–191.
  • Gunn, C. A. (1972). Vacationscape: Designing tourist regions. Austin: Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas.
  • Gunn, C. A. ve Var, T. (2002). Tourism Planning: Basics, Concepts, Cases (Fourth ed.). New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Gutiérrez A., M. A., Vexo, F. ve Thalmann, D. (2008). Stepping into Virtual Reality. Londra: Springer-Verlag.
  • Guttentag, D. A. (2010). Virtual Reality: Applications and Implications for Tourism. Tourism Management, 31(5), 637–651.
  • Hall, C.M. (2008). Tourism Planning (Second ed.). Harlow, UK: Pearson.
  • Han, D. I., tom Dieck, M. C. ve Jung, T. (2018). User Experience Model for Augmented Reality Applications in Urban Heritage Tourism. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 13(1), 46–61.
  • Han, D. I., Jung, T. ve Gibson, A. (2013). Dublin AR: Implementing Augmented Reality in Tourism. İçinde Z. Xiang ve I. Tussyadiah (Editörler), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014, ss. 511–523. Vienna: Springer.
  • Hassan, A., Ekiz, E., Dadwal, S. S. ve Lancaster, G. (2017). Augmented Reality Adoption by Tourism Product and Service Consumers: Some Empirical Findings. İçinde T. Jung ve M. C. tom Dieck (Editörler), Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Empowering Human, Place and Business, ss. 47–64. Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Heeley, J. (1980). The definition of tourism in Great Britain: Does terminological confusion have to rule?. The Tourist Review, 2(80), 11-14.
  • Heilig, M. L. (1992). EL Cine del Futuro (The Cinema of the Future). Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 1(3), 279–294.
  • Hunziker, W. ve Krapf, K. (1942). Grundriss der allgemeinen Fremdenverkehrslehre. Zürich : Polygraphischer Verlag.
  • Jafari, J. (1995) Structure of Tourism: Three Integrated Models. İçinde S.F. Witt ve L. Moutinho (Editörler), Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook, ss. 5-17. London: Prentice Hall International.
  • Jones, S. (2019). Towards the Essence of Cinematic VR: Embracing New Technologies to Define a Medium. İçinde M. C. tom Dieck ve T. Jung (Editörler), Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality - The Power of AR and VR for Business, ss. 321–335. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • Jung, T., Chung, N. ve Leue, M. C. (2015). The Determinants of Recommendations to Use Augmented Reality Technologies: The Case of a Korean Theme Park. Tourism Management, 49, 75–86.
  • King, B. (1987). Tourism – A New Systematic Approach?. Tourism Management, 8(3), 272–274.
  • Kounavis, C. D., Kasimati, A. E. ve Zamani, E. D. (2012). Enhancing the Tourism Experience through Mobile Augmented Reality: Challenges and Prospects. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 4(10), 1–6.
  • Kozak, N., A. Kozak, M. ve Kozak, M. (2015). Genel Turizm: İlkeler - Kavramlar. Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Leiper, N. (1979). The Framework of Tourism: Towards a Definition of Tourism, Tourist, and the Tourist Industry. Annals of Tourism Research, 6(4), 390-407.
  • Leue, M. C., Dieck, T. D. ve Jung, T. (2014). A Theoretical Model of Augmented Reality Acceptance. EReview of Tourism Research, 5, 1–5.
  • Linaza, M. T., Gutierrez, A. ve García, A. (2013). Pervasive Augmented Reality Games to Experience Tourism Destinations. İçinde Z. Xiang ve I. Tussyadiah (Editörler), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014, ss. 497–509. Vienna: Springer.
  • Litvak, E. ve Kuflik, T. (2020). Enhancing Cultural Heritage Outdoor Experience with Augmented-Reality Smart Glasses. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 24(6), 873-886.
  • Mesároš, P., Mandicák, T., Mesárošová, A., Hernandez, M. F., Kršák, B., Sidor, C., … Delina, R. (2016). Use of Augmented Reality and Gamification Techniques in Tourism. E-Review of Tourism Research, 13(1/2), 366–381.
  • Milgram, P., Takemura, H., Utsumi, A. ve Kishino, F. (1995). Augmented Reality: A Class of Displays on the Reality-Virtuality Continuum. İçinde Proceedings SPIE 2351, Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies, ss. 282–292. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
  • Mill, R. C., & Morrison, A. M. (1998). The Tourism System: An Introductory Text (Second ed.). New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs.
  • Netto, A. P. (2009). What is Tourism? Definitions, Theoretical Phases and Principles. İçinde J. Tribe (Editör), Philosophical Issues in Tourism, ss. 43-61. Bristol: Channel View Publications.
  • Neuburger, L. ve Egger, R. (2017). An Afternoon at the Museum: Through the Lens of Augmented Reality. İçinde R. Schegg ve B. Stangl (Editörler), Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2017, ss. 241–254. Charm: Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Olsson, T., Kärkkäinen, T., Lagerstam, E. ve Ventä-Olkkonen, L. (2012). User Evaluation of Mobile Augmented Reality Scenarios. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 4(1), 29–47.
  • Olya, H., Jung, T. H., Tom Dieck, M. C. ve Ryu, K. (2020). Engaging Visitors of Science Festivals using Augmented Reality: Asymmetrical Modelling. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2), 769–796.
  • Paulo, M. M., Rita, P., Oliveira, T. ve Moro, S. (2018). Understanding mobile Augmented Reality Adoption in a Consumer Context. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 9(2), 142–157.
  • Rauschnabel, P. A., Rossmann, A. ve tom Dieck, M. C. (2017). An Adoption Framework for Mobile Augmented Reality Games: The Case of Pokémon Go. Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 276–286.
  • Robinett, W. (1994). Interactivity and Individual Viewpoint in Shared Virtual Worlds: The Big Screen vs. Networked Personal Displays. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 28(2), 127–130.
  • Rodrigues, J. M. F., Cardoso, P. J. S., Lessa, J., Pereira, J. A., Sardo, J. D. P., de Freitas, M., … Bica, P. (2018). An Initial Framework to Develop a Mobile Five Human Senses Augmented Reality System for Museums. İçinde J. M. F. Rodrigues, C. M. Q. Ramos, P. J. S. Cardoso ve C. Henriques (Editörler), Handbook of Research on Technological Developments for Cultural Heritage and eTourism Applications, ss. 97–119. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Yılmaz 0000-0003-3255-3788

Kurtuluş Karamustafa 0000-0002-6581-6276

Publication Date December 29, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Yılmaz, M., & Karamustafa, K. (2022). Artırılmış Gerçeklik Uygulamaları ve Turizm. Seyahat Ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 19(3), 399-422.

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