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Japonya ve Güney Kore’den İstanbul’a Gelen Turistlerin Seyahat Motivasyonları ve Yeniden Ziyaret Etme Niyeti Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2018, , 246 - 262, 30.08.2018


Japonya ve Güney
Kore ekonomik olarak gelişen ve son yıllarda uluslararası seyahat eğilimleri
artış gösteren önemli ülkelerdir. Bu araştırmanın amacı Japonya ile Güney Kore
turizm pazarlarını incelemek, İstanbul’u ziyaret eden Japonya ve Güney Koreli turistlerin
seyahat motivasyonlarını belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda öncelikle ilgili ülkelere
ilişkin turizm pazarları incelenmiş, ardından 2016 yılında İstanbul’u ziyaret
etmiş olan 137 turistten anket tekniği ile veriler toplanarak analiz edilmiştir.
Araştırma sonucunda Japon ve Güney Koreli turistlerin profili ve seyahat
motivasyonları belirlenmiştir. İstanbul’a yönelik çekici seyahat
motivasyonları; alışveriş olanakları, etkinlikler ve eğlence, fiyat ve
uygunluk, doğal ve kültürel olanaklar olmak üzer dört boyuttan oluşmuştur. Seyahat
motivasyonlarının milliyete göre farklılıkları test edilmiş, etkinlikler ve
eğlence dışındaki boyutlarda anlamlı bir farklılığın olmadığı görülmüştür.
Ayrıca her iki ülke turistlerinin İstanbul’u yeniden ziyaret etme niyetlerinin
yüksek olduğu anlaşılmıştır.


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  • Cha, S. McCleary, K.W. ve Uysal, M. (1995), Travel Motivations of Japanese Overseas Travelers: A Factor-Cluster Segmentation Approach, Journal of Travel Research, 34(1), ss. 33-39.
  • Cho, B.H. (2008), Segmenting the Younger Korean Tourism Market: The Attractiveness of Australia as a Holiday Destination, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 7(4), ss. 1-19.
  • Çakmak, U. (2016), Güney Kore’nin Ekonomik Kalkınmasının Temel Dinamikleri (1960-1990). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), ss. 151-171.
  • Demir, M., ve Ş.Ş. Demir (2004), Turistik Ürün Çeşitlendirmesi Kapsamında Futbol Turizmi: Antalya Bölgesinde Bir Araştırma, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), ss. 94-116.
  • Hobson, J.S.P. ve M. Christensen (2007), Cultural and Structural Issues Affecting Japanese Tourists Shopping Behavior, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 6:1, ss. 37-45.
  • Kim, C.,ve Lee, S. (2000), Understanding the Cultural Differences in Tourist Motivation Between Anglo-American and Japanese Tourists. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 9(1/2), ss. 153–170.
  • King, B. ve Choi, H. J. (1999), Travel Industry Structure in Fast Growing but Immature Outbound Markets: The Case of Korea to Australia Travel, Internatıonal Journal of Tourısm Research, 1, ss. 111-122.
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  • Lang, C.T., O'Leary, J.T. ve Morrison, A.M. (1993), Activity Segmentation of Japanese Female Overseas Travelers, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2(4), ss. 1-23.
  • March, R. (1997), Diversity in Asian Outbound Travel Industries: A Comparison Between Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, Int. J. Hospitality Management, Vol.16, No: 2, ss. 231-238.
  • MasterCard Insights (2014), The Future of Outbound Travel in Asia/Pacific, by Desmond Choong and Yuwwa Hedrick-Wong.
  • Mena, M. M. (2011), Exploring Tourism-Migration-Immigration Relationship: The South Koreans in The Philippines, International Journal of Asian Tourism Management, 2(1), ss. 94-104.
  • Mok, C. ve Lam, T. (2000), Travel-Related Behavior of Japanese Leisure Tourists: A Review and Discussion, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 9(1/2), ss. 171–184.
  • Park, Y. S. (2016), Determinants of Korean Outbound Tourism, Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 4(2), ss. 92-98.
  • Reisinger, Y. (1994), Japanese Investment in Golf Course Development: Australia–Japan Links. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 18(2), ss. 234-255.
  • Reisinger, Y. (2009), International Tourism. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Rufino, C. C. (2013), Korean Inbound Tourism to The Philippines – A Macroeconometric Evaluation, Presented at the Research Congress 2013. Manila.
  • Sharda, S. ve D.G. Pearce (2006), Distribution in Emerging Tourism Markets: The Case of Indian Travel to New Zealand, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 11(4), ss. 339-353.
  • Singh, A. (2007), Asia Pacific Tourism Industry: Current Trends And Future Outlook, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2:1, ss. 89-99.
Year 2018, , 246 - 262, 30.08.2018



  • Ahmed, Z. ve Krohn, F. (1992), Understanding the Unique Consumer Behavior of Japanese Tourists. Journal of Travel Tourism Marketing, 1(3), ss. 73-87.
  • BTSO. (2016), Japonya Ülke Raporu, Bursa: Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası.
  • Cai, L. A. (2007), Japanese Female Travelers - A Unıque Outbound Market, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 5(1), ss. 16-24.
  • Cha, S. McCleary, K.W. ve Uysal, M. (1995), Travel Motivations of Japanese Overseas Travelers: A Factor-Cluster Segmentation Approach, Journal of Travel Research, 34(1), ss. 33-39.
  • Cho, B.H. (2008), Segmenting the Younger Korean Tourism Market: The Attractiveness of Australia as a Holiday Destination, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 7(4), ss. 1-19.
  • Çakmak, U. (2016), Güney Kore’nin Ekonomik Kalkınmasının Temel Dinamikleri (1960-1990). Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(1), ss. 151-171.
  • Demir, M., ve Ş.Ş. Demir (2004), Turistik Ürün Çeşitlendirmesi Kapsamında Futbol Turizmi: Antalya Bölgesinde Bir Araştırma, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), ss. 94-116.
  • Hobson, J.S.P. ve M. Christensen (2007), Cultural and Structural Issues Affecting Japanese Tourists Shopping Behavior, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 6:1, ss. 37-45.
  • Kim, C.,ve Lee, S. (2000), Understanding the Cultural Differences in Tourist Motivation Between Anglo-American and Japanese Tourists. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 9(1/2), ss. 153–170.
  • King, B. ve Choi, H. J. (1999), Travel Industry Structure in Fast Growing but Immature Outbound Markets: The Case of Korea to Australia Travel, Internatıonal Journal of Tourısm Research, 1, ss. 111-122.
  • Kuo, H.-I., Liu, K. E. ve Chen, C.C. (2014), Modeling Japanese Tourism Demand for Asian Destinations: A Dynamic AIDS Approach, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, ss. 86-102.
  • Lang, C.T., O'Leary, J.T. ve Morrison, A.M. (1993), Activity Segmentation of Japanese Female Overseas Travelers, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2(4), ss. 1-23.
  • March, R. (1997), Diversity in Asian Outbound Travel Industries: A Comparison Between Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, Int. J. Hospitality Management, Vol.16, No: 2, ss. 231-238.
  • MasterCard Insights (2014), The Future of Outbound Travel in Asia/Pacific, by Desmond Choong and Yuwwa Hedrick-Wong.
  • Mena, M. M. (2011), Exploring Tourism-Migration-Immigration Relationship: The South Koreans in The Philippines, International Journal of Asian Tourism Management, 2(1), ss. 94-104.
  • Mok, C. ve Lam, T. (2000), Travel-Related Behavior of Japanese Leisure Tourists: A Review and Discussion, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 9(1/2), ss. 171–184.
  • Park, Y. S. (2016), Determinants of Korean Outbound Tourism, Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 4(2), ss. 92-98.
  • Reisinger, Y. (1994), Japanese Investment in Golf Course Development: Australia–Japan Links. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 18(2), ss. 234-255.
  • Reisinger, Y. (2009), International Tourism. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Rufino, C. C. (2013), Korean Inbound Tourism to The Philippines – A Macroeconometric Evaluation, Presented at the Research Congress 2013. Manila.
  • Sharda, S. ve D.G. Pearce (2006), Distribution in Emerging Tourism Markets: The Case of Indian Travel to New Zealand, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 11(4), ss. 339-353.
  • Singh, A. (2007), Asia Pacific Tourism Industry: Current Trends And Future Outlook, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2:1, ss. 89-99.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Salim İbiş

Orhan Batman

Publication Date August 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA İbiş, S., & Batman, O. (2018). Japonya ve Güney Kore’den İstanbul’a Gelen Turistlerin Seyahat Motivasyonları ve Yeniden Ziyaret Etme Niyeti Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Seyahat Ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 15(2), 246-262.

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