Case Report
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Human in Positivist-Empirical Research: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of the Illusion - 1

Year 2020, , 6 - 19, 25.04.2020



  • Airey, D. (2015). 40 years of tourism studies- a remarkable story. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 6-15.
  • Bianchi, R. (2009). The ‘Critical Turn’ in Tourism Studies: A Radical Critique. Touirsm Geographies. 11, 4: 484-504.
  • Ateljevic, I., Pritchard, A. ve Morgan , N. (2007). The critical turn in tourism studies. Innovatie research methods. Elsevier Publishing.
  • Butler, R. W. (1980). The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: Implications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer 24, 1: 5–12.
  • Butler, R. W. (2015). The evolution of tourism and tourism research. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 16-27.
  • Christaller, W. (1963) Some considerations of tourism location in Europe: The peripheral regions – underdeveloped countries – recreation areas Regional Science Association Papers 95-105 Lund Congress XII
  • Cohen, E. (1972) Toward a sociology of international tourism Social Research (39) 1 164-182
  • Cooper, C. (2015). Managing tourism knowledge. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 107-119.
  • Dann, G. (2009). How international is the International Academy for the Study of Tourism? Tourism Analysis, 14(1), 3–13. 

  • Dann, G. M. (2011). Anglophone hegemony in tourism studies today. Enlightening Tourism: A Path- making Journal, 1(1), 1-30.

  • Doxey, G.V. (1975). A causation theory of visitor-resident irritants: Methodology and research inferences Proceedings of the Travel Research Association 195-198 Travel Research Association: San Diego.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2001). Sosyal Bilimlerde Pozitivist-Ampirik Akademik Araştırmaların Tasarım ve Yöntem Sorunları. Anatolia. Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12: 119-134.
  • Franklin, A. ve Crang, M. (2001). The trouble with tourism and travel theory? Tourist Studies. 1, 1: 5-22.
  • Hall, M. (2015). Tourism and biological exchange and invasions: a missing dimension in sustainable tourism? Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 6-15.
  • Jafari, J. (2001). The scientification of tourism. In V. L. Smith & M. Brent (Eds.), Hosts and guests revisited: Tourism issues of the 21st century (pp. 28–41). New York: Cognizant Communications.
  • Korstanje, M., Mustelier, L. ve Herrera, S. (2016). Understanding the indiscipline of tourism: A radical critique to the current state of epistemology. İçinde Pappas, N. Ve Bregoli, I. (Editor). Global Dynamics in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality.
  • Laws, E. ve Scott, N. (2015). Tourism research: building from other disciplines. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 48-58.
  • Lecoutre, B., Poitevineau, J. ve Lecoutre, M. (2005). A reason why not to ban Null Hypothesis Significance Tests. Revue MODULAD. 33: 249-253.
  • MacCannell, D. (1976). The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class Macmillan: London
  • McKercher, B. ve Prideaux, B. (2014). Academic myths of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 46:16–28.
  • Pearce, D. (2012). Frameworks for Tourism Research. Cabi Publishing.
  • Pearce, D.G. ve Butler, R.W. (eds) (2010a). Tourism Research: A 20-20 Vision. Goodfellow, Woodeaton, Oxford.
  • Pearce, D.G. ve Butler, R.W. (2010b). Conclusions: trends and advances in tourism research. In: Pearce, D.G. ve Butler, R.W. (eds) Tourism Research: A 20-20 Vision. Goodfellow, Woodeaton, Oxford, pp. 229–237.
  • Pearce, P. L. (1982). The social psychology of tourist behaviour. New York: Pergamon Press.

  • Plog, S.C. (1973). Why destination areas rise and fall in popularity Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 13 6-13.
  • Ryan, C. (2005). Ethics in Tourism Research: objectivities and Personal Perspectives. In Tourism Research Methods, integrating theory with Practice (pp. 9–20). Wallingford: CABI
  • Ryan, C. (2018). Future trends in tourism research – Looking back to look forward: The future of ‘Tourism Management Perspectives’. Tourism Management Perspectives. 25: 196-199.
  • Singh, T. V., (2015). Challenges in tourism research. Channel View Publications.
  • Tribe, J. (1997). The indiscipline of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 24 (3) 638-657.
  • Tribe, J. (2005). New tourism research. Tourism Recreation Research, 30(2), 5–8.
  • Tribe, J. (2006). The truth about tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 33(2), 360–381.
  • Tribe, J. (2007). Critical tourism: Rules and resistance. In I. Altejevic, A. Pritchard, & N. Morgan (Eds.), The critical turn in tourism studies: Innovative research methodologies: 29–40. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
  • Tribe, J. (2009). Philosophical Issues in tourism. Bristol: Channelview.

  • Tribe, J. (2010). Tribes, territories and networks in the tourism academy. Annals of Tourism Research, 37(1), 7–33.
  • Tribe, J. Dann, G. ve Jamal, T. (2015). Paradigms in tourism research: a trialogue. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 28-47.
  • Tribe, J. ve Airey, D. (2007). Developments in tourism research. Elsevier Publishing.
  • Urry, J. (1990). The Tourist Gaze. Leisure and travel in contemporary societies. London: Sage.

  • Walle, A. H. (1997). Quantitative versus qualitative tourism research. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(3), 524–536.
  • Yüksel, A. (2018). Doğru Bilinen Yanlışlar Serisi (2): “P” ve Hipotez Doğrulamak!. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 15 (2) , 481-488 .
  • Yüksel, A. (2019). Aykırı: Araştırmada Yanılsamaları. Detay Yayıncılık

Pozitivist-Ampirik Araştırmalarda İnsan: Yanıltmacanın Dünü,Bugünü ve Yarını 1

Year 2020, , 6 - 19, 25.04.2020


Turizm alanyazınında niceliksel artışa karşın ham, bitkin, taklitçi, cansız niteliksel yoksunluğun varlığına dikkat çekmeyi amaçlayan bu iki parçalı çalışmada öncelikle turizm konulu akademik çalışmaların yer aldığı sosyal bilimlerde giderek ağırlığını hissettiren bürokratik kurallara, memurlaşan biz akademisyenlere ve düşünce kısırlığı yaratan kurnaz pozitivist-ampirik statükoya ışık tutulmakta, takibinde ansal ve geriye dönük bakışla kurmaca gerçekliğin nasıl türetildiği irdelenmektedir. Bir sürü “izm” etkilerinin görüldüğü pozitivist-ampirik araştırmalarda popüler kültürün etkisi; sentetik eklektizmin eleştirisi yapılmakta, yeni yön arayışında “belirsizlik” ve “ikicilik” unsuruna özellikle değinilmektedir. “P” hoyratlığı eleştirisinin ardından insanın turizm araştırmalarının neresinde olduğu sorgulanmakta, turizm araştırmalarına yerleştiğimiz yanlış inançlar eleştirilmektedir. İkinci çalışmada ise turizm araştırmalarının içinde yer aldığı sistemde baş gösteren yapısal sorunlara ışık tutulmaktadır. Bilgi üretiminde normal dağılımı engelleyen, bir tür ayrımcılık görüntüsündeki SSCI ve dergi etki faktörü gibi icatların bilimde emeğin sömürülmesine ve faydalı bilimin sonlanmasına neden olabileceği; atıf kartellerinin nasıl oluştuğu ve çalıştığı; “yayınla ya da yok ol” un nasıl “yayınla ve yok ol” a dönüştüğü; sorunsallaştırma yerine boşluk doldurmaya çalışmanın faydasızlığı, pozitivist-ampirik çalışmalardaki olası McNamara yanılgısı, Parkinson ve Peter ilkeleri ışığında bilimperestlik ve etkileri gibi konular ele alınmaktadır.


  • Airey, D. (2015). 40 years of tourism studies- a remarkable story. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 6-15.
  • Bianchi, R. (2009). The ‘Critical Turn’ in Tourism Studies: A Radical Critique. Touirsm Geographies. 11, 4: 484-504.
  • Ateljevic, I., Pritchard, A. ve Morgan , N. (2007). The critical turn in tourism studies. Innovatie research methods. Elsevier Publishing.
  • Butler, R. W. (1980). The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: Implications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer 24, 1: 5–12.
  • Butler, R. W. (2015). The evolution of tourism and tourism research. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 16-27.
  • Christaller, W. (1963) Some considerations of tourism location in Europe: The peripheral regions – underdeveloped countries – recreation areas Regional Science Association Papers 95-105 Lund Congress XII
  • Cohen, E. (1972) Toward a sociology of international tourism Social Research (39) 1 164-182
  • Cooper, C. (2015). Managing tourism knowledge. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 107-119.
  • Dann, G. (2009). How international is the International Academy for the Study of Tourism? Tourism Analysis, 14(1), 3–13. 

  • Dann, G. M. (2011). Anglophone hegemony in tourism studies today. Enlightening Tourism: A Path- making Journal, 1(1), 1-30.

  • Doxey, G.V. (1975). A causation theory of visitor-resident irritants: Methodology and research inferences Proceedings of the Travel Research Association 195-198 Travel Research Association: San Diego.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2001). Sosyal Bilimlerde Pozitivist-Ampirik Akademik Araştırmaların Tasarım ve Yöntem Sorunları. Anatolia. Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12: 119-134.
  • Franklin, A. ve Crang, M. (2001). The trouble with tourism and travel theory? Tourist Studies. 1, 1: 5-22.
  • Hall, M. (2015). Tourism and biological exchange and invasions: a missing dimension in sustainable tourism? Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 6-15.
  • Jafari, J. (2001). The scientification of tourism. In V. L. Smith & M. Brent (Eds.), Hosts and guests revisited: Tourism issues of the 21st century (pp. 28–41). New York: Cognizant Communications.
  • Korstanje, M., Mustelier, L. ve Herrera, S. (2016). Understanding the indiscipline of tourism: A radical critique to the current state of epistemology. İçinde Pappas, N. Ve Bregoli, I. (Editor). Global Dynamics in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality.
  • Laws, E. ve Scott, N. (2015). Tourism research: building from other disciplines. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 48-58.
  • Lecoutre, B., Poitevineau, J. ve Lecoutre, M. (2005). A reason why not to ban Null Hypothesis Significance Tests. Revue MODULAD. 33: 249-253.
  • MacCannell, D. (1976). The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class Macmillan: London
  • McKercher, B. ve Prideaux, B. (2014). Academic myths of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 46:16–28.
  • Pearce, D. (2012). Frameworks for Tourism Research. Cabi Publishing.
  • Pearce, D.G. ve Butler, R.W. (eds) (2010a). Tourism Research: A 20-20 Vision. Goodfellow, Woodeaton, Oxford.
  • Pearce, D.G. ve Butler, R.W. (2010b). Conclusions: trends and advances in tourism research. In: Pearce, D.G. ve Butler, R.W. (eds) Tourism Research: A 20-20 Vision. Goodfellow, Woodeaton, Oxford, pp. 229–237.
  • Pearce, P. L. (1982). The social psychology of tourist behaviour. New York: Pergamon Press.

  • Plog, S.C. (1973). Why destination areas rise and fall in popularity Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 13 6-13.
  • Ryan, C. (2005). Ethics in Tourism Research: objectivities and Personal Perspectives. In Tourism Research Methods, integrating theory with Practice (pp. 9–20). Wallingford: CABI
  • Ryan, C. (2018). Future trends in tourism research – Looking back to look forward: The future of ‘Tourism Management Perspectives’. Tourism Management Perspectives. 25: 196-199.
  • Singh, T. V., (2015). Challenges in tourism research. Channel View Publications.
  • Tribe, J. (1997). The indiscipline of tourism. Annals of Tourism Research 24 (3) 638-657.
  • Tribe, J. (2005). New tourism research. Tourism Recreation Research, 30(2), 5–8.
  • Tribe, J. (2006). The truth about tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 33(2), 360–381.
  • Tribe, J. (2007). Critical tourism: Rules and resistance. In I. Altejevic, A. Pritchard, & N. Morgan (Eds.), The critical turn in tourism studies: Innovative research methodologies: 29–40. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
  • Tribe, J. (2009). Philosophical Issues in tourism. Bristol: Channelview.

  • Tribe, J. (2010). Tribes, territories and networks in the tourism academy. Annals of Tourism Research, 37(1), 7–33.
  • Tribe, J. Dann, G. ve Jamal, T. (2015). Paradigms in tourism research: a trialogue. Tourism Recreation Research. 40, 1: 28-47.
  • Tribe, J. ve Airey, D. (2007). Developments in tourism research. Elsevier Publishing.
  • Urry, J. (1990). The Tourist Gaze. Leisure and travel in contemporary societies. London: Sage.

  • Walle, A. H. (1997). Quantitative versus qualitative tourism research. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(3), 524–536.
  • Yüksel, A. (2018). Doğru Bilinen Yanlışlar Serisi (2): “P” ve Hipotez Doğrulamak!. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 15 (2) , 481-488 .
  • Yüksel, A. (2019). Aykırı: Araştırmada Yanılsamaları. Detay Yayıncılık
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Atila Yüksel This is me

Publication Date April 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Yüksel, A. (2020). Pozitivist-Ampirik Araştırmalarda İnsan: Yanıltmacanın Dünü,Bugünü ve Yarını 1. Seyahat Ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 17(1), 6-19.

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