Research Article
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The Effect of Destination Brand Authenticity and Destination Brand Self-Congruence on Tourist’s' Behavioral Intention

Year 2022, , 6 - 23, 25.03.2022


The research was carried out to examine the relationship between destination brand authenticity, destination brand self-congruence, destination brand engagement, revisit and recommendation intention. The universe of the research consists of tourists who have visited any tourism destination in the last 12 months. The sample size was evaluated on the basis of the data in the 405 questionnaire forms. Smart PLS 3.3 was used to test the proposed structural model. When the results of the path analysis were examined, it was determined that the destination brand authenticity and destination brand self-congruence had a positive effect on destination brand engagement, destination brand engagement had a positive effect on revisit intention, and destination brand authenticity had a positive effect on recommendation intention.


  • Ahn, J., ve Back, K. J. (2018), ‘Antecedents and consequences of customer brand engagement in integrated resorts’, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 75, 144-152.
  • Ahn, T., Ekinci, Y. ve Li, G. (2013), ‘Self-congruence, functional congruence, and destination choice’, Journal of Business Research, 66 (6), ss. 719-723.
  • Ajanovic, E., ve Cizel, B. (2016), ‘Destination brand personality, self-Congruity theory and the intention to visit a destination’, Akdeniz İnsani Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), ss. 1-16.
  • Beverland, M. B. (2014), ‘Building brand authenticity. The Definitive Book of Branding (Chapter 6), ss. 110-132.
  • Bintarti, S. ve Kurniawan, E. N. (2017), ‘A study of revisit intention: Experiential quality and image of Muara Beting tourism site in Bekasi District’, European Research Studies Journal, 20 (2A), ss. 521-537.
  • Chhabra, D. (2005), ‘Defining authenticity and its determinants: Toward an authenticity flow model’, Journal of Travel Research, 44(1), 64-73.
  • Chen, R., Zhou, Z., Zhan, G. ve Zhou, N. (2020), ‘The impact of destination brand authenticity and destination brand self-congruence on tourist loyalty: The mediating role of destination brand engagement’, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 15, ss. 1-11.
  • Chin, W. W. (1998), ‘Issues and opinion on structural equation modeling’, MIS Quarterly, 22 (1), ss. 7-16.
  • Clarke, J. (2000), ‘Tourism brands: An exploratory study of the brands box model’, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 6 (4), ss. 329-345.
  • Dağ, K. ve Durmaz, Y. (2020), Marka ve Marka Özgünlüğü-Uygulamalı (1. Baskı), İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları.
  • Diamantopoulos, A. ve Winklhofer, H. M. (2001), ‘Index construction with formative indicators: An alternative to scale development’, Journal of Marketing Research, 38 (2), ss. 269-277.
  • Durmaz, Y. ve Dağ, K. (2018), ‘Marka Özgünlüğünün Marka Sadakati Üzerindeki Etkileri: Cep Telefonu Markaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma’, Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 10 (19), ss. 489-501.
  • Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D. F. (1981), ‘Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics’, Journal of Marketing Research, May, ss. 382-388.
  • Frias, D. M., Castaneda, J. A., del Barrio-Garcia, S. ve Lopez-Moreno, L. (2020), ‘The effect of self-congruity and motivation on consumer-based destination brand equity’, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 26 (3), ss. 287-304.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2011), ‘PLS-SEM: indeed a silverbullet’, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19 (2), ss. 139-152.
  • Hair, J. F., Risher, J. J., Sarstedt, M. ve Ringle, C. M. (2019), ‘When to use and how to report the results of PLS-SEM’, European Business Review, 31 (1), ss. 2-24.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M. ve Sinkovics, R. R. (2009), ‘The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing. In New challenges to international marketing’, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 20, ss. 277-319.
  • Hollebeek, L. D., Glynn, M. S. ve Brodie, R. J. (2014), ‘Consumer brandengagement in socialmedia: Conceptualization, scale development and validation’, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28 (2), ss. 149-165.
  • Jimenez-Barreto, J., Rubio, N. ve Campo, S. (2020), ‘Destination brand authenticity: What an experiential simulacrum! A multigroup analysis of its antecedents and outcomes through official online platforms’, Tourism Management, 77 (2020), ss. 1-19.
  • Julaimi, A. R., Abdul Talib, S. ve Suhaimi, M. Z. (2016), ‘International tourists revisit intention: A case of the United Arab emirates’, Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts (JTHCA), 8, ss. 35-42.
  • Kaiser, H. F. (1974), ‘An index of factorial simplicity’, Psychometrika, 39 (1), ss. 31-36.
  • Khazaei Pool, J., Khodadadi, M., ve Asadi, A. (2018), ‘The impact of congruence between self-concept and destination personality on behavioural intentions for visiting an Islamic-historical destination’, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18 (3), ss. 378-387.
  • Kim, M., ve Kim, J. (2020), ‘Destination authenticity as a trigger of tourists’ online engagement on social media’, Journal of Travel Research, 59 (7), ss. 1238-1252.
  • Kumar, V., ve Kaushik, A. K. (2020), ‘Does experience affect engagement? Role of destination brand engagement in developing brand advocacy and revisit intentions’, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37 (3), ss. 332-346.
  • Kyriakaki, A., Stavrinoudis, T., Doumi, M. ve Riga, A. (2017), ‘Factors Influencing Destination Recommendation and Tourısts’ Revisit Intentions’, MIRDEC-6th, International Academic Conference on SocialSciences, Multidisciplinary, Economics, Business and Finance Studies (Global Meeting of Social Science Community), 27-29 November 2017.
  • Meng, B. ve Choi, K. (2018), ‘An investigation on customer revisit intention to theme restaurants: The role of servicescape and authentic perception’, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30 (3), ss. 1646-1662.
  • Morhart, F., Malär, L., Guèvremont, A., Girardin, F. ve Grohmann, B. (2015), ‘Brand authenticity: An integrative framework and measurement scale’, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (2), ss. 200-218.
  • Napoli, J., Dickinson, S. J., Beverland, M. B. ve Farrelly, F. (2014), ‘Measuring consumer-based brand authenticity’, Journal of business research, 67 (6), ss. 1090-1098.
  • Phau, I. ve Lau, K. C. (2001), ‘Brand personality and consumer self-expression: single or dual carriageway?’, Journal of Brand Management, 8 (6), ss. 428-444.
  • Quoquab, F., Mohammad, J. ve Mohd Sobri, A. M. (2020), ‘Psychological engagement drives brand loyalty: evidence from Malaysian ecotourism destinations’, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30 (1), ss. 132-147.
  • Ranjbarian, B., ve Ghaffari, M. (2018), ‘Direct and indirect effect of tourist self-image congruence on the tourism destination brand loyalty’, International Journal of Tourism Policy, 8 (3), ss. 187-202.
  • Rasoolimanesh, S. M., Md Noor, S., Schuberth, F. ve Jaafar, M. (2019), ‘Investigating the effects of tourist engagement on satisfaction and loyalty’, The Service Industries Journal, 39 (7-8), ss. 559-574.
  • Risitano, M., Romano, R., Sorrentino, A. ve Quintano, M. (2017), ‘The impact of consumer-brand engagement on brand experience and behavioural intentions: An Italian empirical study’, British Food Journal, 119 (8), ss. 1884-1896.
  • Rosado-Pinto, F., Loureiro, S. M. C. ve Bilro, R. G. (2020), ‘How brand authenticity and consumer brand engagement can be expressed in reviews: A text mining approach’, Journal of Promotion Management, 26 (4), ss. 457-480.
  • Saleem, M. A., Li, J. ve Afzal, H. (2020), ‘Protect for affinity? The role of destination brand engagement in forming environmentally responsible tourist behaviours’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, ss. 1-21.
  • Shmueli, G. ve Koppius, O. R. (2011), ‘Predictive analytics in information systems research’, MIS Quarterly, 35 (3), ss. 553-572.
  • Sirgy, M. J. (1982), ‘Self-concept in consumer behavior: A critical review’, Journal of consumer research, 9 (3), ss. 287-300.
  • Sirgy, M. J. (2018), ‘Self-congruity theory in consumer behavior: A little history’, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 28 (2), ss. 197-207.
  • Sirgy, M. J., Grewal, D., Mangleburg, T. F., Park, J. O., Chon, K. S., Claiborne, C. B., ... ve Berkman, H. (1997), ‘Assessing the predictive validity of two methods of measuring self-image congruence’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25 (3), ss. 229-241.
  • Um, S., Chon, K. ve Ro, Y. (2006), ‘Antecedents of revisit intention’, Annals of Tourism Research, 33 (4), ss. 1141-1158.
  • Usakli, A. ve Baloglu, S. (2011), ‘Brand personality of tourist destinations: An application of self-congruity theory’, Tourism management, 32 (1), ss. 114-127.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M. M. (2017), ‘Sosyal bilimlerde faktör analizi ve geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizlerinin kullanılması’, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, ss. 74-85.
  • Zhao, X., Lynch Jr, J. G. ve Chen, Q. (2010), ‘Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: Myths and truths about mediation analysis’, Journal of consumer research, 37 (2), ss. 197-206.

Destinasyon Marka Özgünlüğünün ve Destinasyon Markası Benlik Uyumunun Turistlerin Davranışsal Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi

Year 2022, , 6 - 23, 25.03.2022


Araştırma, destinasyon marka özgünlüğü, destinasyon markasının öz uyumu, destinasyon marka bağlılığı, tekrar ziyaret etme ve tavsiye etme niyeti arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini son 12 ayda herhangi bir turizm destinasyonunu ziyaret eden turistler oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem sayısı ise 405 anket formunda yer alan verilerden yola çıkarak değerlendirilmiştir. Önerilen yapısal modeli test etmek için Smart PLS 3.3 kullanılmıştır. Yol analizi sonuçları incelendiğinde destinasyon marka özgünlüğünün ve destinasyon markasının öz uyumunun destinasyon marka bağlılığını, destinasyon marka bağlılığının tekrar ziyaret niyetini, destinasyon marka özgünlüğünün ise tavsiye niyeti üzerinde pozitif etkisi tespit edilmiştir. Destinasyon markasının öz uyumunun tekrar ziyaret ve tavsiye niyetleri üzerinde pozitif etkisi görülmüştür.


  • Ahn, J., ve Back, K. J. (2018), ‘Antecedents and consequences of customer brand engagement in integrated resorts’, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 75, 144-152.
  • Ahn, T., Ekinci, Y. ve Li, G. (2013), ‘Self-congruence, functional congruence, and destination choice’, Journal of Business Research, 66 (6), ss. 719-723.
  • Ajanovic, E., ve Cizel, B. (2016), ‘Destination brand personality, self-Congruity theory and the intention to visit a destination’, Akdeniz İnsani Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), ss. 1-16.
  • Beverland, M. B. (2014), ‘Building brand authenticity. The Definitive Book of Branding (Chapter 6), ss. 110-132.
  • Bintarti, S. ve Kurniawan, E. N. (2017), ‘A study of revisit intention: Experiential quality and image of Muara Beting tourism site in Bekasi District’, European Research Studies Journal, 20 (2A), ss. 521-537.
  • Chhabra, D. (2005), ‘Defining authenticity and its determinants: Toward an authenticity flow model’, Journal of Travel Research, 44(1), 64-73.
  • Chen, R., Zhou, Z., Zhan, G. ve Zhou, N. (2020), ‘The impact of destination brand authenticity and destination brand self-congruence on tourist loyalty: The mediating role of destination brand engagement’, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 15, ss. 1-11.
  • Chin, W. W. (1998), ‘Issues and opinion on structural equation modeling’, MIS Quarterly, 22 (1), ss. 7-16.
  • Clarke, J. (2000), ‘Tourism brands: An exploratory study of the brands box model’, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 6 (4), ss. 329-345.
  • Dağ, K. ve Durmaz, Y. (2020), Marka ve Marka Özgünlüğü-Uygulamalı (1. Baskı), İstanbul: Hiperlink Yayınları.
  • Diamantopoulos, A. ve Winklhofer, H. M. (2001), ‘Index construction with formative indicators: An alternative to scale development’, Journal of Marketing Research, 38 (2), ss. 269-277.
  • Durmaz, Y. ve Dağ, K. (2018), ‘Marka Özgünlüğünün Marka Sadakati Üzerindeki Etkileri: Cep Telefonu Markaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma’, Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi, 10 (19), ss. 489-501.
  • Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D. F. (1981), ‘Structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and statistics’, Journal of Marketing Research, May, ss. 382-388.
  • Frias, D. M., Castaneda, J. A., del Barrio-Garcia, S. ve Lopez-Moreno, L. (2020), ‘The effect of self-congruity and motivation on consumer-based destination brand equity’, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 26 (3), ss. 287-304.
  • Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2011), ‘PLS-SEM: indeed a silverbullet’, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19 (2), ss. 139-152.
  • Hair, J. F., Risher, J. J., Sarstedt, M. ve Ringle, C. M. (2019), ‘When to use and how to report the results of PLS-SEM’, European Business Review, 31 (1), ss. 2-24.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M. ve Sinkovics, R. R. (2009), ‘The use of partial least squares path modeling in international marketing. In New challenges to international marketing’, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 20, ss. 277-319.
  • Hollebeek, L. D., Glynn, M. S. ve Brodie, R. J. (2014), ‘Consumer brandengagement in socialmedia: Conceptualization, scale development and validation’, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28 (2), ss. 149-165.
  • Jimenez-Barreto, J., Rubio, N. ve Campo, S. (2020), ‘Destination brand authenticity: What an experiential simulacrum! A multigroup analysis of its antecedents and outcomes through official online platforms’, Tourism Management, 77 (2020), ss. 1-19.
  • Julaimi, A. R., Abdul Talib, S. ve Suhaimi, M. Z. (2016), ‘International tourists revisit intention: A case of the United Arab emirates’, Journal of Tourism, Hospitality & Culinary Arts (JTHCA), 8, ss. 35-42.
  • Kaiser, H. F. (1974), ‘An index of factorial simplicity’, Psychometrika, 39 (1), ss. 31-36.
  • Khazaei Pool, J., Khodadadi, M., ve Asadi, A. (2018), ‘The impact of congruence between self-concept and destination personality on behavioural intentions for visiting an Islamic-historical destination’, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 18 (3), ss. 378-387.
  • Kim, M., ve Kim, J. (2020), ‘Destination authenticity as a trigger of tourists’ online engagement on social media’, Journal of Travel Research, 59 (7), ss. 1238-1252.
  • Kumar, V., ve Kaushik, A. K. (2020), ‘Does experience affect engagement? Role of destination brand engagement in developing brand advocacy and revisit intentions’, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37 (3), ss. 332-346.
  • Kyriakaki, A., Stavrinoudis, T., Doumi, M. ve Riga, A. (2017), ‘Factors Influencing Destination Recommendation and Tourısts’ Revisit Intentions’, MIRDEC-6th, International Academic Conference on SocialSciences, Multidisciplinary, Economics, Business and Finance Studies (Global Meeting of Social Science Community), 27-29 November 2017.
  • Meng, B. ve Choi, K. (2018), ‘An investigation on customer revisit intention to theme restaurants: The role of servicescape and authentic perception’, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30 (3), ss. 1646-1662.
  • Morhart, F., Malär, L., Guèvremont, A., Girardin, F. ve Grohmann, B. (2015), ‘Brand authenticity: An integrative framework and measurement scale’, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (2), ss. 200-218.
  • Napoli, J., Dickinson, S. J., Beverland, M. B. ve Farrelly, F. (2014), ‘Measuring consumer-based brand authenticity’, Journal of business research, 67 (6), ss. 1090-1098.
  • Phau, I. ve Lau, K. C. (2001), ‘Brand personality and consumer self-expression: single or dual carriageway?’, Journal of Brand Management, 8 (6), ss. 428-444.
  • Quoquab, F., Mohammad, J. ve Mohd Sobri, A. M. (2020), ‘Psychological engagement drives brand loyalty: evidence from Malaysian ecotourism destinations’, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 30 (1), ss. 132-147.
  • Ranjbarian, B., ve Ghaffari, M. (2018), ‘Direct and indirect effect of tourist self-image congruence on the tourism destination brand loyalty’, International Journal of Tourism Policy, 8 (3), ss. 187-202.
  • Rasoolimanesh, S. M., Md Noor, S., Schuberth, F. ve Jaafar, M. (2019), ‘Investigating the effects of tourist engagement on satisfaction and loyalty’, The Service Industries Journal, 39 (7-8), ss. 559-574.
  • Risitano, M., Romano, R., Sorrentino, A. ve Quintano, M. (2017), ‘The impact of consumer-brand engagement on brand experience and behavioural intentions: An Italian empirical study’, British Food Journal, 119 (8), ss. 1884-1896.
  • Rosado-Pinto, F., Loureiro, S. M. C. ve Bilro, R. G. (2020), ‘How brand authenticity and consumer brand engagement can be expressed in reviews: A text mining approach’, Journal of Promotion Management, 26 (4), ss. 457-480.
  • Saleem, M. A., Li, J. ve Afzal, H. (2020), ‘Protect for affinity? The role of destination brand engagement in forming environmentally responsible tourist behaviours’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, ss. 1-21.
  • Shmueli, G. ve Koppius, O. R. (2011), ‘Predictive analytics in information systems research’, MIS Quarterly, 35 (3), ss. 553-572.
  • Sirgy, M. J. (1982), ‘Self-concept in consumer behavior: A critical review’, Journal of consumer research, 9 (3), ss. 287-300.
  • Sirgy, M. J. (2018), ‘Self-congruity theory in consumer behavior: A little history’, Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 28 (2), ss. 197-207.
  • Sirgy, M. J., Grewal, D., Mangleburg, T. F., Park, J. O., Chon, K. S., Claiborne, C. B., ... ve Berkman, H. (1997), ‘Assessing the predictive validity of two methods of measuring self-image congruence’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 25 (3), ss. 229-241.
  • Um, S., Chon, K. ve Ro, Y. (2006), ‘Antecedents of revisit intention’, Annals of Tourism Research, 33 (4), ss. 1141-1158.
  • Usakli, A. ve Baloglu, S. (2011), ‘Brand personality of tourist destinations: An application of self-congruity theory’, Tourism management, 32 (1), ss. 114-127.
  • Yaşlıoğlu, M. M. (2017), ‘Sosyal bilimlerde faktör analizi ve geçerlilik: Keşfedici ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizlerinin kullanılması’, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 46, ss. 74-85.
  • Zhao, X., Lynch Jr, J. G. ve Chen, Q. (2010), ‘Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: Myths and truths about mediation analysis’, Journal of consumer research, 37 (2), ss. 197-206.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Bülent Demirağ 0000-0002-8718-1822

Sinan Çavuşoğlu 0000-0001-9365-8677

Publication Date March 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Demirağ, B., & Çavuşoğlu, S. (2022). Destinasyon Marka Özgünlüğünün ve Destinasyon Markası Benlik Uyumunun Turistlerin Davranışsal Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi. Seyahat Ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 19(1), 6-23.

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