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The Relationship between Agility and Performance in Hospitality Businesses: The Mediating Role of Organizational Structure

Year 2023, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 308 - 328, 29.08.2023


The importance of being proactive is increasing in order for hotels to cope with environmental uncertainty in maintaining competitiveness. The proactive is supported by speed and flexibility. In the literature, it is stated that agility enables businesses to stand out from the competition with its speed and flexibility features. The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between agile behavior of hospitality enterprises and performance and the mediating role of organizational structure. In order to test this research model, data were collected frotm 91 hospitality enterprises from 4 and 5 stars across Turkey through a questionnaire. The research data were analyzed via Smart PLS. The findings show that only the competency dimension has an effect on non-financial performance in the agility-performance relationship and the organizational structure does not have a mediating role.


  • Ahmadi, S. A. A., Fathizadeh, A. Sadeghi, J., Daryabeigi, M. ve Taherghani, L. (2012), “A Study on the Relationship between Organizational Structure and Organizational Agile: A Case Study of Insurance Firm”, Management Science Letters, 2(8), ss.2777-2788.
  • Akkaya, B. ve Tabak, A. (2018), “Örgütsel Çeviklik Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlilik Çalışması”, İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 5(2), ss.185-206.
  • Ali, F., Rasoolimanesh, S.M., Sarstedt, M., Ringle C.M. ve Ryu, K. (2018), “An Assessment of the Use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) in Hospitality Research”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(1), ss.514-538.
  • Ambrose, C. ve Morello, D. (2004), “Designing the Agile Organization: Design Principles and Practices”, Strategic Analysis Report 6 January 2004 https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/421081/designing-the-agile-organization-design-principles-and-pr (27.04.2022).
  • Arokodare, M. A. ve Falana, B. R. (2021), “Strategic Agility and the Global Pandemic: the Agile Organization Structure, A Therotical Review”, Information Management and Business Review, 13(1), ss.16-27.
  • Ashrafi, N., Xu P., Sathasivam, M., Kuilboer, J.P., Koelher, W., Heimann, D. ve Waage, F. (2005), “A Framework for Implementing Business Agility through Knowledge Management Systems”, Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology Workshops, Munich, Germany, ss. 116-121.
  • Avcı, U., Madanoğlu, M. ve Okumus, F. (2011), “Strategic Orientation and Performance of Tourism Firms: Evidence from a Developing Country”, Tourism Management, 32(1), ss.147-157.
  • Avcı, U. (2005). “Konaklama İşletmelerinde Finansal ve Finansal Olmayan Performans Ölçümüne İlişkin Bir Alan Araştırması”, Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi (SOİD), 2(3), ss.5-11.
  • Bagozzi, R.P. ve Yi, Y. (1988), “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models”, Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), ss.74-94.
  • Bakoğlu, R. (2001). “Örgütsel Performans Kavramı ve Gelişimi”, Öneri Dergisi, 4(15), ss.39-45.
  • Cicerali, E.E. (2019), “Çevikliği Destekleyen Örgütsel Kültür Özellikleri”, Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(18), ss.2422-2432.
  • Cordes-Berszinn, P. (2013), Dynamic Capabilities: How Organizational Structure Affect Knowledge Processes (1st Edition), Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Covin, G. J. ve Slevin, P. D. (1988), “The Influence of Orgnization Structure on The Utility of An Entreprenural Top Management Style”, Journal of Management Studies, 25(3), ss. 217-234
  • Cummins, F. A. (2017), Agile Organization Structure (Chapter 10). Building the Agile Entreprise: With Capabilities, Collaborations and Values (Second Ed.), ss.301-332, Morgan Kufman: The MK/OMG Press.
  • Darvishmotevali, M., Altinay, L. ve Köseoglu, M.A. (2020), “The Link between Environmental Uncertainty, Organizational Agility, and Organizational Creativity in the Hotel Industry”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 87(May 2020), Article No: 102499.
  • El-Khalil, R. ve Mezher, M. A. (2020), “The Mediating Impact of Sustainability on the Relationship between Agile and Operational Performance”, Operations Research Perspectives, 7(2020), 100171.
  • Fiş, M. A. ve Çetindamar, D. (2007), “Girişimcilik Oryantasyonu, Kurum İçi Girişimcilik ve Bağlı Ölçeklerin Türkçe'de Geçerlemesiˮ, 15. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Sakarya, ss.124-132, 25-27 Mayıs, 2007.
  • Gerald, E., Obianuju, A. ve Chukwunonso, N. (2020), “Strategic Agility and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Phase of Covid-19 Pandemic”, International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management, 2(1), ss.41-50.
  • Gerster, D., Dremel, C., Brenner, W. and Kelker, P. (2019), “How Entreprises Adopt Agile Structures: A Multiple-Case Study”, Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, ss.4957-4966.
  • Hair, J. F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2014a), A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) (1st. Edition), USA: Sage Publications Inc.
  • Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L. ve Kuppelwieser, V. G. (2014b), “Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM): An Emerging Tool in Business Research”, European Business Review, 26(2), ss.106-121.
  • Harrington, R. J. ve Ottenbacher, M. C. (2011), “Strategic Management An Analysis of Its Representation and Focus in Recent Hospitality Research”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(4), ss.439-462.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle C. M. ve Sarsted, M. (2015), “A Criterion For Assessing Discriminant Validity in Variance-Based Structural Equation Modeling”, Journal of Academy of MArketing Science, 43(1), ss.115-135.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle C. M. ve Sinkovics, R.R. (2009), “The Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling in International Marketing”, İçinde Sinkovis R.R. ve Ghauri P.N.(Editörler), Advance in International Marketing, s.277-320, Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Jacobs, M., Droge, C., Vickery, S. K. ve Calantone, R. (2011), “Product and Process Modularity’s Effects on Manufacturing Agility and Firm Growth Performance”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(1), ss.123-137.
  • Kala, D. ve Bagri, S.C. (2014). “Key Performance Indicators for Hospitality Industry: A Study from The Tourıst State of Uttarakhand, India”, Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal Of Tourism, 9(1), ss. 187-206.
  • Kale, E., Aknar, A. ve Başar, Ö. (2019), “Absorptive Capacity and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Strategic Agility”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 78(April 2019), ss.276-283.
  • Kavala, H. B., Devi, P. G. ve Mandal, S. (2019), Does Organizational Culture Matter for Shaping Up Hotel’s Agility? An Emperical Investigation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Health & Medical Tourism, 7-10 March 2019 Kozhikode, Indian.
  • Kılınç, İ. (2003). Stratejik Planlama Finansal Performans İlişkisi ve Dört -Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmeleri Uygulaması, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, DEU Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Köseoğlu, M. A., Topaloğlu, C., Parnell, A. J. ve Lester, L. D. (2013), “Linkages among Business Strategy, Uncertainty and Performance in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from an Emerging Economy”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34(2013), ss.81-91.
  • Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı (2021). Yatırım ve İşletmeler Genel Müdürlüğü Tesis İstatistikleri, https://yigm.ktb.gov.tr/TR-201131/tesis-istatistikleri.html (17.05.2022).
  • Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K. K. ve Hua, Z. (2013), “The Impact of IT Capabilities on Firm Performance: The Mediating Roles of Absorptive Capacity and Supply Chain Agility”, Decision Support Systems, 54(3) ss.1452-1462.
  • Melian-Alzola, L., Fernandez-Monroy, M. ve Hidalgo-Penate, M. (2020), “Information Technology Capability and Organisational Agility: A Study in the Canary Islands Hotel Industry”, Tourism Management Perspectives, 33(January 2020), Article No: 100606.
  • Nieves, J., Quintana, A. ve Osorio, J. (2016), “Organizational Knowledge, Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation in the Hotel Industry”, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 16(2), ss.158–171.
  • Ngo, V. M. ve Vu, M. H. (2020), “Customer Agility and Firm Performance in Tourism Industry”, Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 68(1), ss.68-82.
  • Okumus, F. ve Karamustafa K. (2005), “Impact of an Economic Crisis: Evidence from Turkey”, Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), ss.942-961.
  • Phillips, P. A. (1999). “Performance Measurement Systems and Hotels: A New Conceptual Framework”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 18(2), ss.171-182.
  • Ringle, C. M., Wende, S. ve Becker, J.M. (2015), “SmartPLS 3ˮ, Boenningstedt: SmartPLS GmbH. http://www.smartpls.com (29.05.2022).
  • Sağır, M. ve Aydın, S. U. (2017), “Konaklama İşletmelerinde İnsan Sermayesi ve Örgütsel Çevikliğin Rekabet Avantajlarına Etkileri”, The Proceedings of the International Congress on Cultural Haritage and Tourism, ss.1273-1287.
  • Sharifi, H. ve Zhang, Z. (1999), “A Methodology for Achiving Agility in Manufacturing Organizations: An Introduciton”, International Journal of Production Economics, 62(1-2), ss.7-22.
  • Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W. ve Layer, J. K. (2007), “A Review of Enterprise Agility: Concepts, Frameworks, and Attributes”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37(5), ss. 445–460.
  • Shin, H., Lee, J.N., Kim, D. ve Rhim, H. (2015), “Strategic Agility of Korean Small and Medium Enterprises and Its Influence on Operational and Firm Performance”, International Journal of Production Economics: Manufacturing Systemsʼ, Strategy and Design, 168(October 2015), ss.181-196.
  • Teece, D., Peteraf M. ve Leih, S. (2016), “Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Agility: Risk, Uncertainty, and Strategy in the Innovation Economy”, California Management Review, 58(4), ss.13-35.
  • Tuyet, T. T. (2021), “The Effect of Resilience, Agility on Hotel Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Effect of Environmental Turbulence”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Management and Business, ss.17-27.
  • Uğurlu, Ö. Y., Çolakoğlu, E. ve Öztosun, E. (2019), “Stratejik Çevikliğin Firma Performansına Etkisi: Üretim İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma”, İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 6(1), ss.93-106.
  • Uşaklı, A. ve Küçükergin, K. G. (2018), “Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling in Hospitality and Tourism: Do Researchers Follow Practical Guidelines?”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(11), ss.3462-3512.
  • Wilden, R., Gudergan, S. P., Nielsen, B. B. ve Lings, I. (2013), “Dynamic Capabilities and Performance: Strategy, Structure and Environment”, Long Range Planning, 46(1/2), ss.72-96.
  • Yusuf, Y.Y., Sarhadi, M. ve Gunasekaran, A. (1999), “Agile Manufacturing: The Drivers, Concepts and Attributes”, International Journal of Production Economics, 62(1/2), ss.33-43.
  • Zaim, H. (2006). “Bilgi Yönetiminde Performans Ölçümü”, İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 56(2), s.s 915-938.
  • Zhao, X., Lynch, Jr. J. G. ve Chen, Q. (2010), “Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: Myths and Truths About Mediation Analysis”, Journal of Consumer Research, 37(2), ss.197-206.
  • Zhang, Z. ve Sharifi, H. (2000), “A Methodology for Achieving Agility in Manufacturing Organisations”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 20(4), ss. 496-513.

Konaklama İşletmelerinde Çeviklik ve Performans İlişkisi: Örgütsel Yapının Aracılık Rolü

Year 2023, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 308 - 328, 29.08.2023


Otellerin rekabet güçlerini sürdürebilmeleri çevresel belirsizliğe karşı proaktif olabilmeleriyle ilişkilendirilmektedir. Proaktiflik, hız ve esneklikle desteklenmektedir. Yazında çevikliğin hız ve esneklik özellikleriyle işletmelere rekabette öne çıkmalarını sağladığı belirtilmektedir. Çalışmanın amacı konaklama işletmelerinin çevik davranışlarının performansla ilişkisini ve örgütsel yapının aracılık rolünü araştırmaktır. Bu araştırma modelini test etmek için Türkiye genelinden 4 ve 5 yıldızlı otellerden anket aracılığıyla 91 konaklama işletmesinden veri toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın kavramsal modelinin analizi Smart PLS aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular çeviklik performans ilişkisinde sadece yetkinlik boyutunun finansal olmayan performansa etkisi olduğunu ve örgütsel yapının aracılık rolünün olmadığını göstermektedir.


  • Ahmadi, S. A. A., Fathizadeh, A. Sadeghi, J., Daryabeigi, M. ve Taherghani, L. (2012), “A Study on the Relationship between Organizational Structure and Organizational Agile: A Case Study of Insurance Firm”, Management Science Letters, 2(8), ss.2777-2788.
  • Akkaya, B. ve Tabak, A. (2018), “Örgütsel Çeviklik Ölçeğinin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlilik ve Güvenirlilik Çalışması”, İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 5(2), ss.185-206.
  • Ali, F., Rasoolimanesh, S.M., Sarstedt, M., Ringle C.M. ve Ryu, K. (2018), “An Assessment of the Use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) in Hospitality Research”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(1), ss.514-538.
  • Ambrose, C. ve Morello, D. (2004), “Designing the Agile Organization: Design Principles and Practices”, Strategic Analysis Report 6 January 2004 https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/421081/designing-the-agile-organization-design-principles-and-pr (27.04.2022).
  • Arokodare, M. A. ve Falana, B. R. (2021), “Strategic Agility and the Global Pandemic: the Agile Organization Structure, A Therotical Review”, Information Management and Business Review, 13(1), ss.16-27.
  • Ashrafi, N., Xu P., Sathasivam, M., Kuilboer, J.P., Koelher, W., Heimann, D. ve Waage, F. (2005), “A Framework for Implementing Business Agility through Knowledge Management Systems”, Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology Workshops, Munich, Germany, ss. 116-121.
  • Avcı, U., Madanoğlu, M. ve Okumus, F. (2011), “Strategic Orientation and Performance of Tourism Firms: Evidence from a Developing Country”, Tourism Management, 32(1), ss.147-157.
  • Avcı, U. (2005). “Konaklama İşletmelerinde Finansal ve Finansal Olmayan Performans Ölçümüne İlişkin Bir Alan Araştırması”, Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi (SOİD), 2(3), ss.5-11.
  • Bagozzi, R.P. ve Yi, Y. (1988), “On the Evaluation of Structural Equation Models”, Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 16(1), ss.74-94.
  • Bakoğlu, R. (2001). “Örgütsel Performans Kavramı ve Gelişimi”, Öneri Dergisi, 4(15), ss.39-45.
  • Cicerali, E.E. (2019), “Çevikliği Destekleyen Örgütsel Kültür Özellikleri”, Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 11(18), ss.2422-2432.
  • Cordes-Berszinn, P. (2013), Dynamic Capabilities: How Organizational Structure Affect Knowledge Processes (1st Edition), Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Covin, G. J. ve Slevin, P. D. (1988), “The Influence of Orgnization Structure on The Utility of An Entreprenural Top Management Style”, Journal of Management Studies, 25(3), ss. 217-234
  • Cummins, F. A. (2017), Agile Organization Structure (Chapter 10). Building the Agile Entreprise: With Capabilities, Collaborations and Values (Second Ed.), ss.301-332, Morgan Kufman: The MK/OMG Press.
  • Darvishmotevali, M., Altinay, L. ve Köseoglu, M.A. (2020), “The Link between Environmental Uncertainty, Organizational Agility, and Organizational Creativity in the Hotel Industry”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 87(May 2020), Article No: 102499.
  • El-Khalil, R. ve Mezher, M. A. (2020), “The Mediating Impact of Sustainability on the Relationship between Agile and Operational Performance”, Operations Research Perspectives, 7(2020), 100171.
  • Fiş, M. A. ve Çetindamar, D. (2007), “Girişimcilik Oryantasyonu, Kurum İçi Girişimcilik ve Bağlı Ölçeklerin Türkçe'de Geçerlemesiˮ, 15. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, Sakarya, ss.124-132, 25-27 Mayıs, 2007.
  • Gerald, E., Obianuju, A. ve Chukwunonso, N. (2020), “Strategic Agility and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Phase of Covid-19 Pandemic”, International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management, 2(1), ss.41-50.
  • Gerster, D., Dremel, C., Brenner, W. and Kelker, P. (2019), “How Entreprises Adopt Agile Structures: A Multiple-Case Study”, Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, ss.4957-4966.
  • Hair, J. F., Hult, G.T.M., Ringle, C. M. ve Sarstedt, M. (2014a), A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) (1st. Edition), USA: Sage Publications Inc.
  • Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L. ve Kuppelwieser, V. G. (2014b), “Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM): An Emerging Tool in Business Research”, European Business Review, 26(2), ss.106-121.
  • Harrington, R. J. ve Ottenbacher, M. C. (2011), “Strategic Management An Analysis of Its Representation and Focus in Recent Hospitality Research”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 23(4), ss.439-462.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle C. M. ve Sarsted, M. (2015), “A Criterion For Assessing Discriminant Validity in Variance-Based Structural Equation Modeling”, Journal of Academy of MArketing Science, 43(1), ss.115-135.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle C. M. ve Sinkovics, R.R. (2009), “The Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling in International Marketing”, İçinde Sinkovis R.R. ve Ghauri P.N.(Editörler), Advance in International Marketing, s.277-320, Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Jacobs, M., Droge, C., Vickery, S. K. ve Calantone, R. (2011), “Product and Process Modularity’s Effects on Manufacturing Agility and Firm Growth Performance”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(1), ss.123-137.
  • Kala, D. ve Bagri, S.C. (2014). “Key Performance Indicators for Hospitality Industry: A Study from The Tourıst State of Uttarakhand, India”, Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal Of Tourism, 9(1), ss. 187-206.
  • Kale, E., Aknar, A. ve Başar, Ö. (2019), “Absorptive Capacity and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Strategic Agility”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 78(April 2019), ss.276-283.
  • Kavala, H. B., Devi, P. G. ve Mandal, S. (2019), Does Organizational Culture Matter for Shaping Up Hotel’s Agility? An Emperical Investigation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Global Health & Medical Tourism, 7-10 March 2019 Kozhikode, Indian.
  • Kılınç, İ. (2003). Stratejik Planlama Finansal Performans İlişkisi ve Dört -Beş Yıldızlı Otel İşletmeleri Uygulaması, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, DEU Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Köseoğlu, M. A., Topaloğlu, C., Parnell, A. J. ve Lester, L. D. (2013), “Linkages among Business Strategy, Uncertainty and Performance in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from an Emerging Economy”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 34(2013), ss.81-91.
  • Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı (2021). Yatırım ve İşletmeler Genel Müdürlüğü Tesis İstatistikleri, https://yigm.ktb.gov.tr/TR-201131/tesis-istatistikleri.html (17.05.2022).
  • Liu, H., Ke, W., Wei, K. K. ve Hua, Z. (2013), “The Impact of IT Capabilities on Firm Performance: The Mediating Roles of Absorptive Capacity and Supply Chain Agility”, Decision Support Systems, 54(3) ss.1452-1462.
  • Melian-Alzola, L., Fernandez-Monroy, M. ve Hidalgo-Penate, M. (2020), “Information Technology Capability and Organisational Agility: A Study in the Canary Islands Hotel Industry”, Tourism Management Perspectives, 33(January 2020), Article No: 100606.
  • Nieves, J., Quintana, A. ve Osorio, J. (2016), “Organizational Knowledge, Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation in the Hotel Industry”, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 16(2), ss.158–171.
  • Ngo, V. M. ve Vu, M. H. (2020), “Customer Agility and Firm Performance in Tourism Industry”, Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 68(1), ss.68-82.
  • Okumus, F. ve Karamustafa K. (2005), “Impact of an Economic Crisis: Evidence from Turkey”, Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), ss.942-961.
  • Phillips, P. A. (1999). “Performance Measurement Systems and Hotels: A New Conceptual Framework”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 18(2), ss.171-182.
  • Ringle, C. M., Wende, S. ve Becker, J.M. (2015), “SmartPLS 3ˮ, Boenningstedt: SmartPLS GmbH. http://www.smartpls.com (29.05.2022).
  • Sağır, M. ve Aydın, S. U. (2017), “Konaklama İşletmelerinde İnsan Sermayesi ve Örgütsel Çevikliğin Rekabet Avantajlarına Etkileri”, The Proceedings of the International Congress on Cultural Haritage and Tourism, ss.1273-1287.
  • Sharifi, H. ve Zhang, Z. (1999), “A Methodology for Achiving Agility in Manufacturing Organizations: An Introduciton”, International Journal of Production Economics, 62(1-2), ss.7-22.
  • Sherehiy, B., Karwowski, W. ve Layer, J. K. (2007), “A Review of Enterprise Agility: Concepts, Frameworks, and Attributes”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 37(5), ss. 445–460.
  • Shin, H., Lee, J.N., Kim, D. ve Rhim, H. (2015), “Strategic Agility of Korean Small and Medium Enterprises and Its Influence on Operational and Firm Performance”, International Journal of Production Economics: Manufacturing Systemsʼ, Strategy and Design, 168(October 2015), ss.181-196.
  • Teece, D., Peteraf M. ve Leih, S. (2016), “Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Agility: Risk, Uncertainty, and Strategy in the Innovation Economy”, California Management Review, 58(4), ss.13-35.
  • Tuyet, T. T. (2021), “The Effect of Resilience, Agility on Hotel Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Effect of Environmental Turbulence”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Management and Business, ss.17-27.
  • Uğurlu, Ö. Y., Çolakoğlu, E. ve Öztosun, E. (2019), “Stratejik Çevikliğin Firma Performansına Etkisi: Üretim İşletmelerinde Bir Araştırma”, İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 6(1), ss.93-106.
  • Uşaklı, A. ve Küçükergin, K. G. (2018), “Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling in Hospitality and Tourism: Do Researchers Follow Practical Guidelines?”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(11), ss.3462-3512.
  • Wilden, R., Gudergan, S. P., Nielsen, B. B. ve Lings, I. (2013), “Dynamic Capabilities and Performance: Strategy, Structure and Environment”, Long Range Planning, 46(1/2), ss.72-96.
  • Yusuf, Y.Y., Sarhadi, M. ve Gunasekaran, A. (1999), “Agile Manufacturing: The Drivers, Concepts and Attributes”, International Journal of Production Economics, 62(1/2), ss.33-43.
  • Zaim, H. (2006). “Bilgi Yönetiminde Performans Ölçümü”, İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 56(2), s.s 915-938.
  • Zhao, X., Lynch, Jr. J. G. ve Chen, Q. (2010), “Reconsidering Baron and Kenny: Myths and Truths About Mediation Analysis”, Journal of Consumer Research, 37(2), ss.197-206.
  • Zhang, Z. ve Sharifi, H. (2000), “A Methodology for Achieving Agility in Manufacturing Organisations”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 20(4), ss. 496-513.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Cemal Artun 0000-0002-8995-5238

Early Pub Date August 29, 2023
Publication Date August 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 20 Issue: 2


APA Artun, C. (2023). Konaklama İşletmelerinde Çeviklik ve Performans İlişkisi: Örgütsel Yapının Aracılık Rolü. Seyahat Ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 20(2), 308-328. https://doi.org/10.24010/soid.1145657

Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği (Journal of Travel Business) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).


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