Research Article
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The Use of Service Robots in the Tourism Industry: A Qualitative Research on Employers

Year 2023, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 459 - 475, 30.10.2023


Service robots are becoming a major driver of business processes as a result of technological advancements. A service robot can perform the tasks of multiple employees. Service robots take over many routine tasks, so other employees can focus more on customers. As it handles a lot of the routine work, it enables human employees to concentrate on customer. The potential benefits of service robots encourage employers to implement robotic technology. This study on service robots in the tourism industry aims to examine employers' willingness to implement service robots. Data was collected for this purpose from 244 employers in the restaurant, cafe, and accommodation industries. Structural equation model was used in the analysis of the data. The study findings reveal that the business outcomes, social impact, and performance have a positive effect on employers' willingness to implement service robots.


  • Alexis, P. (2017). R-Tourism: Introducing the potential impact of robotics and service automation in tourism. Ovidius University Annals, Series Economic Sciences, 17(1), 211-216.
  • Ayyildiz, A. Y., Baykal, M., ve Koc, E. (2022). Attitudes of hotel customers towards the use of service robots in hospitality service encounters. Technology in Society, 101995.
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  • Berezina, K., Ciftci, O., ve Cobanoglu, C. (2019). Robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation in restaurants. In Robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation in travel, tourism and hospitality (pp. 185-219). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Bishop, L., van Maris, A., Dogramadzi, S., ve Zook, N. (2019). Social robots: The influence of human and robot characteristics on acceptance. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 10(1), 346-358.
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  • Choi, Y., Choi, M., Oh, M., ve Kim, S. (2020). Service robots in hotels: Understanding the service quality perceptions of human-robot interaction. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(6), 613-635.
  • Christou, P., Simillidou, A., ve Stylianou, M. C. (2020). Tourists’ perceptions regarding the use of anthropomorphic robots in tourism and hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(11), 3665-3683.
  • Decker, M., Fischer, M., ve Ott, I. (2017). Service Robotics and Human Labor: A first technology assessment of substitution and cooperation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 87, 348-354.
  • Ding, L. (2021). Employees’ challenge-hindrance appraisals toward STARA awareness and competitive productivity: a micro-level case. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(9), 2950-2969
  • Fortune Business Insights (2022). Service robotics market size, share & Covid-19 impact analysis, by type (professional, personal) by application (domestic, industrial/commercial), and regional forecast, 2022-2029.
  • Go, H., Kang, M., ve Suh, S. C. (2020). Machine learning of robots in tourism and hospitality: interactive technology acceptance model (iTAM)–cutting edge. Tourism Review, 75(4), 625-636.
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  • Gürdin, B. (2020). Robonomi Ve Müşteri Memnuniyeti: Hizmet Robotlarına İlişkin Literatür Taraması. Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi, 3(1), 85-100.
  • Haidegger, T., Barreto, M., Gonçalves, P., Habib, M. K., Ragavan, S. K. V., Li, H., ... ve Prestes, E. (2013). Applied ontologies and standards for service robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(11), 1215-1223.
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  • Ivanov, S. H., ve Webster, C. (2017a). Adoption of Robots, Artificial Intelligence And Service Automation By Travel, Tourism And Hospitality Companies – A Cost-Benefit Analysis (2017). Prepared for the International Scientific Conference "Contemporary Tourism – Traditions and Innovations", Sofia University, 19-21 October 2017, Available at SSRN:
  • Ivanov, S., ve Webster, C. (2017b). Designing robot-friendly hospitality facilities. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference “Tourism. Innovations. Strategies”, 13-14 October 2017, Bourgas, Bulgaria, pp. 74-81.
  • Ivanov, S., ve Webster, C. (2019b). What should robots do? A comparative analysis of industry professionals, educators and tourists. In Information and communication technologies in tourism 2019 (pp. 249-262). Springer, Cham.
  • Ivanov, S., ve Webster, C. (2020) Robots in tourism: a research agenda for tourism economics. Tourism Economics (forthcoming). Doi:
  • Ivanov, S., Gretzel, U., Berezina, K., Sigala, M., ve Webster, C. (2019a). Progress on robotics in hospitality and tourism: a review of the literature. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(4), 489-521.
  • Ivanov, S., Gretzel, U., Berezina, K., Sigala, M., ve Webster, C. (2019a). Progress on robotics in hospitality and tourism: a review of the literature. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(4), 489-521.
  • Ivanov, S., Seyitoğlu, F., ve Markova, M. (2020). Hotel managers’ perceptions towards the use of robots: a mixed-methods approach. Information Technology & Tourism, 22(4), 505-535.
  • Ivanov, S., Webster, C., ve Garenko, A. (2018b). Young Russian adults' attitudes towards the potential use of robots in hotels. Technology in Society, 55, 24-32.
  • Ivanov, S., Webster, C., ve Seyyedi, P. (2018a). Consumers' attitudes towards the introduction of robots in accommodation establishments. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 66(3), 302-317
  • Ivkov, M., Blešić, I., Dudić, B., Pajtinková Bartáková, G., ve Dudić, Z. (2020). Are future professionals willing to implement service robots? Attitudes of hospitality and tourism students towards service robotization. Electronics, 9(9), 1442.
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Turizm Sektöründe Hizmet Robotlarının Kullanımı: İşverenler Üzerinde Nicel Bir Araştırma

Year 2023, Volume: 20 Issue: 3, 459 - 475, 30.10.2023


Teknolojideki gelişmeler hizmet robotlarının iş süreçlerinde itici bir güç haline gelmesine neden olmuştur. Birden fazla personelin yaptığı işi tek bir hizmet robotu üstlenebilmektedir. Hizmet robotları birçok rutin işi devraldığı için diğer çalışanlar müşterilere daha sağlıklı odaklanmaktadır. Hizmet robotlarının potansiyel faydaları ise işverenleri robotik teknoloji kullanımına teşvik etmektedir. Turizm sektöründe hizmet robotuna ilişkin hazırlanan bu araştırma işverenlerin hizmet robotu kullanma isteğini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrusunda konaklama işletmeleri, restoran ve kafelerden 244 işverenden veri toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde ise yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılmıştır. Yapısal eşitlik modeli analizi sonucunda iş sonuçları, sosyal etki ve performansın işverenlerin hizmet robotu kullanım isteği üzerinde pozitif etkisinin olduğu bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır.

Ethical Statement

Bu çalışma T.C. Iğdır Üniversitesi Etik Kurulu Başkanlığı’nın 14/12/2022 tarih ve 2022/21 sayılı etik onayı çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir.


  • Alexis, P. (2017). R-Tourism: Introducing the potential impact of robotics and service automation in tourism. Ovidius University Annals, Series Economic Sciences, 17(1), 211-216.
  • Ayyildiz, A. Y., Baykal, M., ve Koc, E. (2022). Attitudes of hotel customers towards the use of service robots in hospitality service encounters. Technology in Society, 101995.
  • Belanche, D., Casaló, L. V., ve Flavián, C. (2021). Frontline robots in tourism and hospitality: service enhancement or cost reduction?. Electronic Markets, 31(3), 477-492.
  • Belanche, D., Casaló, L. V., Flavián, C., ve Schepers, J. (2020). Service robot implementation: a theoretical framework and research agenda. The Service Industries Journal, 40(3-4), 203-225.
  • Berezina, K., Ciftci, O., ve Cobanoglu, C. (2019). Robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation in restaurants. In Robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation in travel, tourism and hospitality (pp. 185-219). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Bishop, L., van Maris, A., Dogramadzi, S., ve Zook, N. (2019). Social robots: The influence of human and robot characteristics on acceptance. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 10(1), 346-358.
  • Buhalis, D., Harwood, T., Bogicevic, V., Viglia, G., Beldona, S., ve Hofacker, C. (2019). Technological disruptions in services: Lessons from tourism and hospitality. Journal of Service Management, 30(4), 484-506.
  • Bulchand-Gidumal, J. (2022). Impact of artificial intelligence in travel, tourism, and hospitality. In Handbook of e-Tourism (pp. 1943-1962). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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  • Christou, P., Simillidou, A., ve Stylianou, M. C. (2020). Tourists’ perceptions regarding the use of anthropomorphic robots in tourism and hospitality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(11), 3665-3683.
  • Decker, M., Fischer, M., ve Ott, I. (2017). Service Robotics and Human Labor: A first technology assessment of substitution and cooperation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 87, 348-354.
  • Ding, L. (2021). Employees’ challenge-hindrance appraisals toward STARA awareness and competitive productivity: a micro-level case. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(9), 2950-2969
  • Fortune Business Insights (2022). Service robotics market size, share & Covid-19 impact analysis, by type (professional, personal) by application (domestic, industrial/commercial), and regional forecast, 2022-2029.
  • Go, H., Kang, M., ve Suh, S. C. (2020). Machine learning of robots in tourism and hospitality: interactive technology acceptance model (iTAM)–cutting edge. Tourism Review, 75(4), 625-636.
  • Gursoy, D., Chi, O. H., Lu, L., ve Nunkoo, R. (2019). Consumers acceptance of artificially intelligent (AI) device use in service delivery. International Journal of Information Management, 49, 157-169.
  • Gürdin, B. (2020). Robonomi Ve Müşteri Memnuniyeti: Hizmet Robotlarına İlişkin Literatür Taraması. Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi, 3(1), 85-100.
  • Haidegger, T., Barreto, M., Gonçalves, P., Habib, M. K., Ragavan, S. K. V., Li, H., ... ve Prestes, E. (2013). Applied ontologies and standards for service robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(11), 1215-1223.
  • Huang, M. H., ve Rust, R. T. (2018). Artificial intelligence in service. Journal of Service Research, 21(2), 155-172.
  • Hudson, J., Orviska, M., ve Hunady, J. (2017). People’s attitudes to robots in caring for the elderly. International Journal of Social Robotics, 9(2), 199-210.
  • Ivanov, S. H., ve Webster, C. (2017a). Adoption of Robots, Artificial Intelligence And Service Automation By Travel, Tourism And Hospitality Companies – A Cost-Benefit Analysis (2017). Prepared for the International Scientific Conference "Contemporary Tourism – Traditions and Innovations", Sofia University, 19-21 October 2017, Available at SSRN:
  • Ivanov, S., ve Webster, C. (2017b). Designing robot-friendly hospitality facilities. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference “Tourism. Innovations. Strategies”, 13-14 October 2017, Bourgas, Bulgaria, pp. 74-81.
  • Ivanov, S., ve Webster, C. (2019b). What should robots do? A comparative analysis of industry professionals, educators and tourists. In Information and communication technologies in tourism 2019 (pp. 249-262). Springer, Cham.
  • Ivanov, S., ve Webster, C. (2020) Robots in tourism: a research agenda for tourism economics. Tourism Economics (forthcoming). Doi:
  • Ivanov, S., Gretzel, U., Berezina, K., Sigala, M., ve Webster, C. (2019a). Progress on robotics in hospitality and tourism: a review of the literature. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(4), 489-521.
  • Ivanov, S., Gretzel, U., Berezina, K., Sigala, M., ve Webster, C. (2019a). Progress on robotics in hospitality and tourism: a review of the literature. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 10(4), 489-521.
  • Ivanov, S., Seyitoğlu, F., ve Markova, M. (2020). Hotel managers’ perceptions towards the use of robots: a mixed-methods approach. Information Technology & Tourism, 22(4), 505-535.
  • Ivanov, S., Webster, C., ve Garenko, A. (2018b). Young Russian adults' attitudes towards the potential use of robots in hotels. Technology in Society, 55, 24-32.
  • Ivanov, S., Webster, C., ve Seyyedi, P. (2018a). Consumers' attitudes towards the introduction of robots in accommodation establishments. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 66(3), 302-317
  • Ivkov, M., Blešić, I., Dudić, B., Pajtinková Bartáková, G., ve Dudić, Z. (2020). Are future professionals willing to implement service robots? Attitudes of hospitality and tourism students towards service robotization. Electronics, 9(9), 1442.
  • İbiş, S. (2019). Turizm endüstrisinde robotlaşma. Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(3), 403-420.
  • Jayasingh, S., ve Eze, U. C. (2010). The role of moderating factors in mobile coupon adoption: An extended TAM perspective. Communications of the IBIMA.
  • Kazandzhieva, V., ve Filipova, H. (2019). Customer attitudes toward robots in travel, tourism, and hospitality: a conceptual framework. In Robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation in travel, tourism and hospitality (pp. 79-92). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • Khechine, H., Lakhal, S., ve Ndjambou, P. (2016). A meta‐analysis of the UTAUT model: Eleven years later. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 33(2), 138-152.
  • King, W. R., ve He, J. (2006). A meta-analysis of the technology acceptance model. Information & Management, 43(6), 740-755.
  • Kong, H., Yuan, Y., Baruch, Y., Bu, N., Jiang, X. ve Wang, K. (2021). Influences of artificial intelligence (AI) awareness on career competency and job burnout. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(2), 717-734.
  • Koo, B., Curtis, C., ve Ryan, B. (2021). Examining the impact of artificial intelligence on hotel employees through job insecurity perspectives. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 95, 102763.
  • Koo, C., Xiang, Z., Gretzel, U., ve Sigala, M. (2021). Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in travel, hospitality and leisure. Electronic Markets, 31(3), 473-476.
  • Kuo, C. M., Chen, L. C., ve Tseng, C. Y. (2017). Investigating an innovative service with hospitality robots. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(5), 1305-1321.
  • Lee, W. H., Lin, C. W., ve Shih, K. H. (2018). A technology acceptance model for the perception of restaurant service robots for trust, interactivity, and output quality. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 16(4), 361-376.
  • Li, J.J., Bonn, M.A. ve Ye, B.H. (2019). Hotel employee’s artificial intelligence and robotics awareness and its impact on turnover intention: the moderating roles of perceived organizational support and competitive psychological climate. Tourism Management, 73, 172-181.
  • Lin, H., Chi, O. H., ve Gursoy, D. (2020). Antecedents of customers’ acceptance of artificially intelligent robotic device use in hospitality services. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 29(5), 530-549.
  • Lu, L., Cai, R., ve Gursoy, D. (2019). Developing and validating a service robot integration willingness scale. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 80, 36-51.
  • Lu, V. N., Wirtz, J., Kunz, W. H., Paluch, S., Gruber, T., Martins, A., ve Patterson, P. G. (2020). Service robots, customers and service employees: what can we learn from the academic literature and where are the gaps?. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 30(3), 361-391.
  • Manthiou, A., Klaus, P., Kuppelwieser, V. G., ve Reeves, W. (2021). Man vs machine: examining the three themes of service robotics in tourism and hospitality. Electronic Markets, 31(3), 511-527.
  • Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I., Çiğdem Ş., ve Yıldız, B. (2022). Effect of supply chain learning on flexibility performance: An empirical study. Independent Journal of Management & Productıon (Ijm&P), 13(2), 841-859.
  • Meidute-Kavaliauskiene, I., Çiğdem, ¸Ş., Vasilis Vasiliauskas, A., ve Yıldız, B. (2021) Green innovation in environmental complexity: The implication of open Innovation. J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex, 7, 107.
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There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Tourism (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Ercan İnce 0000-0003-4821-8140

Miraç Yücel Başer 0000-0002-9394-8815

Early Pub Date October 12, 2023
Publication Date October 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 20 Issue: 3


APA İnce, E., & Başer, M. Y. (2023). Turizm Sektöründe Hizmet Robotlarının Kullanımı: İşverenler Üzerinde Nicel Bir Araştırma. Seyahat Ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 20(3), 459-475.

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