Research Article
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Year 2021, , 422 - 449, 24.04.2021


The aim of this article is to put under discussion the major concern of the childhood studies which is the consideration of children as social actors. This theoretical examination explores the ways in which children are treated as social actors in diverse researches carried out from different perspectives. Furthermore it investigates the concept of agency, the fundamental concept to the sociology of childhood, emphasizing how it has become widely contested although it arises from the consideration of “children as actors” on which there is general consensus. Therefore this article highlights how the same assumption on children appears to be treated in various ways in relation to different research perspectives and the different uses of children’s agency.


  • Adler, P. A., & Adler, P. (1998). Peer Power: Preadolescent Culture and Identity. Rutgers University Press. Akbaş, E., & Akbaş, G. E. (2019). Çocukluk Sosyolojisinin Özgün Sahası: Çocuklarla Nitel Araştırma. Çocuk ve Medeniyet, 4(7), 149–162.
  • Alanen, L. (1988). Rethinking Childhood. Acta Sociologica, 31(1), 53–67.
  • Alanen, L. (2001). Explorations in Generational Analysis. In B. Mayall & L. Alanen (Eds.), Conceptualising Child-Adult Relations (pp. 11–22). Routledge.
  • Alanen, L. (2012). Moving Towards A Relational Sociology of Childhood. In R. Braches-Chyrek, C. Röhner, & H. Sünker (Eds.), Kindheiten. Gesellschaften: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Kindheitsforschung (1st ed., pp. 21–44). Verlag Barbara Budrich.
  • Ambert, A.-M. (1995). Sociological Studies of Children. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Arleo, A., & Delalande, J. (Eds.). (2011). Cultures Enfantines. Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
  • Aydoğmuş Ördem, O. (2020). Türkiye’de Çocukluk Sosyolojisi. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16(31), 4469–4492.
  • Brougère, G. (2006). Le jouet, un objet pour la sociologie de l’enfance? In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 257–266). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
  • Corsaro, W. A. (1997). The Sociology of Childhood. SAGE Publications.
  • Court, M. (2017). Sociologie des Enfants. La découverte.
  • Court, M. (2019). Socialisations Primaires. Constructions du genre et différenciations de classe au cours de l’enfance [Mémoire de synthèse en vue de l’obtention de l’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches]. l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
  • Danziger, K. (Ed.). (1970). Readings in Child Socialization. Pergamon Press.
  • Darmon, M. (2010). La Socialisation: Domaines et Approches (2. édition). Armand Colin.
  • Delalande, J. (2006). Le concept heuristique de culture enfantine. In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 267–274). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
  • Demir Gürdal, A. (2013). Sosyolojinin İhmal Edilen Kategorisi Çocuklar Üzerinden Çocukluk Sosyolojisine ve Sosyolojiye Bakmak. ‘İş, Güç’ Endüstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, 15(4), 1–26. 10.4026/1303-2860.2013.0234.x.
  • Denzin, N. K. (1977). Childhood Socialization. Transaction Publishers.
  • Détrez, C., & Perronnet, C. (2020). New Avenues to Investigate Childhood from the Perspective of the Sociology of Culture: A Conversation between Christine Détrez and Clémence Perronnet. Youth and Globalization, 2(1), 101–110.
  • Elkin, F., & Handel, G. (1972). The Child and Society: The Process of Socialization. Random House. Fırıncı Orman, T. (2018). Observing the Late Development of Childhood Sociology in Turkey. In The Modernizing Process in Turkey (pp. 199–214). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. Garnier, P. (2015). L’“agency” des enfants. Projet scientifique et politique des “childhood studies”.
  • Education et sociétés, 2(36), 159–173. 10.3917/es.036.0159.
  • Goslin, D. A. (1969). Handbook of Socialization Theory and Research. Rand McNally.
  • Güçlü, S. (2016). Çocukluk ve Çocukluğun Sosyolojı̇ sı̇ Bağlamında Çocuk Hakları. Ege Üniversitesi.
  • Handel, G., Cahill, S., & Elkin, F. (2007). Children and Society: The Sociology of Children and Childhood Socialization. Roxbury Pub.
  • Hardman, C. (2001). Can there be an Anthropology of Children? Childhood, 8(4), 501–517.
  • Honig, M.-S. (2009). How is the Child Constituted in Childhood Studies? In J. Qvortrup, W. Corsaro, & M. Honig (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (pp. 62–76). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Işık, E. (2019). Batı’da Çocukluk Sosyolojisi Çalışmaları Tarihi. Çocuk ve Medeniyet, 4(7), 179–194. James, A. (2009). Agency. In J. Qvortrup, W. Corsaro, & M. Honig (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • James, A., & James, A. L. (2012). Key Concepts in Childhood Studies. SAGE.
  • James, A., Jenks, C., & Prout, A. (1998). Theorizing Childhood. Polity Press.
  • James, A., & Prout, A. (1997). A New Paradigm for the Sociology of Childhood? Provenance, Promise and Problems. In A. Prout & A. James (Eds.), Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood (2., pp. 7–32). Falmer Press.
  • Jenks, C. (1982). The Sociology of Childhood: Essential Readings. Batsford Academic and Educational. Karabıyık, M. S. (2019). Yeni Sosyolojilere Doğru İmkân ve Fırsatlar: Bir Disiplin Olarak Çocukluk Sosyolojisi. Çocuk ve Medeniyet, 4(7), 163–178.
  • Lahire, B. (1998). L’homme pluriel: Les ressorts de l’action. Nathan.
  • Lahire, B. (2019). Enfances de classe. Seuil.
  • Lignier, W., & Pagis, J. (2017). L’enfance de l’ordre. Seuil.
  • Mayall, B. (1994). Children’s Childhoods: Observed and Experienced (B. Mayall, Ed.). The Falmer Press.
  • Mayall, B. (2002). Towards a Sociology for Childhood: Thinking from Children’s Lives. Open University Press.
  • Mayall, B. (2013). A History of the Sociology of Childhood. Institute of Education Press.
  • Montandon, C. (2006). De l’étude de socialisaiton des enfants à la sociologie de l’enfance: Nécessité ou illusion épistémologique? In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 41– 50). Presses universitaires de Rennes.
  • Morin, O. (2010). Pourquoi les enfants ont-ils des traditions ? Terrain. Anthropologie & sciences humaines, 55, 20–39.
  • Musolf, G. R. (1996). Interactionism and the Child: Cahill, Corsaro, and Denzin on Childhood Socialization. Symbolic Interaction, 19(4), 303–321.
  • Oakley, A. (1994). Women and Children First and Last: Parallels and Differences between Children’s and Women’s Studies. In B. Mayall (Ed.), Children’s Childhoods: Observed and Experienced. The Falmer Press.
  • Onur, B. (2007). Çocuk, Tarih, Toplum. İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1969). Children’s Games in Street and Playground. Oxford University Press.
  • Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1977). The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford University Press.
  • Oswell, D. (2020). Agency. In D. T. Cook (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies (Vol. 1, pp. 1473–1474). SAGE Publications.
  • Parsons, T. (1951). The Social System. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Piaget, J. (1952). The Origins of Intelligence in Children. International Universities Press.
  • Piaget, J. (1967). Six Psychological Studies. Random House.
  • Prout, A. (Ed.). (2000). The Body, Childhood and Society. Macmillan [u.a.].
  • Prout, A. (Ed.). (2005). The Future of Childhood. Routledge.
  • Qvortrup, Jens. (1993). Nine Theses about “Childhood as a Social Phenomenon”. na. Qvortrup, Jens. (1994). Childhood Matters: An Introduction. In Jens Qvortrup (Ed.), Childhood Matters: Social Theory, Practice and Politics. Avebury.
  • Qvortrup, Jens. (1997). A Voice for Children in Statistical and Social Accounting: A Plea for Children’s Right to be Heard. In A. James & A. Prout (Eds.), Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood (2.). Falmer Press.
  • Qvortrup, Jens. (2005). Varieties of Childhood. In Jens Qvortrup (Ed.), Studies in Modern Childhood. Society, Agency, Culture. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Qvortrup, Jens. (2009). Childhood as a Structural Form. In J. Qvortrup, W. Corsaro, & M. Honig (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (pp. 21–33). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Sirota, R. (Ed.). (2006a). Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance. Presses universitaires de Rennes.
  • Sirota, R. (2006b). Petit objet insolite ou champ constitué, la sociologie de l’enfance est-elle encore dans les choux? In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance. Presses universitaires de Rennes.
  • Sirota, R. (2006c). Prendre au sérieux un rite de l’enfance: L’anniversaire. In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 51–59). Presses universitaires de Rennes.
  • Spyrou, S. (2018). Disclosing Childhoods. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Stainton-Rogers, W., Hevey, D., & Ash, E. (Eds.). (1989). Child Abuse and Neglect: Facing the Challenge (2ème édition). Batsford Ltd.
  • State of the World’s Children 2019: Statistical tables and interactive dashboard. (2019, October 18). UNICEF DA T A. dashboard/
  • Thorne, B. (1993). Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School. Open University Press.
  • Turmel, A. (2006). De la Fatalité de Penser la Maturation en Termes de Développement: Quelques Réflexions. In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 63–72). Presses universitaires de Rennes.Convention on the Rights of the Child, (1989). content/uploads/2016/08/unicef-convention-rights-child-uncrc.pdf
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society. Harvard University Press.
  • Waksler, F. C. (1991). Studying the Social Worlds of Children: Sociological Readings. Falmer Press.
  • Woodhead, M. (2009). Child Development and the Development of Childhood. In J. Qvortrup, W. Corsaro, & M. Honig (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (pp. 46–61). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Wyness, M. (2015). Childhood. John Wiley & Sons.
Year 2021, , 422 - 449, 24.04.2021



  • Adler, P. A., & Adler, P. (1998). Peer Power: Preadolescent Culture and Identity. Rutgers University Press. Akbaş, E., & Akbaş, G. E. (2019). Çocukluk Sosyolojisinin Özgün Sahası: Çocuklarla Nitel Araştırma. Çocuk ve Medeniyet, 4(7), 149–162.
  • Alanen, L. (1988). Rethinking Childhood. Acta Sociologica, 31(1), 53–67.
  • Alanen, L. (2001). Explorations in Generational Analysis. In B. Mayall & L. Alanen (Eds.), Conceptualising Child-Adult Relations (pp. 11–22). Routledge.
  • Alanen, L. (2012). Moving Towards A Relational Sociology of Childhood. In R. Braches-Chyrek, C. Röhner, & H. Sünker (Eds.), Kindheiten. Gesellschaften: Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur Kindheitsforschung (1st ed., pp. 21–44). Verlag Barbara Budrich.
  • Ambert, A.-M. (1995). Sociological Studies of Children. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Arleo, A., & Delalande, J. (Eds.). (2011). Cultures Enfantines. Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
  • Aydoğmuş Ördem, O. (2020). Türkiye’de Çocukluk Sosyolojisi. OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16(31), 4469–4492.
  • Brougère, G. (2006). Le jouet, un objet pour la sociologie de l’enfance? In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 257–266). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
  • Corsaro, W. A. (1997). The Sociology of Childhood. SAGE Publications.
  • Court, M. (2017). Sociologie des Enfants. La découverte.
  • Court, M. (2019). Socialisations Primaires. Constructions du genre et différenciations de classe au cours de l’enfance [Mémoire de synthèse en vue de l’obtention de l’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches]. l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.
  • Danziger, K. (Ed.). (1970). Readings in Child Socialization. Pergamon Press.
  • Darmon, M. (2010). La Socialisation: Domaines et Approches (2. édition). Armand Colin.
  • Delalande, J. (2006). Le concept heuristique de culture enfantine. In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 267–274). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
  • Demir Gürdal, A. (2013). Sosyolojinin İhmal Edilen Kategorisi Çocuklar Üzerinden Çocukluk Sosyolojisine ve Sosyolojiye Bakmak. ‘İş, Güç’ Endüstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, 15(4), 1–26. 10.4026/1303-2860.2013.0234.x.
  • Denzin, N. K. (1977). Childhood Socialization. Transaction Publishers.
  • Détrez, C., & Perronnet, C. (2020). New Avenues to Investigate Childhood from the Perspective of the Sociology of Culture: A Conversation between Christine Détrez and Clémence Perronnet. Youth and Globalization, 2(1), 101–110.
  • Elkin, F., & Handel, G. (1972). The Child and Society: The Process of Socialization. Random House. Fırıncı Orman, T. (2018). Observing the Late Development of Childhood Sociology in Turkey. In The Modernizing Process in Turkey (pp. 199–214). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. Garnier, P. (2015). L’“agency” des enfants. Projet scientifique et politique des “childhood studies”.
  • Education et sociétés, 2(36), 159–173. 10.3917/es.036.0159.
  • Goslin, D. A. (1969). Handbook of Socialization Theory and Research. Rand McNally.
  • Güçlü, S. (2016). Çocukluk ve Çocukluğun Sosyolojı̇ sı̇ Bağlamında Çocuk Hakları. Ege Üniversitesi.
  • Handel, G., Cahill, S., & Elkin, F. (2007). Children and Society: The Sociology of Children and Childhood Socialization. Roxbury Pub.
  • Hardman, C. (2001). Can there be an Anthropology of Children? Childhood, 8(4), 501–517.
  • Honig, M.-S. (2009). How is the Child Constituted in Childhood Studies? In J. Qvortrup, W. Corsaro, & M. Honig (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (pp. 62–76). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Işık, E. (2019). Batı’da Çocukluk Sosyolojisi Çalışmaları Tarihi. Çocuk ve Medeniyet, 4(7), 179–194. James, A. (2009). Agency. In J. Qvortrup, W. Corsaro, & M. Honig (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • James, A., & James, A. L. (2012). Key Concepts in Childhood Studies. SAGE.
  • James, A., Jenks, C., & Prout, A. (1998). Theorizing Childhood. Polity Press.
  • James, A., & Prout, A. (1997). A New Paradigm for the Sociology of Childhood? Provenance, Promise and Problems. In A. Prout & A. James (Eds.), Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood: Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood (2., pp. 7–32). Falmer Press.
  • Jenks, C. (1982). The Sociology of Childhood: Essential Readings. Batsford Academic and Educational. Karabıyık, M. S. (2019). Yeni Sosyolojilere Doğru İmkân ve Fırsatlar: Bir Disiplin Olarak Çocukluk Sosyolojisi. Çocuk ve Medeniyet, 4(7), 163–178.
  • Lahire, B. (1998). L’homme pluriel: Les ressorts de l’action. Nathan.
  • Lahire, B. (2019). Enfances de classe. Seuil.
  • Lignier, W., & Pagis, J. (2017). L’enfance de l’ordre. Seuil.
  • Mayall, B. (1994). Children’s Childhoods: Observed and Experienced (B. Mayall, Ed.). The Falmer Press.
  • Mayall, B. (2002). Towards a Sociology for Childhood: Thinking from Children’s Lives. Open University Press.
  • Mayall, B. (2013). A History of the Sociology of Childhood. Institute of Education Press.
  • Montandon, C. (2006). De l’étude de socialisaiton des enfants à la sociologie de l’enfance: Nécessité ou illusion épistémologique? In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 41– 50). Presses universitaires de Rennes.
  • Morin, O. (2010). Pourquoi les enfants ont-ils des traditions ? Terrain. Anthropologie & sciences humaines, 55, 20–39.
  • Musolf, G. R. (1996). Interactionism and the Child: Cahill, Corsaro, and Denzin on Childhood Socialization. Symbolic Interaction, 19(4), 303–321.
  • Oakley, A. (1994). Women and Children First and Last: Parallels and Differences between Children’s and Women’s Studies. In B. Mayall (Ed.), Children’s Childhoods: Observed and Experienced. The Falmer Press.
  • Onur, B. (2007). Çocuk, Tarih, Toplum. İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1969). Children’s Games in Street and Playground. Oxford University Press.
  • Opie, I., & Opie, P. (1977). The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. Oxford University Press.
  • Oswell, D. (2020). Agency. In D. T. Cook (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies (Vol. 1, pp. 1473–1474). SAGE Publications.
  • Parsons, T. (1951). The Social System. Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Piaget, J. (1952). The Origins of Intelligence in Children. International Universities Press.
  • Piaget, J. (1967). Six Psychological Studies. Random House.
  • Prout, A. (Ed.). (2000). The Body, Childhood and Society. Macmillan [u.a.].
  • Prout, A. (Ed.). (2005). The Future of Childhood. Routledge.
  • Qvortrup, Jens. (1993). Nine Theses about “Childhood as a Social Phenomenon”. na. Qvortrup, Jens. (1994). Childhood Matters: An Introduction. In Jens Qvortrup (Ed.), Childhood Matters: Social Theory, Practice and Politics. Avebury.
  • Qvortrup, Jens. (1997). A Voice for Children in Statistical and Social Accounting: A Plea for Children’s Right to be Heard. In A. James & A. Prout (Eds.), Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood (2.). Falmer Press.
  • Qvortrup, Jens. (2005). Varieties of Childhood. In Jens Qvortrup (Ed.), Studies in Modern Childhood. Society, Agency, Culture. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Qvortrup, Jens. (2009). Childhood as a Structural Form. In J. Qvortrup, W. Corsaro, & M. Honig (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (pp. 21–33). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Sirota, R. (Ed.). (2006a). Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance. Presses universitaires de Rennes.
  • Sirota, R. (2006b). Petit objet insolite ou champ constitué, la sociologie de l’enfance est-elle encore dans les choux? In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance. Presses universitaires de Rennes.
  • Sirota, R. (2006c). Prendre au sérieux un rite de l’enfance: L’anniversaire. In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 51–59). Presses universitaires de Rennes.
  • Spyrou, S. (2018). Disclosing Childhoods. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Stainton-Rogers, W., Hevey, D., & Ash, E. (Eds.). (1989). Child Abuse and Neglect: Facing the Challenge (2ème édition). Batsford Ltd.
  • State of the World’s Children 2019: Statistical tables and interactive dashboard. (2019, October 18). UNICEF DA T A. dashboard/
  • Thorne, B. (1993). Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School. Open University Press.
  • Turmel, A. (2006). De la Fatalité de Penser la Maturation en Termes de Développement: Quelques Réflexions. In R. Sirota (Ed.), Éléments pour une sociologie de l’enfance (pp. 63–72). Presses universitaires de Rennes.Convention on the Rights of the Child, (1989). content/uploads/2016/08/unicef-convention-rights-child-uncrc.pdf
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in Society. Harvard University Press.
  • Waksler, F. C. (1991). Studying the Social Worlds of Children: Sociological Readings. Falmer Press.
  • Woodhead, M. (2009). Child Development and the Development of Childhood. In J. Qvortrup, W. Corsaro, & M. Honig (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies (pp. 46–61). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Wyness, M. (2015). Childhood. John Wiley & Sons.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ayşe Yılmaz

Publication Date April 24, 2021
Submission Date January 9, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021



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Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Sociological Research