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The Other Side of the Medallion: Violence Against Men

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 1 - 28, 01.04.2013


The relationship between men and women is a two-sided relation based on mutual interaction. In a study aimed at analyzing the dynamics of violence partners commit against each other and creating a solution accordingly, the structure of the relationship based on mutuality necessitates analyzing the other side of the medallion, namely violence against men besides violence against women. In most societies, interiorizing the practice of violence against men by women is an unacceptable notion as it threatens masculinity, men's tradition and superiority. Yet, some studies conducted lately reveal that men are subjected to their female partners' violence, as well. This study intends to explore the issue of violence against men with the help of existing literature. The subject of violence in the study is restricted to the violence female partners in close relations with men commit on them. In the study, the development of studies concerning violence against men is portrayed by scrutinizing such issues as primarily violence, partner violence and family violence. Afterwards, by means of field works on violence against men in different societies; the dynamics, kinds, reasons and results of violence against men are discussed together with the data on the violence against women. The study is completed with the evaluation part.


  • Aile İçi Şiddetin Sebep ve sonuçları (1995), TC Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kurumu 1. baskı, Ankara: Zet Nielson Şirketi, Bizim Büro Basımevi
  • Aile İçinde ve Toplumsal Alanda Şiddet (1998), T.C. Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kuru- mu (AİTAŞ), Ankara
  • ALTINAY, A. ve ARAT, Y. (2008), Türkiye’de Kadına Yönelik Şiddet, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • ANSARA, D.; HİNDİN, M. (2011), “Psychosocial Consequences of Intimate Part- ner Violence for Women and Men in Canada”, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26(8) 1628–1645.
  • BLACK, M.C.; BASİLE, K.C.; BREİDİNG, M.J.; SMİTH, S.G.; WALTERS, M.L.; MERRİCK, M.T.; CHEN, J.; STEVENS, M.R. (2011), The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
  • BOZ, B.; ACAR, K.; KURTULUŞ, A. (2008), “Mayıs 2003- Temmuz 2004 Tarihleri Arasında Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı’na Başvuran Aile İçi Şiddet Olguları”, Pamukkale Tıp Dergisi, 1: 13-16
  • CHEUNG, M.; LEUNG, P.; TSUİ, V. (2009), “Asian Male Domestic Violence Vic- tims: Services Exclusive for Men”, Journal of Family Violence, 24:447–462, DOI 10.1007/ s10896-009-9240-9.
  • CHO, H. ve WİLKE, D. (2010), “Gender Differences in the Nature of the Intimate Partner Violence and Effects of Perpetrator Arrest on Revictimization”, Journal of Family Violence, 25: 393–400, DOI 10.1007/s10896-009-9300-1.
  • COKER, A. ; DAVİS, K.; ARİAS, I.; DESAİ, S.; SANDERSON, M.; BRANDT, H.;SMİTH, P. (2002), “Physical and Mental Health Effects of Intimate Partner Violence for Men and Women”, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23(4):260–268.
  • DURFEE, A. (2011), “I’m not a victim, she’s an abuser”: Masculinity, Victimiza- tion, and Protection Orders” Gender and Society, 25 (3): 316-334.
  • EHRENSAFT, M.; MOFFİTT, T.; CASPİ, A. (2006), “Is Domestic Violence Followed by an Increased Risk of Psychiatric Disorders Among Women But Not Among Men? A Longitudinal Cohort Study”, American Journal of Psychiatry, 163:885–892.
  • GELLES, R. (1974), The Violent Home: A Study of Physical Aggression Between Husbands and Wives, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  • GELLES, R. (1985), “Family Violence”, Annual Review Sociology, 11: 347-367
  • GELLES, R.; STRAUS, M. (1979), “Determinant of Violence in The Family: To- ward a Theoretical Integration”, Contemporary Theories about The Family, Edit by Wesley R. Burr, Reuben Hill, F. Ivan Nye and Ira L. Reiss, New York: Free Press, pp. 549-581
  • HENNİNG, K.; MARTİNSSON, R.; HOLDFORD, R. (2009), “Gender Differences in Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence Recidivism”, Journal of Aggression, Maltreat- ment & Trauma, 18(6): 623-645.
  • HİNES, D.; DOUGLAS, E. (2010), “Intimate terrorism by women towards men: does it exist?”, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 2 (3): 36-56.
  • HODGETTS, D. ve CHAMBERLAİN, K. (2002), “The Problem With Men’: Work- ing-Class Men Making Sense of Men’s Health on Television” Journal of Health Psychology, 7 (3): 269–284. DOI:10.1177/ 1359105302007003221.
  • HOFF, B. (2012),”US National Survey: more men than women victims of intimate partner violence”, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 4 ( 3): 155 – 163.
  • JOHNSON, M. (1995), “Patriarchal terrorism and common couple violence: Two forms of violence against women” Journal of Marriage & the Family, 57(2): 283–294.
  • JOHNSON, M. ve LEONE, J. (2005), “The Differential Effects of Intimate Terror- ism and Situational Couple Violence: Findings From the National The Differential Effects of Intimate Terrorism and Situational Couple Violence: Findings From the National”, Journal of Family Issues 26: 322-349, DOI: 10.1177/0192513X04270345
  • KİMMEL, M, (2002), ‘’Gender Symmetry’’ in Domestic Violence: A Substantive and Methodological Research Review”, Violence Against Women 8 (11):1332-1363 DOI: 10.1177/107780102237407.
  • KUMAR, A. (2012), “Domestic Violence against Men in India: A Perspec- tive”, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22: 290–296, DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2012.655988
  • LOUE, S. (2002), Intimate Partner Violence Societal, Medical, Legal and Individu- al Responses, New York: Kluwer Academic Publisher
  • MCCLENNEN, J. (2010), Social Work and Family Violence, New York: Springer Publishing Company
  • MİCHAUD, Y. (1991), Şiddet, Çev. C. Muhtaroğlu, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları
  • MİGLİACCİO, T. (2002), “Abused Husbands: A Narrative Analysis”, Journal of Family Issues, 23: 26-52
  • National Crime Victimization Survey (U.S.A.) (2010), National Center for Injury Pre- vention and Control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA.
  • NEİGHBORS, H.; MUSİCK, M.; WİLLİAMS, D. (1998), “The African American Minister as a Source of Help for Serious Personal Crises: Bridge or Barrier to Mental Health Care?” Health Education & Behavior, 25(6): 759–777. DOI:10.1177/ 109019819802500606.
  • ORTAKÖYLÜ, L. TAKTAK, Ş. ve BALCIOĞLU, İ. (2004), “Kadın ve Suç”, Yeni Symposium, 42 (1),13-19
  • ÖĞÜN, A. (1998), “Türkiye’de Adam Öldürme Suçunda Etkili Olan Bazı Sosyal/ Kültürel Özelliklere İlişkin Sosyolojik bir Araştırma”, Polis Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2): 73-83
  • ROSS, J. ve BABCOCK, J. (2009), “Gender Differences in Partner Violence in Con- text: Deconstructing Johnson’s (2001) Control-Based Typology of Violent Couples”, Jour- nal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 18 (6): 604-622.
  • SARANTAKOS, S. (1999), “Husband Abuse: Fact or Fiction?” Australian Journal of Social Issues, 34 (3): 231-252.
  • SARANTAKOS, S. (2004), “Deconstructing Self-Defense in Wife-to-Husband Violence”, The Journal of Men’s Studies, 12 (3): 277-296
  • STAR, B. (1980), “Patterns in Family Violence”, Social Casework, 61(6): 339-346
  • STETS, J.; STRAUS, M. (1990), “Gender Differences in Reporting Marital Vio- lence and Its Physical and Psychological Consequences”, In M.A. Straus R. J. Gelles (Eds.), Physical Violence in American Families: Risk Factors and Adaptations to Violence in 8145 families (pp. 151-165). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
  • STRAUS, M. (1974), Forward In the Violent Home: A Study of Physical Aggression Between Husbands and Wives, R. J. Gelles pp. 13-17. Beverly Hills, Calif: Sage.
  • STRAUS, M. (1980), “Victims and Aggressors in Marital Violence”, American Be- havioral Scientist 23:681-704
  • SWAN, S. ; GAMBONE, L. ;CALDWELL, J.; SULLİVAN, T. ; SNOW, D. (2008), “A Review of Research on Women’s Use of Violence With Male Intimate Partners”, Violence and Victims, 23 (3): 301-314
  • The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (U.S.A.) (2010), Summary Report. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Di- sease Control and Prevention.
  • The National Violence Against Women Survey (U.S.A.) (2000), Center for Policy Re- search with funding from the National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • TJADEN, P. ve THOENNES, N. (2000), Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From the National ViolenceAgainst Women Survey NCJ 181867, NIJ.
  • TRUMAN, J. (2011), National Crime Victimization Survey Criminal Victimization 2010 NCJ 235508, September 2011, BJS.
  • TSUİ, V.; CHEUNG, M.; LEUNG, P. (2010), “Help-seeking among Male Victims of Partner Abuse: Men’s Hard Times”, Journal of Community psychology, 38 (6): 769–780 DOI: 10.1002/jcop.20394,
  • Türkiye’de Kadına Yönelik Şiddet (2009), T.C. Ankara: Başbakanlık Kadının Statü- sü Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, T.C. Başbakanlık Kadının Statüsü Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • WHO Violence: a public health priority (1996), Global Consultation on Violence and Health, Geneva, World Health Organization, (document WHO/EHA/SPI.POA.2).010BD)

Madalyonun Öteki Yüzü: Erkeğe Yönelik Şiddet

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 1 - 28, 01.04.2013


Kadın-erkek ilişkisi karşılıklı bir etkileşime dayanan çift yönlü bir iletişimdir. İlişkinin karşılıklılığa dayalı yapısı eşlerin birbirlerine uyguladıkları şiddetin dinamiklerini analiz etmeye ve çözüm üretmeye yönelik bir çalışmada, kadına yönelik şiddetin yanı sıra madalyonu öteki yüzünü yani erkeğe yönelik şiddeti de incelemeyi gerekli kılmaktadır. Pek çok toplumda kadının erkeğe şiddet uyguladığını benimsemek erkek geleneğini, erkekliği ve erkek üstünlüğünü tehdit ettiği için kabul edilemez bir olgudur. Ancak son yıllarda yapılan bazı çalışmalar erkeklerin de kadın partnerlerinin şiddetine maruz kaldıklarını göstermektedir. Bu makale, mevcut literatür yardımıyla erkeğe yönelik şiddet konusunu irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Makalede şiddet konusu, erkeklerin yakın ilişki içinde oldukları kadın partnerlerinin uyguladığı şiddetle sınırlandırılmıştır. Çalışmada öncelikle şiddet, eş şiddeti, aile içi şiddet gibi kavramlar irdelenerek erkeğe yönelik şiddetle ilgili çalışmaların gelişimi betimlenmektedir. Daha sonra farklı toplumlarda erkeğe yönelik şiddet konusunda yapılan saha çalışmalarının yardımıyla erkeğe yönelik şiddetin dinamikleri, türleri, neden ve sonuçları kadına yönelik şiddet verileriyle birlikte irdelenmektedir. Makale değerlendirme kısmıyla tamamlanmaktadır.


  • Aile İçi Şiddetin Sebep ve sonuçları (1995), TC Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kurumu 1. baskı, Ankara: Zet Nielson Şirketi, Bizim Büro Basımevi
  • Aile İçinde ve Toplumsal Alanda Şiddet (1998), T.C. Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kuru- mu (AİTAŞ), Ankara
  • ALTINAY, A. ve ARAT, Y. (2008), Türkiye’de Kadına Yönelik Şiddet, İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • ANSARA, D.; HİNDİN, M. (2011), “Psychosocial Consequences of Intimate Part- ner Violence for Women and Men in Canada”, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26(8) 1628–1645.
  • BLACK, M.C.; BASİLE, K.C.; BREİDİNG, M.J.; SMİTH, S.G.; WALTERS, M.L.; MERRİCK, M.T.; CHEN, J.; STEVENS, M.R. (2011), The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Summary Report. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
  • BOZ, B.; ACAR, K.; KURTULUŞ, A. (2008), “Mayıs 2003- Temmuz 2004 Tarihleri Arasında Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı’na Başvuran Aile İçi Şiddet Olguları”, Pamukkale Tıp Dergisi, 1: 13-16
  • CHEUNG, M.; LEUNG, P.; TSUİ, V. (2009), “Asian Male Domestic Violence Vic- tims: Services Exclusive for Men”, Journal of Family Violence, 24:447–462, DOI 10.1007/ s10896-009-9240-9.
  • CHO, H. ve WİLKE, D. (2010), “Gender Differences in the Nature of the Intimate Partner Violence and Effects of Perpetrator Arrest on Revictimization”, Journal of Family Violence, 25: 393–400, DOI 10.1007/s10896-009-9300-1.
  • COKER, A. ; DAVİS, K.; ARİAS, I.; DESAİ, S.; SANDERSON, M.; BRANDT, H.;SMİTH, P. (2002), “Physical and Mental Health Effects of Intimate Partner Violence for Men and Women”, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 23(4):260–268.
  • DURFEE, A. (2011), “I’m not a victim, she’s an abuser”: Masculinity, Victimiza- tion, and Protection Orders” Gender and Society, 25 (3): 316-334.
  • EHRENSAFT, M.; MOFFİTT, T.; CASPİ, A. (2006), “Is Domestic Violence Followed by an Increased Risk of Psychiatric Disorders Among Women But Not Among Men? A Longitudinal Cohort Study”, American Journal of Psychiatry, 163:885–892.
  • GELLES, R. (1974), The Violent Home: A Study of Physical Aggression Between Husbands and Wives, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  • GELLES, R. (1985), “Family Violence”, Annual Review Sociology, 11: 347-367
  • GELLES, R.; STRAUS, M. (1979), “Determinant of Violence in The Family: To- ward a Theoretical Integration”, Contemporary Theories about The Family, Edit by Wesley R. Burr, Reuben Hill, F. Ivan Nye and Ira L. Reiss, New York: Free Press, pp. 549-581
  • HENNİNG, K.; MARTİNSSON, R.; HOLDFORD, R. (2009), “Gender Differences in Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence Recidivism”, Journal of Aggression, Maltreat- ment & Trauma, 18(6): 623-645.
  • HİNES, D.; DOUGLAS, E. (2010), “Intimate terrorism by women towards men: does it exist?”, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 2 (3): 36-56.
  • HODGETTS, D. ve CHAMBERLAİN, K. (2002), “The Problem With Men’: Work- ing-Class Men Making Sense of Men’s Health on Television” Journal of Health Psychology, 7 (3): 269–284. DOI:10.1177/ 1359105302007003221.
  • HOFF, B. (2012),”US National Survey: more men than women victims of intimate partner violence”, Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 4 ( 3): 155 – 163.
  • JOHNSON, M. (1995), “Patriarchal terrorism and common couple violence: Two forms of violence against women” Journal of Marriage & the Family, 57(2): 283–294.
  • JOHNSON, M. ve LEONE, J. (2005), “The Differential Effects of Intimate Terror- ism and Situational Couple Violence: Findings From the National The Differential Effects of Intimate Terrorism and Situational Couple Violence: Findings From the National”, Journal of Family Issues 26: 322-349, DOI: 10.1177/0192513X04270345
  • KİMMEL, M, (2002), ‘’Gender Symmetry’’ in Domestic Violence: A Substantive and Methodological Research Review”, Violence Against Women 8 (11):1332-1363 DOI: 10.1177/107780102237407.
  • KUMAR, A. (2012), “Domestic Violence against Men in India: A Perspec- tive”, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22: 290–296, DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2012.655988
  • LOUE, S. (2002), Intimate Partner Violence Societal, Medical, Legal and Individu- al Responses, New York: Kluwer Academic Publisher
  • MCCLENNEN, J. (2010), Social Work and Family Violence, New York: Springer Publishing Company
  • MİCHAUD, Y. (1991), Şiddet, Çev. C. Muhtaroğlu, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları
  • MİGLİACCİO, T. (2002), “Abused Husbands: A Narrative Analysis”, Journal of Family Issues, 23: 26-52
  • National Crime Victimization Survey (U.S.A.) (2010), National Center for Injury Pre- vention and Control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention USA.
  • NEİGHBORS, H.; MUSİCK, M.; WİLLİAMS, D. (1998), “The African American Minister as a Source of Help for Serious Personal Crises: Bridge or Barrier to Mental Health Care?” Health Education & Behavior, 25(6): 759–777. DOI:10.1177/ 109019819802500606.
  • ORTAKÖYLÜ, L. TAKTAK, Ş. ve BALCIOĞLU, İ. (2004), “Kadın ve Suç”, Yeni Symposium, 42 (1),13-19
  • ÖĞÜN, A. (1998), “Türkiye’de Adam Öldürme Suçunda Etkili Olan Bazı Sosyal/ Kültürel Özelliklere İlişkin Sosyolojik bir Araştırma”, Polis Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(2): 73-83
  • ROSS, J. ve BABCOCK, J. (2009), “Gender Differences in Partner Violence in Con- text: Deconstructing Johnson’s (2001) Control-Based Typology of Violent Couples”, Jour- nal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 18 (6): 604-622.
  • SARANTAKOS, S. (1999), “Husband Abuse: Fact or Fiction?” Australian Journal of Social Issues, 34 (3): 231-252.
  • SARANTAKOS, S. (2004), “Deconstructing Self-Defense in Wife-to-Husband Violence”, The Journal of Men’s Studies, 12 (3): 277-296
  • STAR, B. (1980), “Patterns in Family Violence”, Social Casework, 61(6): 339-346
  • STETS, J.; STRAUS, M. (1990), “Gender Differences in Reporting Marital Vio- lence and Its Physical and Psychological Consequences”, In M.A. Straus R. J. Gelles (Eds.), Physical Violence in American Families: Risk Factors and Adaptations to Violence in 8145 families (pp. 151-165). New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
  • STRAUS, M. (1974), Forward In the Violent Home: A Study of Physical Aggression Between Husbands and Wives, R. J. Gelles pp. 13-17. Beverly Hills, Calif: Sage.
  • STRAUS, M. (1980), “Victims and Aggressors in Marital Violence”, American Be- havioral Scientist 23:681-704
  • SWAN, S. ; GAMBONE, L. ;CALDWELL, J.; SULLİVAN, T. ; SNOW, D. (2008), “A Review of Research on Women’s Use of Violence With Male Intimate Partners”, Violence and Victims, 23 (3): 301-314
  • The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (U.S.A.) (2010), Summary Report. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Di- sease Control and Prevention.
  • The National Violence Against Women Survey (U.S.A.) (2000), Center for Policy Re- search with funding from the National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • TJADEN, P. ve THOENNES, N. (2000), Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From the National ViolenceAgainst Women Survey NCJ 181867, NIJ.
  • TRUMAN, J. (2011), National Crime Victimization Survey Criminal Victimization 2010 NCJ 235508, September 2011, BJS.
  • TSUİ, V.; CHEUNG, M.; LEUNG, P. (2010), “Help-seeking among Male Victims of Partner Abuse: Men’s Hard Times”, Journal of Community psychology, 38 (6): 769–780 DOI: 10.1002/jcop.20394,
  • Türkiye’de Kadına Yönelik Şiddet (2009), T.C. Ankara: Başbakanlık Kadının Statü- sü Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, T.C. Başbakanlık Kadının Statüsü Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
  • WHO Violence: a public health priority (1996), Global Consultation on Violence and Health, Geneva, World Health Organization, (document WHO/EHA/SPI.POA.2).010BD)
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Şubat 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Adak, N. (2013). Madalyonun Öteki Yüzü: Erkeğe Yönelik Şiddet. Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16(2), 1-28.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi / Journal of Sociological Research