Research Article
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Development of Visual Search Processes from Game Period to Preadolescence

Year 2019, Volume: 20 Issue: 37, 929 - 958, 31.07.2019


One of the fundamental psychological processes
is visual search.
Studies that focus on this aspect of attention commonly use a visual
search task.
In this task, a target item in the display
screen is presented to the participants between various distractors.
Search difficulty can
be manipulated by varying the number of distracters in the displays or varying
similarity of the target and distracters.
aim of the present study is to examine the development of visual-spatial
attention from the play period to the pre-adolescence using different visual
search tasks (feature and conjunctive task). In the feature search, the target
is the same with a set distractor in color and does not share any property with
the other set distractor.
In the conjunctive search, the target is the
same in terms of color with one set of distractors and shape with the other set
distractor. According to the results of the research,
performance was particularly impaired on target-absent trials and with
increasing numbers of distracters in conjunctive search
. All
age groups were affected by manipulations but age gradients were more
pronounced in conjunctive search than in feature search.
The results of both conjunctive and feature
searches highlighted a development in visual search throughout childhood.


  • Anderson, Vicki A. vd. (2001). “Development of Executive Functions through Late Childhood and Adolescence in an Australian Sample”. Developmental Neuropsychology, C. 20, S. 1, s. 385-406.
  • Bernstein, Lori J. ve Lynn C. Robertson (1998). “Illusory Conjunctions of Color and Motion with Shape Following Bilateral Parietal Lesions”. Psychological Science, C. 9, S. 3, s. 167-175.
  • Carrasco, Marisa vd. (2006). “Attention Speeds Processing across Eccentricity: Feature and Conjunction Searches”. Vision Research, C. 46, S. 13, s. 2028-2040.
  • Carrasco, Marisa (2011). “Visual Attention: The Past 25 Years”. Vision Research, C. 51, S. 13, s. 1484-1525.
  • Cerella, John ve Sandra Hale (1994). “The Rise and fall in Information-Processing Rates over the Life Span”. Acta Psychologica, C. 86, S. 2-3, s. 109-197.
  • Day, Mary Carol (1978). “Visual Search by Children: The Effect of Background Variation and the Use of Visual Cues”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 25, S. 1, s. 1-16.
  • Donnelly, Nick vd. (2007). “Visual Search in Children and Adults: Top-down and Bottom-up Mechanisms”. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, C. 60, S. 1, s. 120-136.
  • Duncan, John ve Glyn W. Humphreys (1989). “Visual Search and Stimulus Similarity”. Psychological Review, C. 96, S. 3, s. 433.
  • Elliott, Rebecca (2003). “Executive Functions and Their Disorders: Imaging in Clinical Neuroscience”. British medical bulletin, C. 65, S. 1, s. 49-59.
  • Emrich, Stephen M. vd. (2009). “Visual Search Elicits the Electrophysiological Marker of Visual Working Memory”. PloS One, C. 4, S. 11, s. e8042.
  • Enns, James T. ve Nameera Akhtar (1989). “A Developmental Study of Filtering in Visual Attention”. Child Development, s. 1188-1199.
  • Fox, Elaine (2008). Emotion Science. Londra: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Funahashi, Shintaro (2001). “Neuronal Mechanisms of Executive Control by the Prefrontal Cortex”. Neuroscience research, C. 39, S. 2, s. 147-165.
  • Gerhardstein, Peter ve Carolyn Rovee-Collier (2002). “The Development of Visual Search in Infants and Very Young Children”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 81, S. 2, s. 194-215.
  • Giedd, Jay N. (2004). “Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Adolescent Brain”. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, C. 1021, S. 1, s. 77-85.
  • Goldstein, E. Bruce (2013). Bilişsel Psikoloji. İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Grubert, Anna vd. (2014). “From Features to Dimensions: Cognitive and Motor Development in Pop-out Search in Children and Young Adults”. Frontiers in Psychology, S. 5, s. 519.
  • Han, Sang-Hoon ve Min-Shik Kim (2004). “Visual Search Does Not Remain Efficient When Executive Working Memory Is Working”. Psychological Science, C. 15, S. 9, s. 623-628.
  • Hommel, Bernhard vd. (2004). “Visual Search across the Life Span”. Developmental Psychology, C. 40, S. 4, s. 545.
  • Huang-Pollock, Cynthia L. vd. (2011). “Development of Implicit and Explicit Category Learning”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 109, S. 3, s. 321-335.
  • Kail, Robert (1991). “Developmental Change in Speed of Processing during Childhood and Adolescence”. Psychological bulletin, C. 109, S. 3, s. 490.
  • Luria, Roy ve Edward K. Vogel (2011). “Visual Search Demands Dictate Reliance on Working Memory Storage”. Journal of Neuroscience, C. 31, S. 16, s. 6199-6207.
  • Merrill, Edward C. ve Frances A. Conners (2013). “Age-related Interference from Irrelevant Distracters in Visual Feature Search Among Heterogeneous Distracters”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 115, S. 4, s. 640-654.
  • Merrill, Edward C. ve Regan Lookadoo (2004). “Selective Search for Conjunctively Defined Targets by Children and Young Adults”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 89, S. 1, s. 72-90.
  • Peterson, Matthew S. vd. (2007). “Visual Search Is Guided by Prospective and Retrospective Memory”. Perception & Psychophysics, C. 69, S. 1, s. 123-135.
  • Pick, Anne D. ve Gusti W. Frankel (1973). “A Study of Strategies of Visual Attention in Children”. Developmental Psychology, C. 9, S. 3, s. 348.
  • Posner, Michael I. (1980). “Orienting of Attention”. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, C. 32, S. 1, s. 3-25.
  • Quinn, Paul C. ve Ramesh S. Bhatt (1998). “Visual Pop-out in Young Infants: Convergent Evidence and an Extension”. Infant Behavior and Development, C. 21, S. 2, s. 273-288.
  • Robertson, Lynn C. ve Joseph L. Brooks (2006). “Visual Search and Spatial Deficits”. Visual cognition, C. 14, S. 4-8, s. 851-862.
  • Scialfa, Charles T. (1998). “Age, Target-Distractor Similarity, and Visual Search”. Experimental Aging Research, C. 24, S. 4, s. 337-358.
  • Thompson, Laura A. ve Dominic W. Massaro (1989). “Before You See It, You See Its Parts: Evidence for Feature Encoding and Integration in Preschool Children and Adults”. Cognitive Psychology, C. 21, S. 3, s. 334-362.
  • Treisman, Anne M. ve Garry Gelade (1980). “A Feature-Integration Theory of Attention”. Cognitive Psychology, C. 12, S. 1, s. 97-136.
  • Treisman, Anne ve Sharon Sato (1990). “Conjunction Search Revisited”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, S. 16, s. 459-478.
  • Treisman, Anne ve Stephen Gormican (1988). “Feature Analysis in Early Vision: Evidence from Search Asymmetries”. Psychological Review, C. 95, S. 1, s. 15-47.
  • Trick, Lana M. ve James T. Enns. (1998). “Lifespan Changes in Attention: The Visual Search Task”. Cognitive Development, C. 13, S. 3, s. 369-386.
  • Wolfe, Jeremy M. vd. (1989). “Guided Search: An Alternative to the Feature Integration Model for Visual Search”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance, C. 15, S. 3, s. 419.
  • Wolfe, Jeremy M. (1994). “Guided Search 2.0 a Revised Model of Visual Search”. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, C. 1, S. 2, s. 202-238.
  • ¬------------------------ (1998). “Visual Search”. Attention, S. 1, s. 13-73.
  • Woods, Adam vd. (2013). “The Development of Organized Visual Search”. Acta Psychologica, C. 143, S. 2, s. 191-199.
  • Yund, E. William ve Robert Efron (1996). “Guided Search: The Effects of Learning”. Brain and Cognition, C. 31, S. 3, s. 369-386.


Year 2019, Volume: 20 Issue: 37, 929 - 958, 31.07.2019


psikolojik süreçlerden biri görsel aramadır. Dikkatin bu yönüne odaklanan
araştırmalar genellikle bir görsel arama görevi kullanırlar. Bu görevde,
katılımcılara görüntü ekranında bir hedef madde çeşitli çeldiriciler arasında
zorluğu görüntü ekranındaki çeldiricilerin sayısını değişimleyerek veya hedef
ve çeldiricilerin benzerliğini değişimleyerek manüpüle edilebilir. Mevcut
araştırmanın amacı, oyun döneminden ön ergenliğe doğru görsel-mekansal dikkatin
gelişimini farklı görsel arama görevleri kullanarak incelemektir (özellik ve
bağlantı görevi). Özellik aramada, hedef bir set çeldirici ile renk bakımından
aynıdır ve diğer set çeldirici ile hiçbir özelliğini paylaşmaz. Bağlantı
aramada, hedef bir set çeldirici ile renk bakımından ve diğer set çeldirici ile
şekil bakımından aynıdır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre, performans, özellikle
hedef yok denemelerinde ve bağlantı aramada artan sayıdaki çeldiriciler ile
bozuldu. Tüm yaş grupları manipülasyonlardan etkilendi; ancak yaş gradyanları,
bağlantı aramada özellik aramada olduğundan daha belirgindi. Hem bağlantı hem
de özellik aramaların sonuçları, çocukluk boyunca görsel aramada bir gelişmenin
altını çizdi.


  • Anderson, Vicki A. vd. (2001). “Development of Executive Functions through Late Childhood and Adolescence in an Australian Sample”. Developmental Neuropsychology, C. 20, S. 1, s. 385-406.
  • Bernstein, Lori J. ve Lynn C. Robertson (1998). “Illusory Conjunctions of Color and Motion with Shape Following Bilateral Parietal Lesions”. Psychological Science, C. 9, S. 3, s. 167-175.
  • Carrasco, Marisa vd. (2006). “Attention Speeds Processing across Eccentricity: Feature and Conjunction Searches”. Vision Research, C. 46, S. 13, s. 2028-2040.
  • Carrasco, Marisa (2011). “Visual Attention: The Past 25 Years”. Vision Research, C. 51, S. 13, s. 1484-1525.
  • Cerella, John ve Sandra Hale (1994). “The Rise and fall in Information-Processing Rates over the Life Span”. Acta Psychologica, C. 86, S. 2-3, s. 109-197.
  • Day, Mary Carol (1978). “Visual Search by Children: The Effect of Background Variation and the Use of Visual Cues”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 25, S. 1, s. 1-16.
  • Donnelly, Nick vd. (2007). “Visual Search in Children and Adults: Top-down and Bottom-up Mechanisms”. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, C. 60, S. 1, s. 120-136.
  • Duncan, John ve Glyn W. Humphreys (1989). “Visual Search and Stimulus Similarity”. Psychological Review, C. 96, S. 3, s. 433.
  • Elliott, Rebecca (2003). “Executive Functions and Their Disorders: Imaging in Clinical Neuroscience”. British medical bulletin, C. 65, S. 1, s. 49-59.
  • Emrich, Stephen M. vd. (2009). “Visual Search Elicits the Electrophysiological Marker of Visual Working Memory”. PloS One, C. 4, S. 11, s. e8042.
  • Enns, James T. ve Nameera Akhtar (1989). “A Developmental Study of Filtering in Visual Attention”. Child Development, s. 1188-1199.
  • Fox, Elaine (2008). Emotion Science. Londra: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Funahashi, Shintaro (2001). “Neuronal Mechanisms of Executive Control by the Prefrontal Cortex”. Neuroscience research, C. 39, S. 2, s. 147-165.
  • Gerhardstein, Peter ve Carolyn Rovee-Collier (2002). “The Development of Visual Search in Infants and Very Young Children”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 81, S. 2, s. 194-215.
  • Giedd, Jay N. (2004). “Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Adolescent Brain”. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, C. 1021, S. 1, s. 77-85.
  • Goldstein, E. Bruce (2013). Bilişsel Psikoloji. İstanbul: Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Grubert, Anna vd. (2014). “From Features to Dimensions: Cognitive and Motor Development in Pop-out Search in Children and Young Adults”. Frontiers in Psychology, S. 5, s. 519.
  • Han, Sang-Hoon ve Min-Shik Kim (2004). “Visual Search Does Not Remain Efficient When Executive Working Memory Is Working”. Psychological Science, C. 15, S. 9, s. 623-628.
  • Hommel, Bernhard vd. (2004). “Visual Search across the Life Span”. Developmental Psychology, C. 40, S. 4, s. 545.
  • Huang-Pollock, Cynthia L. vd. (2011). “Development of Implicit and Explicit Category Learning”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 109, S. 3, s. 321-335.
  • Kail, Robert (1991). “Developmental Change in Speed of Processing during Childhood and Adolescence”. Psychological bulletin, C. 109, S. 3, s. 490.
  • Luria, Roy ve Edward K. Vogel (2011). “Visual Search Demands Dictate Reliance on Working Memory Storage”. Journal of Neuroscience, C. 31, S. 16, s. 6199-6207.
  • Merrill, Edward C. ve Frances A. Conners (2013). “Age-related Interference from Irrelevant Distracters in Visual Feature Search Among Heterogeneous Distracters”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 115, S. 4, s. 640-654.
  • Merrill, Edward C. ve Regan Lookadoo (2004). “Selective Search for Conjunctively Defined Targets by Children and Young Adults”. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, C. 89, S. 1, s. 72-90.
  • Peterson, Matthew S. vd. (2007). “Visual Search Is Guided by Prospective and Retrospective Memory”. Perception & Psychophysics, C. 69, S. 1, s. 123-135.
  • Pick, Anne D. ve Gusti W. Frankel (1973). “A Study of Strategies of Visual Attention in Children”. Developmental Psychology, C. 9, S. 3, s. 348.
  • Posner, Michael I. (1980). “Orienting of Attention”. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, C. 32, S. 1, s. 3-25.
  • Quinn, Paul C. ve Ramesh S. Bhatt (1998). “Visual Pop-out in Young Infants: Convergent Evidence and an Extension”. Infant Behavior and Development, C. 21, S. 2, s. 273-288.
  • Robertson, Lynn C. ve Joseph L. Brooks (2006). “Visual Search and Spatial Deficits”. Visual cognition, C. 14, S. 4-8, s. 851-862.
  • Scialfa, Charles T. (1998). “Age, Target-Distractor Similarity, and Visual Search”. Experimental Aging Research, C. 24, S. 4, s. 337-358.
  • Thompson, Laura A. ve Dominic W. Massaro (1989). “Before You See It, You See Its Parts: Evidence for Feature Encoding and Integration in Preschool Children and Adults”. Cognitive Psychology, C. 21, S. 3, s. 334-362.
  • Treisman, Anne M. ve Garry Gelade (1980). “A Feature-Integration Theory of Attention”. Cognitive Psychology, C. 12, S. 1, s. 97-136.
  • Treisman, Anne ve Sharon Sato (1990). “Conjunction Search Revisited”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, S. 16, s. 459-478.
  • Treisman, Anne ve Stephen Gormican (1988). “Feature Analysis in Early Vision: Evidence from Search Asymmetries”. Psychological Review, C. 95, S. 1, s. 15-47.
  • Trick, Lana M. ve James T. Enns. (1998). “Lifespan Changes in Attention: The Visual Search Task”. Cognitive Development, C. 13, S. 3, s. 369-386.
  • Wolfe, Jeremy M. vd. (1989). “Guided Search: An Alternative to the Feature Integration Model for Visual Search”. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance, C. 15, S. 3, s. 419.
  • Wolfe, Jeremy M. (1994). “Guided Search 2.0 a Revised Model of Visual Search”. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, C. 1, S. 2, s. 202-238.
  • ¬------------------------ (1998). “Visual Search”. Attention, S. 1, s. 13-73.
  • Woods, Adam vd. (2013). “The Development of Organized Visual Search”. Acta Psychologica, C. 143, S. 2, s. 191-199.
  • Yund, E. William ve Robert Efron (1996). “Guided Search: The Effects of Learning”. Brain and Cognition, C. 31, S. 3, s. 369-386.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Psychology
Journal Section Articles

Filiz Gürdil 0000-0002-8837-0000

Tevfik Alıcı 0000-0002-5105-2180

Publication Date July 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 20 Issue: 37


APA Gürdil, F., & Alıcı, T. (2019). OYUN DÖNEMİNDEN ÖN ERGENLİĞE GÖRSEL ARAMA SÜREÇLERİNİN GELİŞİMİ. Uludağ Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 20(37), 929-958.