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Cultural Capital, Education and Social Stratification: A Critical View on Pierre Bourdieu’s Reproduction Theory

Year 2010, Issue: 22, 121 - 138, 01.03.2010


The main purpose of this study is to discuss, on the basis of notion of cultural capital, the relationship between educational system and class structure and the role of this relationship on the perpetuation of social stratification. Considering this purpose, in this study, firstly, an assesstment of Bourdieu’s concepts of class, cultural capital and habitus is presented. Secondly, the relationship between cultural capital, education and social class position in Bourdieu’s approach is discussed. As emphasized in this study, the notion of cultural capital developed by Bourdieu attracts our attention both to the factors affecting individuals’ success in educational institutions and how social stratification order is perpetuated by cultural factors. On the other hand, Bourdieu’s approach has some limitations. For instance, his arguments suggests a general theory of socialization, he gives a central significance to the family in acquiring cultural capital and neglects the role of the state in the process of reproduction


  • • AKŞİT, B., ŞEN, M., COŞKUN, M. K., 2000, “Modernleşme ve Eğitim:
  • Ankara’daki Orta Öğretim Okullarındaki Öğrenci Profilleri”, Mübeccel Kıray için Yazılar, (içinde) ATACAN, F., TÜRKAY, M. ve KURTULUŞ, F.E., (der.) İstanbul, Bağlam Yayınları • AKTAY, Yasin, 2007, “Pierre Bourdieu ve Bir Maxwell Cini Olarak Okul”,
  • Ocak ve Zanaat, (içinde) ÇEĞİN, G., GÖKER, E., ARLI, A., TATLICAN, Ü., (der.) İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları • APPLE, Michael W., 1979, Ideology and Curriculum, Londra: Routledge and Kegan Paul
  • “Persistent Inequalities? Expansion of Education and Class Inequality in Italy and Spain”, European Sociological Review, Vol.25, Sayı:1, s.123-138
  • • BERGER, Eugenia H., 1983, Beyond the Classroom: Parents as Partners in
  • Education, C. V. Mosby, St. Louis • BERNSTEIN, Basil, 1961, “Social Class and Linguistic Development: A
  • Theory of Social Learning.” Education, Economy and Society, (içinde) HALSEY, A.H., FLOUD, J., ANDERSON, C.A., (der.), New York: Free Press. • BERNSTEIN, Basil, 1965, A Socio-Linguistic Approach to Social Learning.”
  • Penguin Survey of Social Sciences, (içinde) GOULD, J., (der.), Harmondsworth: Penguin • BERNSTEIN, Basil, 1975, Class Codes and Control, Londra: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • • BLAU, Peter M., DUNCAN, Otis Dudley, 1967, The American Occupational
  • Structure, New York: Wiley • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1974, “The School as Conservative Force: Scholastic and Cultural Inequalities”, Contemporary Research in the Sociology of
  • Education, (içinde) J. EGGLESTON, J., (der.), Londra: Methuen • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1977, “Cultural Reproduction and Social Reproduction”.
  • Power and Ideology in Education,(içinde), KARABEL, J., HALSEY, A. H.,(der) New York: Oxford University Press • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1988, Language and Symbolic Power, Cambridge: Polity Press
  • • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1990, The Logic of Practice, Stanford: Stanford University Press
  • • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 2004, Distinction, A Social Critique of Judgements of
  • Taste, Londra: Routledge and Kegan • BOURDIEU, Pierre, PASSERON, Jean C., 1996, “Reproduction in
  • Education”, Society and Culture, Londra: Sage • BOWLES, Samuel, GINTIS, Herbert, 1976, Schooling in Capitalist America,
  • Routledge and Kegan Paul, London • CELKAN, Hüseyin Y., 1991, Eğitim Sosyolojisi, Erzurum: Atatürk
  • Üniversitesi K.K. Eğitim Fakültesi Matbaası • DEUTSCH, Martin, 1967, The Disadvantaged Child and the Learning
  • Process, New York: Basic Books • DOUGLAS, James V.B., 1964, The Home and the School, A Study of Ability and Attainment in the Primary School, Londra: MacGibbon & Kee
  • • GIDDENS, Anthony, 2000, Sosyoloji, Ankara: Ayraç Yayıncılık
  • • GOLDTHORPE, John H., 2007, “Cultural Capital: Some Critical
  • Observations”, Sociologica, 2, 1-23. • GOLDTHORPE, John H., LEWELLYN, C., PAYNE. C.,1980, Social Mobility and Social Class In Modern Britain, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • • GÜNEŞ-AYATA, Ayşe, ACAR, Feride, 2005, “Disiplin, Başarı ve İstikrar:
  • Türk Orta Öğretiminde Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Sınıfın Yeniden Üretimi”, Kültür Fragmanları, (içinde) KANDİYOTİ, D. ve SAKTANBER, A.,(der.) İstanbul: Metis Yayınları • HARKER, Richard, 1990, “Bourdieu: Education and Reproduction”, An
  • Introduction to the Work of Pierre Bourdieu, (içinde) HARKER, R., MAHAR, C., WILKES, C.,(der.) Londra: Macmillan • ILLICH, Ivan D.,1973, Deschooling Society, Penguin, Harmondsworth
  • • JACKSON, Brian, MARSDEN, Dennis, 1963, Education and Working Class, Londra: Routledge
  • • JENKINS, Richard, 2002, Pierre Bourdieu, Londra: Routledge
  • • KASNAKOĞLU, Zehra, 1975, Distribution In Turkey: A Study of
  • Determinants of Male Earnings Differentials, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Madison: University of Wisconsin • LABOW, William, 1972, Sociolinguistic Pattern, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • • LAREAU, Annette, 1987, “Social-Class Differences in Family-School
  • Relationships: The Importance of Cultural Capital”, Sociology of Education, 60, 85 • LAREAU, Annette, Weininger, E. B., 2003, “Cultural Capital in Educational
  • Research”, Theory and Society, 32: 567-606
  • • LIGHTFOOT, Sara L., 1978, Worlds Apart, New York: Basic Books
  • • MAHAR, Cheleen, HARKER, Richard, WILKES, Chris, 1990, The Basic
  • Theoretical Position: An Introduction to the Work of Pierre Bourdieu, Londra: Macmillan • MARJORIBANKS, Kevin 1979, Families and Their Learning Environments:
  • An Empirical Analysis, London: Routledge ve Kegan Paul • OGBU, John U., 1974, The Next Generation, New York: Academic Press
  • • ÖZCAN, Yusuf Z., 1983, “The Educational Status Attainment Process –
  • Male Urban Population”, Journal of Human Sciences, 11/1, 59-78
  • • ROBINSON, Robert V. GARNIER, Maurice A., 1986, “Class Reproduction
  • Among Men And Women In France: Reproduction Theory On Its Home Ground”, American Journal of Sociology, 91/2, 250-280. • RUPP, Jan C.C., LANGE, Rob De, 1989, “Social Order, Cultural Capital and Citizenship”. The Sociological Review, 37, 668-705
  • • TEZCAN, Mahmut, 1996, Eğitim Sosyolojisi, Ankara: Feryal Matbaası
  • • TRELEASE, Jim, 1982, The Road-Aloud Handbook, New York: Penguin
  • • TURNER, Bryan, 1997, Eşitlik, (Çev. B.S. Şener), Ankara: Dost Kitabevi
  • • TÜRK, Bahadır, 2007), “Sihirden Nefret Eden Bir İlüzyonist. Bourdieu,
  • Gelenek ve İdeoloji”, Ocak ve Zanaat, (içinde) ÇEĞİN, G., GÖKER, E., ARLI, A. ve TATLICAN, Ü.(der.), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları • VALENTINE, Charles A., 1968, Culture and Poverty, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • • VARLIER, Oktay, 1981, Türkiye’de Kişisel Gelir Dağılımını Etkileyen
  • Etmenler, 1973, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara
  • • WILLIS, Paul, 1977, Learning How to Labour: How Working Class Get
  • Working Class Jobs, Londra: Saxon House • YANIKLAR, Cengiz, 2006, Tüketimin Sosyolojisi, İstanbul: Birey Yayınevi


Year 2010, Issue: 22, 121 - 138, 01.03.2010


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Bourdieu’nün kültürel sermaye nosyonu ekseninde eğitim sistemi ve toplumsal sınıf yapısı arasındaki ilişki ve bu ilişkinin toplumsal tabakalaşma düzeninin sürdürülmesi üzerindeki rolünü irdelemektir. Bu amaç çerçevesinde çalışmada ilk olarak, Bourdieu’nün sınıf, kültürel sermaye ve habitus kavramlarının bir değerlendirmesini sunacağız. İkinci olarak, Bourdieu’nün yaklaşımında kültürel sermaye, eğitim ve toplumsal sınıf konumu arasındaki bağlantıyı ele alacağız.Bu çalışmada vurgulanacağı gibi, Bourdieu tarafından geliştirilen kültürel sermaye nosyonu, hem bireylerin eğitim kurumlarındaki başarısını etkileyen etmenlerin hem de toplumsal tabakalaşma düzeninin kültürel faktörler aracılığıyla nasıl devam ettirildiğine dikkatimizi çekmektedir. Diğer taraftan, Bourdieu’nün yaklaşımı bazı sınırlılıklara da sahiptir. Sözgelimi, onun argümanları genel bir sosyalleşme kuramını önermekte, kültürel sermayenin edinilmesinde aileye temel bir önem atfetmekte ve yeniden üretim sürecinde devletin rolünü ihmal etmektedir. Çalışmanın sonuç kısmında ise, Bourdieu’nün yaklaşımı ile ilgili genel bir değerlendirmeye yer verilmektedir


  • • AKŞİT, B., ŞEN, M., COŞKUN, M. K., 2000, “Modernleşme ve Eğitim:
  • Ankara’daki Orta Öğretim Okullarındaki Öğrenci Profilleri”, Mübeccel Kıray için Yazılar, (içinde) ATACAN, F., TÜRKAY, M. ve KURTULUŞ, F.E., (der.) İstanbul, Bağlam Yayınları • AKTAY, Yasin, 2007, “Pierre Bourdieu ve Bir Maxwell Cini Olarak Okul”,
  • Ocak ve Zanaat, (içinde) ÇEĞİN, G., GÖKER, E., ARLI, A., TATLICAN, Ü., (der.) İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları • APPLE, Michael W., 1979, Ideology and Curriculum, Londra: Routledge and Kegan Paul
  • “Persistent Inequalities? Expansion of Education and Class Inequality in Italy and Spain”, European Sociological Review, Vol.25, Sayı:1, s.123-138
  • • BERGER, Eugenia H., 1983, Beyond the Classroom: Parents as Partners in
  • Education, C. V. Mosby, St. Louis • BERNSTEIN, Basil, 1961, “Social Class and Linguistic Development: A
  • Theory of Social Learning.” Education, Economy and Society, (içinde) HALSEY, A.H., FLOUD, J., ANDERSON, C.A., (der.), New York: Free Press. • BERNSTEIN, Basil, 1965, A Socio-Linguistic Approach to Social Learning.”
  • Penguin Survey of Social Sciences, (içinde) GOULD, J., (der.), Harmondsworth: Penguin • BERNSTEIN, Basil, 1975, Class Codes and Control, Londra: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • • BLAU, Peter M., DUNCAN, Otis Dudley, 1967, The American Occupational
  • Structure, New York: Wiley • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1974, “The School as Conservative Force: Scholastic and Cultural Inequalities”, Contemporary Research in the Sociology of
  • Education, (içinde) J. EGGLESTON, J., (der.), Londra: Methuen • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1977, “Cultural Reproduction and Social Reproduction”.
  • Power and Ideology in Education,(içinde), KARABEL, J., HALSEY, A. H.,(der) New York: Oxford University Press • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1988, Language and Symbolic Power, Cambridge: Polity Press
  • • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1990, The Logic of Practice, Stanford: Stanford University Press
  • • BOURDIEU, Pierre, 2004, Distinction, A Social Critique of Judgements of
  • Taste, Londra: Routledge and Kegan • BOURDIEU, Pierre, PASSERON, Jean C., 1996, “Reproduction in
  • Education”, Society and Culture, Londra: Sage • BOWLES, Samuel, GINTIS, Herbert, 1976, Schooling in Capitalist America,
  • Routledge and Kegan Paul, London • CELKAN, Hüseyin Y., 1991, Eğitim Sosyolojisi, Erzurum: Atatürk
  • Üniversitesi K.K. Eğitim Fakültesi Matbaası • DEUTSCH, Martin, 1967, The Disadvantaged Child and the Learning
  • Process, New York: Basic Books • DOUGLAS, James V.B., 1964, The Home and the School, A Study of Ability and Attainment in the Primary School, Londra: MacGibbon & Kee
  • • GIDDENS, Anthony, 2000, Sosyoloji, Ankara: Ayraç Yayıncılık
  • • GOLDTHORPE, John H., 2007, “Cultural Capital: Some Critical
  • Observations”, Sociologica, 2, 1-23. • GOLDTHORPE, John H., LEWELLYN, C., PAYNE. C.,1980, Social Mobility and Social Class In Modern Britain, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • • GÜNEŞ-AYATA, Ayşe, ACAR, Feride, 2005, “Disiplin, Başarı ve İstikrar:
  • Türk Orta Öğretiminde Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Sınıfın Yeniden Üretimi”, Kültür Fragmanları, (içinde) KANDİYOTİ, D. ve SAKTANBER, A.,(der.) İstanbul: Metis Yayınları • HARKER, Richard, 1990, “Bourdieu: Education and Reproduction”, An
  • Introduction to the Work of Pierre Bourdieu, (içinde) HARKER, R., MAHAR, C., WILKES, C.,(der.) Londra: Macmillan • ILLICH, Ivan D.,1973, Deschooling Society, Penguin, Harmondsworth
  • • JACKSON, Brian, MARSDEN, Dennis, 1963, Education and Working Class, Londra: Routledge
  • • JENKINS, Richard, 2002, Pierre Bourdieu, Londra: Routledge
  • • KASNAKOĞLU, Zehra, 1975, Distribution In Turkey: A Study of
  • Determinants of Male Earnings Differentials, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Madison: University of Wisconsin • LABOW, William, 1972, Sociolinguistic Pattern, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • • LAREAU, Annette, 1987, “Social-Class Differences in Family-School
  • Relationships: The Importance of Cultural Capital”, Sociology of Education, 60, 85 • LAREAU, Annette, Weininger, E. B., 2003, “Cultural Capital in Educational
  • Research”, Theory and Society, 32: 567-606
  • • LIGHTFOOT, Sara L., 1978, Worlds Apart, New York: Basic Books
  • • MAHAR, Cheleen, HARKER, Richard, WILKES, Chris, 1990, The Basic
  • Theoretical Position: An Introduction to the Work of Pierre Bourdieu, Londra: Macmillan • MARJORIBANKS, Kevin 1979, Families and Their Learning Environments:
  • An Empirical Analysis, London: Routledge ve Kegan Paul • OGBU, John U., 1974, The Next Generation, New York: Academic Press
  • • ÖZCAN, Yusuf Z., 1983, “The Educational Status Attainment Process –
  • Male Urban Population”, Journal of Human Sciences, 11/1, 59-78
  • • ROBINSON, Robert V. GARNIER, Maurice A., 1986, “Class Reproduction
  • Among Men And Women In France: Reproduction Theory On Its Home Ground”, American Journal of Sociology, 91/2, 250-280. • RUPP, Jan C.C., LANGE, Rob De, 1989, “Social Order, Cultural Capital and Citizenship”. The Sociological Review, 37, 668-705
  • • TEZCAN, Mahmut, 1996, Eğitim Sosyolojisi, Ankara: Feryal Matbaası
  • • TRELEASE, Jim, 1982, The Road-Aloud Handbook, New York: Penguin
  • • TURNER, Bryan, 1997, Eşitlik, (Çev. B.S. Şener), Ankara: Dost Kitabevi
  • • TÜRK, Bahadır, 2007), “Sihirden Nefret Eden Bir İlüzyonist. Bourdieu,
  • Gelenek ve İdeoloji”, Ocak ve Zanaat, (içinde) ÇEĞİN, G., GÖKER, E., ARLI, A. ve TATLICAN, Ü.(der.), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları • VALENTINE, Charles A., 1968, Culture and Poverty, Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • • VARLIER, Oktay, 1981, Türkiye’de Kişisel Gelir Dağılımını Etkileyen
  • Etmenler, 1973, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Ankara
  • • WILLIS, Paul, 1977, Learning How to Labour: How Working Class Get
  • Working Class Jobs, Londra: Saxon House • YANIKLAR, Cengiz, 2006, Tüketimin Sosyolojisi, İstanbul: Birey Yayınevi
There are 50 citations in total.


Other ID JA44FF58GG
Journal Section Research Article

Cengiz Yanıklar This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2010
Submission Date March 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 22



Sosyoloji Dergisi, Journal of Sociology, SD, JOS