Research Article
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Year 2018, Issue: 76, 37 - 56, 28.12.2018



  • Altunışık, R., Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yildirim, E. (2012). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri: SPSS uygulamalı. Sakarya Kitabevi (7.Baskı)
  • Adobe Dijital Index (2015). Holiday online shopping predictions. https://www.adobe. com, Erişim Tarihi: 25.Haziran.2018.
  • Ajzen, I. ve Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
  • Ajzen I (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organ Behav Hum Decis Process, 50(2): 179–211
  • Akgül, D. (2014). Hedonik (Hazcı) tüketimin özel günlerdeki alışveriş kültürü üzerindeki etkisi ve ülkelerarası karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Doktora Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kayseri.
  • Bagozzi, Richard P. (1981). Attitudes, ıntentions, and behavior: A test of some key hypotheses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 41 (4), 607–27.
  • Bagozzi,R. P.,Baumgartner, H., Pieters,R. ve Zeelenberg, M.(2000).The role of emotions in goal-directed behavior. The why of consumption: Contemporary perspectives on consumer motives, goals, and desires, 36-58. London: Routledg
  • Bayuk, M. N. (2009). Özel gün ve haftaların tüketim üzerindeki etkileri. Kamu-İş; 11(1), 185-197.
  • Bell, D. (1991). Modes of exchange: Gift and commodity. Journal of Socio-Economics, 20(2), 155-167.
  • BKM (2011), Bankalararası Kart Merkezi 24 Ocak 2011 Basın Bülteni, ,Erişim tarihi : 10.Temmuz.2018
  • Bock, G. W., Zmud, R. W., Kim, Y. G. ve Lee, J. N. (2005). Behavioral intention formation in knowledge sharing: Examining the roles of extrinsic motivators, social-psychological forces, and organizational climate. MIS quarterly, 87-111.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2010). Structural equation modeling with amos basic concepts, applications and programming. United States: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Chang, M.K. (1998). Predicting unethical behaviour: A Comparison of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behaviour. Journal of Business Ethics, 17(3), 1825–1834.
  • Chen, M. F. ve Tung, P. J. (2014). Developing an extended theory of planned behavior model to predict consumers’intention to visit green hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 221-230.
  • Clarke, P., Herington, C., Hussain, R. ve Wong, H. Y. (2005). Giving and receiving brands as Valentine’s Day gifts. In ANZMAC 2005 Conference–Broadening the Boundaries (pp. 61-68).
  • Davis, F. D., Bagozzi, R. P. ve Warshaw, P. R. (1989). User acceptance of computer technology: a comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, 35(8), 982-1003.
  • Demez, G. (2011). Armağanın değişen sosyo- kültürel anlamları: Tüketim toplumu bağlamında bir hediyeleşme örneği olarak çiçek gönderme. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 1(2): 87-103.
  • Dillard, L. ve Pfau, M. (2002). The persuasion handbook: developments in theory and practice. [Electronic version]. NewYork: Prometheus Books/Listening Library., Erişim Tarihi: 30.Haziran.2018.
  • Doll, W. J., Xia, W. ve Torkzadeh, G. (1994). A confirmatory factor analysis of the end- user computing satisfaction instrument. MIS Quarterly, 18(4), 453-461.
  • Eagly, A.H. ve Chaiken, S. (1993). The psychology of attitudes. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Ersoy, E. (2008). Tarihsel kapitalizmden güncel kapitalizme küreselleşme. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi Araştırmaları, 1(1), 143-153.
  • Fishbein, M. (1967). Attitude and the prediction of behavior. Readings in attitude theory and measurement.
  • Fishbein, M. veAjzen I. (1975). Belief,Attitude, Intention, and Behavior:An Introduction to Theory and Research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Hair, J., Tatham, R., Anderson, R. ve Black, W. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. 5th Edition. Prentice Hall.
  • Han, H., Hsu, L.-T. ve Sheu, C., (2010). Application of the theory of planned behaviorto green hotel choice: testing the effect of environmental friendly activities. Tourism Management 31 (3), 325–334.
  • Hansen, T., Jenden, J. ve Solgaard, H. (2008). Consumer online grocery buying intention: A Tra Versus A TPB Approach. Copenhagen Business School Journal of Consumer Research-Denmark Library, 43(2), 201-254.
  • Hansen, T. (2008). Consumer values, the theory of planned behaviour and online grocery shopping. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 32(2), 128-137.
  • Hill, C. ve Romm, C. T. (1996). The role of mothers as gift givers: A comparison across three cultures. ACR North American Advances.
  • Hou, G. (1999). Chinese New Year: special occasion for promotion. Economic Tribune, 2, pp. 21-2.
  • Laroche, M., Saad, G., Kim, C. ve Browne, E. (2000). A cross-cultural study of in-store information search strategies for a Christmas gift. Journal of Business Research, 49(2), 113-126.
  • Lee, H. H. ve Kim,J. (2009). Giftshopping behavior in a multichannel retail environment: The role of personal purchase experiences. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37(5), 420-439.
  • Schumacker, R.E. ve Lomax, R.G. (2004). A begginer’s guide to structural equation modeling. 2 nd ed. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, New Jersey.
  • Miniarrd, P.W. ve Cohen, J.B. (1981).An examination of the Fishbein –Ajzen behavioural intentions model concept and measures. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 17, 309-399.
  • Mishra, P. ve Datta, B. (2011). Perpetual asset management of customer-based brand equity-The PAM evaluator. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 34-43.
  • Olsen, J.E., Granzin, K.L. ve Biswas, A. (1993). Influencing consumers’ selection of domestic versus imported products: Implications for marketing based on a model of helping behaviour. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 21(4), 307–321.
  • Pandya, A. ve Venkatesh, A. (1992). Symbolic communication among consumers in self-consumption and gift giving: a semiotic approach. ACR North American Advances.
  • Ryan, M. J. ve Bonfield, E. H. (1980). Fishbein's intentions model: a test of external and pragmatic validity. The Journal of Marketing, 82-95.
  • Ryan, M. J. (1982). Behavioral intention formation: The interdependency of attitudinal and social influence variables. Journal of Consumer Research, 9(3), 263-278.
  • Suhr, D. D. (2006). Exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis? (pp. 1-17). In. Cary: SAS Institute. Erişim Tarihi: 11 Temmuz 2018
  • Song, J. ve Kim, Y. J. (2006). Social influence process in the accptance of a virtual community service. Information Systems Front, 8, 241-152.
  • Swilley, E. ve Goldsmith, R. E. (2013). Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Understanding consumer intentions on two major shopping days. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(1), 43-50.
  • Taylor, S. ve Todd, P.A. (1995). Understanding information technology usage: a test of competing models. Information Systems Research, 6(2), 144-76.
  • Yadav, R. ve Pathak, G. S. (2017). Determinants of consumers' green purchase behavior in a developing nation: Applying and extending the theory of planned behavior. Ecological Economics, 134, 114-122.
  • Wan, C., Cheung, R. ve Shen, G.Q. (2012). Recycling attitude and behaviour in university campus: a case study in Hong Kong. Facilities 30 (13/14), 630–646.


Year 2018, Issue: 76, 37 - 56, 28.12.2018


Tüketiciler, tüketim teşvikleriyle beraber günümüzde önemi artan özel günlerde (Yılbaşı, Anneler, Babalar, Sevgililer Günü vb.) daha fazla hediyeleşme davranışını sergilemektedirler. Bu çalışmanın amacı, tüketicilerin özel günlerde hediyeleşme davranışını nasıl değerlendirdikleri ve anneler günü hediye satın alma davranışlarının incelenmesidir. Bu
bağlamda sosyal bilimlerde insan davranışlarını incelemek için kullanılan yöntemlerden biri olan Sebepli Davranış Teorisi (SDT) çerçevesinde çalışma yürütülmüştür. Tüketicilerin hediye satın alma davranışına yönelik tutumları ile öznel normlarının (çevresindeki insanlar tarafından oluşturulan sosyal baskılar) kişinin niyeti ve fiili davranışları
üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesinde eğitim gören öğrenciler ana kütle olarak ele alınmış ve 285 öğrenciye çevrimiçi anket
uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler üzerinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, açıklayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ile güvenirlilik analizleri yapılarak yapısal model test edilmiştir. Model
sonuçları incelendiğinde, tutumun niyet üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisi olduğu, öznel normun ise niyet üzerinde hiçbir etkisi olmadığı görülmüştür. Sonuç olarak anneler gününde he-
diye satın alma davranışının gerçekleşmesinde tutum tarafından önemli ölçüde etkilenen niyetler, davranışların önemli bir belirleyicisi olmuştur.


  • Altunışık, R., Coşkun, R., Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yildirim, E. (2012). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri: SPSS uygulamalı. Sakarya Kitabevi (7.Baskı)
  • Adobe Dijital Index (2015). Holiday online shopping predictions. https://www.adobe. com, Erişim Tarihi: 25.Haziran.2018.
  • Ajzen, I. ve Fishbein, M. (1980). Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
  • Ajzen I (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organ Behav Hum Decis Process, 50(2): 179–211
  • Akgül, D. (2014). Hedonik (Hazcı) tüketimin özel günlerdeki alışveriş kültürü üzerindeki etkisi ve ülkelerarası karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma. Doktora Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kayseri.
  • Bagozzi, Richard P. (1981). Attitudes, ıntentions, and behavior: A test of some key hypotheses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 41 (4), 607–27.
  • Bagozzi,R. P.,Baumgartner, H., Pieters,R. ve Zeelenberg, M.(2000).The role of emotions in goal-directed behavior. The why of consumption: Contemporary perspectives on consumer motives, goals, and desires, 36-58. London: Routledg
  • Bayuk, M. N. (2009). Özel gün ve haftaların tüketim üzerindeki etkileri. Kamu-İş; 11(1), 185-197.
  • Bell, D. (1991). Modes of exchange: Gift and commodity. Journal of Socio-Economics, 20(2), 155-167.
  • BKM (2011), Bankalararası Kart Merkezi 24 Ocak 2011 Basın Bülteni, ,Erişim tarihi : 10.Temmuz.2018
  • Bock, G. W., Zmud, R. W., Kim, Y. G. ve Lee, J. N. (2005). Behavioral intention formation in knowledge sharing: Examining the roles of extrinsic motivators, social-psychological forces, and organizational climate. MIS quarterly, 87-111.
  • Byrne, B. M. (2010). Structural equation modeling with amos basic concepts, applications and programming. United States: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Chang, M.K. (1998). Predicting unethical behaviour: A Comparison of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behaviour. Journal of Business Ethics, 17(3), 1825–1834.
  • Chen, M. F. ve Tung, P. J. (2014). Developing an extended theory of planned behavior model to predict consumers’intention to visit green hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 221-230.
  • Clarke, P., Herington, C., Hussain, R. ve Wong, H. Y. (2005). Giving and receiving brands as Valentine’s Day gifts. In ANZMAC 2005 Conference–Broadening the Boundaries (pp. 61-68).
  • Davis, F. D., Bagozzi, R. P. ve Warshaw, P. R. (1989). User acceptance of computer technology: a comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, 35(8), 982-1003.
  • Demez, G. (2011). Armağanın değişen sosyo- kültürel anlamları: Tüketim toplumu bağlamında bir hediyeleşme örneği olarak çiçek gönderme. Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, 1(2): 87-103.
  • Dillard, L. ve Pfau, M. (2002). The persuasion handbook: developments in theory and practice. [Electronic version]. NewYork: Prometheus Books/Listening Library., Erişim Tarihi: 30.Haziran.2018.
  • Doll, W. J., Xia, W. ve Torkzadeh, G. (1994). A confirmatory factor analysis of the end- user computing satisfaction instrument. MIS Quarterly, 18(4), 453-461.
  • Eagly, A.H. ve Chaiken, S. (1993). The psychology of attitudes. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
  • Ersoy, E. (2008). Tarihsel kapitalizmden güncel kapitalizme küreselleşme. Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi Araştırmaları, 1(1), 143-153.
  • Fishbein, M. (1967). Attitude and the prediction of behavior. Readings in attitude theory and measurement.
  • Fishbein, M. veAjzen I. (1975). Belief,Attitude, Intention, and Behavior:An Introduction to Theory and Research. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
  • Hair, J., Tatham, R., Anderson, R. ve Black, W. (1998). Multivariate data analysis. 5th Edition. Prentice Hall.
  • Han, H., Hsu, L.-T. ve Sheu, C., (2010). Application of the theory of planned behaviorto green hotel choice: testing the effect of environmental friendly activities. Tourism Management 31 (3), 325–334.
  • Hansen, T., Jenden, J. ve Solgaard, H. (2008). Consumer online grocery buying intention: A Tra Versus A TPB Approach. Copenhagen Business School Journal of Consumer Research-Denmark Library, 43(2), 201-254.
  • Hansen, T. (2008). Consumer values, the theory of planned behaviour and online grocery shopping. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 32(2), 128-137.
  • Hill, C. ve Romm, C. T. (1996). The role of mothers as gift givers: A comparison across three cultures. ACR North American Advances.
  • Hou, G. (1999). Chinese New Year: special occasion for promotion. Economic Tribune, 2, pp. 21-2.
  • Laroche, M., Saad, G., Kim, C. ve Browne, E. (2000). A cross-cultural study of in-store information search strategies for a Christmas gift. Journal of Business Research, 49(2), 113-126.
  • Lee, H. H. ve Kim,J. (2009). Giftshopping behavior in a multichannel retail environment: The role of personal purchase experiences. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37(5), 420-439.
  • Schumacker, R.E. ve Lomax, R.G. (2004). A begginer’s guide to structural equation modeling. 2 nd ed. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, New Jersey.
  • Miniarrd, P.W. ve Cohen, J.B. (1981).An examination of the Fishbein –Ajzen behavioural intentions model concept and measures. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 17, 309-399.
  • Mishra, P. ve Datta, B. (2011). Perpetual asset management of customer-based brand equity-The PAM evaluator. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 34-43.
  • Olsen, J.E., Granzin, K.L. ve Biswas, A. (1993). Influencing consumers’ selection of domestic versus imported products: Implications for marketing based on a model of helping behaviour. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 21(4), 307–321.
  • Pandya, A. ve Venkatesh, A. (1992). Symbolic communication among consumers in self-consumption and gift giving: a semiotic approach. ACR North American Advances.
  • Ryan, M. J. ve Bonfield, E. H. (1980). Fishbein's intentions model: a test of external and pragmatic validity. The Journal of Marketing, 82-95.
  • Ryan, M. J. (1982). Behavioral intention formation: The interdependency of attitudinal and social influence variables. Journal of Consumer Research, 9(3), 263-278.
  • Suhr, D. D. (2006). Exploratory or confirmatory factor analysis? (pp. 1-17). In. Cary: SAS Institute. Erişim Tarihi: 11 Temmuz 2018
  • Song, J. ve Kim, Y. J. (2006). Social influence process in the accptance of a virtual community service. Information Systems Front, 8, 241-152.
  • Swilley, E. ve Goldsmith, R. E. (2013). Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Understanding consumer intentions on two major shopping days. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(1), 43-50.
  • Taylor, S. ve Todd, P.A. (1995). Understanding information technology usage: a test of competing models. Information Systems Research, 6(2), 144-76.
  • Yadav, R. ve Pathak, G. S. (2017). Determinants of consumers' green purchase behavior in a developing nation: Applying and extending the theory of planned behavior. Ecological Economics, 134, 114-122.
  • Wan, C., Cheung, R. ve Shen, G.Q. (2012). Recycling attitude and behaviour in university campus: a case study in Hong Kong. Facilities 30 (13/14), 630–646.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Abdülkadir Öztürk This is me

Volkan Temizkan

Publication Date December 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 76
