This research aims to collect data about Twitter's
distinctive cyber public sphere and present practical results for the discussions
about whether Twitter, which is an online social networking site, is a public
sphere or not. For this purpose, firstly the concept is tried to be defined and
its relationship between the concepts like publicness, organized politics,
random urban interactions, compromise and visibility is explained within the
context of the names as Habermas, Arendt, Fraser and Sennett. Then, how mass
media, especially television, has been understood as a public sphere and the
differences between mass media and the cyber public spheres of today,
particularly Twitter, are mentioned through both sociology and communication
science approaches. In conclusion, with the analysis of the data collected from
the Trending Topics table of Turkey, which is considered as the macro-public
layer of Twitter, Twitter's publicness is discussed and the character of its
cyber public sphere is described in the context of public sphere.