Determination of The Safety Stock Level and Reorder Point in Hospitals with Probabilistic Inventory Model: An Example of a Public Hospital
Year 2021,
, 229 - 248, 25.01.2021
Orhan Parıldar
Çağdaş Erkan Akyürek
This research is concerned with efficient stock management in the context of hospitals. In this regard, the paper aims to classify the medical supplies in public hospitals based on their importance level in the stock control process, and to determine the amount of safety stocks that should be maintained at the beginning of each period. The medical item data was retrieved from the hospital under research and analysed with ABC, VED methods. Results indicate that the demand distributions of the A-V materials represent a normal distribution. The quantity of safety stocks to be obtained at the beginning of periods and the reorder points were calculated using appropriate mathematical equations under assumptions in the probabilistic stock model. Then, total safety stock holding costs were calculated at the determined service levels and cost-based alternative solutions are presented to the decision maker at each service level.
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- Woods, I. (2015), “Improving Hospital Supply Chains: Lessons Learned from a Supply Chain Breakdown”, The College of St. Scholastica, Master Thesis for Business Administration, Duluth, MN.
Hastanelerde Emniyet Stoku Seviyesinin ve Yeniden Sipariş Noktasının Olasılıklı Stok Modeli ile Belirlenmesi: Bir Kamu Hastanesi Örneği
Year 2021,
, 229 - 248, 25.01.2021
Orhan Parıldar
Çağdaş Erkan Akyürek
Bu araştırmanın konusu diğer işletmeleri olduğu gibi hastaneleri de çok yakından ilgilendiren etkili stok yönetimidir. Bu bağlamda kamu hastanelerinde tıbbi malzemelerin stok kontrolünde önem derecelerine göre gruplandırılması ve devamında belirlenen gruplardan rastgele örneklem yöntemi ile seçilen tıbbi malzemelerin hastanede dönem başında elde bulunması gereken emniyet stok miktarlarının belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Araştırmanın gerçekleştirildiği hastaneden, seçilen tıbbi malzemelere dair veriler alınarak ABC, VED yöntemleri ile analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarından yararlanarak IBM SPSS 20 paket programı aracılığıyla A-V grubu malzemelerin talep dağılımının normal dağılım gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Olasılıklı stok modelindeki varsayımlara uygun matematiksel denklem kullanılarak dönem başında elde bulundurulması gereken emniyet stoku miktarları ve yeniden sipariş noktası hesaplanmıştır. Ardından belirlenen servis düzeylerinde toplam emniyet stok tutma maliyetleri de hesaplanarak karar vericiye her bir servis düzeyinde maliyet tabanlı alternatif çözümler sunulmuştur.
- Arnold, J.R.T. & S.N. Chapman & L.M. Clive (2008), Introduction to Materials Management, New York: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc.
- Barlow, R. (2011), “Products & Services. The spate, state of supply chain scandamonium”, Healthcare Purchasing News, 34(10), 62-73.
- Bhakoo, V. & P. Singh & A. Sohal (2012), “Collaborative Management of Inventory in Australian Hospital Supply Chains: Practices and Issues”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 17(2), 217-230.
- Cho, J. & S. Cobbs & E. Curtiss & K. Overton & M. Redner (2013), “Use of RFID in healthcare industry”, Acad Bus Res Inst., 1-15.
- Dash, A. (2009), “Lost & found: making the right choice in equipment location systems”, Health Facilities Management, 22(11), 19-21.
- Doone, R. (2014), “How supply chain management can help to control health-care costs”, Supply Chain Quarterly, <>, 21.01.2020.
- Duclos, L.K. (1993), “Hospital Inventory Management for Emergency Demand”, International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, Fall 1993, 29(4), 30-37.
- Gebicki, M. & E. Mooney & S.G. Chen & L.M. Mazur (2014), “Evaluation of Hospital Medication Inventory Policies”, Health Care Management Science, 17, 215-229.
- Institute of Medicine (2006), “Preventing medication errors: quality chasm series”, A Report of the Institute of Medicine, Washington.
- Jones, E.C. & S. Gupta & S.S. Balasubramanian (2015), “Hospital Supply Chain Management by Implementing RFID”, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 4(3), 1-6.
- Kelle, P. & J. Woosley & H. Schneider (2012), “Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Specifics and Inventory Solutions for a Hospital Case”, Operations Research for Healthcare, 1, 56-43.
- Küçük, O. (2011), Stok Yönetimi: Amprik Bir Yaklaşım, Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi.
- Martin, J.W. (2007), Lean Six Sigma for supply chain management: The 10-step solution process, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
- Ng, W.L. (2007), “A simple classifier for multiple criteria ABC analysis”, European Journal of Operational Research, 177(1), 344-353.
- Nursing Management (2011), < management_ABC_VED_HML_analysis.html>, 08.01.2019.
- Page, L. (2007), “Hospitals tune in to RFID”, Materials Management in Health Care, 16(5), 18-20.
- Rachmania, I.N. & M.H. Basri (2013), “Pharmaceutical Inventory Management Issues in Hospital Supply Chains”, Management, 3(1), 1-5.
- Solanki, N. (2010), “Continuous process improvement in a hospital pharmacy: A case for lean and inventory management system”, Graduate School of Binghamton University, Master Thesis for Thesis Industrial and Systems Engineering, State University of New York. NY.
- Swedberg, C. (2009), “Virtual health expects improved bed management from RFID”, RFID Journal, <>, 19.04.2017.
- Tengilimoğlu, D. & V. Yiğit (2013), Sağlık İşletmelerinde Tedarik Zinciri ve Malzeme Yönetimi, Ankara; Nobel Yayınevi.
- Winston, W.L. (2003), Operations Research: Applications adn Algortihms, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
- Woods, I. (2015), “Improving Hospital Supply Chains: Lessons Learned from a Supply Chain Breakdown”, The College of St. Scholastica, Master Thesis for Business Administration, Duluth, MN.