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The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-oriented leaders: Experiences of performance related pay in three Finnish State Government Organizations

Year 2008, Volume: 8 Issue: 8, - , 01.12.2008


Performance related pay (PRP) intends to make the civil service perform better. It can foster individual motivation by recognizing efforts and achievements and rewarding them. PRP can help improve performance when it is applied properly in the right managerial context. In this article the PRP is viewed as a management tool. The leader is expected to facilitate change and adaptation for result-orientated culture, and to discuss about work performance and results. The leader should also create an improved employee-manager dialogue and a climate that supports organizational and individual learning. As a coach the supervisor helps subordinates constantly reaching better results.


  • Behn, Robert E. (1995), “The Big Questions of Public Management”, Public Administration Review, July/August 1995, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 313–324.
  • Baroukh, Nader & Kleiner, Brian H. (2002), “Recruitment and Training of Public Servants”, Management Research News, Vol. 25, No. 3.
  • Boyatzis, Richard E. (1992), “Building on Competence: The Effective Use of Managerial Talent”, In: Human Resource Strategies, Edited by: Salaman, Cameron, Hamblin, Iles, Mabey & Thompson, London: Sage Publications.
  • Brewer, Gene, Sally Coleman Selden & Rex L. Facer (2000), “Individual Conceptions of Public Service Motivation”, Public Administration Review, May/June, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 254–264.
  • Denhardt, Robert B. & Denhardt, Janet Vinzant (2000), ”The New Public Service: Serving Rather Than Steering”, Public Administration Review, Nov/Dec 2000, Vol. 60, No: 6, pp. 549–559.
  • Dickson, Robert (1995), “Culturing Personal Leadership”, CMA Magazine, Vol. 69, Nr. 1, pp. 10–14.
  • Hondeghem, Annie & Vandermeulen, Filip (2000), “Competency Management in the Flemish and Dutch Civil Service”, The International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 342–353.
  • Ingraham, Patricia Wallace & Selden, Sally Coleman & Moynihan, Donald P. (2000), “People and Performance: Challenges for the Future Public Service – the Report from the Wye River Conference”, Public Administration Review, January/February 2000, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 54–60.
  • Kiikka, Jarmo (2002), “Tulosjohtamisen ja tulospalkkauksen vaikutus henkilöstön työmotivaatioon: Tutkimuskohteina Poliisi ja puolustusvoimat”, (Management by results and performance-related pay in employee’s motivation), Acta Universitatis Lappoensis, 48, Rovaniemi.
  • Lahti, Carita & Tarumo, Saara & Vartiainen, Matti (2004), Palkkausjärjestelmien Kehittäminen, Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy.
  • Lähdesmäki, Kirsi (2003), “New Public Management ja julkisen sektorin uudistaminen” (New Public Management and reforming public sector management), Acta Wasaensia, No 113, University of Vaasa.
  • Lähdesmäki, Kirsi (2006), “Lupa olla esimies”. Vaasa: Valtionhallinnon uusi palkkausjärjestelmä johtamisen välineenä, (Permission to lead: the New Pay System as a means of leadership in state government organizations), Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Research Papers: 272, Vaasa.
  • Management Development Review (1997), “Leadership is … something to be shared by everyone”, Vol. 10, No. 4, < 23361&RQT= n309&VName=PQD>, 28.12.2007.
  • Ministry of Finance (2007), Management Agreements and Performance Bonuses, Ministry of Finance, Personnel Department, Office for the Government as Employer, Finland.
  • Moore, George C. & Heneghan, Philip M. (1996), “Defining and Prioritizing Public Performance Requirements”, Public Productivity & Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, December, pp, 158–173.
  • Mäkipeska, Marja & Niemelä, Terttu (1999), Hengittävä työyhteisö: Johtamista muutosvirrassa, Helsinki: Oy Edita Ab.
  • OECD (2005a), “Paying for Performance, Policies for Government Employees”, Policy Brief, May 2005.
  • OECD (2005b), “Performance-Related Pay Policies across 12 OECD countries”, Brief Overview.
  • Quinn, Robert E. & Faerman, Sue R. & Thompson, Michael P. & McGrath, Michael R. (2002), Becoming a Master Manager: A Competence Framework, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Salminen, Ari (2003), “Hyvän hallinnon etiikka: Kolmen profession arvioita hallinto-ja johtamistyön eettisistä kysymyksistä”, (Ethics of Good Governance: Three professional introductions to ethical choices in public administration and management), Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Research Papers: 245, Vaasa.
  • Sydänmaanlakka, Pentti (2001), Älykäs organisaatio: Tiedon, osaamisen ja suorituksen johtaminen, 2. painos, Helsinki: Kauppakaari.
  • Valtiontalouden Tarkastusvirasto (2002), Uudet palkkausjärjestelmät valtionhallinnossa, Tarkastuskertomus 36. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino.
  • Valtiovarainministeriö (2006), Johtamisen laadunvarmistus valtionhallinnossa, Tutkimukset ja selvitykset, 1/2006. Helsinki.
  • Valtion Työmarkkinalaitos (1996), Kannustavaan palkkaukseen: Valtion palkkausjärjestelmien uudistaminen, Helsinki: Edita.
  • Van Wart, Montgomery & Berman, Evan (1999), “Contemporary Public Sector Productivity Values: Narrower Scope, Tougher Standards, and New Rules of the Game”, Public Productivity & Management Review, Vol. 22, No. 3, March 1999, pp. 326–347.
  • Van Wart (2003), “Public-Sector Leadership Theory: An Assessment”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 214–228.
  • Viitala, Riitta (2005), Johda osaamista! Osaamisen johtaminen teoriasta käytäntöön. Helsinki: Inforviestintä.
  • Zhu, Weichun & May, Douglas R. & Avolio, Bruce J. (2004), “The Impact of Ethical Leadership Behaviour on Employee Outcomes: The Roles of Psychological Empowerment and Authenticity”, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 16–26.
  • Äijälä, Kirsi (2001), “Public Sector – An Employer of Choice?”, Report on the Expert Meeting on the Competitive Public Employer Project, Paris 5–6.4.2001, OECD.

The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-oriented leaders: Experiences of performance related pay in three Finnish State Government Organizations

Year 2008, Volume: 8 Issue: 8, - , 01.12.2008


Performance related pay (PRP) intends to make the civil service perform better. It can foster individual motivation by recognizing efforts and achievements and rewarding them. PRP can help improve performance when it is applied properly in the right managerial context. In this article the PRP is viewed as a management tool. The leader is expected to facilitate change and adaptation for result-orientated culture, and to discuss about work performance and results. The leader should also create an improved employee-manager dialogue and a climate that supports organizational and individual learning. As a coach the supervisor helps subordinates constantly reaching better results.


  • Behn, Robert E. (1995), “The Big Questions of Public Management”, Public Administration Review, July/August 1995, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 313–324.
  • Baroukh, Nader & Kleiner, Brian H. (2002), “Recruitment and Training of Public Servants”, Management Research News, Vol. 25, No. 3.
  • Boyatzis, Richard E. (1992), “Building on Competence: The Effective Use of Managerial Talent”, In: Human Resource Strategies, Edited by: Salaman, Cameron, Hamblin, Iles, Mabey & Thompson, London: Sage Publications.
  • Brewer, Gene, Sally Coleman Selden & Rex L. Facer (2000), “Individual Conceptions of Public Service Motivation”, Public Administration Review, May/June, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 254–264.
  • Denhardt, Robert B. & Denhardt, Janet Vinzant (2000), ”The New Public Service: Serving Rather Than Steering”, Public Administration Review, Nov/Dec 2000, Vol. 60, No: 6, pp. 549–559.
  • Dickson, Robert (1995), “Culturing Personal Leadership”, CMA Magazine, Vol. 69, Nr. 1, pp. 10–14.
  • Hondeghem, Annie & Vandermeulen, Filip (2000), “Competency Management in the Flemish and Dutch Civil Service”, The International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 342–353.
  • Ingraham, Patricia Wallace & Selden, Sally Coleman & Moynihan, Donald P. (2000), “People and Performance: Challenges for the Future Public Service – the Report from the Wye River Conference”, Public Administration Review, January/February 2000, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 54–60.
  • Kiikka, Jarmo (2002), “Tulosjohtamisen ja tulospalkkauksen vaikutus henkilöstön työmotivaatioon: Tutkimuskohteina Poliisi ja puolustusvoimat”, (Management by results and performance-related pay in employee’s motivation), Acta Universitatis Lappoensis, 48, Rovaniemi.
  • Lahti, Carita & Tarumo, Saara & Vartiainen, Matti (2004), Palkkausjärjestelmien Kehittäminen, Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy.
  • Lähdesmäki, Kirsi (2003), “New Public Management ja julkisen sektorin uudistaminen” (New Public Management and reforming public sector management), Acta Wasaensia, No 113, University of Vaasa.
  • Lähdesmäki, Kirsi (2006), “Lupa olla esimies”. Vaasa: Valtionhallinnon uusi palkkausjärjestelmä johtamisen välineenä, (Permission to lead: the New Pay System as a means of leadership in state government organizations), Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Research Papers: 272, Vaasa.
  • Management Development Review (1997), “Leadership is … something to be shared by everyone”, Vol. 10, No. 4, < 23361&RQT= n309&VName=PQD>, 28.12.2007.
  • Ministry of Finance (2007), Management Agreements and Performance Bonuses, Ministry of Finance, Personnel Department, Office for the Government as Employer, Finland.
  • Moore, George C. & Heneghan, Philip M. (1996), “Defining and Prioritizing Public Performance Requirements”, Public Productivity & Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, December, pp, 158–173.
  • Mäkipeska, Marja & Niemelä, Terttu (1999), Hengittävä työyhteisö: Johtamista muutosvirrassa, Helsinki: Oy Edita Ab.
  • OECD (2005a), “Paying for Performance, Policies for Government Employees”, Policy Brief, May 2005.
  • OECD (2005b), “Performance-Related Pay Policies across 12 OECD countries”, Brief Overview.
  • Quinn, Robert E. & Faerman, Sue R. & Thompson, Michael P. & McGrath, Michael R. (2002), Becoming a Master Manager: A Competence Framework, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Salminen, Ari (2003), “Hyvän hallinnon etiikka: Kolmen profession arvioita hallinto-ja johtamistyön eettisistä kysymyksistä”, (Ethics of Good Governance: Three professional introductions to ethical choices in public administration and management), Proceedings of the University of Vaasa, Research Papers: 245, Vaasa.
  • Sydänmaanlakka, Pentti (2001), Älykäs organisaatio: Tiedon, osaamisen ja suorituksen johtaminen, 2. painos, Helsinki: Kauppakaari.
  • Valtiontalouden Tarkastusvirasto (2002), Uudet palkkausjärjestelmät valtionhallinnossa, Tarkastuskertomus 36. Helsinki: Yliopistopaino.
  • Valtiovarainministeriö (2006), Johtamisen laadunvarmistus valtionhallinnossa, Tutkimukset ja selvitykset, 1/2006. Helsinki.
  • Valtion Työmarkkinalaitos (1996), Kannustavaan palkkaukseen: Valtion palkkausjärjestelmien uudistaminen, Helsinki: Edita.
  • Van Wart, Montgomery & Berman, Evan (1999), “Contemporary Public Sector Productivity Values: Narrower Scope, Tougher Standards, and New Rules of the Game”, Public Productivity & Management Review, Vol. 22, No. 3, March 1999, pp. 326–347.
  • Van Wart (2003), “Public-Sector Leadership Theory: An Assessment”, Public Administration Review, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 214–228.
  • Viitala, Riitta (2005), Johda osaamista! Osaamisen johtaminen teoriasta käytäntöön. Helsinki: Inforviestintä.
  • Zhu, Weichun & May, Douglas R. & Avolio, Bruce J. (2004), “The Impact of Ethical Leadership Behaviour on Employee Outcomes: The Roles of Psychological Empowerment and Authenticity”, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 16–26.
  • Äijälä, Kirsi (2001), “Public Sector – An Employer of Choice?”, Report on the Expert Meeting on the Competitive Public Employer Project, Paris 5–6.4.2001, OECD.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Kirsi Lähdesmäkı This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2008
Submission Date December 12, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 8 Issue: 8


APA Lähdesmäkı, K. (2008). The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-oriented leaders: Experiences of performance related pay in three Finnish State Government Organizations. Sosyoekonomi, 8(8).
AMA Lähdesmäkı K. The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-oriented leaders: Experiences of performance related pay in three Finnish State Government Organizations. Sosyoekonomi. December 2008;8(8). doi:10.17233/se.50450
Chicago Lähdesmäkı, Kirsi. “The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-Oriented Leaders: Experiences of Performance Related Pay in Three Finnish State Government Organizations”. Sosyoekonomi 8, no. 8 (December 2008).
EndNote Lähdesmäkı K (December 1, 2008) The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-oriented leaders: Experiences of performance related pay in three Finnish State Government Organizations. Sosyoekonomi 8 8
IEEE K. Lähdesmäkı, “The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-oriented leaders: Experiences of performance related pay in three Finnish State Government Organizations”, Sosyoekonomi, vol. 8, no. 8, 2008, doi: 10.17233/se.50450.
ISNAD Lähdesmäkı, Kirsi. “The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-Oriented Leaders: Experiences of Performance Related Pay in Three Finnish State Government Organizations”. Sosyoekonomi 8/8 (December 2008).
JAMA Lähdesmäkı K. The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-oriented leaders: Experiences of performance related pay in three Finnish State Government Organizations. Sosyoekonomi. 2008;8. doi:10.17233/se.50450.
MLA Lähdesmäkı, Kirsi. “The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-Oriented Leaders: Experiences of Performance Related Pay in Three Finnish State Government Organizations”. Sosyoekonomi, vol. 8, no. 8, 2008, doi:10.17233/se.50450.
Vancouver Lähdesmäkı K. The New Pay System Requires Encouraging and Performance-oriented leaders: Experiences of performance related pay in three Finnish State Government Organizations. Sosyoekonomi. 2008;8(8).