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Türkiye ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası bir Karşılaştırma

Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 12, - , 01.09.2010


Son yıllarda hızla artan elektrik enerjisi talebine karşılık birçok ülkede elektrik üretim sektörünü daha verimli ve etkin hale getirmek enerji politikalarının temel hedeflerinden biri olmuştur. 2000–2006 yıllarını kapsayan dönem için Türkiye ile Avrupa Birliği (AB) üyesi ülkelerin elektrik üretim sektör etkinliklerini parametrik olmayan yöntemlerle karşılaştıran bu çalışmada, etkinlikler arasındaki yakınsama derecesi ve toplam faktör verimliliği endeksindeki değişimler belirlenmiş, etkinlik skorları ile sektörlerin büyüklüğü, rekabetçilik düzeyi ve nükleer güç altyapısı arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, AB ülkelerinin etkinliklerini artırırken birbirlerine yaklaştıklarını, Türkiye’nin 2001 kriz yılı hariç AB ortalamasına yakın bir performans gösterdiğini ve nükleer kurulu güce sahip, büyük veya rekabetçi sektörlerin göreli etkinliklerinin daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Abbott, M. (2005), Determining Levels of Productivity and Efficiency in the Electricity Industry, The Electricity Journal, 18 (9), 62–72.
  • Bagdadioglu, N. ve Odyakmaz, N. (2009), Turkish electricity reform, Utilities Policy 17, 144–152
  • Bagdadioglu, N., Price, C. M.W. ve Weyman-Jones, T.G. (1996), Efficiency and ownership in electricity distribution: a nonparametric model of the Turkish experience. Energy Economics 18, 1–23.
  • Bağdadioglu, N. (2009), Avrupa Birliği Enerji Sektöründe Rekabet Politikası: Brüksel’in Yeni Önerileri ve Enerji Milliyetçiliği Meselesi, C.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 33 (1), 25–36
  • Banker, R. D. ve R. M. Thrall. (1992), Estimation of Retums to Scale Using Data Envelopment Analysis,.European Journal of Operational Research 62, 74–84.
  • Banker, R. (1984), Estimating most productive scale size using data envelopment analysis, European Journal of Operational Research 17 (1), 35–44.
  • Banker, R.D, Charnes, A. ve Cooper, W.W. (1984), Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis, Management Science 30,1078–1092.
  • Barros, C.P. ve Peypoch, N. (2008), Technical efficiency of thermoelectric power plants, Energy Economics 30, 3118–3127.
  • Caves, D., Christensen, L. ve Diewert. E. (1982), The Economic Theory of Index Numbers and the Measurement of Input, Output, and Productivity, Econometrica 50, 1393–1414.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W. W. ve Rhodes, E. (1978), Measuring the Efficiency of Decision Making Units, European Joumal of Operational Research 2, 429–444.
  • Coelli, T.J., Rao Prasada D.S., O’Donnell C.J. ve Battase, G.E. (2005), An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, (2. Basım), Springer, USA.
  • Cooper W.W, Seiford L.M ve Zhu, J. (2000), Data Envelopment Analysis, Springer, USA.
  • Diewert, W.E. ve Nakamura, A.O. (1999), Benchmarking and the measurement of best practice efficiency: an electricity generation application, Canadian Journal of Economics 32 (2), 570–588.
  • Domah, P. (2002), Technical efficiency in electricity generation - the impact of smallness and isolation of island economies, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 232, 1–26.
  • Dyson, R.G., Allen, R., Camanho, A.S., Podinovski, V.V., Sarrico, C.S. ve Shale E.A. (2001), Pitfalls and Protocols in DEA, European Journal of Operational Research 132, 245–259.
  • Elektrik Üretim Anonim Şirketi, EÜAŞ, (2008), Elektrik Üretim Sektörü Raporu, Ankara.
  • Emrouznejad, A., Parker, B. ve Tavares G. (2008), Evaluation of research in efficiency and productivity: A survey and analysis of the first 30 years of scholarly literature in DEA, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 42, 151–157.
  • Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, ETKB (2009), Elektrik Enerjisi Sektörü Reformu ve Özelleştirme Strateji Belgesi, <>, 27.06.2009.
  • Estache, A., Perelman S. ve Trujillo, L. (2005), Infrastructure Performance and Reform in Developing and Transition Economies: Evidence from a Survey of Productivity Measures, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series 3514, 1–27.
  • European Commission (EC), Benchmarking Reports Web Sayfası, <>, 24.07.2009.
  • European Commission, EC, (2001), First Benchmarking Report on the Implementation of the Internal Electricity and Gas Market, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2005), Technical Annexes to the Report from the Commission on the Implementation of the Gas and Electricity Internal Market, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2006), Statistics in Focus: Industry Trade on Services, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2009a), Panorama of energy: Energy statistics to support EU policies and solutions, Statistical Books, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2009b), European electricity market indicators 2007, Data In Focus, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2009c), Report on Progress in Creating the Internal Gas and Electricity Market: Technical Annex to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • EUROSTAT - Veritabanı, <>, 27.06.2009.
  • Fare, R., Grosskopf, S., Lindgren, B. ve Roos, P. (1992), Productivity Changes in Swedish Pharamacies 1980-1989: A Non-Parametric Malmquist Approach, The Journal of Productivity Analysis 3, 85–101.
  • Fare, R., S. Grosskopf, S. ve Lovell, C.A.K. (1994a), Productivity Growth, Technical Progress, and Efficiency Change in Industrialized Countries, The American Economic Review 84 (1), 66–81.
  • Fare, R., S. Grosskopf, S. ve Lovell, C.A.K. (1994b), Production Frontiers, Cambridge University Press.
  • Farrell, M.J. (1957), The Measurement of Productive Efficiency, Journal of Royal Statistical Society 120 (3), 253–281.
  • Friedman, M. (1992), Do old fallacies ever die?, Journal of Economic Literature 30, 2129–2132.
  • Golany, B., Roll, Y. ve Rybak, D. (1994), Measuring Efficiency of Power Plants in Israel by Data Envelopment Analysis, IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management 41 (3), 291–301.
  • Green, H.W. (1995), Limdep User’s Manual, Version 7.0, Econometric Software, Inc., Maple Av, Bellport, NY,: 583-636.
  • Haas, D.A. ve Murphy, F.H. (2003), Compensating for non-homogeneity in decision-making units in data envelopment analysis, European Journal of Operational Research 144, 530–544.
  • Jamasb, T. ve Pollitt M. (2001), Benchmarking and regulation: international electricity experience, Utilities Policy 9, 107–130.
  • Jamasb, T. ve Pollitt, M. (2003), International benchmarking and regulation: an application to European electricity distribution utilities, Energy Policy 31, 1609–1622.
  • Jamasb, T., Mota, R., Newberry, D. ve Pollitt M. (2005), Electricity Sector Reform in Developing Countries: A Survey of Emprical Evidence on Determinants and Performance, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3549, <>, 04.07.2009.
  • Jenkins, L. ve Anderson M. (2003), A multivariate statistical approach to reducing the number of variables in data envelopment analysis, European Journal of Operational Research 147, 51–61
  • Koski, A.H. ve Majumdar, S.K. (2000), Convergence in telecommunications infrastructure development in OECD countries, Information Economics and Policy 12, 111–131.
  • Lawrence D., Houghton J. ve George, A. (1997), International Comparisons of Australia’s Infrastructure Performance, Journal of Productivity Analysis 8, 361–378.
  • Meibodi, A.E. (1998), Efficiency considerations in the electricity supply industry: The case of Iran, <>, 05.09.2009.
  • Murillo-Zamorano, L.R. ve Vega-Cervera, J.A. (2001), The use of parametric and non-parametric frontier methods to measure the productive efficiency in the industrial sector: A comparative study, International Journal of Production Economics 69, 265–275.
  • Nemoto, J. ve Goto, M. (2003), Measurement of dynamic efficiency in production: An application of data envelopment analysis to Japanese electric utilities, Journal of Productivity Analysis 19 (2–3), 191–210.
  • OECD (2005), International Energy Agency, Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Turkey 2005 Review.
  • Ogunyinka, O.E. ve Ajibefun, I.A. (2004), Determinants of Technical Inefficiency on Farm Production: Tobit Analysis Approach to the NDE Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 6 (2), 355–358.
  • Olatubi, W.O. ve Dismukes, D.E. (2000), A data envelopment analysis of the levels and determinants of coal-fired electric generation performance, Utilities Policy, 9, 47–59.
  • Saleem M., (2007), Benchmarking and Regulation for the Electricity Distribution Sector in Pakistan, South Asia Economic Journal, 8 (1), 117–138.
  • Steiner, F. (2000), Regulatıon, Industry Structure And Performance In The Electricity Supply Industry OECD Economics Department Working Papers (238), ECO/WKP, <>, 05.09.2009.
  • Tamzok, N. (2008), Elektrik Sektöründe Piyasa Modeli ve Rekabet Sorunu, Cumhuriyet Enerji Dergisi 12, 14–16.
  • Tarım, A. (2001), Veri Zarflama Analizi: Matematiksel Programlama Tabanlı Göreli Etkinlik Ölçümü Yaklaşımı, Sayıştay Araştırma/İnceleme/Çeviri Dizisi: 15.
  • Tobin, J. (1958), Estimation of relationships for limited dependent variables, Econometrica 26, 24–36.
  • Türkiye Elektrik İletim A.Ş., TEİAŞ (2009), Türkiye Elektrik Enerjisi 10 Yıllık Üretim Kapasite Projeksiyonu (2009 –2018), <>, 27.06.2009.
  • Vaninsky, A. (2006), Efficiency of electric power generation in the United States: Analysis and forecast based on data envelopment analysis, Energy Economics 28, 326–338.
  • Whiteman, J. (1995), Benchmarking developing country electricity systems using data envelopment analysis, Asia-Pacific Economic Review 1 (3), 71–78.
  • Whiteman, J. (1999), The Potential Benefits of Hilmer and Related Reforms: Electricity Supply, The Australian Economic Review 32(1), 17–30.
  • Yang, H. ve Pollitt, M. (2009), Incorporating both undesirable variables and uncontrollable variables into DEA: The performance of Chinese coal-fired power plants, European Journal of Operational Research, 197, 1095–1105.
  • Yunos, J.M. ve Hawdon, D. (1997), The efficiency of the National Electricity Board in Malaysia: an intercountry comparison using DEA. Energy Economics 19 (2), 255–269.
  • Zhang, Y. ve Bartels, R. (1998), The effect of sample size on the mean efficiency in DEA with an application to electricity distribution in Australia, Sweden and New Zealand, Journal of Productivity Analysis 9, 187–204.
  • Zhou, P, Ang, B.W. ve Poh, K.L. (2008), Invited Review: A survey of data envelopment analysis in energy and environmental studies, European Journal of Operational Research 189, 1–18.
  • Zhu, J. (2003), Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: DEA with Spreadsheets and DEA Excel Solver, Springer (Kluwer Academic Publishers), Boston.

Türkiye ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası bir Karşılaştırma

Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 12, - , 01.09.2010


Son yıllarda hızla artan elektrik enerjisi talebine karşılık birçok ülkede elektrik üretim sektörünü daha verimli ve etkin hale getirmek enerji politikalarının temel hedeflerinden biri olmuştur. 2000–2006 yıllarını kapsayan dönem için Türkiye ile Avrupa Birliği (AB) üyesi ülkelerin elektrik üretim sektör etkinliklerini parametrik olmayan yöntemlerle karşılaştıran bu çalışmada, etkinlikler arasındaki yakınsama derecesi ve toplam faktör verimliliği endeksindeki değişimler belirlenmiş, etkinlik skorları ile sektörlerin büyüklüğü, rekabetçilik düzeyi ve nükleer güç altyapısı arasındaki ilişkiler araştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar, AB ülkelerinin etkinliklerini artırırken birbirlerine yaklaştıklarını, Türkiye’nin 2001 kriz yılı hariç AB ortalamasına yakın bir performans gösterdiğini ve nükleer kurulu güce sahip, büyük veya rekabetçi sektörlerin göreli etkinliklerinin daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir.


  • Abbott, M. (2005), Determining Levels of Productivity and Efficiency in the Electricity Industry, The Electricity Journal, 18 (9), 62–72.
  • Bagdadioglu, N. ve Odyakmaz, N. (2009), Turkish electricity reform, Utilities Policy 17, 144–152
  • Bagdadioglu, N., Price, C. M.W. ve Weyman-Jones, T.G. (1996), Efficiency and ownership in electricity distribution: a nonparametric model of the Turkish experience. Energy Economics 18, 1–23.
  • Bağdadioglu, N. (2009), Avrupa Birliği Enerji Sektöründe Rekabet Politikası: Brüksel’in Yeni Önerileri ve Enerji Milliyetçiliği Meselesi, C.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 33 (1), 25–36
  • Banker, R. D. ve R. M. Thrall. (1992), Estimation of Retums to Scale Using Data Envelopment Analysis,.European Journal of Operational Research 62, 74–84.
  • Banker, R. (1984), Estimating most productive scale size using data envelopment analysis, European Journal of Operational Research 17 (1), 35–44.
  • Banker, R.D, Charnes, A. ve Cooper, W.W. (1984), Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis, Management Science 30,1078–1092.
  • Barros, C.P. ve Peypoch, N. (2008), Technical efficiency of thermoelectric power plants, Energy Economics 30, 3118–3127.
  • Caves, D., Christensen, L. ve Diewert. E. (1982), The Economic Theory of Index Numbers and the Measurement of Input, Output, and Productivity, Econometrica 50, 1393–1414.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W. W. ve Rhodes, E. (1978), Measuring the Efficiency of Decision Making Units, European Joumal of Operational Research 2, 429–444.
  • Coelli, T.J., Rao Prasada D.S., O’Donnell C.J. ve Battase, G.E. (2005), An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, (2. Basım), Springer, USA.
  • Cooper W.W, Seiford L.M ve Zhu, J. (2000), Data Envelopment Analysis, Springer, USA.
  • Diewert, W.E. ve Nakamura, A.O. (1999), Benchmarking and the measurement of best practice efficiency: an electricity generation application, Canadian Journal of Economics 32 (2), 570–588.
  • Domah, P. (2002), Technical efficiency in electricity generation - the impact of smallness and isolation of island economies, Cambridge Working Papers in Economics 232, 1–26.
  • Dyson, R.G., Allen, R., Camanho, A.S., Podinovski, V.V., Sarrico, C.S. ve Shale E.A. (2001), Pitfalls and Protocols in DEA, European Journal of Operational Research 132, 245–259.
  • Elektrik Üretim Anonim Şirketi, EÜAŞ, (2008), Elektrik Üretim Sektörü Raporu, Ankara.
  • Emrouznejad, A., Parker, B. ve Tavares G. (2008), Evaluation of research in efficiency and productivity: A survey and analysis of the first 30 years of scholarly literature in DEA, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 42, 151–157.
  • Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, ETKB (2009), Elektrik Enerjisi Sektörü Reformu ve Özelleştirme Strateji Belgesi, <>, 27.06.2009.
  • Estache, A., Perelman S. ve Trujillo, L. (2005), Infrastructure Performance and Reform in Developing and Transition Economies: Evidence from a Survey of Productivity Measures, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series 3514, 1–27.
  • European Commission (EC), Benchmarking Reports Web Sayfası, <>, 24.07.2009.
  • European Commission, EC, (2001), First Benchmarking Report on the Implementation of the Internal Electricity and Gas Market, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2005), Technical Annexes to the Report from the Commission on the Implementation of the Gas and Electricity Internal Market, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2006), Statistics in Focus: Industry Trade on Services, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2009a), Panorama of energy: Energy statistics to support EU policies and solutions, Statistical Books, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2009b), European electricity market indicators 2007, Data In Focus, Brüksel.
  • European Commission, EC, (2009c), Report on Progress in Creating the Internal Gas and Electricity Market: Technical Annex to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, European Communities, Brüksel.
  • EUROSTAT - Veritabanı, <>, 27.06.2009.
  • Fare, R., Grosskopf, S., Lindgren, B. ve Roos, P. (1992), Productivity Changes in Swedish Pharamacies 1980-1989: A Non-Parametric Malmquist Approach, The Journal of Productivity Analysis 3, 85–101.
  • Fare, R., S. Grosskopf, S. ve Lovell, C.A.K. (1994a), Productivity Growth, Technical Progress, and Efficiency Change in Industrialized Countries, The American Economic Review 84 (1), 66–81.
  • Fare, R., S. Grosskopf, S. ve Lovell, C.A.K. (1994b), Production Frontiers, Cambridge University Press.
  • Farrell, M.J. (1957), The Measurement of Productive Efficiency, Journal of Royal Statistical Society 120 (3), 253–281.
  • Friedman, M. (1992), Do old fallacies ever die?, Journal of Economic Literature 30, 2129–2132.
  • Golany, B., Roll, Y. ve Rybak, D. (1994), Measuring Efficiency of Power Plants in Israel by Data Envelopment Analysis, IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management 41 (3), 291–301.
  • Green, H.W. (1995), Limdep User’s Manual, Version 7.0, Econometric Software, Inc., Maple Av, Bellport, NY,: 583-636.
  • Haas, D.A. ve Murphy, F.H. (2003), Compensating for non-homogeneity in decision-making units in data envelopment analysis, European Journal of Operational Research 144, 530–544.
  • Jamasb, T. ve Pollitt M. (2001), Benchmarking and regulation: international electricity experience, Utilities Policy 9, 107–130.
  • Jamasb, T. ve Pollitt, M. (2003), International benchmarking and regulation: an application to European electricity distribution utilities, Energy Policy 31, 1609–1622.
  • Jamasb, T., Mota, R., Newberry, D. ve Pollitt M. (2005), Electricity Sector Reform in Developing Countries: A Survey of Emprical Evidence on Determinants and Performance, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3549, <>, 04.07.2009.
  • Jenkins, L. ve Anderson M. (2003), A multivariate statistical approach to reducing the number of variables in data envelopment analysis, European Journal of Operational Research 147, 51–61
  • Koski, A.H. ve Majumdar, S.K. (2000), Convergence in telecommunications infrastructure development in OECD countries, Information Economics and Policy 12, 111–131.
  • Lawrence D., Houghton J. ve George, A. (1997), International Comparisons of Australia’s Infrastructure Performance, Journal of Productivity Analysis 8, 361–378.
  • Meibodi, A.E. (1998), Efficiency considerations in the electricity supply industry: The case of Iran, <>, 05.09.2009.
  • Murillo-Zamorano, L.R. ve Vega-Cervera, J.A. (2001), The use of parametric and non-parametric frontier methods to measure the productive efficiency in the industrial sector: A comparative study, International Journal of Production Economics 69, 265–275.
  • Nemoto, J. ve Goto, M. (2003), Measurement of dynamic efficiency in production: An application of data envelopment analysis to Japanese electric utilities, Journal of Productivity Analysis 19 (2–3), 191–210.
  • OECD (2005), International Energy Agency, Energy Policies of IEA Countries: Turkey 2005 Review.
  • Ogunyinka, O.E. ve Ajibefun, I.A. (2004), Determinants of Technical Inefficiency on Farm Production: Tobit Analysis Approach to the NDE Farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 6 (2), 355–358.
  • Olatubi, W.O. ve Dismukes, D.E. (2000), A data envelopment analysis of the levels and determinants of coal-fired electric generation performance, Utilities Policy, 9, 47–59.
  • Saleem M., (2007), Benchmarking and Regulation for the Electricity Distribution Sector in Pakistan, South Asia Economic Journal, 8 (1), 117–138.
  • Steiner, F. (2000), Regulatıon, Industry Structure And Performance In The Electricity Supply Industry OECD Economics Department Working Papers (238), ECO/WKP, <>, 05.09.2009.
  • Tamzok, N. (2008), Elektrik Sektöründe Piyasa Modeli ve Rekabet Sorunu, Cumhuriyet Enerji Dergisi 12, 14–16.
  • Tarım, A. (2001), Veri Zarflama Analizi: Matematiksel Programlama Tabanlı Göreli Etkinlik Ölçümü Yaklaşımı, Sayıştay Araştırma/İnceleme/Çeviri Dizisi: 15.
  • Tobin, J. (1958), Estimation of relationships for limited dependent variables, Econometrica 26, 24–36.
  • Türkiye Elektrik İletim A.Ş., TEİAŞ (2009), Türkiye Elektrik Enerjisi 10 Yıllık Üretim Kapasite Projeksiyonu (2009 –2018), <>, 27.06.2009.
  • Vaninsky, A. (2006), Efficiency of electric power generation in the United States: Analysis and forecast based on data envelopment analysis, Energy Economics 28, 326–338.
  • Whiteman, J. (1995), Benchmarking developing country electricity systems using data envelopment analysis, Asia-Pacific Economic Review 1 (3), 71–78.
  • Whiteman, J. (1999), The Potential Benefits of Hilmer and Related Reforms: Electricity Supply, The Australian Economic Review 32(1), 17–30.
  • Yang, H. ve Pollitt, M. (2009), Incorporating both undesirable variables and uncontrollable variables into DEA: The performance of Chinese coal-fired power plants, European Journal of Operational Research, 197, 1095–1105.
  • Yunos, J.M. ve Hawdon, D. (1997), The efficiency of the National Electricity Board in Malaysia: an intercountry comparison using DEA. Energy Economics 19 (2), 255–269.
  • Zhang, Y. ve Bartels, R. (1998), The effect of sample size on the mean efficiency in DEA with an application to electricity distribution in Australia, Sweden and New Zealand, Journal of Productivity Analysis 9, 187–204.
  • Zhou, P, Ang, B.W. ve Poh, K.L. (2008), Invited Review: A survey of data envelopment analysis in energy and environmental studies, European Journal of Operational Research 189, 1–18.
  • Zhu, J. (2003), Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: DEA with Spreadsheets and DEA Excel Solver, Springer (Kluwer Academic Publishers), Boston.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yetkin Çınar This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2010
Submission Date December 12, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 12 Issue: 12


APA Çınar, Y. (2010). Türkiye ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası bir Karşılaştırma. Sosyoekonomi, 12(12).
AMA Çınar Y. Türkiye ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası bir Karşılaştırma. Sosyoekonomi. June 2010;12(12). doi:10.17233/se.96802
Chicago Çınar, Yetkin. “Türkiye Ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik Ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası Bir Karşılaştırma”. Sosyoekonomi 12, no. 12 (June 2010).
EndNote Çınar Y (June 1, 2010) Türkiye ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası bir Karşılaştırma. Sosyoekonomi 12 12
IEEE Y. Çınar, “Türkiye ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası bir Karşılaştırma”, Sosyoekonomi, vol. 12, no. 12, 2010, doi: 10.17233/se.96802.
ISNAD Çınar, Yetkin. “Türkiye Ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik Ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası Bir Karşılaştırma”. Sosyoekonomi 12/12 (June 2010).
JAMA Çınar Y. Türkiye ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası bir Karşılaştırma. Sosyoekonomi. 2010;12. doi:10.17233/se.96802.
MLA Çınar, Yetkin. “Türkiye Ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik Ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası Bir Karşılaştırma”. Sosyoekonomi, vol. 12, no. 12, 2010, doi:10.17233/se.96802.
Vancouver Çınar Y. Türkiye ile AB Üyesi Ülkelerin Elektrik Üretim Sektörlerinin Etkinlik ve Verimlilik Analizi: 2000-2006 Dönemi için Uluslararası bir Karşılaştırma. Sosyoekonomi. 2010;12(12).