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The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research

Year 2011, Volume: 16 Issue: 16, - , 01.12.2011


This study primarily aims to investigate the effects of terror and violence incidents on the entrepreneurs drawing primarily on the concept of terrorism including the targeted segments and objectives of terrorism. Then, the study expands on the impact of terrorism on the economy and firms. The empirical investigation section contains a field study on Diyarbakir, one of the leading providences of the Turkey in terms of its exposure to terrorism and violence for long periods of time. A survey is employed to gather data from the business owners in the city of Diyarbakir.


  • Abadie, A. and J. Gardeazabal (2003), “The Economic Costs of Conflict: A Case Study of the Basque Country”, The American Economic Review 93(1): 113-132.
  • Acun, İ. (2006), ”Terörizmin Dinamikleri Var, Ya Pasaportu?”, Cağın Polis Dergisi 38: 26-35.
  • Alavosius, M.P. vd. (2002), ”The Impact of Terrorism on the US Economy and Business”, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 22 (4): 3-26.
  • Aykın, H. (2008), “Terör A.Ş.”, Yaklaşım Dergisi 3(1):15–24.
  • Aysan, M. (2008), ”Terör ve Kayıtdışı Ekonomi”, Radikal Gazetesi, August 27.
  • Blomberg, S.B. vd. (2004), ”The Macroeconomic Consequences of Terrorism”, Journal of Monetary Economics 51: 1007-1032.
  • Blomberg, S.B. vd. (2004), ”The Economic Consequences of Terror”, European Journal of Political Economy 20(2): 463–478.
  • Civelek, U. (2003), ”Terör ve Ekonomi”, Radikal Gazetesi, November 24.
  • Citlioglu, E. (2007), “Terorizmin Yeni Konsepti”, Stratejik Analiz 89: 29–30.
  • Dilmac, S. (2004), ”Global Bir Tehdit: Terörizm”, Cağın Polis Dergisi 30: 1-8.
  • Drakos, K. and M.A. Kutan (2001), ”Regional Effects of Terrorism on Tourism: Evidence from Three Mediterranean Countries”, Working Paper.
  • Emsen, O.S. and M.K Deger (2004), “Turizm Üzerine Terörizmin Etkileri: 1984–2001 Türkiye Deneyimi”, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi 7: 67–83.
  • Fleming, R.S. (2008), “Rethinking Organizational Vulnerability to the Threat of Terrorism”, The Journal of Global Business 2(2): 217–221.
  • Frey, B.S., S. Luechinger and A. Stutzer (2007), “Calculating Tragedy: Assessing the Costs of Terrorism”, Journal of Economic Surveys 21: 1–24.
  • Gillingham D.W. (2004), Terrorism and Business, Terrorism and the International Business Environment: The Security - Business Nexus, Edited: Gabriele G.S. Suder, Massachusetts, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Greenbaum, R.T., L. Dugan and G. Lafree (2007), “The Impact of Terrorism on Italian Employment and Business Activity”, Urban Studies 44: 1093–1108.
  • Hamermesh, D.S. (1999), “Crime And The Timing Of Work”, Journal of Urban Economics 45(2): 311–330.
  • Karagoz, M. (2008), “The Effect of Terrorism on Tourism: Evidence from Unit Root Test with Breaks”, This Research Paper is Financially Supported the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey with the Project Number: 106k099.
  • Keyder, C. and N. Üstündag (2006), “Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu’nun Kalkınmasında Sosyal Politikalar”, TESEV Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu’da Sosyal ve Ekonomik Öncelikler Raporu, Bölüm IV, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Politika Forumu.
  • Kıslalı, A.T. (2008), Siyaset Bilimi, Edit: Gerek N., Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Kokdemir, D. (2003), “Bir İnsan Davranışı Olarak Terör”, Pivolka, Savas Özel Sayısı: 17–19.
  • Koknel, O. (2006), “Terörün Psiko-sosyal Dinamiği” Tebliği Müzakeresi, Dindarlık Olgusu Sempozyum Tebliğ ve Müzakereleri, Edit: Hayati Hokelekli, İstanbul.
  • Larausse (1986), Sözlük ve Ansiklopedisi, Cilt: 22, İstanbul, Milliyet Yayınları.
  • Lenain, P., M. Bonturi and V. Koen (2002), ”The Economic Consequences of Terrorism”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers.
  • Mete, F. and S. Selami (2008), “Regional Underdevelopment and Terrorism: The Case of South Eastern Turkey”, Defense and Peace Economics 19(3): 225–233.
  • Nitsch V. and D. Schumacher (2004), “Terrorism and International Trade: An Empirical Investigation”, International Economics 20: 423–433.
  • Sandler, T. and W. Enders (2004), “An Economic Perspective on Transnational Terrorism”, European Journal of Political Economy 20(2): 301–316.
  • Serpen, A. (2007), “Terör ve Hayvancılık”, Infovet Aylık Hayvan Sağlığı Sektörü Dergisi 44: 1–9.
  • Tascıer, F. (2006), “Küresel bir Tehdit: Terörizm”, Uludag Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi Kaygı 7: 59–63.
  • Tavares, J. (2004), “The Open Society Assesses Its Enemies: Shocks, Disasters and Terrorist Attacks”, Journal of Monetary Economics 51: 1042–1054.
  • Varol, K. (2007), “Terör ve Sağduyu”, Cağın Polis Dergisi 71: 1–7.
  • Yaya, M.E. (2009), “Turkish Tourism Industry, Terrorism and Warfare”, Defense & Peace Economics 20: 477-497.
  • Yıldız, M. (2008), “Demokrasinin Terörle İmtihanı: İspanyanın ETA Sorunu”, İdarecinin Sesi 130: 36–44.
  • Yilmaz, B.S. and O.D. Yilmaz (2005), “Terörizm ve Terörizmin Hedefi Olarak Turizm Endüstrisi”, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 4: 43–47.

The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research

Year 2011, Volume: 16 Issue: 16, - , 01.12.2011


This study primarily aims to investigate the effects of terror and violence incidents on the entrepreneurs drawing primarily on the concept of terrorism including the targeted segments and objectives of terrorism. Then, the study expands on the impact of terrorism on the economy and firms. The empirical investigation section contains a field study on Diyarbakir, one of the leading providences of the Turkey in terms of its exposure to terrorism and violence for long periods of time. A survey is employed to gather data from the business owners in the city of Diyarbakir.


  • Abadie, A. and J. Gardeazabal (2003), “The Economic Costs of Conflict: A Case Study of the Basque Country”, The American Economic Review 93(1): 113-132.
  • Acun, İ. (2006), ”Terörizmin Dinamikleri Var, Ya Pasaportu?”, Cağın Polis Dergisi 38: 26-35.
  • Alavosius, M.P. vd. (2002), ”The Impact of Terrorism on the US Economy and Business”, Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 22 (4): 3-26.
  • Aykın, H. (2008), “Terör A.Ş.”, Yaklaşım Dergisi 3(1):15–24.
  • Aysan, M. (2008), ”Terör ve Kayıtdışı Ekonomi”, Radikal Gazetesi, August 27.
  • Blomberg, S.B. vd. (2004), ”The Macroeconomic Consequences of Terrorism”, Journal of Monetary Economics 51: 1007-1032.
  • Blomberg, S.B. vd. (2004), ”The Economic Consequences of Terror”, European Journal of Political Economy 20(2): 463–478.
  • Civelek, U. (2003), ”Terör ve Ekonomi”, Radikal Gazetesi, November 24.
  • Citlioglu, E. (2007), “Terorizmin Yeni Konsepti”, Stratejik Analiz 89: 29–30.
  • Dilmac, S. (2004), ”Global Bir Tehdit: Terörizm”, Cağın Polis Dergisi 30: 1-8.
  • Drakos, K. and M.A. Kutan (2001), ”Regional Effects of Terrorism on Tourism: Evidence from Three Mediterranean Countries”, Working Paper.
  • Emsen, O.S. and M.K Deger (2004), “Turizm Üzerine Terörizmin Etkileri: 1984–2001 Türkiye Deneyimi”, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi 7: 67–83.
  • Fleming, R.S. (2008), “Rethinking Organizational Vulnerability to the Threat of Terrorism”, The Journal of Global Business 2(2): 217–221.
  • Frey, B.S., S. Luechinger and A. Stutzer (2007), “Calculating Tragedy: Assessing the Costs of Terrorism”, Journal of Economic Surveys 21: 1–24.
  • Gillingham D.W. (2004), Terrorism and Business, Terrorism and the International Business Environment: The Security - Business Nexus, Edited: Gabriele G.S. Suder, Massachusetts, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Greenbaum, R.T., L. Dugan and G. Lafree (2007), “The Impact of Terrorism on Italian Employment and Business Activity”, Urban Studies 44: 1093–1108.
  • Hamermesh, D.S. (1999), “Crime And The Timing Of Work”, Journal of Urban Economics 45(2): 311–330.
  • Karagoz, M. (2008), “The Effect of Terrorism on Tourism: Evidence from Unit Root Test with Breaks”, This Research Paper is Financially Supported the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey with the Project Number: 106k099.
  • Keyder, C. and N. Üstündag (2006), “Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu’nun Kalkınmasında Sosyal Politikalar”, TESEV Doğu ve Güneydoğu Anadolu’da Sosyal ve Ekonomik Öncelikler Raporu, Bölüm IV, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Politika Forumu.
  • Kıslalı, A.T. (2008), Siyaset Bilimi, Edit: Gerek N., Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Kokdemir, D. (2003), “Bir İnsan Davranışı Olarak Terör”, Pivolka, Savas Özel Sayısı: 17–19.
  • Koknel, O. (2006), “Terörün Psiko-sosyal Dinamiği” Tebliği Müzakeresi, Dindarlık Olgusu Sempozyum Tebliğ ve Müzakereleri, Edit: Hayati Hokelekli, İstanbul.
  • Larausse (1986), Sözlük ve Ansiklopedisi, Cilt: 22, İstanbul, Milliyet Yayınları.
  • Lenain, P., M. Bonturi and V. Koen (2002), ”The Economic Consequences of Terrorism”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers.
  • Mete, F. and S. Selami (2008), “Regional Underdevelopment and Terrorism: The Case of South Eastern Turkey”, Defense and Peace Economics 19(3): 225–233.
  • Nitsch V. and D. Schumacher (2004), “Terrorism and International Trade: An Empirical Investigation”, International Economics 20: 423–433.
  • Sandler, T. and W. Enders (2004), “An Economic Perspective on Transnational Terrorism”, European Journal of Political Economy 20(2): 301–316.
  • Serpen, A. (2007), “Terör ve Hayvancılık”, Infovet Aylık Hayvan Sağlığı Sektörü Dergisi 44: 1–9.
  • Tascıer, F. (2006), “Küresel bir Tehdit: Terörizm”, Uludag Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Dergisi Kaygı 7: 59–63.
  • Tavares, J. (2004), “The Open Society Assesses Its Enemies: Shocks, Disasters and Terrorist Attacks”, Journal of Monetary Economics 51: 1042–1054.
  • Varol, K. (2007), “Terör ve Sağduyu”, Cağın Polis Dergisi 71: 1–7.
  • Yaya, M.E. (2009), “Turkish Tourism Industry, Terrorism and Warfare”, Defense & Peace Economics 20: 477-497.
  • Yıldız, M. (2008), “Demokrasinin Terörle İmtihanı: İspanyanın ETA Sorunu”, İdarecinin Sesi 130: 36–44.
  • Yilmaz, B.S. and O.D. Yilmaz (2005), “Terörizm ve Terörizmin Hedefi Olarak Turizm Endüstrisi”, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 4: 43–47.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Abdurrahim Emhan This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Submission Date December 12, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 16 Issue: 16


APA Emhan, A. (2011). The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research. Sosyoekonomi, 16(16).
AMA Emhan A. The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research. Sosyoekonomi. October 2011;16(16). doi:10.17233/se.13298
Chicago Emhan, Abdurrahim. “The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research”. Sosyoekonomi 16, no. 16 (October 2011).
EndNote Emhan A (October 1, 2011) The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research. Sosyoekonomi 16 16
IEEE A. Emhan, “The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research”, Sosyoekonomi, vol. 16, no. 16, 2011, doi: 10.17233/se.13298.
ISNAD Emhan, Abdurrahim. “The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research”. Sosyoekonomi 16/16 (October 2011).
JAMA Emhan A. The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research. Sosyoekonomi. 2011;16. doi:10.17233/se.13298.
MLA Emhan, Abdurrahim. “The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research”. Sosyoekonomi, vol. 16, no. 16, 2011, doi:10.17233/se.13298.
Vancouver Emhan A. The Effects of Terror and Violence on Entrepreneurs in the Eastern and South-eastern Regions of Turkey: A Field Research. Sosyoekonomi. 2011;16(16).