Governments are trying new systems to engage citizens and improve their trust. Electronic government (e-government) can reform public administrations by changing their organization, enhancing citizen services and information accessibility and reducing costs. The European Union because of its large population and cultural and linguistic diversity has recognized e-government utility with the eEurope 2005 Action Plan. The Internal Market Information is an e-government example. A sector of the European Union that could benefit from e-government is the environment (e.g. water resources). Applications to the Water Framework Directive are described that could help Member States meet the deadlines of the Directive.
Bekkers, V. and V. Homburg (2005), “e-Government as an Information Ecology: Backgrounds and Concepts”, in: V. Bekkers and V. Homburg (eds.) The Information Ecology of e-Government: e-Government As Institutional and Technological Innovation in Public Administration, Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 1–20.
Bruen M. (2007), “Systems Analysis – A New Paradigm and Decision Support Tools for the Water Framework Directive”, Hydrologic Earth Systems Science Discussion 4, pp. 1491–1518.
Carter L. and F. Bélanger (2005), “The Utilization of e-Government Services: Citizen Trust, Innovation and Acceptance Factors”, Information Systems Journal, 15(1), pp. 5–25, Doi: <10.1111/j.1365-2575.2005.00183.x>.
Centeno, C., R. van Bavel and J.C. Burgelman (2005), “A Prospective View of e-Government in the European Union”, The Electronic Journal of e-Government, 3(2), pp. 59–66.
Craglia M. and I. Masser (2003), “Access to Geographic Information: A European Perspective”, Journal of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 15, pp. 51-59.
de Moor, A. and H. Weigand (2006), “Effective Communication in Virtual Adversarial Collaborative Communities”, Journal of Community Informatics, 2(2), pp. 116-134.
European Commission (2002), Guidance on public participation in relation to the Water Framework Directive. Active involvement, consultation, and public access to information, Guidance document no. 8 for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), European Commission, <>, 22.01.2011.
European Commission (2009), Guidance for reporting under the Water Framework Directive, Guidance Document no. 21 for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). Technical Report 2009-029, European Commission, <>, 23.01.2011.
European Union Parliament (2000), “Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 Establishing a Framework for Community Action in the Field of Water Policy”, Official Journal of the European Communities, 327. <>, 25.01.2011.
Evans, D. and D.C. Yen (2005), “e-Government: An analysis for implementation: Framework for Understanding Cultural and Social Impact”, Government Information Quarterly, 22(3), 2005, pp. 354–373, Doi: <10.1016/j.giq.2005.05.007>.
Haddadin, H. (2002), “Water Issues in the Middle East Challenges and Opportunities”, Water Policy, 4, pp. 205–222.
Heeks, R., S. Bailur (2007), “Analyzing eGovernment Research: Perspectives, Philosophies, Theories, Methods and Practice”, Government Information Quarterly, 24(2), pp. 243–165.
I-WAYS (2003), “The Role of eGovernment for Europe's Future”, I-WAYS, Digest of Electronic Commerce Policy and Regulation, 26, pp. 168–170.
Igglesakis, J. (2008), Information Law, Athens, Greece: Sakkoulas publ.
Kallis G. and D. Butler (2001), “The EU Water Framework Directive: Measures and Implications”, Water Policy, 3, pp. 125–142.
Koutoupa-Regakou E. (2008), Environmental Law, Athens, Greece: Sakkoulas Publ.
Latre, M.A., F.J. Lopez-Pellicer, J. Nogueras-Iso, R. Béjar, P. R. Muro-Medrano (2010), “Facilitating e-Government Services through SDIs, an Application for Water Abstractions Authorizations”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective, pp. 108–119, Doi: <10.1007/978-3-642-15172-9_11>.
Liefferink D., M. Wiering and Y. Uitenboogaart (2011), “The EU Water Framework Directive: A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Implementation and Domestic Impact”, Land Use Policy, 28(4), pp. 712–722, Doi: <10.1016/j.landusepol.2010.12.006>.
Marche, S and J.D. McNiven (2003), “e-Government and e-Governance: The Future Isn't What It Used To Be.” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration 20(1), pp. 74–86.
Metaxiotis K. and J. Psarras (2004), “e-Government: New Concept, Big Challenge, Success Stories”, Electronic Government, an International Journal 1(2), pp. 141–151.
Moon, M.J. (2002), “The Evolution of e-Government among Municipalities: Rhetoric or Reality?”, Public Administration Review, 62(4), pp. 424–433.
Mylopoulos Y.A. and E.G. Kolokytha (2008), “Integrated Water Management in Shared Water Resources: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in Greece”, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 33, pp. 347–353, Doi: <10.1016/j.pce.2008.02.031>.
Nogueras-Iso, J., M.A. Latre-Abadia, P.R. Muro-Medrano and F.J. Zarazaga-Soria (2004), “Building e-Government Services over Spatial Data Infrastructures”, Electronic Government, 3183, pp. 387–391, Doi: <10.1007/978-3-540-30078-6_64>.
Noordhoek P. and R. Saner (2005), “Beyond New Public Management: Answering the Claims of Both Politics and Society”, A Global Journal, 5(1), pp. 35–53.
Norman E. and K. Bakker (2005), “Drivers and barriers of cooperation in transboundary water governance: A case study of Western Canada and the United States”, Report to The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, University of British Columbia.
Oakley, K. (2004), “Developing the Evidence Base for Support of Cultural and Creative Activities in South East England”, QUT Online Teaching and Learning, <>, 25.01.2011.
Pomportsis, A. (2006), e-Government, Thessaloniki, Greece: Tziolas Publ.
Preece, J. (2002), “Supporting Community and Building Social Capital”, Communications of the ACM, 45(4), pp. 37–39.
Sadoff C. and D. Grey (2002), “Beyond the River: The Benefits of Cooperation on International Rivers”, Water Policy, 4, pp. 389–403.
Siau, K., and Y. Long (2005), “Synthesizing e-Government Stage Models – A Metasynthesis Based on Meta-ethnography Approach”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 105(4), pp. 443–458.
Strejcek, G. and M. Theilb (2003), “Technology Push, Legislation Pull? e-Government in the European Union”, Decision Support Systems, 34(3), pp. 305–313.
Torres, L., V. Pina and B. Acerete (2006), “e-Governance Developments in European Union Cities: Reshaping Government’s Relationship with Citizens”, Governance, 19, pp. 277–302, Doi: <10.1111/j.1468-0491.2006.00315.x>.
Uitto J. and M. Duda (2002), “Management of Transboundary Water Resources: Lessons from International Cooperation for Conflict Prevention”, The Geographical Journal, 168(4), pp. 365–378.
Uslander, T. (2005), “Trends of Environmental Information Systems in the Context of the European Water Framework Directive”, Environmental Modeling & Software, 20(12), December 2005, pp. 1532–1542, Doi: <10.1016/j.envsoft.2004.09.029>.
United Nations, Division for Public Economics and Public Administration, American Society for Public Administration (2002), “Benchmarking e-Government: A global perspective. Assessing the Progress of the UN Member States”, Technical Report, United Nations - DPEPA and ASPA.
Vogt, J. (2002), “Guidance Document on Implementing the GIS Elements of the Water Framework Directive”, Guidance document no. 9 for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Commission of the EuropeanCommunities, <>, 25.01.2011.
West, D.M. (2000), Assessing e-Government: The Internet, Democracy, and Service Delivery by State and Federal Governments. Providence, RI: Taubman Center for Public Policy, Brown University, <>, 12.01.2011.
Wimmer, M.A. (2002), “A European Perspective towards Online One-stop Government: The eGOV Project”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 1(1), pp. 92–103, Doi: <10.1016/S1567-4223(02)00008-X>.
The Scope of e-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive
Governments are trying new systems to engage citizens and improve their trust. Electronic government (e-government) can reform public administrations by changing their organization, enhancing citizen services and information accessibility and reducing costs. The European Union because of its large population and cultural and linguistic diversity has recognized e-government utility with the eEurope 2005 Action Plan. The Internal Market Information is an e-government example. A sector of the European Union that could benefit from e-government is the environment (e.g. water resources). Applications to the Water Framework Directive are described that could help Member States meet the deadlines of the Directive.
Bekkers, V. and V. Homburg (2005), “e-Government as an Information Ecology: Backgrounds and Concepts”, in: V. Bekkers and V. Homburg (eds.) The Information Ecology of e-Government: e-Government As Institutional and Technological Innovation in Public Administration, Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 1–20.
Bruen M. (2007), “Systems Analysis – A New Paradigm and Decision Support Tools for the Water Framework Directive”, Hydrologic Earth Systems Science Discussion 4, pp. 1491–1518.
Carter L. and F. Bélanger (2005), “The Utilization of e-Government Services: Citizen Trust, Innovation and Acceptance Factors”, Information Systems Journal, 15(1), pp. 5–25, Doi: <10.1111/j.1365-2575.2005.00183.x>.
Centeno, C., R. van Bavel and J.C. Burgelman (2005), “A Prospective View of e-Government in the European Union”, The Electronic Journal of e-Government, 3(2), pp. 59–66.
Craglia M. and I. Masser (2003), “Access to Geographic Information: A European Perspective”, Journal of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 15, pp. 51-59.
de Moor, A. and H. Weigand (2006), “Effective Communication in Virtual Adversarial Collaborative Communities”, Journal of Community Informatics, 2(2), pp. 116-134.
European Commission (2002), Guidance on public participation in relation to the Water Framework Directive. Active involvement, consultation, and public access to information, Guidance document no. 8 for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), European Commission, <>, 22.01.2011.
European Commission (2009), Guidance for reporting under the Water Framework Directive, Guidance Document no. 21 for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). Technical Report 2009-029, European Commission, <>, 23.01.2011.
European Union Parliament (2000), “Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 Establishing a Framework for Community Action in the Field of Water Policy”, Official Journal of the European Communities, 327. <>, 25.01.2011.
Evans, D. and D.C. Yen (2005), “e-Government: An analysis for implementation: Framework for Understanding Cultural and Social Impact”, Government Information Quarterly, 22(3), 2005, pp. 354–373, Doi: <10.1016/j.giq.2005.05.007>.
Haddadin, H. (2002), “Water Issues in the Middle East Challenges and Opportunities”, Water Policy, 4, pp. 205–222.
Heeks, R., S. Bailur (2007), “Analyzing eGovernment Research: Perspectives, Philosophies, Theories, Methods and Practice”, Government Information Quarterly, 24(2), pp. 243–165.
I-WAYS (2003), “The Role of eGovernment for Europe's Future”, I-WAYS, Digest of Electronic Commerce Policy and Regulation, 26, pp. 168–170.
Igglesakis, J. (2008), Information Law, Athens, Greece: Sakkoulas publ.
Kallis G. and D. Butler (2001), “The EU Water Framework Directive: Measures and Implications”, Water Policy, 3, pp. 125–142.
Koutoupa-Regakou E. (2008), Environmental Law, Athens, Greece: Sakkoulas Publ.
Latre, M.A., F.J. Lopez-Pellicer, J. Nogueras-Iso, R. Béjar, P. R. Muro-Medrano (2010), “Facilitating e-Government Services through SDIs, an Application for Water Abstractions Authorizations”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective, pp. 108–119, Doi: <10.1007/978-3-642-15172-9_11>.
Liefferink D., M. Wiering and Y. Uitenboogaart (2011), “The EU Water Framework Directive: A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Implementation and Domestic Impact”, Land Use Policy, 28(4), pp. 712–722, Doi: <10.1016/j.landusepol.2010.12.006>.
Marche, S and J.D. McNiven (2003), “e-Government and e-Governance: The Future Isn't What It Used To Be.” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration 20(1), pp. 74–86.
Metaxiotis K. and J. Psarras (2004), “e-Government: New Concept, Big Challenge, Success Stories”, Electronic Government, an International Journal 1(2), pp. 141–151.
Moon, M.J. (2002), “The Evolution of e-Government among Municipalities: Rhetoric or Reality?”, Public Administration Review, 62(4), pp. 424–433.
Mylopoulos Y.A. and E.G. Kolokytha (2008), “Integrated Water Management in Shared Water Resources: The EU Water Framework Directive Implementation in Greece”, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 33, pp. 347–353, Doi: <10.1016/j.pce.2008.02.031>.
Nogueras-Iso, J., M.A. Latre-Abadia, P.R. Muro-Medrano and F.J. Zarazaga-Soria (2004), “Building e-Government Services over Spatial Data Infrastructures”, Electronic Government, 3183, pp. 387–391, Doi: <10.1007/978-3-540-30078-6_64>.
Noordhoek P. and R. Saner (2005), “Beyond New Public Management: Answering the Claims of Both Politics and Society”, A Global Journal, 5(1), pp. 35–53.
Norman E. and K. Bakker (2005), “Drivers and barriers of cooperation in transboundary water governance: A case study of Western Canada and the United States”, Report to The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, University of British Columbia.
Oakley, K. (2004), “Developing the Evidence Base for Support of Cultural and Creative Activities in South East England”, QUT Online Teaching and Learning, <>, 25.01.2011.
Pomportsis, A. (2006), e-Government, Thessaloniki, Greece: Tziolas Publ.
Preece, J. (2002), “Supporting Community and Building Social Capital”, Communications of the ACM, 45(4), pp. 37–39.
Sadoff C. and D. Grey (2002), “Beyond the River: The Benefits of Cooperation on International Rivers”, Water Policy, 4, pp. 389–403.
Siau, K., and Y. Long (2005), “Synthesizing e-Government Stage Models – A Metasynthesis Based on Meta-ethnography Approach”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, 105(4), pp. 443–458.
Strejcek, G. and M. Theilb (2003), “Technology Push, Legislation Pull? e-Government in the European Union”, Decision Support Systems, 34(3), pp. 305–313.
Torres, L., V. Pina and B. Acerete (2006), “e-Governance Developments in European Union Cities: Reshaping Government’s Relationship with Citizens”, Governance, 19, pp. 277–302, Doi: <10.1111/j.1468-0491.2006.00315.x>.
Uitto J. and M. Duda (2002), “Management of Transboundary Water Resources: Lessons from International Cooperation for Conflict Prevention”, The Geographical Journal, 168(4), pp. 365–378.
Uslander, T. (2005), “Trends of Environmental Information Systems in the Context of the European Water Framework Directive”, Environmental Modeling & Software, 20(12), December 2005, pp. 1532–1542, Doi: <10.1016/j.envsoft.2004.09.029>.
United Nations, Division for Public Economics and Public Administration, American Society for Public Administration (2002), “Benchmarking e-Government: A global perspective. Assessing the Progress of the UN Member States”, Technical Report, United Nations - DPEPA and ASPA.
Vogt, J. (2002), “Guidance Document on Implementing the GIS Elements of the Water Framework Directive”, Guidance document no. 9 for the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), Commission of the EuropeanCommunities, <>, 25.01.2011.
West, D.M. (2000), Assessing e-Government: The Internet, Democracy, and Service Delivery by State and Federal Governments. Providence, RI: Taubman Center for Public Policy, Brown University, <>, 12.01.2011.
Wimmer, M.A. (2002), “A European Perspective towards Online One-stop Government: The eGOV Project”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 1(1), pp. 92–103, Doi: <10.1016/S1567-4223(02)00008-X>.
Zaımes, G., Kalampouka, K., & Emmanouloudıs, D. (2012). The Scope of e-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive. Sosyoekonomi, 17(17).
Zaımes G, Kalampouka K, Emmanouloudıs D. The Scope of e-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive. Sosyoekonomi. April 2012;17(17). doi:10.17233/se.83323
Zaımes, George, Kallopi Kalampouka, and Dimitris Emmanouloudıs. “The Scope of E-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive”. Sosyoekonomi 17, no. 17 (April 2012).
Zaımes G, Kalampouka K, Emmanouloudıs D (April 1, 2012) The Scope of e-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive. Sosyoekonomi 17 17
G. Zaımes, K. Kalampouka, and D. Emmanouloudıs, “The Scope of e-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive”, Sosyoekonomi, vol. 17, no. 17, 2012, doi: 10.17233/se.83323.
Zaımes, George et al. “The Scope of E-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive”. Sosyoekonomi 17/17 (April 2012).
Zaımes G, Kalampouka K, Emmanouloudıs D. The Scope of e-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive. Sosyoekonomi. 2012;17. doi:10.17233/se.83323.
Zaımes, George et al. “The Scope of E-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive”. Sosyoekonomi, vol. 17, no. 17, 2012, doi:10.17233/se.83323.
Zaımes G, Kalampouka K, Emmanouloudıs D. The Scope of e-Government in the European Union and Potential Applications to the Water Framework Directive. Sosyoekonomi. 2012;17(17).