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Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon

Year 2012, Volume: 18 Issue: 18, - , 01.09.2012


Ülkelerin finansal sistemlerinin gelişmişliği ile ekonomik büyüme arasında önemli bir korelasyon vardır. Bu sebeple, finansal sistemlerinde gelişmiş bir sermaye piyasası ve bankacılık sektörü kombinasyonu sağlamış olan ülkeler ekonomik büyüme açısından ciddi bir avantaja sahiptir. Finansal ürünlerin kamusal mal niteliği taşıması ve finansal istikrara duyulan ihtiyaç, düzenlemenin önemini ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Yaşanan ekonomik krizler finansal sistemin çeşitli tehditlere karşı korunması ve düzenlenmesi ihtiyacını daha da artırmıştır. Kurumsal iktisat yaklaşımında devletin ekonomik hayata sınırlı müdahalede bulunması esas olmakla birlikte, ekonomik hayatın girişim özgürlüğü üzerinde yükselmesinin temel şartı mülkiyet haklarını koruyacak ve piyasaların etkin çalışmasını sağlayacak hukuki ve ekonomik alt yapının kurulmuş olmasıdır.


  • Allen, F., J. Qian, M. Qian (2002), Law, Finance, and Economic Growth in China, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, (No. 02-44).
  • Alp, A., F. Oğuz (2011), Yeni Finansal Düzen, İstanbul: Doğan Kitap.
  • Beakaert, G., C. Harvey, C. Lundblad (2001), “Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?”, Duke University, Working Paper.
  • Beck, T., A. Demirgüç-Kunt, V. Maksimoviç (2003), “Financial and Legal Institutions and Firm Size”, World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper, 2997.
  • Beck, T., R. Levine (2005), Legal Institutionsand Financial Development, Handbook of New Institutional Economics.
  • Benmelech, E., T. Moskowitz (2007), “The Political Economy of Financial Regulation: Evidence from U.S. State Usury Laws in the 18th and 19th Century”, (March 2006), AFA 2007, Chicago, Meetings Paper.
  • Bromley, D. (1993), “Institutional Economics Revisted”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
  • Dale, R. (1997), Risk and Regulation in Global Securities Markets, John Wilcy and Sons Ltd.
  • Dalhuisen, J. (2003), “Towards a Single European Capital Market and a Workable System of Regulation”, Financial Markets in Europe: Towards a Single Regulator?”, Ed. Mads ANDENAS, Yannis AVGERINOS, Kluwer Law International.
  • Davies, H. (2000), “Challenges in the Changing Financial Markets”, FSA Speech in Tokyo, 02.10.2000, <>, 24.07.2012.
  • Demir, Ö. (1996), Kurumcu İktisat, Vadi Yayınları.
  • Demirgüç-Kunt, A., V. Maksimoviç (1998), “Law, Finance and Firm Growth”, Journal of Finance.
  • Dursun, S. (2010), Sermaye Piyasasında Gerçeğe Aykırılıktan Doğan Suçlar, Oniki Levha Yayıncılık.
  • Eichner, A. (1987), “Prices and Pricing”, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XXI, No.4: 1555–1584.
  • Eser, R. (2001), “Finansal Piyasalarda Düzenleme ve Sermaye Piyasasında Düzenleyici Kurumlar”, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Araştırma Raporu.
  • Fabozzi, F., F. Modigliani (2004), Capital Markets Instutions and Instruments, Prentice Hall.
  • Fisher S. (1997), “Financial System Soundness”, Finance and Development.
  • Gaa C., S. Lumpkin, R. Ogrodnik, P. Thurlow (2001), “Future Prospects for National Financial Markets and Trading Centers”, Bank of Canada Working Paper, 2001/10.
  • Gowland, D. (1990), The Regulation of Financial Markets in the 1990s, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Goodhart, C. vd. (1998), Financial Regulation- Why, How and Where Now?, Routledge.
  • Hoggath, G. (2001), “Consolidation and Crises Management”, Financial Regulator, Vol. 6, No: 3.
  • Horne, J. (1978), Financial Market Rates and Flows, Englewood Cliffs.
  • Jayaratne, J., P. Strahan (1996), “The Finance-Growth Nexus: Evidence from BankBranch Deregulation”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110.
  • Johnson, S., J. Mcmillan, C. Woodruff (2002), “Property Rigths and Finance”, American Economic Review, 92.
  • Karabulut, G. (2002), Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Finansal Krizlerin Nedenleri, Der Yayınları, Yayın No: 328.
  • Kremers, J., R. Kroes, D. Schoenmaker (2000), “Reforming Financial Supervision: Experience from the Netherlands”, Financial Market Trends, OECD, No. 75.
  • La Porta, R. vd. (2000), “Investor Protection and Corporate Governance”, Journal of Financial Economics, 58.
  • Levine, R., S. Zervos (1993), “Stock Markets, Banks, and Economic Growth”, American Economic Review, 88
  • Levine, R. (1997), “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Vievvs and Agenda”, Journal of Economic Literature, 35.
  • Levine, R. (2001), Bank-Based or Market-Based Financial System: Which is Better?, University of Minnesota.
  • Llewellyn D. (2000), “Some Lessons for Bank Regulation from Recent Crisis”, De Nederlancsche Bank Staff Reports, No: 51.
  • Lumpkin, S. (2000), “Mergers and Acquisitions in the Financial Services Sector”, Financial Market Trends, OECD, No. 75.
  • Merton, R., Z. Bodie (1995), “A Conceptual Framework For Analyzing The Financial Enviroment”, The Global Financial System: A Functional Perspective, Ed. Dwight B. Crane ve diğerleri, Harvard Business School Pres.
  • Mishkin, F. (1995), The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 4. Baskı, Harper Collins College Puplishers.
  • Mishkin, F. (1997), “The Causes and Propagation of Financial Instability: Lessons for Policymakers, Maintaining Financial Stability in a Global Economy”, Ed. Hakkio, C., Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
  • Mishkin, F. (2001), “Financial Policies and the Prevention of Financial Crises in Emerging Market Countries”, NBER Working Papers, (No. 8087).
  • Mishkin, F., S. Eakins (2006), Financial Markets and Institutions, Pearson International Edition.
  • North D. (1997), “The Contribution of the New Institutional Economics to and Understanding of the Transition Problem”, UNU/WIDER 1997 Annual Lecture.
  • Ogus, A. (1994), Regulation, Legal Form and Economic Theory, Oxford University Pres.
  • Oruç, B. (2002), “Finansal Sistemlerin Ekonomik Kalkınma ve Krizler Üzerindeki Etkileri - Türk Sermaye Piyasaları”, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Yeterlik Etüdü.
  • Özçam, F. (2002), “Finansal Piyasaların Düzenlenmesi ve Denetiminde Yeni Yaklaşımlar ve Türkiye İçin Değerlendirmeler”, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi.
  • Parrenas, J., K. Waller, N. Sinsiri (2005), Developing Bond Markets In APEC: Towards Greater Public-Private Sector Regional Partnership, ISEAS.
  • Pawley, M., D. Winsone, P. Bentley (1991), UK Financial Institions and Market, MacMillan.
  • Rajan, R., L. Zingales (2003), “The Great Reversals: The Politics of Financial Developments in the Twentieth Century”, Journal of Financial Economics, 69.
  • Rodrik, D. (2011), Akıllı Küreselleşme, Efil Yayınevi.
  • Rodrik, D. (2000), “Institutions for High Quality of Grovvth: What They Are and How To Acquire Them”, Studies in Comparative International Development, Fall 2000, Vol. 35 (3).
  • Santomero, A., D. Babbel (2001), Financial Markets, Instruments and Instutions, McGraw-Hill.
  • Segal, J. (2000), “Trends in the Regulation of Financial Markets and Their Participants-A Regulator’s Perspective”, ISDA/AFMA Conference in Sydney, ASIC.
  • Şener, A. (2012), “Siyasetname, Siyaset Gerçeği ve İdeal Siyaset”, Vergi Sorunları Dergisi, Sayı: 286.
  • Tekinalp, Ü. (1982), Sermaye Piyasası Hukukunun Esasları, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Yayınlar, Yayın No: 4.
  • Van Den Berghe, L. (2001), “Convergence in the Financial Services Industry”, Insurance Regulation, Liberalisation and Financial Convergence, OECD.

Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon

Year 2012, Volume: 18 Issue: 18, - , 01.09.2012


Ülkelerin finansal sistemlerinin gelişmişliği ile ekonomik büyüme arasında önemli bir korelasyon vardır. Bu sebeple, finansal sistemlerinde gelişmiş bir sermaye piyasası ve bankacılık sektörü kombinasyonu sağlamış olan ülkeler ekonomik büyüme açısından ciddi bir avantaja sahiptir. Finansal ürünlerin kamusal mal niteliği taşıması ve finansal istikrara duyulan ihtiyaç, düzenlemenin önemini ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Yaşanan ekonomik krizler finansal sistemin çeşitli tehditlere karşı korunması ve düzenlenmesi ihtiyacını daha da artırmıştır. Kurumsal iktisat yaklaşımında devletin ekonomik hayata sınırlı müdahalede bulunması esas olmakla birlikte, ekonomik hayatın girişim özgürlüğü üzerinde yükselmesinin temel şartı mülkiyet haklarını koruyacak ve piyasaların etkin çalışmasını sağlayacak hukuki ve ekonomik alt yapının kurulmuş olmasıdır.


  • Allen, F., J. Qian, M. Qian (2002), Law, Finance, and Economic Growth in China, Wharton Financial Institutions Center, (No. 02-44).
  • Alp, A., F. Oğuz (2011), Yeni Finansal Düzen, İstanbul: Doğan Kitap.
  • Beakaert, G., C. Harvey, C. Lundblad (2001), “Does Financial Liberalization Spur Growth?”, Duke University, Working Paper.
  • Beck, T., A. Demirgüç-Kunt, V. Maksimoviç (2003), “Financial and Legal Institutions and Firm Size”, World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper, 2997.
  • Beck, T., R. Levine (2005), Legal Institutionsand Financial Development, Handbook of New Institutional Economics.
  • Benmelech, E., T. Moskowitz (2007), “The Political Economy of Financial Regulation: Evidence from U.S. State Usury Laws in the 18th and 19th Century”, (March 2006), AFA 2007, Chicago, Meetings Paper.
  • Bromley, D. (1993), “Institutional Economics Revisted”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
  • Dale, R. (1997), Risk and Regulation in Global Securities Markets, John Wilcy and Sons Ltd.
  • Dalhuisen, J. (2003), “Towards a Single European Capital Market and a Workable System of Regulation”, Financial Markets in Europe: Towards a Single Regulator?”, Ed. Mads ANDENAS, Yannis AVGERINOS, Kluwer Law International.
  • Davies, H. (2000), “Challenges in the Changing Financial Markets”, FSA Speech in Tokyo, 02.10.2000, <>, 24.07.2012.
  • Demir, Ö. (1996), Kurumcu İktisat, Vadi Yayınları.
  • Demirgüç-Kunt, A., V. Maksimoviç (1998), “Law, Finance and Firm Growth”, Journal of Finance.
  • Dursun, S. (2010), Sermaye Piyasasında Gerçeğe Aykırılıktan Doğan Suçlar, Oniki Levha Yayıncılık.
  • Eichner, A. (1987), “Prices and Pricing”, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XXI, No.4: 1555–1584.
  • Eser, R. (2001), “Finansal Piyasalarda Düzenleme ve Sermaye Piyasasında Düzenleyici Kurumlar”, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Araştırma Raporu.
  • Fabozzi, F., F. Modigliani (2004), Capital Markets Instutions and Instruments, Prentice Hall.
  • Fisher S. (1997), “Financial System Soundness”, Finance and Development.
  • Gaa C., S. Lumpkin, R. Ogrodnik, P. Thurlow (2001), “Future Prospects for National Financial Markets and Trading Centers”, Bank of Canada Working Paper, 2001/10.
  • Gowland, D. (1990), The Regulation of Financial Markets in the 1990s, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Goodhart, C. vd. (1998), Financial Regulation- Why, How and Where Now?, Routledge.
  • Hoggath, G. (2001), “Consolidation and Crises Management”, Financial Regulator, Vol. 6, No: 3.
  • Horne, J. (1978), Financial Market Rates and Flows, Englewood Cliffs.
  • Jayaratne, J., P. Strahan (1996), “The Finance-Growth Nexus: Evidence from BankBranch Deregulation”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110.
  • Johnson, S., J. Mcmillan, C. Woodruff (2002), “Property Rigths and Finance”, American Economic Review, 92.
  • Karabulut, G. (2002), Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Finansal Krizlerin Nedenleri, Der Yayınları, Yayın No: 328.
  • Kremers, J., R. Kroes, D. Schoenmaker (2000), “Reforming Financial Supervision: Experience from the Netherlands”, Financial Market Trends, OECD, No. 75.
  • La Porta, R. vd. (2000), “Investor Protection and Corporate Governance”, Journal of Financial Economics, 58.
  • Levine, R., S. Zervos (1993), “Stock Markets, Banks, and Economic Growth”, American Economic Review, 88
  • Levine, R. (1997), “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Vievvs and Agenda”, Journal of Economic Literature, 35.
  • Levine, R. (2001), Bank-Based or Market-Based Financial System: Which is Better?, University of Minnesota.
  • Llewellyn D. (2000), “Some Lessons for Bank Regulation from Recent Crisis”, De Nederlancsche Bank Staff Reports, No: 51.
  • Lumpkin, S. (2000), “Mergers and Acquisitions in the Financial Services Sector”, Financial Market Trends, OECD, No. 75.
  • Merton, R., Z. Bodie (1995), “A Conceptual Framework For Analyzing The Financial Enviroment”, The Global Financial System: A Functional Perspective, Ed. Dwight B. Crane ve diğerleri, Harvard Business School Pres.
  • Mishkin, F. (1995), The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 4. Baskı, Harper Collins College Puplishers.
  • Mishkin, F. (1997), “The Causes and Propagation of Financial Instability: Lessons for Policymakers, Maintaining Financial Stability in a Global Economy”, Ed. Hakkio, C., Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
  • Mishkin, F. (2001), “Financial Policies and the Prevention of Financial Crises in Emerging Market Countries”, NBER Working Papers, (No. 8087).
  • Mishkin, F., S. Eakins (2006), Financial Markets and Institutions, Pearson International Edition.
  • North D. (1997), “The Contribution of the New Institutional Economics to and Understanding of the Transition Problem”, UNU/WIDER 1997 Annual Lecture.
  • Ogus, A. (1994), Regulation, Legal Form and Economic Theory, Oxford University Pres.
  • Oruç, B. (2002), “Finansal Sistemlerin Ekonomik Kalkınma ve Krizler Üzerindeki Etkileri - Türk Sermaye Piyasaları”, Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu Yeterlik Etüdü.
  • Özçam, F. (2002), “Finansal Piyasaların Düzenlenmesi ve Denetiminde Yeni Yaklaşımlar ve Türkiye İçin Değerlendirmeler”, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İşletme Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi.
  • Parrenas, J., K. Waller, N. Sinsiri (2005), Developing Bond Markets In APEC: Towards Greater Public-Private Sector Regional Partnership, ISEAS.
  • Pawley, M., D. Winsone, P. Bentley (1991), UK Financial Institions and Market, MacMillan.
  • Rajan, R., L. Zingales (2003), “The Great Reversals: The Politics of Financial Developments in the Twentieth Century”, Journal of Financial Economics, 69.
  • Rodrik, D. (2011), Akıllı Küreselleşme, Efil Yayınevi.
  • Rodrik, D. (2000), “Institutions for High Quality of Grovvth: What They Are and How To Acquire Them”, Studies in Comparative International Development, Fall 2000, Vol. 35 (3).
  • Santomero, A., D. Babbel (2001), Financial Markets, Instruments and Instutions, McGraw-Hill.
  • Segal, J. (2000), “Trends in the Regulation of Financial Markets and Their Participants-A Regulator’s Perspective”, ISDA/AFMA Conference in Sydney, ASIC.
  • Şener, A. (2012), “Siyasetname, Siyaset Gerçeği ve İdeal Siyaset”, Vergi Sorunları Dergisi, Sayı: 286.
  • Tekinalp, Ü. (1982), Sermaye Piyasası Hukukunun Esasları, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Yayınlar, Yayın No: 4.
  • Van Den Berghe, L. (2001), “Convergence in the Financial Services Industry”, Insurance Regulation, Liberalisation and Financial Convergence, OECD.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Abdüllatif Şener This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2012
Submission Date December 12, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 18 Issue: 18


APA Şener, A. (2012). Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon. Sosyoekonomi, 18(18).
AMA Şener A. Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon. Sosyoekonomi. October 2012;18(18). doi:10.17233/se.29228
Chicago Şener, Abdüllatif. “Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon”. Sosyoekonomi 18, no. 18 (October 2012).
EndNote Şener A (October 1, 2012) Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon. Sosyoekonomi 18 18
IEEE A. Şener, “Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon”, Sosyoekonomi, vol. 18, no. 18, 2012, doi: 10.17233/se.29228.
ISNAD Şener, Abdüllatif. “Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon”. Sosyoekonomi 18/18 (October 2012).
JAMA Şener A. Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon. Sosyoekonomi. 2012;18. doi:10.17233/se.29228.
MLA Şener, Abdüllatif. “Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon”. Sosyoekonomi, vol. 18, no. 18, 2012, doi:10.17233/se.29228.
Vancouver Şener A. Finansal Piyasalarda Kurumsal Regülâsyon. Sosyoekonomi. 2012;18(18).