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Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi

Year 2014, Volume: 22 Issue: 22, - , 01.09.2014


Çalışmada, araştırma geliştirme, reklam, pazarlama ve dağıtım ile genel yönetim giderlerinin firmalar üzerindeki olası etkileri teorik olarak incelerek, 1998-2009 döneminde Türkiye’de imalat sanayi alt sektörlerindeki küçük, orta ve büyük ölçekli firmalarda bu değişkenlerin brüt kâr marjı üzerinde etkisi analiz edilmiştir. Ampirik sonuçlar küçük firmalarda yalnızca reklam, pazarlama ve dağıtım giderlerinin, orta ölçekli firmalarda ise araştırma geliştirme ve reklam, pazarlama ve dağıtım giderlerinin brüt kâr marjı üzerindeki etkisinin anlamlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Büyük ölçekli firmalarda bütün değişkenlerin etkisi anlamlı bulunurken, en büyük etkiye sahip değişkenin genel yönetim giderleri olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Orta ölçekli firmalarda araştırma geliştirme harcamalarının brüt kâr marjı üzerindeki etkisinin büyük ölçekli firmalara kıyasla daha büyük bulunması, politika yapıcıları için oldukça önemli bir sonuçtur.


  • Acs, Z.J. & D.B. Audretsch (1988), “Innovation in Large and Small Firms: An Empirical Analysis”, The American Economic Review, 78(4), 678-690.
  • Acs, Z.J. & D.B. Audretsch (1989), “Small-Firm Entry in US Manufacturing”, Economica, New Series, 56(222), 255-265.
  • Acquaah, M. (2007), “Managerial Social Capital Strategic Orientation, and Organizational Performance in An Emerging Economy”, Strategic Management Journal, 28(12), 1235-1255.
  • Ahn, S. (2001), “Firm Dynamics and Productivity Growth: A Review of Micro Evidence from OECD Countries”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 297, OECD Publishing.
  • Akbaş, H.E. & H.A. Karaduman (2012), “The Effect of Firm Size on Profitability: An Empirical Investigation on Turkish Manufacturing Companies”, European Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Sciences, 55, 21-27.
  • Alchian, A.A. (1965), “The Basis of Some Recent Advances in The Theory of Management of The Firm”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 14(1), 30-41.
  • Amato, L. & R.P. Wilder (1985), “The Effects of Firm Size on Profit Rates in U. S. Manufacturing”, Southern Economic Journal, 52(1), 181-190.
  • Ammar, A. vd. (2003), “Indicator Variables Model of Firm's Size-Profitability Relationship of Electrical Contractors Using Financial and Economic Data”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 129(2), 192-197.
  • Andras, T.L. & S.S. Srinivasan (2003), “Advertising Intensity and R&D Intensity: Differences Across Industries and Their Impact on Firm’s Performance”, International Journal of Business and Economics, 2(2), 81-90.
  • Archarungroj, P. & Y. Hoshino (1999), “Firm Size and R&D on Profitability: An Empirical Analysis on Japanese Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry”, Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 13(2), 71 - 86.
  • Audretsch, D.B. (1991), “New-Firm Survival and The Technological Regime”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 73(3), 441-450.
  • Audretsch, D.B. & M. Vivarelli (1996), “Firm Size and R&D Spillovers: Evidence from Italy”, Small Business Economics, 8, 249-258.
  • Audretsch, D.B. & P. Houweling & A.R. Thurik (2000), “Firm Survival in The Netherlands”, Review of Industrial Organization, 16, 1–11.
  • Baltagi, B.H. (2005), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Bagwell, K. (2007), “The Economic Analysis of Advertising”, Handbook of Industrial Organization, 3, 1701-1844.
  • Bass, F.M. & P. Cattin & D.R. Wittink (1978), “Firm Effects and Industry Effects in The Analysis of Market Structure and Profitability”, Journal of Marketing Research, 15(1), 3-10.
  • Becchetti, L. & G. Trovato (2002), “The Determinants of Growth for Small and Medium Sized Firms, The Role of The Availability of External Finance”, Small Business Economics, 19, 291–306.
  • Beck, T. & A. Demirguc-Kunt (2006), “Small and Medium-Size Enterprises: Access to Finance as A Growth Constraint”, Journal of Banking & Finance, 30, 2931–2943.
  • Beck, T. & A. Demirguc-Kunt & V. Maksimovic (2005), “Financial and Legal Constraints to Growth: Does Firm Size Matter?”, The Journal of Finance, 60(1), 137-177.
  • Bloch, H. (1974), “Advertising and Profitability: A Reappraisal”, Journal of Political Economy, 82(2), 267-286.
  • Candemir A. & A.A. Zalluhoğlu (2011), “The Effect of Marketing Expenditures During Financial Crisis: The Case of Turkey”, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 291-299.
  • Carpenter, R.E. & B.C. Petersen (2002), “Is The Growth of Small Firms Constrained by Internal Finance?”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 84(2), 298-309.
  • Caves, R.E. & M.E. Porter (1977), “From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 91(2), 241-262.
  • Chandler, A.D. (1992), “Organizational Capabilities and The Economic History of The Industrial Enterprise”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6(3), 79-100.
  • Chiao, Yu-Ching, Yang, Kuo-Pin, & Yu, Chwo-Ming, P. (2006), “Performance, Internationalization, and Firm-Specific Advantages of SMEs in A Newly-Industrialized Economy”, Small Business Economics, 26,475–492.
  • Comanor, W.S. (1967), “Market Structure, Product Differentiation and Industrial Research”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 81(4), 639-657.
  • Comanor, W.S. & T.A. Wilson (1967), “Advertising Market Structure and Performance”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 49(4), 423-440.
  • Comanor, W.S. & T.A. Wilson (1979), “The Effect of Advertising on Competition: A Survey”, Journal of Economic Literature, 17(2), 453-476.
  • Demsetz, H. (1979), “Accounting for Advertising As A Barrier to Entry”, The Journal of Business, 52(3), 345-360.
  • Dhawan, R. (2001), “Firm Size and Productivity Differential Theory and Evidence From A Panel of US Firms”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 44, 269–293.
  • D’Aveni, R.A. & D.J. Ravenscraft & P. Anderson (2004), “From Corporate Strategy to Business-Level Ddvantage: Relatedness as Resource Congruence”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 25, 365–381.
  • Erlat, H. (2006), “Panel Data: A Selective Survey”, Discussion Paper Series, No. 97-04, Department of Economics Middle East Technical University.
  • García-Manjón, J.V. & M.E. Romero-Merino (2012), “Research, Development, and Firm Growth. Empirical Evidence from European Top R&D Spending Firms”, Research Policy, 41, 1084– 1092.
  • Golden B.R. & E.J. Zajac (2001), “When Will Boards Influence Strategy? Inclination x Power = Strategic Change”, Strategic Management Journal, 22(12), 1087-1111.
  • Granger, C.W.J. & P. Newbold (1974), “Spurious Regressions in Econometrics”, Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, 2(2), 111-120.
  • Green, W.H. (2003), Econometric Analysis, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Hall, B.H. & J. Lerner (2009), “The Financing of R&D and Innovation”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No.15325, September, Cambridge.
  • Hansen, G.S. & B. Wernerfelt (1989), “Determinants of Firm Performance The Relative Importance of Economic and Organizational Factors”, Strategic Management Journal, 10(5), 399-411.
  • Haynes, K.T. & A. Hillman (2010), “The Effect of Board Capital and CEO Power on Strategic Change”, Strategic Management Journal, 31, 1145–1163.
  • Hillman A.J. & T. Danziel (2003), “Boards of Directors and Firm Performance: Integrating Agency and Resource Dependence Perspectives”, Academy of Management Review, 28(3), 383-396.
  • Johnson, J.P. & D.P. Myatt (2006), “On The Simple Economics of Advertising, Marketing, and Product Design”, The American Economic Review, 96(3), 756-784.
  • Kouser, R. vd. (2011), “Firm Size, Leverage and Profitability: Overriding Impact of Accounting Information System”, Business and Management Review, 1(10), 58-64.
  • Laporta, P. & A.W. Jenkins (1996), “Unionization and Profitability in The Canadian Manufacturing Sector”, Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, 51(4), 756-777.
  • Leahy, A.S. (2012), “The Determinants of Profitability in The Pharmaceutical Industry”, American Journal of Health Sciences, 3(1), 37-41.
  • Lee, Chang-Yand, & I.P. Mahmood (2009), “Inter-industry Differences in Profitability The Legacy of The Structure-Effiency Debate Revisited”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 18(3), 351–380.
  • Leonidou, L.C. & C.S. Katsikeas & N.F. Piercy (1998), “Identifying Managerial Influences on Exporting: Past Research and Future Directions”. Journal of International Marketing, 6(2), 74-102.
  • Licht, G. & E. Nerlinger (1998), “New Technology-Based Firms in Germany: A Survey of The Recent Evidence”, Research Policy, 26, 1005–1022.
  • Link, A.N. & J. Rees (1990), “Firm Size, University Based Research and The Returns to R&D”, Small Business Economics, 2, 25-31.
  • Okwo, I.M. & D.O. Ugwunta (2012), “Impact of Firm’s Input Costs on Firm Profitability: Evaluation of The Nigerian Brewery Industry”, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 3(6), 78-89.
  • McAlister, L., Srinivasan, R. & Kim, M. (2007), Advertising, Research and Development, and Systematic Risk of The Firm, Journal of Marketing, 71, 35–48.
  • McGee, J. & H. Thomas (1986), “Strategic Groups Theory Research and Taxonomy”, Strategic Management Journal, 7(2), 141-160.
  • Nadiri, M.I. & S. Kim (1996), “R&D, Production Structure and Productivity Growth: A Comparison of The US, Japanese, and Korean Manufacturing Sectors”, NBER Working Paper, No. 5506, Massachusetts, Cambridge.
  • Nelson, P. (1974), “Advertising as Information”, Journal of Political Economy, 82(4), 729-754.
  • Nelson, R.R. (1991), “Why Do Firms Differ, and How Does It Matter?”, Strategic Management Journal, 12, 61-74.
  • Oustapassidis, K. & A. Vlachvei (1999), “Profitability and Product Differentiation in Greek Food, Industries”, Applied Economics, 31, 1293-1298.
  • Özçelik, E. & E. Taymaz (2004), “Does Innovativeness Matter For International Competitiveness in Developing Countries? The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industries”, Research Policy, 33, 409-424.
  • Özçelik, E. & E. Taymaz (2008), “R&D Support Programs In Developing Countries: The Turkish Experience”, Research Policy, 37, 258-275.
  • Phillips, B.D. (1991), “The Increasing Role of Small Firms in The High-Technology Sector: Evidence From The 1980s”, Business Economics, 26, 40-47.
  • Porter, M.E. (1980), “Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy: Keys to Profitability”, Financial Analysts Journal, 36(4), 30-41.
  • Qian, G. & L. Li (2003), “Profitability of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in High Tech Industries The Case of The Biotechnology Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, 24, 881–887.
  • Scherer, F.M. (2001), “The Link Between Gross Profitability and Pharmaceutical R&D Spending”, Health Affairs, 20(5), 216-220.
  • Taymaz, E. (2001), “Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Turkish Manufacturing Industries”, Journal of Economic Cooperation, 22(1), 43-72.
  • Taymaz, E. & E. Voyvoda & K. Yılmaz (2008), “Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Yapısal Dönüşüm Üretkenlik ve Teknolojik Değişme Dinamikleri”, ERC Working Papers in Economics 08/04, METU, November.
  • Ulusoy, G. (2003), “An Assessment of Supply Chain and Innovation Management Practices in The Manufacturing Industries in Turkey”, International Journal of Production Economics, 86, 251–270.
  • Vernon, J.M. & R.E.M. Nourse (1973), “Profit Rates and Market Structure of Advertising Intensive Firms”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 22(1), 1-20.
  • Williamson, O.E. (1963), “Managerial Discretion and Business Behavior”, The American Economic Review, 53(5),1032-1057.

Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi

Year 2014, Volume: 22 Issue: 22, - , 01.09.2014


Çalışmada, araştırma geliştirme, reklam, pazarlama ve dağıtım ile genel yönetim giderlerinin firmalar üzerindeki olası etkileri teorik olarak incelerek, 1998-2009 döneminde Türkiye’de imalat sanayi alt sektörlerindeki küçük, orta ve büyük ölçekli firmalarda bu değişkenlerin brüt kâr marjı üzerinde etkisi analiz edilmiştir. Ampirik sonuçlar küçük firmalarda yalnızca reklam, pazarlama ve dağıtım giderlerinin, orta ölçekli firmalarda ise araştırma geliştirme ve reklam, pazarlama ve dağıtım giderlerinin brüt kâr marjı üzerindeki etkisinin anlamlı olduğunu göstermektedir. Büyük ölçekli firmalarda bütün değişkenlerin etkisi anlamlı bulunurken, en büyük etkiye sahip değişkenin genel yönetim giderleri olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Orta ölçekli firmalarda araştırma geliştirme harcamalarının brüt kâr marjı üzerindeki etkisinin büyük ölçekli firmalara kıyasla daha büyük bulunması, politika yapıcıları için oldukça önemli bir sonuçtur.


  • Acs, Z.J. & D.B. Audretsch (1988), “Innovation in Large and Small Firms: An Empirical Analysis”, The American Economic Review, 78(4), 678-690.
  • Acs, Z.J. & D.B. Audretsch (1989), “Small-Firm Entry in US Manufacturing”, Economica, New Series, 56(222), 255-265.
  • Acquaah, M. (2007), “Managerial Social Capital Strategic Orientation, and Organizational Performance in An Emerging Economy”, Strategic Management Journal, 28(12), 1235-1255.
  • Ahn, S. (2001), “Firm Dynamics and Productivity Growth: A Review of Micro Evidence from OECD Countries”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 297, OECD Publishing.
  • Akbaş, H.E. & H.A. Karaduman (2012), “The Effect of Firm Size on Profitability: An Empirical Investigation on Turkish Manufacturing Companies”, European Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Sciences, 55, 21-27.
  • Alchian, A.A. (1965), “The Basis of Some Recent Advances in The Theory of Management of The Firm”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 14(1), 30-41.
  • Amato, L. & R.P. Wilder (1985), “The Effects of Firm Size on Profit Rates in U. S. Manufacturing”, Southern Economic Journal, 52(1), 181-190.
  • Ammar, A. vd. (2003), “Indicator Variables Model of Firm's Size-Profitability Relationship of Electrical Contractors Using Financial and Economic Data”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 129(2), 192-197.
  • Andras, T.L. & S.S. Srinivasan (2003), “Advertising Intensity and R&D Intensity: Differences Across Industries and Their Impact on Firm’s Performance”, International Journal of Business and Economics, 2(2), 81-90.
  • Archarungroj, P. & Y. Hoshino (1999), “Firm Size and R&D on Profitability: An Empirical Analysis on Japanese Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry”, Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 13(2), 71 - 86.
  • Audretsch, D.B. (1991), “New-Firm Survival and The Technological Regime”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 73(3), 441-450.
  • Audretsch, D.B. & M. Vivarelli (1996), “Firm Size and R&D Spillovers: Evidence from Italy”, Small Business Economics, 8, 249-258.
  • Audretsch, D.B. & P. Houweling & A.R. Thurik (2000), “Firm Survival in The Netherlands”, Review of Industrial Organization, 16, 1–11.
  • Baltagi, B.H. (2005), Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Bagwell, K. (2007), “The Economic Analysis of Advertising”, Handbook of Industrial Organization, 3, 1701-1844.
  • Bass, F.M. & P. Cattin & D.R. Wittink (1978), “Firm Effects and Industry Effects in The Analysis of Market Structure and Profitability”, Journal of Marketing Research, 15(1), 3-10.
  • Becchetti, L. & G. Trovato (2002), “The Determinants of Growth for Small and Medium Sized Firms, The Role of The Availability of External Finance”, Small Business Economics, 19, 291–306.
  • Beck, T. & A. Demirguc-Kunt (2006), “Small and Medium-Size Enterprises: Access to Finance as A Growth Constraint”, Journal of Banking & Finance, 30, 2931–2943.
  • Beck, T. & A. Demirguc-Kunt & V. Maksimovic (2005), “Financial and Legal Constraints to Growth: Does Firm Size Matter?”, The Journal of Finance, 60(1), 137-177.
  • Bloch, H. (1974), “Advertising and Profitability: A Reappraisal”, Journal of Political Economy, 82(2), 267-286.
  • Candemir A. & A.A. Zalluhoğlu (2011), “The Effect of Marketing Expenditures During Financial Crisis: The Case of Turkey”, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 24, 291-299.
  • Carpenter, R.E. & B.C. Petersen (2002), “Is The Growth of Small Firms Constrained by Internal Finance?”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 84(2), 298-309.
  • Caves, R.E. & M.E. Porter (1977), “From Entry Barriers to Mobility Barriers: Conjectural Decisions and Contrived Deterrence to New Competition”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 91(2), 241-262.
  • Chandler, A.D. (1992), “Organizational Capabilities and The Economic History of The Industrial Enterprise”, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 6(3), 79-100.
  • Chiao, Yu-Ching, Yang, Kuo-Pin, & Yu, Chwo-Ming, P. (2006), “Performance, Internationalization, and Firm-Specific Advantages of SMEs in A Newly-Industrialized Economy”, Small Business Economics, 26,475–492.
  • Comanor, W.S. (1967), “Market Structure, Product Differentiation and Industrial Research”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 81(4), 639-657.
  • Comanor, W.S. & T.A. Wilson (1967), “Advertising Market Structure and Performance”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 49(4), 423-440.
  • Comanor, W.S. & T.A. Wilson (1979), “The Effect of Advertising on Competition: A Survey”, Journal of Economic Literature, 17(2), 453-476.
  • Demsetz, H. (1979), “Accounting for Advertising As A Barrier to Entry”, The Journal of Business, 52(3), 345-360.
  • Dhawan, R. (2001), “Firm Size and Productivity Differential Theory and Evidence From A Panel of US Firms”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 44, 269–293.
  • D’Aveni, R.A. & D.J. Ravenscraft & P. Anderson (2004), “From Corporate Strategy to Business-Level Ddvantage: Relatedness as Resource Congruence”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 25, 365–381.
  • Erlat, H. (2006), “Panel Data: A Selective Survey”, Discussion Paper Series, No. 97-04, Department of Economics Middle East Technical University.
  • García-Manjón, J.V. & M.E. Romero-Merino (2012), “Research, Development, and Firm Growth. Empirical Evidence from European Top R&D Spending Firms”, Research Policy, 41, 1084– 1092.
  • Golden B.R. & E.J. Zajac (2001), “When Will Boards Influence Strategy? Inclination x Power = Strategic Change”, Strategic Management Journal, 22(12), 1087-1111.
  • Granger, C.W.J. & P. Newbold (1974), “Spurious Regressions in Econometrics”, Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, 2(2), 111-120.
  • Green, W.H. (2003), Econometric Analysis, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Hall, B.H. & J. Lerner (2009), “The Financing of R&D and Innovation”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No.15325, September, Cambridge.
  • Hansen, G.S. & B. Wernerfelt (1989), “Determinants of Firm Performance The Relative Importance of Economic and Organizational Factors”, Strategic Management Journal, 10(5), 399-411.
  • Haynes, K.T. & A. Hillman (2010), “The Effect of Board Capital and CEO Power on Strategic Change”, Strategic Management Journal, 31, 1145–1163.
  • Hillman A.J. & T. Danziel (2003), “Boards of Directors and Firm Performance: Integrating Agency and Resource Dependence Perspectives”, Academy of Management Review, 28(3), 383-396.
  • Johnson, J.P. & D.P. Myatt (2006), “On The Simple Economics of Advertising, Marketing, and Product Design”, The American Economic Review, 96(3), 756-784.
  • Kouser, R. vd. (2011), “Firm Size, Leverage and Profitability: Overriding Impact of Accounting Information System”, Business and Management Review, 1(10), 58-64.
  • Laporta, P. & A.W. Jenkins (1996), “Unionization and Profitability in The Canadian Manufacturing Sector”, Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, 51(4), 756-777.
  • Leahy, A.S. (2012), “The Determinants of Profitability in The Pharmaceutical Industry”, American Journal of Health Sciences, 3(1), 37-41.
  • Lee, Chang-Yand, & I.P. Mahmood (2009), “Inter-industry Differences in Profitability The Legacy of The Structure-Effiency Debate Revisited”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 18(3), 351–380.
  • Leonidou, L.C. & C.S. Katsikeas & N.F. Piercy (1998), “Identifying Managerial Influences on Exporting: Past Research and Future Directions”. Journal of International Marketing, 6(2), 74-102.
  • Licht, G. & E. Nerlinger (1998), “New Technology-Based Firms in Germany: A Survey of The Recent Evidence”, Research Policy, 26, 1005–1022.
  • Link, A.N. & J. Rees (1990), “Firm Size, University Based Research and The Returns to R&D”, Small Business Economics, 2, 25-31.
  • Okwo, I.M. & D.O. Ugwunta (2012), “Impact of Firm’s Input Costs on Firm Profitability: Evaluation of The Nigerian Brewery Industry”, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 3(6), 78-89.
  • McAlister, L., Srinivasan, R. & Kim, M. (2007), Advertising, Research and Development, and Systematic Risk of The Firm, Journal of Marketing, 71, 35–48.
  • McGee, J. & H. Thomas (1986), “Strategic Groups Theory Research and Taxonomy”, Strategic Management Journal, 7(2), 141-160.
  • Nadiri, M.I. & S. Kim (1996), “R&D, Production Structure and Productivity Growth: A Comparison of The US, Japanese, and Korean Manufacturing Sectors”, NBER Working Paper, No. 5506, Massachusetts, Cambridge.
  • Nelson, P. (1974), “Advertising as Information”, Journal of Political Economy, 82(4), 729-754.
  • Nelson, R.R. (1991), “Why Do Firms Differ, and How Does It Matter?”, Strategic Management Journal, 12, 61-74.
  • Oustapassidis, K. & A. Vlachvei (1999), “Profitability and Product Differentiation in Greek Food, Industries”, Applied Economics, 31, 1293-1298.
  • Özçelik, E. & E. Taymaz (2004), “Does Innovativeness Matter For International Competitiveness in Developing Countries? The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industries”, Research Policy, 33, 409-424.
  • Özçelik, E. & E. Taymaz (2008), “R&D Support Programs In Developing Countries: The Turkish Experience”, Research Policy, 37, 258-275.
  • Phillips, B.D. (1991), “The Increasing Role of Small Firms in The High-Technology Sector: Evidence From The 1980s”, Business Economics, 26, 40-47.
  • Porter, M.E. (1980), “Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy: Keys to Profitability”, Financial Analysts Journal, 36(4), 30-41.
  • Qian, G. & L. Li (2003), “Profitability of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in High Tech Industries The Case of The Biotechnology Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, 24, 881–887.
  • Scherer, F.M. (2001), “The Link Between Gross Profitability and Pharmaceutical R&D Spending”, Health Affairs, 20(5), 216-220.
  • Taymaz, E. (2001), “Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Turkish Manufacturing Industries”, Journal of Economic Cooperation, 22(1), 43-72.
  • Taymaz, E. & E. Voyvoda & K. Yılmaz (2008), “Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Yapısal Dönüşüm Üretkenlik ve Teknolojik Değişme Dinamikleri”, ERC Working Papers in Economics 08/04, METU, November.
  • Ulusoy, G. (2003), “An Assessment of Supply Chain and Innovation Management Practices in The Manufacturing Industries in Turkey”, International Journal of Production Economics, 86, 251–270.
  • Vernon, J.M. & R.E.M. Nourse (1973), “Profit Rates and Market Structure of Advertising Intensive Firms”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, 22(1), 1-20.
  • Williamson, O.E. (1963), “Managerial Discretion and Business Behavior”, The American Economic Review, 53(5),1032-1057.
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Cemil Çiftçi

Publication Date September 1, 2014
Submission Date December 12, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 22 Issue: 22


APA Çiftçi, C. (2014). Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi. Sosyoekonomi, 22(22).
AMA Çiftçi C. Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi. Sosyoekonomi. October 2014;22(22). doi:10.17233/se.59619
Chicago Çiftçi, Cemil. “Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık Ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi”. Sosyoekonomi 22, no. 22 (October 2014).
EndNote Çiftçi C (October 1, 2014) Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi. Sosyoekonomi 22 22
IEEE C. Çiftçi, “Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi”, Sosyoekonomi, vol. 22, no. 22, 2014, doi: 10.17233/se.59619.
ISNAD Çiftçi, Cemil. “Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık Ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi”. Sosyoekonomi 22/22 (October 2014).
JAMA Çiftçi C. Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi. Sosyoekonomi. 2014;22. doi:10.17233/se.59619.
MLA Çiftçi, Cemil. “Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık Ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi”. Sosyoekonomi, vol. 22, no. 22, 2014, doi:10.17233/se.59619.
Vancouver Çiftçi C. Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Ölçek Bazında Kârlılık ve Temel Giderler İlişkisi: 1998- 2009 Dönemi. Sosyoekonomi. 2014;22(22).

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