Seçilmiş Avrupa Futbol Kulüplerinin Etkinliğinin Ölçülmesi: VZA ve Panel Tobit Modeli
Year 2020,
Volume: 28 Issue: 43, 153 - 174, 25.01.2020
Halil İbrahim Keskin
Hakan Öndes
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Avrupa futboluna yön veren 10 Avrupa ülkesine ait 50 büyük futbol kulübünün sportif ve finansal verilerinin birleştirilerek performanslarının araştırılması ve kulüplerin performansını etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesidir. Kulüplerin etkinliği iki aşamada araştırılmıştır. İlk aşamada kulüplerin teknik etkinlik skorları 2007/2008 - 2017/2018 sezonları arası veri zarflama analizi yardımıyla hesaplanmıştır. İkinci aşamada ise kulüplerin performans farklılıklarının arkasındaki nedenler rassal etki panel Tobit modeli kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Bulgulara göre, kulüplerin kazanma oranları, altyapıdaki oyuncu sayısı ve ulusal ligin daha rekabetçi olması performansını olumlu yönde etkilerken, Avrupa kupalarına katılım, sezon içerisinde antrenör değişikliği yapılması takımların performansını olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir.
- Akşar, T. & Kutlu, M. (2006), Futbol ekonomisi, İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık.
- Altan, M. S. (2010), “Türk Sigortacılık Sektöründe Etkinlik: Veri Zarflama Analizi Yöntemi İle Bir Uygulama”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1),185-204.
- Atkinson, Scott E. & Wilson, Paul W. (1995), "Comparing Mean Efficiency and Productivity Scores from Small Samples: A Bootstrap Methodology, The Journal of Productivity Analysis, 6(2), 132-152.
- Baltagi, B. (2008). Econometric Analysis Of Panel Data, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
- Banker, R.D. & Charnes, A. & Cooper, W.W. (1984), “Models For The Estimation Of Technical And Scale İnefficiencies In Data Envelopment Analysis”, Management Science, 30, 1078-1092.
- Banks, S. (2002), Going Down: Football in crisis, London: Mainstream Publishing.
- Barros, C.P. & Leach, S. (2006), “Performance Evaluation Of The English Premier Football League With Data Envelopment Analysis”, Applied Economics, 38, 1449–1458.
- Barros, C. P. & Garcı´a-del-Barrio, P. (2008), “Efficiency Measurement Of The English Football Premier League With A Random Frontier Model, Economic Modelling, 25, 994-1002.
- Barros, C. P. & Rossi, G. (2014), “A Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Of Italian Football”, Applied Economics, 46, 2398–2407.
- Bülbül, S. & Akhisar, İ. (2005), “Türk Sigorta Şirketlerinin Etkinliğinin Veri Zarflama Analizi İle Araştırılması”, VII.Ulusal Ekonometri ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, 26-27.
- Charnes, A. & Cooper, W. W. (1962), “Programming With Linear Fractional Functionals”. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 9, 181-186.
- Charnes, A. & Cooper, W. W. & Rhodes, E. (1978), “Measuring The Efficiency Of Decision Making Units”, European Journal of Operation Research, 2, 429- 444.
- Charnes, A. & Cooper, W.W. & Lewin, A.Y. & Seiford, L.M. (1994), “Introduction and Basic DEA Models. Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory, Methodology and Applications, Charnes et al. Editors. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 3 – 47.
- Chilingerian, J.A. (1995), “Evaluating Physician Efficiency In Hospitals: A Multivariate Analysis Of Best Practices”, European Journal of Operational Research, 80, 548–574.
- Coelli, T. J. (1996). A Guide To DEAP Version 2.1: A Data Envelopment Analysis (Computer)Program (CEPA Working Paper 96/8), Armidale, New South Wales, Australia: University of New England, Department of Econometrics.
- Deloitte (2007), Football Money League, The Reign in Spain, <>, 31.01.2019
- Deloitte (2008), Football Money League, Gate Receipts, < >,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2009), Lost in Translation, Football Money League, <> ,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2010), Spanish Masters, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2011), The Untouchables, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2012), Fun Power, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2013), Captains of Industry, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2014), All to Play for, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2015), Commercial Breaks, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2016), Top of The Table, Football Money League, <>,12.11.2018.
- Deloitte (2017), Planet Football, Football Money League, < >,12.11.2018.
- Deloitte (2018), Rising Stars, Football Money League, < >,12.11.2018.
- Deloitte (2019), Bullseye, Deloitte Football Money League, <>, 12.08.2018.
- Dobson, S.M. & Goddard, J.A. (2001), The Economics of Football, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Douvis, I. & Barros, C. P. (2008), “Comparative Analysis Of Football Efficiency Among Two Small European Countries: Portugal and Greece”, Sport Management International Journal, 4, 5–29.
- Escuer, E.M. & Cebrian G. L. I. (2004), “Measuring The Efficiency Of Spanish First-Division Soccer Teams”, Journal of Sports Economics, 5(4),329-346.
- Escuer, E.M. & Cebrian G. L. I. (2010), Measurement of the efficiency of football teams in the Champions League. Managerial and Decision Economics 31: 373-386.
- Farell, P. (1957), “DEA In Production Center: An Input-Output Model”, Journal of Econometrics, 3, 23-49.
- Fernandez-Val, I. & M. Weidner (2013). Individual and Time Effects In Nonlinear Panel Data Models With Large N, T. CeMMAP Working Paper CWP60/13.
- Gök, M.S. & Sezen B. (2013), “Analyzing The Ambiguous Relationship Between Efficiency, Quality and Patient Satisfaction In Healthcare Services: The Case Of Public Hospitals in Turkey, Health Policy, 111, 290–300.
- Greene, W.H. (2003), Econometric Analysis, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
- Guzman, I. & Morrow, S. (2007), “Measuring Efficiency and Productivity In Professional Football Teams: Evidence From The English Premier League”, Central European Journal of Operation Research, 15(4),309–328.
- Haas, D. J. (2003), “Productive Efficiency Of English Football Teams: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 24, 403- 410.
- Haas, D. & Kocher, M.G. & Sutter M. (2004), “Measuring Efficiency Of German Football Teams By Data Envelopment Analysis”, Central European Journal of Operation Research, 12, 251–268.
- Halkos, G. & Tzeremes, N. G. (2013), “A Two-Stage Double Bootstrap DEA: The Case of the Top 25 European Football Clubs’ Efficiency Levels”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 34, 108–115.
- Honore, B. E. (1993),“Orthogonality Conditions For Tobit Models With Fixed Effects and Lagged Dependent Variables, Journal of Econometrics, 59, 35-61.
- İçöz, C & Sönmez, H. (2014), “Avrupa Futbol Liglerinin Etkinliklerinin Veri Zarflama Analizi İle Değerlendirilmesi”, İktisadi Yenilik Dergisi, 2(1), 1-15.
- Jamil, N. (2013). “A Comparison Of Iterative Methods For The Solution Of Non-Linear Systems Of Equations, International Journal, 3(2), 119–130.
- Jardin, M. (2009), “Efficiency Of French Football Clubs and Its Dynamics, Munich Personal RePEc Archive, 23(19828),1–29.
- Kern, M. & Süssmuth, B. (2005), “Managerial Efficiency In German Top League Soccer: An Econometric Analysis Of Club Performances On and Off The Pitch”, German Economic Review, 6(4),485–506.
- Kılıçkaplan, S. & Karpat, G. (2013), “Türkiye Hayat Sigortası Sektöründe Etkinliğin İncelenmesi”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1),1-14.
- Koçak, H., & Çilingirtürk, A. M. (2011), “AB Ülkeleri ve Aday Ülkelerin Kaynak Kullanımında Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi”, Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business Administration, 40(2),167-185.
- Kulikova, L.I. & Goshunova, A.V. (2013), “Measuring Efficiency Of Professional Football Club In Contemporary Researches”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 25(2), 247-257.
- Kulikova, L.I. & Goshunova, A.V. (2014), “Efficiency Measurement Of Professional Football Clubs: A Nonparametric Approach, Life Science Journal, 11, 117-122.
- Maddala, G. S. (1989), Introduction to Econometrics, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
- Özden, Ü. H. (2008), “Veri Zarflama Analizi İle Türkiye’deki Vakıf Üniversitelerinin Etkinliğinin Ölçülmesi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 37(2), 167-185.
- Pyatunin, A. V. & Vishnyakova, A.B. & Sherstneva, N.L. & Mironova, S.P. & Dneprov S.A. & Grabozdin, Y. P. (2016), “The Economic Efficiency Of European Football Clubs-Data Envelopment Analysis Approach”. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(15), 7515-7534.
- Quirk, J. & El Hodiri, M. (1974), "The Economic Theory of a Professional Sports League," in Government and the Sports Business, Roger Noll, ed. Washington DC: Brookings Instit.
- Ramanathan, R. (2003), An Introduction to Data Envelopment Analysis: A Tool for Performance Measurement, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
- Ray, S. C. (2004). Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory and Techniques For Economics and Operations Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ribeiro, A. & Lima, F. (2012), “Portuguese Football League Efficiency and Players' Wages”, Applied Economics Letters, 19:599-602.
- Samut, K.P. & Cafri, R. (2015). “Analysis Of The Efficiency Determinants Of Health Systems In OECD Countries by DEA and Panel Tobit. Social Indicators Research, 129(1), 113-132.
- Sanchez, G. I. M. (2007), “Efficiency and Effectiveness Of Spanish Football Teams: A Threestage-Dea Approach, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 15, 21-45.
- Sarı, Z. (2015), Veri Zarflama Analizi ve Bir Uygulama, Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye.
- Sloane, P. (1971), “The Economics Of Professional Football: The Football Club As A Utility Maximizer, Scottish Journal of Politic Economies,17( 2),121-146.
- Szymanski, S. & Kuypers, T. (1999), Winners and Losers: The Business Strategy of Football, London: Viking Book.
- Worldbank (2018), GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$), <>, 19.12.2018.
- Worldbank (2018), Population density (people per sq. km of land area), <>, 18.12.2018.
Measuring the Efficiency of Selected European Football Clubs: DEA and Panel Tobit Model
Year 2020,
Volume: 28 Issue: 43, 153 - 174, 25.01.2020
Halil İbrahim Keskin
Hakan Öndes
The aim of this study is to analyze the sportive and financial performance of 50 major football clubs in 10 European countries that give directions to the European football and to investigate the reasons affecting the club performances. The clubs’ efficiency is investigated in two stages. In the first stage, technical efficiency scores of the clubs were calculated by means of data envelopment analysis for the seasons of 2007/2008 - 2017/2018. In the second stage, the reasons behind the efficiency differences were investigated by using random effect panel Tobit model. According to the findings, while winning rates of clubs and increase in number of players in the youth system and more competitive national league affect the team performance positively, participation in the European cups and coach changes during the season affect the team performance negatively.
- Akşar, T. & Kutlu, M. (2006), Futbol ekonomisi, İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık.
- Altan, M. S. (2010), “Türk Sigortacılık Sektöründe Etkinlik: Veri Zarflama Analizi Yöntemi İle Bir Uygulama”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1),185-204.
- Atkinson, Scott E. & Wilson, Paul W. (1995), "Comparing Mean Efficiency and Productivity Scores from Small Samples: A Bootstrap Methodology, The Journal of Productivity Analysis, 6(2), 132-152.
- Baltagi, B. (2008). Econometric Analysis Of Panel Data, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
- Banker, R.D. & Charnes, A. & Cooper, W.W. (1984), “Models For The Estimation Of Technical And Scale İnefficiencies In Data Envelopment Analysis”, Management Science, 30, 1078-1092.
- Banks, S. (2002), Going Down: Football in crisis, London: Mainstream Publishing.
- Barros, C.P. & Leach, S. (2006), “Performance Evaluation Of The English Premier Football League With Data Envelopment Analysis”, Applied Economics, 38, 1449–1458.
- Barros, C. P. & Garcı´a-del-Barrio, P. (2008), “Efficiency Measurement Of The English Football Premier League With A Random Frontier Model, Economic Modelling, 25, 994-1002.
- Barros, C. P. & Rossi, G. (2014), “A Bayesian Stochastic Frontier Of Italian Football”, Applied Economics, 46, 2398–2407.
- Bülbül, S. & Akhisar, İ. (2005), “Türk Sigorta Şirketlerinin Etkinliğinin Veri Zarflama Analizi İle Araştırılması”, VII.Ulusal Ekonometri ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, 26-27.
- Charnes, A. & Cooper, W. W. (1962), “Programming With Linear Fractional Functionals”. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 9, 181-186.
- Charnes, A. & Cooper, W. W. & Rhodes, E. (1978), “Measuring The Efficiency Of Decision Making Units”, European Journal of Operation Research, 2, 429- 444.
- Charnes, A. & Cooper, W.W. & Lewin, A.Y. & Seiford, L.M. (1994), “Introduction and Basic DEA Models. Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory, Methodology and Applications, Charnes et al. Editors. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 3 – 47.
- Chilingerian, J.A. (1995), “Evaluating Physician Efficiency In Hospitals: A Multivariate Analysis Of Best Practices”, European Journal of Operational Research, 80, 548–574.
- Coelli, T. J. (1996). A Guide To DEAP Version 2.1: A Data Envelopment Analysis (Computer)Program (CEPA Working Paper 96/8), Armidale, New South Wales, Australia: University of New England, Department of Econometrics.
- Deloitte (2007), Football Money League, The Reign in Spain, <>, 31.01.2019
- Deloitte (2008), Football Money League, Gate Receipts, < >,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2009), Lost in Translation, Football Money League, <> ,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2010), Spanish Masters, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2011), The Untouchables, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2012), Fun Power, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2013), Captains of Industry, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2014), All to Play for, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2015), Commercial Breaks, Football Money League, <>,12.08.2018.
- Deloitte (2016), Top of The Table, Football Money League, <>,12.11.2018.
- Deloitte (2017), Planet Football, Football Money League, < >,12.11.2018.
- Deloitte (2018), Rising Stars, Football Money League, < >,12.11.2018.
- Deloitte (2019), Bullseye, Deloitte Football Money League, <>, 12.08.2018.
- Dobson, S.M. & Goddard, J.A. (2001), The Economics of Football, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Douvis, I. & Barros, C. P. (2008), “Comparative Analysis Of Football Efficiency Among Two Small European Countries: Portugal and Greece”, Sport Management International Journal, 4, 5–29.
- Escuer, E.M. & Cebrian G. L. I. (2004), “Measuring The Efficiency Of Spanish First-Division Soccer Teams”, Journal of Sports Economics, 5(4),329-346.
- Escuer, E.M. & Cebrian G. L. I. (2010), Measurement of the efficiency of football teams in the Champions League. Managerial and Decision Economics 31: 373-386.
- Farell, P. (1957), “DEA In Production Center: An Input-Output Model”, Journal of Econometrics, 3, 23-49.
- Fernandez-Val, I. & M. Weidner (2013). Individual and Time Effects In Nonlinear Panel Data Models With Large N, T. CeMMAP Working Paper CWP60/13.
- Gök, M.S. & Sezen B. (2013), “Analyzing The Ambiguous Relationship Between Efficiency, Quality and Patient Satisfaction In Healthcare Services: The Case Of Public Hospitals in Turkey, Health Policy, 111, 290–300.
- Greene, W.H. (2003), Econometric Analysis, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
- Guzman, I. & Morrow, S. (2007), “Measuring Efficiency and Productivity In Professional Football Teams: Evidence From The English Premier League”, Central European Journal of Operation Research, 15(4),309–328.
- Haas, D. J. (2003), “Productive Efficiency Of English Football Teams: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 24, 403- 410.
- Haas, D. & Kocher, M.G. & Sutter M. (2004), “Measuring Efficiency Of German Football Teams By Data Envelopment Analysis”, Central European Journal of Operation Research, 12, 251–268.
- Halkos, G. & Tzeremes, N. G. (2013), “A Two-Stage Double Bootstrap DEA: The Case of the Top 25 European Football Clubs’ Efficiency Levels”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 34, 108–115.
- Honore, B. E. (1993),“Orthogonality Conditions For Tobit Models With Fixed Effects and Lagged Dependent Variables, Journal of Econometrics, 59, 35-61.
- İçöz, C & Sönmez, H. (2014), “Avrupa Futbol Liglerinin Etkinliklerinin Veri Zarflama Analizi İle Değerlendirilmesi”, İktisadi Yenilik Dergisi, 2(1), 1-15.
- Jamil, N. (2013). “A Comparison Of Iterative Methods For The Solution Of Non-Linear Systems Of Equations, International Journal, 3(2), 119–130.
- Jardin, M. (2009), “Efficiency Of French Football Clubs and Its Dynamics, Munich Personal RePEc Archive, 23(19828),1–29.
- Kern, M. & Süssmuth, B. (2005), “Managerial Efficiency In German Top League Soccer: An Econometric Analysis Of Club Performances On and Off The Pitch”, German Economic Review, 6(4),485–506.
- Kılıçkaplan, S. & Karpat, G. (2013), “Türkiye Hayat Sigortası Sektöründe Etkinliğin İncelenmesi”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 19(1),1-14.
- Koçak, H., & Çilingirtürk, A. M. (2011), “AB Ülkeleri ve Aday Ülkelerin Kaynak Kullanımında Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi”, Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business Administration, 40(2),167-185.
- Kulikova, L.I. & Goshunova, A.V. (2013), “Measuring Efficiency Of Professional Football Club In Contemporary Researches”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 25(2), 247-257.
- Kulikova, L.I. & Goshunova, A.V. (2014), “Efficiency Measurement Of Professional Football Clubs: A Nonparametric Approach, Life Science Journal, 11, 117-122.
- Maddala, G. S. (1989), Introduction to Econometrics, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
- Özden, Ü. H. (2008), “Veri Zarflama Analizi İle Türkiye’deki Vakıf Üniversitelerinin Etkinliğinin Ölçülmesi”, İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 37(2), 167-185.
- Pyatunin, A. V. & Vishnyakova, A.B. & Sherstneva, N.L. & Mironova, S.P. & Dneprov S.A. & Grabozdin, Y. P. (2016), “The Economic Efficiency Of European Football Clubs-Data Envelopment Analysis Approach”. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(15), 7515-7534.
- Quirk, J. & El Hodiri, M. (1974), "The Economic Theory of a Professional Sports League," in Government and the Sports Business, Roger Noll, ed. Washington DC: Brookings Instit.
- Ramanathan, R. (2003), An Introduction to Data Envelopment Analysis: A Tool for Performance Measurement, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
- Ray, S. C. (2004). Data Envelopment Analysis: Theory and Techniques For Economics and Operations Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Ribeiro, A. & Lima, F. (2012), “Portuguese Football League Efficiency and Players' Wages”, Applied Economics Letters, 19:599-602.
- Samut, K.P. & Cafri, R. (2015). “Analysis Of The Efficiency Determinants Of Health Systems In OECD Countries by DEA and Panel Tobit. Social Indicators Research, 129(1), 113-132.
- Sanchez, G. I. M. (2007), “Efficiency and Effectiveness Of Spanish Football Teams: A Threestage-Dea Approach, Central European Journal of Operations Research, 15, 21-45.
- Sarı, Z. (2015), Veri Zarflama Analizi ve Bir Uygulama, Yayınlanmış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye.
- Sloane, P. (1971), “The Economics Of Professional Football: The Football Club As A Utility Maximizer, Scottish Journal of Politic Economies,17( 2),121-146.
- Szymanski, S. & Kuypers, T. (1999), Winners and Losers: The Business Strategy of Football, London: Viking Book.
- Worldbank (2018), GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$), <>, 19.12.2018.
- Worldbank (2018), Population density (people per sq. km of land area), <>, 18.12.2018.