Determinants of Household Saving Behaviour in Turkey
Year 2022,
Volume: 30 Issue: 51, 71 - 90, 31.01.2022
Kübranur Çebi Karaaslan
Erkan Oktay
Ömer Alkan
The study aims to detect demographics and economic factors and the factors related to residential properties and social-environmental indicators affecting household savings in Turkey. In the study, cross-sectional data was obtained from the Household Budget Survey conducted by the Turkish Statistical Institute between the years 2015-2017. Binary logistic regression and binary probit regression analyses determined household savings factors. According to the analysis results, the factors like the occupation of the household head, educational status, gender, age, marital status, household size, automobile ownership, and survey year were determined to affect the saving behaviour of households.
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Türkiye’de Hanehalkı Tasarruf Davranışının Belirleyicileri
Year 2022,
Volume: 30 Issue: 51, 71 - 90, 31.01.2022
Kübranur Çebi Karaaslan
Erkan Oktay
Ömer Alkan
Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’deki hanehalkı tasarruflarını etkileyen demografik, ekonomik faktörler ile konut özellikleri ve sosyal-çevresel göstergelere ilişkin faktörleri belirlemektir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu tarafından 2015-2017 yılları arasında yapılan Hanehalkı Bütçe Araştırması anketinden elde edilen yatay- kesit verileri kullanılmıştır. Hanehalkı tasarruflarını etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek için binary lojistik regresyon ve binary probit regresyon analizleri uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, hane reisinin mesleği, eğitim durumu, cinsiyeti, yaşı, medeni durumu, hanehalkı büyüklüğü, otomobil sahipliği ve anket yılı gibi faktörlerin hanelerin tasarruf tutumları üzerinde etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
- Abdelkhalek, T. et al. (2010), “A microeconometric analysis of household savings determinants in Morocco”, African Review of Money Finance and Banking, 7-27.
- Agrawal, P. (2001), “The relation between savings and growth: cointegration and causality evidence from Asia”, Applied Economics, 33(4), 499-513.
- Alkan, Ö. & H. Abar (2020), “Determination of factors influencing tobacco consumption in Turkey using categorical data analyses1”, Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 75(1), 27-35.
- Alkan, Ö. Et al. (2015), “Determination of Factors Affecting the Children’s Internet Use”, American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 5(6), 57-67.
- Barbić, D. et al. (2016), “Logistic regression analysis of financial literacy implications for retirement planning in Croatia”, Croatian Operational Research Review, 7(2), 319-331.
- Beckmann, E. et al. (2013), “Determinants of households’ savings in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe”, Focus on European Economic Integration Q, 3(13), 8-29.
- BKM (2020), Yerli ve yabancı kredi kartlarının yurt içi kullanımı, <>, 26.03.2020.
- Bozkuş, S. & Ş. Üçdoğruk (2007), “Hanehalkı tasarruf tercihleri-Türkiye örneği”, Paper presented at the 8. Türkiye Ekonometri ve İstatistik Kongresi, Malatya.
- Browning, M. & A. Lusardi (1996), “Household saving: Micro theories and micro facts”, Journal of Economic Literature, 34(4), 1797-1855.
- Burney, N.A. & A.H. Khan (1992), “Socio-economic characteristics and household savings: an analysis of the households’ saving behaviour in Pakistan”, The Pakistan Development Review, 31(1), 31-48.
- Çelik, Z. (2009), “Adana ilinde hanehalkı gelir ve tasarruf eğilimlerinin incelenmesi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Adana.
- Ceritoğlu, E. & O. Eren (2014), “The effects of demographic and social changes on household savings in Turkey”, Central Bank Review, 14(3), 15-33.
- Ceritoğlu, E. (2009), The empirical importance of precautionary saving in Turkey, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
- Çolak, Ö.F. & H. Öztürkler (2012), “Tasarrufun belirleyicileri: Küresel tasarruf eğiliminde değişim ve Türkiye’de hanehalkı tasarruf eğiliminin analizi”, Bankacılar Dergisi, 82, 3-44.
- Denizer, C. et al. (2002), “Household savings in the transition”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 30(3), 463-475.
- Erdem, B.P. (2017), “Türkiye’de hanehalkı tasarruflarını etkileyen faktörler”, Uzmanlık Tezi, Ekonomik Modeller ve Stratejik Araştırmalar Genel Müdürlüğü, TC Kalkınma Bakanlığı, Ankara.
- Fisher, P. (2010), “Gender differences in personal saving behaviors”, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 21(1), 14-24.
- Horioka, C.Y. & A. Terada-Hagiwara (2012), “The determinants and long-term projections of saving rates in Developing Asia”, Japan and the World Economy, 24(2), 128-137.
- Hosmer Jr, D.W. et al. (2013), Applied logistic regression (Vol. 398), John Wiley & Sons.
- Howard, D.H. (1978), “Personal saving behavior and the rate of inflation”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 547-554.
- Hüfner, F. & I. Koske (2010), Explaining household saving rates in G7 countries: Implications for Germany: OECD Publishing.
- Hurd, M.D. & H.K. Lee (1995), “Household saving rates in Korea: Evidence on life-cycle consumption behavior”, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 9(2), 174-199.
- ING (2019), Türkiye’nin Tasarruf Eğilimleri Araştırması 2019 İkinci Çeyrek Raporu, ING Bank.
Khan, T. et al. (2013), “Determinants of private saving: A case of Pakistan”, Asian Journal of Economic Modelling, 1(1), 1-7.
- Kulikov, D. et al. (2007), A microeconometric analysis of household saving in Estonia: income, wealth and financial exposure: Eesti Pank/Bank of Estonia.
- Liberda, B. (1999), “Household saving in Poland”, CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research Paper No. 187.
- Liu, F. et al. (2019), “Professional financial advice, self‐control and saving behavior”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 43(1), 23-34.
- Modigliani, F. (2005), The Collected Papers of Franco Modigliani, Volume 6: MIT Press Books, The MIT Press, edition 1, volume 6, number 0262134543, August.
- Reinsdorf, M.B. & M. Perozek (2004), “Alternative measures of personal saving”, Survey of Current Business, 84(9), 17-27.
- Ricketts, C.F. et al. (2013), “The influence of individual health outcomes on individual savings behavior”, The Social Science Journal, 50(4), 471-481.
- Rodriguez-Palenzuela, D. & S. Dees (2016), “Savings and investment behaviour in the euro area”, ECB Occasional Paper (No.167), Frankfurt: European Central Bank (ECB).
- Russett, B. et al. (1994), “Did Americans’ expectations of nuclear war reduce their savings?”, International Studies Quarterly, 38(4), 587-603.
- Schmidt-Hebbel, K. et al. (1994), saving, investment, and growth in developing countries: an overview (Vol. 1382): World Bank Publications.
- Şengür, M. & S. Taban (2016), “Türkiye’de hanehalkı tasarruflarının gelir dışındaki belirleyicileri”, Optimum: Journal of Economics & Management Sciences/Ekonomi ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 29-53.
- Şenol, S. (2018), “The impact of borrowing on household saving behavior the case of Turkey 2003-2012”, Doktora Tezi, Kadir Has Ünivessitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
- TCMB (2015), Tasarruf-yatırım dinamikleri ve cari İşlemler dengesi gelişmeleri, Ankara: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankası.
- Temel-Nalın, H. (2013), “Determinants of household saving and portfolio choice behaviour in Turkey”, Acta Oeconomica, 63(3), 309-331.
- TÜİK (2018), Household Budget Statistics Micro Data Set, <>, 10.02.2020.
- WB (2011), “Turkey - Sustaining high growth: The role of domestic savings - synthesis report”, Report No. 66301-TR Washington D.C.: The Worldbank.
- Zengin, S. et al. (2018), “Türkiye’deki düşük hanehalkı tasarrufuna neden olan faktörlerin belirlenmesine yönelik bir araştırma”, Journal of Yaşar University, 13(49), 86-100.