The Effect of Subsidized Agricultural Loans Provided as Agricultural Support Policy on Producers' Income: An Application in Erzurum
Year 2024,
Volume: 32 Issue: 61, 401 - 411, 30.07.2024
Ayhan Korkulu
Yusuf Akan
The study aims to determine the effect of low-interest business and investment loans provided to producers engaged in agriculture and livestock activities on producers' income. The data used in the research was obtained through a face-to-face survey conducted to producers continuing their production activities in 10 different districts in Erzurum province. The data were evaluated using Ordinal Logistic Regression Analysis and Marginal Effects using SPSS 20 and STATA programs. The analysis revealed that the absence of credit and low loan amounts used increased the probability of being at lower income levels, while higher loan amounts increased the probability of being at higher income levels, highlighting the significant role of credit availability in determining producers' income levels.
Project Number
- Amanullah, W.J. et al. (2019), “Farm Level Impacts of Credit Constraints on Agricultural Investment and Income”, Pak. J. Agr. Scen, 56(2), 511-521.
- Anh, N.T. et al. (2020), “Does Credit Boost Agricultural Performance? Evidence From Vietnam”, International Journal of Social Economics, 47(9), 1203-1221.
- Ekwere, G.E. & I.D. Edem (2014), “Evaluation of Agricultural Credit Facility in Agricultural Production and Rural Development”, Global Journal of Human-Social Science: B Geography, Geo-Sciences, Environmental Disaster Management, 14(3), 19-26.
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- Ma, L. et al. (2019), “Agricultural Labor Changes and Agricultural Economic Development in China and Their Implications for Rural Vitalization”, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29(2), 163-179.
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- Rimal, N.S. (2014), “Agricultural Credit Flow of Commercial Banks and Impact on Agricultural Production in Nepal”, Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 372-376.
- Sagbo, N.S.M. & Y. Kusunose (2020), “Does Experience With Agricultural Loans Improve Farmers' Well-Being? Evidence from Benin”, Agricultural Finance Review, 81(4), 503-519.
- Si, C.H.E.N. et al. (2021), “Impacts of Formal Credit on Rural Household Income: Evidence from Deprived Areas in Western China”, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20(4), 927-942.
- Taşkıran, R. & H. Özüdoğru (2010), “Türkiye'de Tarımsal Kredi Uygulamaları”, Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (1), 150-163.
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- Tuna, Y. (1989), “Tarım Ürünleri Fiyatlarına Devlet Müdahalesi ve Türkiye'de Müdahale Fiyat Politikasının Tarihçesi”, İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 47(1-4), 346-349.
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- Yalçınkaya, H. (2018), “Tarım Kredilerinin Ekonomiye Olan Etkisinin Granger Nedensellik Analizi ile Tespiti”, Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi, 13(1), 51-61.
Tarımsal Destek Politikası Olarak Kullandırılan Sübvansiyonlu Tarımsal Kredilerin Üreticilerin Geliri Üzerindeki Etkisi: Erzurum’da Bir Uygulama
Year 2024,
Volume: 32 Issue: 61, 401 - 411, 30.07.2024
Ayhan Korkulu
Yusuf Akan
Çalışmanın amacı, tarım ve hayvancılık faaliyetiyle uğraşan üreticilere kullandırılan düşük faizli işletme ve yatırım kredilerinin üreticilerin geliri üzerindeki etkisinin tespit edilmesidir. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler Erzurum ilinde 10 farklı ilçede üretim faaliyetlerini sürdüren üreticilere yapılan yüz yüze anket çalışmasıyla elde edilmiştir. Veriler SPSS 20 ve STATA programları kullanılarak Ordinal Lojistik Regresyon Analizi ve Marjinal Etkiler ile değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Analiz sonucunda kredinin olmaması ve kullanılan düşük kredi miktarlarının daha düşük gelir düzeylerinde bulunma olasılığını artırdığını, daha yüksek kredi miktarlarının ise daha üst gelir düzeylerinde bulunma olasılığını artırdığı tespit edilmiştir.
Ethical Statement
Doktora tezinden türetilmiş bu çalışma BAP projesi kapsamında desteklenmiştir.
Supporting Institution
Atatürk Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi
Project Number
- Amanullah, W.J. et al. (2019), “Farm Level Impacts of Credit Constraints on Agricultural Investment and Income”, Pak. J. Agr. Scen, 56(2), 511-521.
- Anh, N.T. et al. (2020), “Does Credit Boost Agricultural Performance? Evidence From Vietnam”, International Journal of Social Economics, 47(9), 1203-1221.
- Ekwere, G.E. & I.D. Edem (2014), “Evaluation of Agricultural Credit Facility in Agricultural Production and Rural Development”, Global Journal of Human-Social Science: B Geography, Geo-Sciences, Environmental Disaster Management, 14(3), 19-26.
- Ersoy, M. & M.Ş. Özsoy (2017), “Tarım Finansmanının Kalkınmadaki Rolü ve Önemi: Bir Model Önerisi”, Öneri Dergisi, 12(47), 1-14.
- Florence, N. & S. Nathan (2020), “The Effect of Commercial Banks’ Agricultural Credit on Agricultural Growth in Uganda”, African Journal of Economic Review, 8(1), 162-175.
- Gershon, O. et al. (2020), “Household Access to Agricultural Credit and Agricultural Production in Nigeria: A Propensity Score Matching Model”, South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 23(1), 1-11.
- Iqbal, M. et al. (2003), “The Impact of Institutional Credit on Agricultural Production in Pakistan [With Comments]”, The Pakistan Development Review, 42(4), 469-485.
- Jimi, N.A. et al. (2019), “The Effects of Access to Credit on Productivity: Separating Technological Changes from Changes in Technical Efficiency”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 52(1), 37-55.
- Kadanalı, E. & E. Kaya (2020), “Agricultural Loan and Agricultural Production Value in Turkey”, Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 35(1), 93-98.
- Ma, L. et al. (2019), “Agricultural Labor Changes and Agricultural Economic Development in China and Their Implications for Rural Vitalization”, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 29(2), 163-179.
- Moahid, M. et al. (2021), “Agricultural Credit and Extension Services: Does Their Synergy Augment Farmers’ Economic Outcomes?”, Sustainability, 13(7), 3758.
- Nadolnyak, D. et al. (2017), “Farm Income and Output and Lending by the Farm Credit System”, Agricultural Finance Review, 77(1), 125-136.
- Novotná, A. & K. Kočišova (2022), “The Role of Banks in Financing the Slovak Agricultural Sector”, AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics.
- OECD (2016), OECD’s Producer Support Estimate and Related Indicators of Agricultural Support: Concepts, Calculations, Interpretation and Use (The PSE Manual), OECD Publishing.
- OECD (2021), Exchange Rates (indicator), <>, 02.02.2023.
- Özer, H. (2004), Nitel Değişkenli Ekonometrik Modeller: Teori ve Bir Uygulama, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
- Özgüven, M.M. vd. (2010), “Türkiye’nin Tarımsal Yapısı ve Mekanizasyon Durumu”, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, (2), 89-100.
- Rimal, N.S. (2014), “Agricultural Credit Flow of Commercial Banks and Impact on Agricultural Production in Nepal”, Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(2), 372-376.
- Sagbo, N.S.M. & Y. Kusunose (2020), “Does Experience With Agricultural Loans Improve Farmers' Well-Being? Evidence from Benin”, Agricultural Finance Review, 81(4), 503-519.
- Si, C.H.E.N. et al. (2021), “Impacts of Formal Credit on Rural Household Income: Evidence from Deprived Areas in Western China”, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 20(4), 927-942.
- Taşkıran, R. & H. Özüdoğru (2010), “Türkiye'de Tarımsal Kredi Uygulamaları”, Gazi Üniversitesi Ticaret ve Turizm Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, (1), 150-163.
- Torres-Reyna, O. (2014), Predicted Probabilities and Marginal Effects After (Ordered) Logit/probit Using Margins in Stata, Princeton University.
- Tuna, Y. (1989), “Tarım Ürünleri Fiyatlarına Devlet Müdahalesi ve Türkiye'de Müdahale Fiyat Politikasının Tarihçesi”, İktisat Fakültesi Mecmuası, 47(1-4), 346-349.
- Udoka, C.O. et al. (2016), “The Effect of Commercial Banks’ Credit on Agricultural Production in Nigeria”, Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(1), 1-10.
- Yalçınkaya, H. (2018), “Tarım Kredilerinin Ekonomiye Olan Etkisinin Granger Nedensellik Analizi ile Tespiti”, Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi, 13(1), 51-61.