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Algılanan Yönetici Desteğinin Bireysel İş Performansı Üzerine Etkisinde Psikolojik Sahiplenmenin Aracı Rolü: Sağlık Sektöründe Bir Araştırma

Year 2024, Volume: 32 Issue: 62, 131 - 156


Bu çalışmanın amacı, hemşirelerin algıladıkları yönetici desteği ile bireysel iş performansı arasındaki ilişkide psikolojik sahiplenmenin aracı rolünü belirlemektir. Tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel tipte tasarlanan araştırma örneklemini Osmaniye il ve ilçe devlet hastanelerinde görev yapan hemşireler oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma için hem nicel (n=414) hem de nitel (n=23) analiz yöntemlerini içeren karma analiz yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen nicel veriler Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli (YEM) aracılığı ile test edilirken; nitel verilerin analizinde içerik analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Bulgulara göre algılanan yönetici desteğinin bireysel iş performansı üzerindeki etkisinde psikolojik sahiplenmenin kısmi aracılık rolü olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


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The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector

Year 2024, Volume: 32 Issue: 62, 131 - 156


The study aimed to determine the mediator role of psychological ownership in the relationship between nurses' perceived managerial support and individual work performance. The descriptive and cross-sectional study sample included Osmaniye provincial and district hospital nurses. A mixed analysis, including both quantitative (n=414) and qualitative (n=23) analysis methods, was used for the study. While the quantitative data were tested using the Structural Equation Model (SEM), content analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data. According to the findings, it was concluded that psychological ownership partially mediated the effect of perceived managerial support on individual work performance.


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There are 103 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Labor Economics
Journal Section Articles

Sevda Demir 0000-0003-1172-973X

Semih Avcı This is me 0009-0006-0761-2407

Early Pub Date October 13, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date January 11, 2024
Acceptance Date August 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 32 Issue: 62


APA Demir, S., & Avcı, S. (2024). The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector. Sosyoekonomi, 32(62), 131-156.
AMA Demir S, Avcı S. The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector. Sosyoekonomi. October 2024;32(62):131-156.
Chicago Demir, Sevda, and Semih Avcı. “The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector”. Sosyoekonomi 32, no. 62 (October 2024): 131-56.
EndNote Demir S, Avcı S (October 1, 2024) The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector. Sosyoekonomi 32 62 131–156.
IEEE S. Demir and S. Avcı, “The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector”, Sosyoekonomi, vol. 32, no. 62, pp. 131–156, 2024.
ISNAD Demir, Sevda - Avcı, Semih. “The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector”. Sosyoekonomi 32/62 (October 2024), 131-156.
JAMA Demir S, Avcı S. The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector. Sosyoekonomi. 2024;32:131–156.
MLA Demir, Sevda and Semih Avcı. “The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector”. Sosyoekonomi, vol. 32, no. 62, 2024, pp. 131-56.
Vancouver Demir S, Avcı S. The Mediator Role of Psychological Ownership in the Effect of Perceived Managerial Support on Individual Work Performance: A Research in the Health Care Sector. Sosyoekonomi. 2024;32(62):131-56.