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Paradoxical Binary and Kafka

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 1406 - 1413, 31.12.2024


Franz Kafka is seeking a mythical dimension of truth in his philosophical stories. The prospect of finding the truth amid the contradictions is the central ambiguity of the existential approach within this context. In The Trial, Kafka uses contradictional paradoxes to express themes such as violating privacy, constant control, domination, alienation, loneliness, and the burden of guilt. The questions of the matter discussed in The Trial are thematic paradoxes, such as confusion or equivocation between different levels of abstraction in tragic space and timing. Kafka’s protagonists are lonely and isolated figures consigned to oblivion and trapped amid the notion of good and evil—the central dilemma timelessly. Displayed through binary opposition of paradoxes, Kafka’s protagonist is questioning his identity, double-bonded in the corrupted world he belongs to and the current alienated one. Besides, The Castle represents the individual’s struggle against the system of bureaucracy; Metamorphosis demonstrates Gregor Zamza’s animal form in opposition to his human mentality, and “The Hunter Gracchus” shows alienation between self/I and man/body. Kafka utilizes the binary to present the meaning defined by everything surrounding it—striking Derrida’s Deconstruction theory. Kafka creates paradoxical contradictions, and the symbols in Kafka’s works—whether they are animals or authorities such as the father, The Trial, or the castle—represent the inconsistent two-way tensions of the protagonist’s inner life, which can neither be this nor that. This conflict is not beyond the protagonist’s limits, who does not struggle to find a reason for any tendency to the subconscious of humanity.


  • Canetti, E. (1974). Kafka’s other trial: The letters to Felice. (C. Middleton, Trans.). Schochen Books.
  • Cerfeda, D. (2019). The performance of perversion in Kafka’s literature and its adaptations (dissertation). Minerva Access, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne.
  • Corngold, S. (1988). Franz Kafka: The Necessity of Form. Cornell University Press.
  • Cuddon, J. A., & Preston, C. E. (1999). The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and literary theory, 4th ed. Penguin, 82-83.
  • Gaither, M. (1961). Literature and the Arts. In Comparative literature: Method & Perspective. Newton P. Stallknecht & Horst Frenz (Eds.). Southern Illinois University Press, 153-170.
  • Harel, N. (2020). Kafka’s Zoopoetics: Beyond the human-animal barrier. University of Michigan Press.
  • Kafka, F. (1981). America. Penguin Books.
  • Kafka, F. (1976). Diaries 1910-1923. Schocken Books.
  • Kafka, Franz. (2015). Letter to the father, brief an den vater (E. Kaiser & E. Wilkins, Trans.). Schocken Books.
  • Kafka, F., & Robertson, R. (2009). The Trial. (M. Mitchell, Trans.) (Vol. Oxford World’s Classics). Oxford University Press.
  • McCort, D. (2007, February 1). Kafka and the coincidence of opposites. Romantic Circles. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from
  • Nas, A. (2010, March 21). The lucian of samosata project. Where is Giambattista Vico’s “New Science” in 20th Century: Deconstruction, Adorno & Horkheimer, Kafka, Bakhtin, Lacan [The Lucian of Samosata Project]. Retrieved May 5, 2022.
  • Nietzsche, F. (1967). Will To Power. (Walter Kaufman Trans.). Vintage Books.
  • Pehar, L. (2017). Kafka: A Blueprint of Desire (dissertation). University of Toronto Library, Toronto.
  • Remak, H.H.H. (1961). Comparative Literature, Its Definition and Function. In Comparative literature: Method & Perspective. Newton P. Stallknecht & Horst Frenz (Eds.). Southern Illinois University Press, 1-37.
  • Rojas, C. (2015). Writing on the wall: Benjamin, Kafka, Borges, and the Chinese imaginary. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (13), 71–81. Recuperado a partir de
  • Rolleston, J. (2006). A companion to the works of Franz Kafka. Camden House.
  • Şafak, Z. (2014). An Examination of the Judgment Through the Reader-Response and Reception Theory. The Journal of International Social Research, 7(33), 253–260.
  • Wellek, R., Melas, N., & Buthelezi, M. (2009). The crisis of comparative literature. In D. Damrosch (Ed.), The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature: From the European Enlightenment to the Global Present (Vol. 22, Ser. Translation/Transnation, pp. 161–172). essay, Princeton University Press.
  • Wellek, R., & Warren, A. (1956). Theory of literature (3rd ed.). Harcourt, Brace & World.

Kafka ve Paradoksal İkili Karşıtlık

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 1406 - 1413, 31.12.2024


Franz Kafka, felsefi öykülerinde gerçeğin mitsel boyutunu bulma arayışındadır. Gerçeği çelişkiler ile bulma olasılığı, bu bağlamda, varoluşun belirsizliğini açıklar. Kafka Dava’da mahremiyeti ihlal etme, sürekli kontrol edilme, tahakküm, yabancılaşma, yalnızlık ve suçluluk duygusu gibi temaları göstermek için ikili karşıtlık kullanmaktadır. Trajik ortamda, farklı soyutlama seviyeleri arasındaki kafa karışıklığı veya ikirciklilik gibi tematik paradokslar, Dava’da tartışılan temel unsurdur. Kafka’nın kahramanları, unutulmaya mahkûm edilmiş ve günümüz dünyasının en büyük acıları olan ve iyi ve kötü kavramların ortasında kapana kısılmış yalnız ve izole figürlerdir. Paradoksların ikili karşıtlığı üzerinden sergilenen Kafka’nın kahramanı, ait olduğu yozlaşmış dünyayla ve şimdiki yabancılaşmış dünyada çifte kimliğini sorgulamaktadır. Şato, bireyin bürokrasi sistemine karşılık verdiği mücadeleyi temsil ederken; Dönüşüm, Gregor Zamza’nın insan zihniyetine karşı hayvan formunu ve “Avcı Gracchus” ise kişi/ben ile insan/beden arasındaki yabancılaşmayı sergilemektedir. Kafka, insanı çevreleyen şey tarafından tanımlanan anlamı, Yapısöküm teorisini ikili karşıtlık çerçevesinde sunmaktadır. Kafka paradoksal ikili karşıtlık—baba, mahkeme veya kale gibi hayvanlar veya yetkililer—yaratarak, semboller ile kahramanın içsel ve iki yönlü tutarsızlıklığını gösterir. Bu çatışma, bir seçim için sebep arayışında olan ve mücadele etmeyen insanlığın bilinçaltında olan kahramanın sınırlarının ötesinde değildir.


  • Canetti, E. (1974). Kafka’s other trial: The letters to Felice. (C. Middleton, Trans.). Schochen Books.
  • Cerfeda, D. (2019). The performance of perversion in Kafka’s literature and its adaptations (dissertation). Minerva Access, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne.
  • Corngold, S. (1988). Franz Kafka: The Necessity of Form. Cornell University Press.
  • Cuddon, J. A., & Preston, C. E. (1999). The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and literary theory, 4th ed. Penguin, 82-83.
  • Gaither, M. (1961). Literature and the Arts. In Comparative literature: Method & Perspective. Newton P. Stallknecht & Horst Frenz (Eds.). Southern Illinois University Press, 153-170.
  • Harel, N. (2020). Kafka’s Zoopoetics: Beyond the human-animal barrier. University of Michigan Press.
  • Kafka, F. (1981). America. Penguin Books.
  • Kafka, F. (1976). Diaries 1910-1923. Schocken Books.
  • Kafka, Franz. (2015). Letter to the father, brief an den vater (E. Kaiser & E. Wilkins, Trans.). Schocken Books.
  • Kafka, F., & Robertson, R. (2009). The Trial. (M. Mitchell, Trans.) (Vol. Oxford World’s Classics). Oxford University Press.
  • McCort, D. (2007, February 1). Kafka and the coincidence of opposites. Romantic Circles. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from
  • Nas, A. (2010, March 21). The lucian of samosata project. Where is Giambattista Vico’s “New Science” in 20th Century: Deconstruction, Adorno & Horkheimer, Kafka, Bakhtin, Lacan [The Lucian of Samosata Project]. Retrieved May 5, 2022.
  • Nietzsche, F. (1967). Will To Power. (Walter Kaufman Trans.). Vintage Books.
  • Pehar, L. (2017). Kafka: A Blueprint of Desire (dissertation). University of Toronto Library, Toronto.
  • Remak, H.H.H. (1961). Comparative Literature, Its Definition and Function. In Comparative literature: Method & Perspective. Newton P. Stallknecht & Horst Frenz (Eds.). Southern Illinois University Press, 1-37.
  • Rojas, C. (2015). Writing on the wall: Benjamin, Kafka, Borges, and the Chinese imaginary. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (13), 71–81. Recuperado a partir de
  • Rolleston, J. (2006). A companion to the works of Franz Kafka. Camden House.
  • Şafak, Z. (2014). An Examination of the Judgment Through the Reader-Response and Reception Theory. The Journal of International Social Research, 7(33), 253–260.
  • Wellek, R., Melas, N., & Buthelezi, M. (2009). The crisis of comparative literature. In D. Damrosch (Ed.), The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature: From the European Enlightenment to the Global Present (Vol. 22, Ser. Translation/Transnation, pp. 161–172). essay, Princeton University Press.
  • Wellek, R., & Warren, A. (1956). Theory of literature (3rd ed.). Harcourt, Brace & World.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects World Languages, Literature and Culture (Other)

Saman Hashemıpour 0000-0003-1756-3929

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date September 6, 2024
Acceptance Date November 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Hashemıpour, S. (2024). Paradoxical Binary and Kafka. Söylem Filoloji Dergisi, 9(3), 1406-1413.