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Stratejik Bilim ve Teoloji İttifakının Perspektifleri ve Küresel Zorluklara, Düşmanlığa ve İnsani (İç) Güvenliğe Karşı Şiddetsiz Direniş

Year 2023, , 42 - 59, 26.12.2023


Bu çalışma barışçıl, güvenli ve adil bir dünya özlemine çözüm olarak Bilim ve Din arasındaki sinerjiyi; felsefi,
sosyo-politik ve insani güvenlik yaklaşımları çerçevesinde analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Din ve Bilimin uyum
ve ittifak perspektiflerine işaret etmekte ve çok sayıda küresel sorunla ilgili şiddet içermeyen direnişin teorik
kavramlarını incelemektedir. Bu makalenin çıkış noktası, sosyal ve politik dinamiklerin yanı sıra Bilim ve
Din'in de çatışmalar (ulusal, jeopolitik, ideolojik veya dini), çevresel konular, küreselleşme ve göçler, artan
radikalizm, milliyetçilik, insan güvenliği gibi veya sosyal adaleti etkilemek gibi küresel zorluklar üzerinde
büyük etkileri olduğudur. Tarihsel olarak Bilim ve Din arasındaki ilişki son zamanlarda, çatışmadan
düşmanlığa kadar değişmektedir. Karşılıklı anlayışın normatif eylemi ve Bilim ile Din arasındaki etkileşim ve
işbirliği, öncelikle, özellikle küresel meselelerle ilgili olarak yapıcı diyalogdaki katılımcılara (siyasetleşmemiş
teologlar ve bilim adamları) bağlıdır. Bilim ve Din arasındaki çatışan anlatılar, ortak öğrenme ve daha iyi bir
dünyaya ve şefkatli bir kültüre katkı için bir fırsattır. Bu nedenle, sınırları aşan söylemin önde gelen fikirleri,
bilimler ve dinler arasındaki sinerjinin teşvik edilmesi ve şefkatli bir toplumun, yani empatik bir medeniyetin
teşvik edilmesi için uluslararası işbirliğinin teşvik edilmesidir. Küresel zorluklara karşı şiddet içermeyen
muhalefet, yapısal şiddetin kaynağı olarak güç dengesizliğinin değiştirilmesine dahil edilmelidir. Bununla
birlikte kurtuluş, sosyal adalete, sosyopolitik istikrara ve kritik insanî güvenliğe odaklanmalıdır. Küresel
zorluklarla yüzleşirken Bilim ve Din, karşılıklı anlayışı teşvik ederek ve işbirliği yoluyla ortak bir dil kullanarak
diplomatik değere sahip olmalıdır. Genel ruhsal gelişimin değerli aracı olarak küresel dinsel olmayan
maneviyatla desteklenen dini gelenekler ve bilim, ulusötesi zorluklara karşı bir barış ve diyalog kültürünü öne
çıkarmalıdır. Ancak materyal bilimi ve teoloji, artan radikal milliyetçiliğe, ırkçılığa, çatışmalara,
hegemonyacılığa, Dünya'nın yok edilmesine ve sosyoekonomik eşitsizliğe açıkça biçimlendirici değildir. Bilim
ve Din arasındaki etik ve yapıcı politikaların dayattığı sağlıklı stratejik birlik, küresel sorunların ve karşıt
uygulamaların çözümünü destekleyebilir ve geliştirebilir. Böyle bir normatif-biçimlendirici çerçeve; bilginin,
her Dinin ahlaki ilkelerine göre insani, sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel hedefleri ilerletecek şekilde
geliştirilmesini sağlamalıdır.


  • Akturk, S. (2022). Nationalism and Religion in Comparative Perspective: A New Typology of National-Religious Configurations, Nationalities papers, 50(2): 205-218
  • Anusha, Y (2020). Blank 101, Science and Religion: Beyond War and Peace,
  • Babic, L. (2015)., "Religija ljevica" – pogled ispod tribine, 2015.
  • Behere, P., Das, A., Yadav, R. and Behere, A., (2013). Religion and mental health", Indian J Psychiatry, 55(2): 187–194
  • Bullard, G. (2016). National Geographic, "The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion,"
  • CBC, (2022). Europe's different approach to Ukrainian and Syrian refugees draws accusations of racism»,
  • Donovan, P. (1986). Do Different Religions Share Moral Common Ground?», Religious Studies, 22(3/4): 367-375
  • Gluckman, P. (2022). University World News, «Science is the basis for moving ahead on global challenges,»
  • Golebiewski, D. (2014). «Religion and Globalization: New Possibilities, Furthering Challenges,» E-International relations,
  • Gutierrez, G. (1988). A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and Salvation, New York: Orvis Books.
  • Hadzic, F. (2021). International Relations After the Cold War: Violent Democracies, Hegemonism, and Deprivation, Voice of International Affairs
  • Hadzic, F. (2021). The world between the globalization, democratization, and disintegrative globalism, Conference: International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific goals and purposes in XXI century,» Seattle, USA
  • Hadzic, F. (2023). Violent and Unethical Non-Violent Abuse of Faith and Ethnoreligious Sentiments in Southeast Europe: Religious Peace-Building. International Journal of Social Inquiry 16(1):47-74, 10.37093/ijsi.1194016
  • Hadzic, F. (2022). Sociopolitics, Psychology, And Genocracy of Global Nationalism and Neo-Racism; Peace and Conflict Philosophy, Universal Journal of History and Culture, 4(2): 158-193, 10.52613/ujhc.1116521
  • International Crisis Group, (2019). «A Way Out of Latin America's Impasse over Venezuela, Briefing 38, Latin America and Caribbean»
  • International Labour Office (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) (2021). «International Migration, Racism, Discrimination and Xenophobia»
  • Livni, E. (2018)., "Columbia and Yale scientists found the spiritual part of our brains—religion not required,"
  • Pew Research Center, (2020). The Global God Divide,
  • Pew Research Center, (2015). Religion and Views on Climate and Energy Issues,
  • Raffai, A. (2017). «Teologija oslobođenja kao kontekst nenasilnog djelovanja vjernika za mir,»
  • Rana, D. (2021)., "The Role of Spirituality in World Peace,"
  • Schwadel, P. and Hardy, S. (2021)., The, «Faith still shapes morals and values even after people are "done" with Religion,"
  • Susnjic, D. (1987). Odnos nauke i relig., Rev. za soc, 17(1): 3-10
  • Thipgen, C., Johnson, C. and Funk, C. (2020). «On the Intersection of Science and Religion,» Pew Research Center, [Orig. source:]
  • Vivekananda, J. (2022). Reimagining the human security- Environment relationship, Why Climate Change Matters for Human Security, Canada: United Nations University, Center for Policy Research
  • Wilson, E. (1999). Consillence-the unity of knowledge, New York: Vintage.
  • Young, R. and Miller, K. (2021)., «Can Spirituality Exist Without God? A Growing Number Of Americans Say Yes,"

Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance of Science and Theology and Non-Violent Resistance to Global Challenges, Antagonism and Human (In)Security

Year 2023, , 42 - 59, 26.12.2023


This study aims to analyze a synergy between Science and Religion within philosophical, socio-political, and human security approaches as the solution to the longing for a peaceful, secure, and just world. It indicates the perspectives of harmony and alliance of Religion and Science and examines the theoretical concepts of non-violent resistance related to numerous global challenges. The starting point of this paper is that Science and Religion, alongside social and political dynamics, have massive effects on global challenges such as conflicts (national, geopolitical, ideological, or religious), environmental matters, globalization and migrations, growing radicalism, nationalism, human security, or influence social justice. Historically, the relationship between Science and Religion has recently ranged from conflict to hostility. The normative action of mutual understanding and the interaction and cooperation between Science and Religion depends primarily on the participants (non-politized theologians and scientists) in constructive dialogue, particularly regarding global issues. Conflicting narratives between Science and Religion is an opportunity for joint learning and contribution to a better world and a compassionate culture. Therefore, the leading ideas of the discourse across borders are the promotion of synergy between sciences and religions and cooperation between nations in promoting a compassionate society – an empathetic civilization. Non-violent dissent to global challenges should be involved in changing the power imbalance as a source of structural violence. Nevertheless, liberation must focus on social justice, sociopolitical stability, and critical human security. In facing global challenges, Science and Religion must have diplomatic value by promoting mutual understanding and using a common language through collaboration. Religious traditions and Science, strengthened by global non-religious spiritualism as the valuable means of general spiritual growth, should assert a culture of peace and dialogue for transnational challenges. However, material science and theology are not explicitly formative to growing radical nationalism, racism, conflicts, hegemonism, destruction of the Earth, and socioeconomic inequality. The healthy strategic union between Science and Religion enforced by ethical and constructive politics can support and enhance the resolution of global issues and antagonistic practices. Such a normative-formative framework should ensure that knowledge is developed to advance human, social, economic, and environmental goals according to the moral principles of each Religion.


  • Akturk, S. (2022). Nationalism and Religion in Comparative Perspective: A New Typology of National-Religious Configurations, Nationalities papers, 50(2): 205-218
  • Anusha, Y (2020). Blank 101, Science and Religion: Beyond War and Peace,
  • Babic, L. (2015)., "Religija ljevica" – pogled ispod tribine, 2015.
  • Behere, P., Das, A., Yadav, R. and Behere, A., (2013). Religion and mental health", Indian J Psychiatry, 55(2): 187–194
  • Bullard, G. (2016). National Geographic, "The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion,"
  • CBC, (2022). Europe's different approach to Ukrainian and Syrian refugees draws accusations of racism»,
  • Donovan, P. (1986). Do Different Religions Share Moral Common Ground?», Religious Studies, 22(3/4): 367-375
  • Gluckman, P. (2022). University World News, «Science is the basis for moving ahead on global challenges,»
  • Golebiewski, D. (2014). «Religion and Globalization: New Possibilities, Furthering Challenges,» E-International relations,
  • Gutierrez, G. (1988). A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics, and Salvation, New York: Orvis Books.
  • Hadzic, F. (2021). International Relations After the Cold War: Violent Democracies, Hegemonism, and Deprivation, Voice of International Affairs
  • Hadzic, F. (2021). The world between the globalization, democratization, and disintegrative globalism, Conference: International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific goals and purposes in XXI century,» Seattle, USA
  • Hadzic, F. (2023). Violent and Unethical Non-Violent Abuse of Faith and Ethnoreligious Sentiments in Southeast Europe: Religious Peace-Building. International Journal of Social Inquiry 16(1):47-74, 10.37093/ijsi.1194016
  • Hadzic, F. (2022). Sociopolitics, Psychology, And Genocracy of Global Nationalism and Neo-Racism; Peace and Conflict Philosophy, Universal Journal of History and Culture, 4(2): 158-193, 10.52613/ujhc.1116521
  • International Crisis Group, (2019). «A Way Out of Latin America's Impasse over Venezuela, Briefing 38, Latin America and Caribbean»
  • International Labour Office (ILO), International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) (2021). «International Migration, Racism, Discrimination and Xenophobia»
  • Livni, E. (2018)., "Columbia and Yale scientists found the spiritual part of our brains—religion not required,"
  • Pew Research Center, (2020). The Global God Divide,
  • Pew Research Center, (2015). Religion and Views on Climate and Energy Issues,
  • Raffai, A. (2017). «Teologija oslobođenja kao kontekst nenasilnog djelovanja vjernika za mir,»
  • Rana, D. (2021)., "The Role of Spirituality in World Peace,"
  • Schwadel, P. and Hardy, S. (2021)., The, «Faith still shapes morals and values even after people are "done" with Religion,"
  • Susnjic, D. (1987). Odnos nauke i relig., Rev. za soc, 17(1): 3-10
  • Thipgen, C., Johnson, C. and Funk, C. (2020). «On the Intersection of Science and Religion,» Pew Research Center, [Orig. source:]
  • Vivekananda, J. (2022). Reimagining the human security- Environment relationship, Why Climate Change Matters for Human Security, Canada: United Nations University, Center for Policy Research
  • Wilson, E. (1999). Consillence-the unity of knowledge, New York: Vintage.
  • Young, R. and Miller, K. (2021)., «Can Spirituality Exist Without God? A Growing Number Of Americans Say Yes,"
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Regional Studies
Journal Section Articles

Faruk Hadžić

Early Pub Date December 23, 2023
Publication Date December 26, 2023
Submission Date November 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Hadžić, F. (2023). Perspectives of the Strategic Alliance of Science and Theology and Non-Violent Resistance to Global Challenges, Antagonism and Human (In)Security. Strategic Public Management Journal, 9(16), 42-59.

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