Writing Rules

When submitting articles, authors are required to sign the COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM.

The Strategic Public Management Journal (SPMJ) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that implements a double-blind peer-review system, offers open access to readers, and has the ISSN 2149-9543.
The expressions within the texts belong to the authors and do not reflect the views of SPMJ editors. The responsibility for the expressions and opinions in published works belongs to the authors and does not bind the editorial board.
When Submitting an Article Proposal
All submissions to our journal are evaluated through the DergiPark system. The evaluation of submitted works varies depending on the journal's publication period. Authors are informed about the process of their submitted works at different stages, and the issue in which the work will be published is communicated to them. No fee is charged for the evaluation process and publication of submitted works. Submitted works must not have been submitted elsewhere for publication or published in any language. All submitted works are checked for plagiarism before the peer-review process begins. Works cannot have more than four author names. Accepted works for the evaluation process must wait until the peer-review process is completed.
Regular Issue
The editorial board initiates the preliminary review process for submitted works. The eligible works, with author names kept confidential, are sent for peer review. The final decision is made by the editorial board; rejection, acceptance, or formatting corrections are at the discretion of the editorial board. However, any corrections that may affect the entirety of the work are made with the consent of the authors. The peer-review process may take between 3 to 6 months depending on the journal's publication period.
Special Issue
Once a year, a special issue may be published based on a specific theme. At least six authors may be invited to submit articles for publication. The selected works are subjected to peer review with authors remaining anonymous. The final decision is made by the editorial board; rejection, acceptance, or formatting corrections are at the discretion of the editorial board. However, any corrections that may affect the entirety of the work are made with the consent of the authors.
Submitted works, including abstract and references pages, should not exceed 30 pages. Articles submitted to the journal should consist of a minimum of 7,500 and a maximum of 9,000 words, including footnotes and references, and should be written in English or Turkish.
Title, Subtitles, and Author Information
The title page must contain the full title of the work in Turkish and English. The main title should be presented in Times New Roman 14 font and all capital letters. The author's name should be below the title of the article. The author's surname should be written in capital letters. The author's title, institution, email address, and ORCID number should be specified in the footnote. No authorship information or any information that would reveal the author(s) should be included in the initial submission file. Author(s) should add authorship information in the revised version after the evaluation process. In the case of multiple authors, information regarding each author should be provided on a new line. In this case, detailed contact information for the corresponding author must be provided. Author changes can only be processed before the article is accepted. Authors should carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their articles. Changes to author responsibilities for a started work in the evaluation process (such as adding an author, changing the order of authors, removing an author) cannot be proposed.
The main title should not exceed eight words. No abbreviations should be used in the title, subtitles, or author information section. Subtitles should be brief and clear.
Abstract and Keywords
Submitted works should contain a brief summary not exceeding 200 words, titled ABSTRACT. The abstract section should cover the purpose of the study, its method, the significant aspects it contains, and briefly summarize the conclusion. The abstract section is prepared to provide readers with a brief overview of the study before reading the entire work. Keywords should include the key concepts covered in the study. No references should be made in the abstract section.
An English abstract is mandatory for every work written in Turkish. For works written in English, an abstract in Turkish is expected.
After passing through the reviewers' evaluation, authors submit the final version of the work, taking into account the criticism and suggestions of the reviewers. At this stage, no new additions or changes to the work can be made except for the suggestions of the reviewers.
It is expected that the works submitted by the authors are original. If authors use other works or references, they must cite them accurately and completely.
Article Writing
An original research article should address the topic in an original and objective manner.

Authorship and Contribution
All significant contributors to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the study should be listed as co-authors. If there are contributors with minimal involvement in the study, they should be mentioned in the acknowledgment section. The corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the article for submission and publication. Authors share responsibility for the work. Individuals who have not made an intellectual contribution to the creation of the work should not be listed as authors.
Conflict of Interest
All works submitted for publication should disclose any situations or relationships that could constitute a conflict of interest.
Data Access and Preservation
Authors may be asked to provide raw data related to their articles during the evaluation process, and in such cases, authors should be prepared to provide the requested data and information to the editorial and publishing boards.
Publication of Studies Based on Surveys and Interviews
Authors should have the rights to use the data used in their research/analyses or have the consent of the subjects of the experiments. For research conducted in all fields that require ethical approval (ethical approval must be obtained, and this approval must be documented in the article. In research requiring ethical approval, information about the approval (committee name, date, and number) should be provided in the method section, as well as on the first/last pages of the article; in case presentations, information should be included in the article regarding the informed voluntary consent form signed.
Error Reporting
Authors are obligated to inform the journal editor or publisher, collaborate with the editor in correction or withdrawal procedures if they notice any error or mistake in their published, early-view, or under-review work.

Multiple and Simultaneous Publications

Authors cannot submit their work to more than one journal's application process simultaneously. Each application can only be initiated after the completion of the previous one. A work published in another journal cannot be submitted to the Strategic Public Management Journal.

Fee Policy

Authors are not required to pay any fees for any process in the journal.
Technical Details
Submitted works should be in Word (.doc) format in A4 vertical file. The text should be prepared with 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman 11 font, and with 2 cm margins on all sides.
Since the writing guidelines for articles published in SPMJ before 2017 are different, they should not be taken as examples for articles intended for new issues. Paragraph headings, end of sections, footer/header, and page numbers are not used. Line indicators, numbering, or other automatic functions should not be used for lined items. Use hyphens or regular numbers. The text should be editable and not locked/encrypted so that reviewers or the editorial board can make necessary changes. If any additional note or information needs to be provided without disrupting the flow in the text, footnotes should be added using the "reference" feature in Word, and these footnotes should end with a period.
Parts and Sections of the Study
A study includes chapters, subsections, and sections. The numbering method here is as follows. Only the first letter of the words in the subtitles is capitalized. All titles should be written in Times New Roman 11 font, with the first letter of each word capitalized.
Quotations should be included in the main text using quotation marks. Original format or syllabification methods can be preferred. Any information regarding the quoted section should be provided in parentheses. If you want to emphasize a quoted section, it can be written in italics. Quotations must always include a reference to the source.
A 6 nk space should be given before and after the table. Table titles and text should be in 12-point font (lower font sizes can be used as needed). There should be no line spacing or spacing within the cells. Vertical, right, and left borders should not be colored in the table.
Graphics, Figures, and Maps
Since the journal is published in black and white, all elements should be designed accordingly, and different sections should be distinguishable (shades of gray or different backgrounds can be used). All graphics, figures, and maps should automatically fit the window and be titled as in the Table section.


There should be a 6 nk space between paragraphs.
In sections containing lists, a period and a space should be left after the number. Each line should end with a comma, semicolon, and the last line should be closed with a period.
Except for commonly used abbreviations (such as UN, EU, USA), all abbreviations should be written out in full the first time they are used and provided in parentheses. For example: 'World Health Organization (WHO)'. Abbreviated forms can be used in subsequent sections.
Footnotes are only used for necessary explanations and are provided automatically with the "FOOTNOTE" command. Citations here should be arranged with the author's last name, the year of publication of the work, and the page number in parentheses.
When writing dates, the day, month, and year should be written (November 2, 2016). Year ranges should be written in the text as “1960s.”
The Strategic Public Management Journal formats articles according to APA 7 guidelines and requires that works be prepared according to the most recent APA format.
You can find all the detailed information on the APA 7 official website.

Click here to access the sample format

Last Update Time: 5/10/24, 9:36:37 PM

STRATEGIC PUBLIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL © 2015 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. CC BY-NC 4.0 açık erişim tanımı ile uyumludur