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Year 2023, , 45 - 55, 05.12.2023


Spor ve rekreasyon tesisleri insanların fiziksel olarak aktif oldukları, sağlıklarını korudukları, sosyalleştikleri mekânlardır. İnsanların spor yaparak sağlıklı, fit ve mutlu olmalarını sağlayan spor tesisleri kullanım rahatlığı sunması, güvenli, yenilikçi ve sürdürülebilir tasarımlarıyla son dönemde hem kullanıcılar hem de hizmet sağlayıcılar açısından ilgi çekici hale gelmiştir. Kullanıcılar güvenli ve konforlu spor hizmeti elde ederken, kamu kurumları ya da özel hizmet sağlayıcılar sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel kazançlar ortaya koymaktadır. Buradan hareketle çalışmanın amacı spor ve fitness tesislerinin planlanma aşamasından tesisin kurulması aşamasına kadar olan süreçte sürdürülebilir sistem dinamiklerini de kapsayan bir derleme sunmaktır.


  • Artuso, P., & Santiangeli, A. (2008). Energy solutions for sports facilities. International journal of hydrogen energy, 33(12), 3182-3187.
  • Baechle, T. (2008). Essentials of strength training and conditioning. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • Balcı V., & Kaya S. (2017). Spor ve Rekreasyonda Sürdürülebilirlik: Teoriden Pratiğe. Karaküçük S., Kaya S., Akgül B.A., (Ed.) Rekreasyon Bilimi 2 içinde (s. 311-373). Gazi Kitabevi
  • Boubekri, M., Cheung, I. N., Reid, K. J., Wang, C. H., & Zee, P. C. (2014). Impact of windows and daylight exposure on overall health and sleep quality of office workers: a case-control pilot study. Journal of clinical sleep medicine, 10(6), 603-611.
  • Can, H., & Güney, S. (2018). İşletmelerin Kuruluşu. H. Can, & S. Güney içinde, Genel İşletme. Siyasal Kitapevi.
  • Ceyhun, S. (2008). Spor Tesislerinin Rekreatif Açıdan Kullanımı. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 16(1), 325-332.
  • Culley, P., & Pascoe, J. (2009). Sports facilities and technologies. Routledge.
  • Daly, J. (2000). Recreation and sport planning and design. Human Kinetics Publishers (UK) Ltd.
  • Dixon, W., (2010). The Impacts of Construction and the Built Environment, Briefing Notes, Willmott-dixon Group.
  • Disability Sport, N. I. (2016). Accessible Sports Facilities Design Guidelines. Disability Sport NI.
  • Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (2021). Facility Planning Guide Sport and Recreation Facilities. Leederville, Australia.
  • Essig N., Lindner S., Magdolen S., & Loni Siegmund (2021) Guidelines for Sustainable Sports Facility Construction Criteria for the Construction of Sustainable Sports Halls.
  • Geçer, E., Şentürk, i., & Büyükgüngör, H. (2019). Yeşil Bina Tasarımında Su ve Enerji Yönetimi Üzerine Uygulama Örneği. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 332-343. doi: 10.17714/gumusfenbil.413915
  • Gibson, F., Lloyd, J., Bain, S., & Hottell, D. (2008). Green design and sustainability in sport and recreation facilities. The Smart Journal, 4(2), 26-33.
  • Greenwood, M., Greenwood, L. (2008). Facility Organization and Risk Management. T. R. Baechle içinde, Essentials of strength training and conditioning. s. 543- 568. Human Kinetics.
  • IOC (2008). IOC Spor, çevre ve sürdürülebilir gelişme rehberi. Çev. TMOK. Kaya S. (2019). Spor ve Rekreasyon İşletmeleri Yönetimi. Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Kośmieja, M., & Pasławski, J. (2016). Flexible designing of large sports complex. Archives of Civil Engineering, 62(2).
  • Knox, N. (2015). Green building and location. 03 22, 2022:
  • Loftness, V., Hakkinen, B., Ada, O., & Nevalainen, A. (2007). Elements that contribute to healthy building design. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(6), 965-970.
  • Krotee, M. L., & Bucher, C. A. (2007). Spor yönetimi. Editörler: Kasap H, Kesim Ü. (Çeviren: Köseoğlu S). Beyaz Yayınları, İstanbul, s147.
  • Marsh, J., & Petersen, J. (2019). Sustainable Design, Construction, and Building Operations. T. Sawyer içinde, Facility planning and design for health, physical activity, recreation, and sport (s. 49-60). Sagamore Publishing.
  • Mendell, M. J., Fisk, W. J., Kreiss, K., Levin, H., Alexander, D., Cain, W. S., ... & Wallingford, K. M. (2002). Improving the health of workers in indoor environments: priority research needs for a national occupational research agenda. American journal of public health, 92(9), 1430-1440.
  • Hypes, M. G. (2006). Planning and designing facilities. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 77(4), 18-22.
  • Mozingo, L., &Arens, E. (2014). Quantifying the Comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Co-Benefits of Green Buildings.
  • Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (2018). Recreation & Sport Facility Design Guide. South Australia.
  • Park, J. S., & Yoon, C. H. (2011). The effects of outdoor air supply rate on work performance during 8‐h work period. Indoor Air, 21(4), 284-290.
  • Romm, J. J., & Browning, W. D. (1994). Greening the building and the bottom line. Rocky Mountain Institute. Snowmass, colorado.
  • Sawyer, T. H. (2013). Facility planning and design: for health, physical activity, recreation, and sport.
  • Sawyer, T. H. (2019). Facility planning and design for health, physical activity, recreation, and sport. Sagamore Publishing.
  • Schwarz, E., Hall, S., Shibli, S. (2015). Sport facility operations management: A global perspective. Routledge.
  • SHGM (2008). Türkiye Vücut Geliştirme ve Fitness Federasyonu Özel Spor Salonları Talimatı. 04 01, 2022
  • Studio Growth. (2022). How Much Space Do You Need For A Fitness Studio? 04 01, 2022,enterprises%20such%20as%20fitness%20studios
  • Tharrett, S.J., & Peterson, J.A. (2008) Fitness Management: A Comprehensive Resource for Developing Leading, Managing and Operating a Successful Health/Fitness Club, 2nd ed., Healthy Learning, Dallas, TX.
  • Uğur, L. O., & Leblebici, N. (2018). An examination of the LEED green building certification system in terms of construction costs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 1476-1483.
  • UNDP. (2021). Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları. 12 27, 2021 tarihinde adresinden alındı.
  • Westerbeek, H., Smith, A., Turner, P., Emery, P., Green, C., & Van Leeuwen, L. (2005). Managing sport facilities and major events. Allen & Unwin.


Year 2023, , 45 - 55, 05.12.2023


Sports facilities provide individuals with opportunities to exercise, maintain good health, and socialize. Recently, facilities that encourage healthy, happy living through sports have become more popular due to their ease of use and innovative, safe, and sustainable designs. These facilities offer safe and comfortable sports services while also providing social, economic, and environmental benefits to public institutions and private service providers. This study aims to compile and present the dynamics of sustainable systems in the process from planning sports and fitness facilities to establishing them.


  • Artuso, P., & Santiangeli, A. (2008). Energy solutions for sports facilities. International journal of hydrogen energy, 33(12), 3182-3187.
  • Baechle, T. (2008). Essentials of strength training and conditioning. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
  • Balcı V., & Kaya S. (2017). Spor ve Rekreasyonda Sürdürülebilirlik: Teoriden Pratiğe. Karaküçük S., Kaya S., Akgül B.A., (Ed.) Rekreasyon Bilimi 2 içinde (s. 311-373). Gazi Kitabevi
  • Boubekri, M., Cheung, I. N., Reid, K. J., Wang, C. H., & Zee, P. C. (2014). Impact of windows and daylight exposure on overall health and sleep quality of office workers: a case-control pilot study. Journal of clinical sleep medicine, 10(6), 603-611.
  • Can, H., & Güney, S. (2018). İşletmelerin Kuruluşu. H. Can, & S. Güney içinde, Genel İşletme. Siyasal Kitapevi.
  • Ceyhun, S. (2008). Spor Tesislerinin Rekreatif Açıdan Kullanımı. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 16(1), 325-332.
  • Culley, P., & Pascoe, J. (2009). Sports facilities and technologies. Routledge.
  • Daly, J. (2000). Recreation and sport planning and design. Human Kinetics Publishers (UK) Ltd.
  • Dixon, W., (2010). The Impacts of Construction and the Built Environment, Briefing Notes, Willmott-dixon Group.
  • Disability Sport, N. I. (2016). Accessible Sports Facilities Design Guidelines. Disability Sport NI.
  • Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (2021). Facility Planning Guide Sport and Recreation Facilities. Leederville, Australia.
  • Essig N., Lindner S., Magdolen S., & Loni Siegmund (2021) Guidelines for Sustainable Sports Facility Construction Criteria for the Construction of Sustainable Sports Halls.
  • Geçer, E., Şentürk, i., & Büyükgüngör, H. (2019). Yeşil Bina Tasarımında Su ve Enerji Yönetimi Üzerine Uygulama Örneği. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 332-343. doi: 10.17714/gumusfenbil.413915
  • Gibson, F., Lloyd, J., Bain, S., & Hottell, D. (2008). Green design and sustainability in sport and recreation facilities. The Smart Journal, 4(2), 26-33.
  • Greenwood, M., Greenwood, L. (2008). Facility Organization and Risk Management. T. R. Baechle içinde, Essentials of strength training and conditioning. s. 543- 568. Human Kinetics.
  • IOC (2008). IOC Spor, çevre ve sürdürülebilir gelişme rehberi. Çev. TMOK. Kaya S. (2019). Spor ve Rekreasyon İşletmeleri Yönetimi. Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Kośmieja, M., & Pasławski, J. (2016). Flexible designing of large sports complex. Archives of Civil Engineering, 62(2).
  • Knox, N. (2015). Green building and location. 03 22, 2022:
  • Loftness, V., Hakkinen, B., Ada, O., & Nevalainen, A. (2007). Elements that contribute to healthy building design. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115(6), 965-970.
  • Krotee, M. L., & Bucher, C. A. (2007). Spor yönetimi. Editörler: Kasap H, Kesim Ü. (Çeviren: Köseoğlu S). Beyaz Yayınları, İstanbul, s147.
  • Marsh, J., & Petersen, J. (2019). Sustainable Design, Construction, and Building Operations. T. Sawyer içinde, Facility planning and design for health, physical activity, recreation, and sport (s. 49-60). Sagamore Publishing.
  • Mendell, M. J., Fisk, W. J., Kreiss, K., Levin, H., Alexander, D., Cain, W. S., ... & Wallingford, K. M. (2002). Improving the health of workers in indoor environments: priority research needs for a national occupational research agenda. American journal of public health, 92(9), 1430-1440.
  • Hypes, M. G. (2006). Planning and designing facilities. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 77(4), 18-22.
  • Mozingo, L., &Arens, E. (2014). Quantifying the Comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Co-Benefits of Green Buildings.
  • Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (2018). Recreation & Sport Facility Design Guide. South Australia.
  • Park, J. S., & Yoon, C. H. (2011). The effects of outdoor air supply rate on work performance during 8‐h work period. Indoor Air, 21(4), 284-290.
  • Romm, J. J., & Browning, W. D. (1994). Greening the building and the bottom line. Rocky Mountain Institute. Snowmass, colorado.
  • Sawyer, T. H. (2013). Facility planning and design: for health, physical activity, recreation, and sport.
  • Sawyer, T. H. (2019). Facility planning and design for health, physical activity, recreation, and sport. Sagamore Publishing.
  • Schwarz, E., Hall, S., Shibli, S. (2015). Sport facility operations management: A global perspective. Routledge.
  • SHGM (2008). Türkiye Vücut Geliştirme ve Fitness Federasyonu Özel Spor Salonları Talimatı. 04 01, 2022
  • Studio Growth. (2022). How Much Space Do You Need For A Fitness Studio? 04 01, 2022,enterprises%20such%20as%20fitness%20studios
  • Tharrett, S.J., & Peterson, J.A. (2008) Fitness Management: A Comprehensive Resource for Developing Leading, Managing and Operating a Successful Health/Fitness Club, 2nd ed., Healthy Learning, Dallas, TX.
  • Uğur, L. O., & Leblebici, N. (2018). An examination of the LEED green building certification system in terms of construction costs. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 1476-1483.
  • UNDP. (2021). Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Amaçları. 12 27, 2021 tarihinde adresinden alındı.
  • Westerbeek, H., Smith, A., Turner, P., Emery, P., Green, C., & Van Leeuwen, L. (2005). Managing sport facilities and major events. Allen & Unwin.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Activity Management
Journal Section Collection

Behlül Özdedeoğlu 0000-0001-7268-4163

Murat Erdoğan 0000-0003-2944-111X

Publication Date December 5, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023



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